/* * Copyright (c) 2010-2011 OTClient * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN * THE SOFTWARE. */ #include "platform.h" #include "platformlistener.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include struct X11PlatformPrivate { Display *display; XVisualInfo *visual; GLXContext glxContext; XIM xim; XIC xic; Colormap colormap; Window window; Cursor cursor; Atom atomDeleteWindow; Atom atomClipboard; Atom atomTargets; Atom atomText; Atom atomCompoundText; Atom atomUTF8String; Atom atomWindowState; Atom atomWindowMaximizedVert; Atom atomWindowMaximizedHorz; bool visible; bool focused; bool maximizeOnFirstShow; std::string appName; int width; int height; int x; int y; int lastTicks; std::string clipboardText; std::map keyMap; PlatformEvent inputEvent; } x11; Platform g_platform; void Platform::init(PlatformListener* platformListener, const char *appName) { // seend random numbers srand(time(NULL)); x11.appName = appName; x11.display = NULL; x11.visual = NULL; x11.glxContext = NULL; x11.xim = NULL; x11.xic = NULL; x11.colormap = None; x11.window = None; x11.cursor = None; x11.visible = false; x11.focused = false; x11.width = 0; x11.height = 0; x11.maximizeOnFirstShow = false; m_listener = platformListener; x11.keyMap[XK_Escape] = Fw::KeyEscape; x11.keyMap[XK_Tab] = Fw::KeyTab; x11.keyMap[XK_Return] = Fw::KeyReturn; x11.keyMap[XK_BackSpace] = Fw::KeyBackspace; x11.keyMap[XK_Page_Up] = Fw::KeyPageUp; x11.keyMap[XK_Page_Down] = Fw::KeyPageDown; x11.keyMap[XK_Home] = Fw::KeyHome; x11.keyMap[XK_End] = Fw::KeyEnd; x11.keyMap[XK_Insert] = Fw::KeyInsert; x11.keyMap[XK_Delete] = Fw::KeyDelete; x11.keyMap[XK_Up] = Fw::KeyUp; x11.keyMap[XK_Down] = Fw::KeyDown; x11.keyMap[XK_Left] = Fw::KeyLeft; x11.keyMap[XK_Right] = Fw::KeyRight; x11.keyMap[XK_Num_Lock] = Fw::KeyNumLock; x11.keyMap[XK_Scroll_Lock] = Fw::KeyScrollLock; x11.keyMap[XK_Caps_Lock] = Fw::KeyCapsLock; x11.keyMap[XK_Print] = Fw::KeyPrintScreen; x11.keyMap[XK_Pause] = Fw::KeyPause; x11.keyMap[XK_Control_L] = Fw::KeyCtrl; x11.keyMap[XK_Control_R] = Fw::KeyCtrl; x11.keyMap[XK_Shift_R] = Fw::KeyShift; x11.keyMap[XK_Shift_L] = Fw::KeyShift; x11.keyMap[XK_Alt_R] = Fw::KeyAlt; x11.keyMap[XK_Alt_L] = Fw::KeyAltGr; x11.keyMap[XK_Meta_L] = Fw::KeyMeta; x11.keyMap[XK_Meta_R] = Fw::KeyMeta; x11.keyMap[XK_Menu] = Fw::KeyMenu; // ascii characters x11.keyMap[XK_space] = Fw::KeySpace; x11.keyMap[XK_exclam] = Fw::KeyExclamation; x11.keyMap[XK_quotedbl] = Fw::KeyQuote; x11.keyMap[XK_numbersign] = Fw::KeyNumberSign; x11.keyMap[XK_dollar] = Fw::KeyDollar; x11.keyMap[XK_percent] = Fw::KeyPercent; x11.keyMap[XK_ampersand] = Fw::KeyAmpersand; x11.keyMap[XK_apostrophe] = Fw::KeyApostrophe; x11.keyMap[XK_parenleft] = Fw::KeyLeftParen; x11.keyMap[XK_parenright] = Fw::KeyRightParen; x11.keyMap[XK_asterisk] = Fw::KeyAsterisk; x11.keyMap[XK_plus] = Fw::KeyPlus; x11.keyMap[XK_comma] = Fw::KeyComma; x11.keyMap[XK_minus] = Fw::KeyMinus; x11.keyMap[XK_period] = Fw::KeyPeriod; x11.keyMap[XK_slash] = Fw::KeySlash; x11.keyMap[XK_1] = Fw::Key1; x11.keyMap[XK_2] = Fw::Key2; x11.keyMap[XK_3] = Fw::Key3; x11.keyMap[XK_4] = Fw::Key4; x11.keyMap[XK_5] = Fw::Key5; x11.keyMap[XK_6] = Fw::Key6; x11.keyMap[XK_7] = Fw::Key7; x11.keyMap[XK_8] = Fw::Key8; x11.keyMap[XK_9] = Fw::Key9; x11.keyMap[XK_0] = Fw::Key0; x11.keyMap[XK_colon] = Fw::KeyColon; x11.keyMap[XK_semicolon] = Fw::KeySemicolon; x11.keyMap[XK_less] = Fw::KeyLess; x11.keyMap[XK_equal] = Fw::KeyEqual; x11.keyMap[XK_greater] = Fw::KeyGreater; x11.keyMap[XK_question] = Fw::KeyQuestion; x11.keyMap[XK_at] = Fw::KeyAtSign; x11.keyMap[XK_a] = Fw::KeyA; x11.keyMap[XK_b] = Fw::KeyB; x11.keyMap[XK_c] = Fw::KeyC; x11.keyMap[XK_d] = Fw::KeyD; x11.keyMap[XK_e] = Fw::KeyE; x11.keyMap[XK_f] = Fw::KeyF; x11.keyMap[XK_g] = Fw::KeyG; x11.keyMap[XK_h] = Fw::KeyH; x11.keyMap[XK_i] = Fw::KeyI; x11.keyMap[XK_j] = Fw::KeyJ; x11.keyMap[XK_k] = Fw::KeyK; x11.keyMap[XK_l] = Fw::KeyL; x11.keyMap[XK_m] = Fw::KeyM; x11.keyMap[XK_n] = Fw::KeyN; x11.keyMap[XK_o] = Fw::KeyO; x11.keyMap[XK_p] = Fw::KeyP; x11.keyMap[XK_q] = Fw::KeyQ; x11.keyMap[XK_r] = Fw::KeyR; x11.keyMap[XK_s] = Fw::KeyS; x11.keyMap[XK_t] = Fw::KeyT; x11.keyMap[XK_u] = Fw::KeyU; x11.keyMap[XK_v] = Fw::KeyV; x11.keyMap[XK_w] = Fw::KeyW; x11.keyMap[XK_x] = Fw::KeyX; x11.keyMap[XK_y] = Fw::KeyY; x11.keyMap[XK_z] = Fw::KeyZ; x11.keyMap[XK_bracketleft] = Fw::KeyLeftBracket; x11.keyMap[XK_backslash] = Fw::KeyBackslash; x11.keyMap[XK_bracketright] = Fw::KeyRightBracket; x11.keyMap[XK_asciicircum] = Fw::KeyCaret; x11.keyMap[XK_underscore] = Fw::KeyUnderscore; x11.keyMap[XK_grave] = Fw::KeyGrave; x11.keyMap[XK_braceleft] = Fw::KeyLeftCurly; x11.keyMap[XK_bar] = Fw::KeyBar; x11.keyMap[XK_braceright] = Fw::KeyRightCurly; x11.keyMap[XK_asciitilde] = Fw::KeyTilde; // keypad x11.keyMap[XK_KP_Add] = Fw::KeyPlus; x11.keyMap[XK_KP_Subtract] = Fw::KeyMinus; x11.keyMap[XK_KP_Decimal] = Fw::KeyPeriod; x11.keyMap[XK_KP_Divide] = Fw::KeySlash; x11.keyMap[XK_KP_Multiply] = Fw::KeyAsterisk; x11.keyMap[XK_KP_Enter] = Fw::KeyEnter; // keypad with numlock off x11.keyMap[XK_KP_Insert] = Fw::KeyNumpad0; x11.keyMap[XK_KP_End] = Fw::KeyNumpad1; x11.keyMap[XK_KP_Down] = Fw::KeyNumpad2; x11.keyMap[XK_KP_Page_Down] = Fw::KeyNumpad3; x11.keyMap[XK_KP_Left] = Fw::KeyNumpad4; x11.keyMap[XK_KP_Begin] = Fw::KeyNumpad5; x11.keyMap[XK_KP_Right] = Fw::KeyNumpad6; x11.keyMap[XK_KP_Home] = Fw::KeyNumpad7; x11.keyMap[XK_KP_Up] = Fw::KeyNumpad8; x11.keyMap[XK_KP_Page_Up] = Fw::KeyNumpad9; x11.keyMap[XK_KP_Delete] = Fw::KeyDelete; // keypad with numlock on x11.keyMap[XK_KP_0] = Fw::Key0; x11.keyMap[XK_KP_1] = Fw::Key1; x11.keyMap[XK_KP_2] = Fw::Key2; x11.keyMap[XK_KP_3] = Fw::Key3; x11.keyMap[XK_KP_4] = Fw::Key4; x11.keyMap[XK_KP_5] = Fw::Key5; x11.keyMap[XK_KP_6] = Fw::Key6; x11.keyMap[XK_KP_7] = Fw::Key7; x11.keyMap[XK_KP_8] = Fw::Key8; x11.keyMap[XK_KP_9] = Fw::Key9; x11.keyMap[XK_F1] = Fw::KeyF1; x11.keyMap[XK_F2] = Fw::KeyF2; x11.keyMap[XK_F3] = Fw::KeyF3; x11.keyMap[XK_F4] = Fw::KeyF4; x11.keyMap[XK_F5] = Fw::KeyF5; x11.keyMap[XK_F6] = Fw::KeyF6; x11.keyMap[XK_F7] = Fw::KeyF7; x11.keyMap[XK_F8] = Fw::KeyF8; x11.keyMap[XK_F9] = Fw::KeyF9; x11.keyMap[XK_F10] = Fw::KeyF10; x11.keyMap[XK_F11] = Fw::KeyF11; x11.keyMap[XK_F12] = Fw::KeyF12; // try to set a latin1 locales otherwise fallback to standard C locale static char locales[][32] = { "en_US.iso88591", "iso88591", "en_US", "C" }; for(int i=0;i<4;++i) { if(setlocale(LC_ALL, locales[i])) break; } // open display x11.display = XOpenDisplay(0); if(!x11.display) logFatal("Failed to open X display"); // check if GLX is supported on this display if(!glXQueryExtension(x11.display, 0, 0)) logFatal("GLX not supported"); // retrieve GLX version int glxMajor; int glxMinor; if(!glXQueryVersion(x11.display, &glxMajor, &glxMinor)) logFatal("Unable to query GLX version"); logInfo("GLX version ",glxMajor,".",glxMinor); // clipboard related atoms x11.atomClipboard = XInternAtom(x11.display, "CLIPBOARD", False); x11.atomTargets = XInternAtom(x11.display, "TARGETS", False); x11.atomUTF8String = XInternAtom(x11.display, "UTF8_STRING", False); x11.atomText = XInternAtom(x11.display, "TEXT", False); x11.atomCompoundText = XInternAtom(x11.display, "COMPOUND_TEXT", False); x11.atomWindowState = XInternAtom(x11.display, "_NET_WM_STATE", False); x11.atomWindowMaximizedVert = XInternAtom(x11.display, "_NET_WM_STATE_MAXIMIZED_VERT", False); x11.atomWindowMaximizedHorz = XInternAtom(x11.display, "_NET_WM_STATE_MAXIMIZED_HORZ", False); // force first tick updateTicks(); } void Platform::terminate() { if(x11.window) { destroyWindow(); x11.window = None; } // close display if(x11.display) { XCloseDisplay(x11.display); x11.display = NULL; } } void Platform::poll() { XEvent event, peekevent; PlatformEvent& inputEvent = x11.inputEvent; while(XPending(x11.display) > 0) { XNextEvent(x11.display, &event); // call filter because xim will discard KeyPress events when keys still composing if(XFilterEvent(&event, x11.window)) continue; // discard events of repeated key releases if(event.type == KeyRelease && XPending(x11.display)) { XPeekEvent(x11.display, &peekevent); if((peekevent.type == KeyPress) && (peekevent.xkey.keycode == event.xkey.keycode) && ((peekevent.xkey.time-event.xkey.time) < 2)) continue; } switch(event.type) { case ConfigureNotify: // window resize static int oldWidth = -1; static int oldHeight = -1; if(oldWidth != event.xconfigure.width || oldHeight != event.xconfigure.height) { m_listener->onResize(Size(event.xconfigure.width, event.xconfigure.height)); oldWidth = event.xconfigure.width; oldHeight = event.xconfigure.height; } if(!isWindowMaximized()) { x11.width = event.xconfigure.width; x11.height = event.xconfigure.height; // hack to fix x11 windows move gaps static int gap_x = -1, gap_y = -1; if(gap_x == -1 && gap_y == -1) { gap_x = event.xconfigure.x; gap_y = event.xconfigure.y; } x11.x = event.xconfigure.x - gap_x; x11.y = event.xconfigure.y - gap_y; } break; case KeyPress: case KeyRelease: { KeySym keysym; char buf[32]; int len; inputEvent.ctrl = (event.xkey.state & ControlMask); inputEvent.shift = (event.xkey.state & ShiftMask); inputEvent.alt = (event.xkey.state & Mod1Mask); inputEvent.keychar = 0; // fire enter text event if(event.type == KeyPress && !inputEvent.ctrl && !inputEvent.alt) { if(x11.xic) { // with xim we can get latin1 input correctly Status status; len = XmbLookupString(x11.xic, &event.xkey, buf, sizeof(buf), &keysym, &status); } else { // otherwise use XLookupString, but it doesn't work right with dead keys often static XComposeStatus compose = {NULL, 0}; len = XLookupString(&event.xkey, buf, sizeof(buf), &keysym, &compose); } if(len > 0 && // these keys produces characters that we don't want to capture keysym != XK_BackSpace && keysym != XK_Return && keysym != XK_Delete && keysym != XK_Escape && (uchar)(buf[0]) >= 32 ) { //logDebug("char: ", buf[0], " code: ", (uint)buf[0]); inputEvent.keychar = buf[0]; } } else { //event.xkey.state &= ~(ShiftMask | LockMask); len = XLookupString(&event.xkey, buf, sizeof(buf), &keysym, 0); if(len > 0 && (uchar)inputEvent.keychar >= 32) inputEvent.keychar = (len > 0) ? buf[0] : 0; } if(x11.keyMap.find(keysym) != x11.keyMap.end()) inputEvent.keycode = x11.keyMap[keysym]; else inputEvent.keycode = Fw::KeyUnknown; inputEvent.keycode = x11.keyMap[keysym]; inputEvent.type = (event.type == KeyPress) ? EventKeyDown : EventKeyUp; if(inputEvent.keycode != Fw::KeyUnknown || inputEvent.keychar != 0) m_listener->onPlatformEvent(inputEvent); break; } case ButtonPress: case ButtonRelease: switch(event.xbutton.button) { case Button1: inputEvent.type = (event.type == ButtonPress) ? EventMouseLeftButtonDown : EventMouseLeftButtonUp; break; case Button3: inputEvent.type = (event.type == ButtonPress) ? EventMouseRightButtonDown : EventMouseRightButtonUp; break; case Button2: inputEvent.type = (event.type == ButtonPress) ? EventMouseMiddleButtonDown : EventMouseMiddleButtonUp; break; case Button4: inputEvent.type = EventMouseWheelUp; break; case Button5: inputEvent.type = EventMouseWheelDown; break; } m_listener->onPlatformEvent(inputEvent); break; case MotionNotify: { inputEvent.type = EventMouseMove; Point newMousePos(event.xbutton.x, event.xbutton.y); inputEvent.mouseMoved = newMousePos - inputEvent.mousePos; inputEvent.mousePos = newMousePos; m_listener->onPlatformEvent(inputEvent); break; } case MapNotify: x11.visible = true; break; case UnmapNotify: x11.visible = false; break; case FocusIn: x11.focused = true; break; case FocusOut: x11.focused = false; break; // clipboard data request case SelectionRequest: { XEvent respond; XSelectionRequestEvent *req = &(event.xselectionrequest); if(req->target == x11.atomTargets ) { Atom typeList[] = {x11.atomText, x11.atomCompoundText, x11.atomUTF8String, XA_STRING}; XChangeProperty(x11.display, req->requestor, req->property, req->target, 8, PropModeReplace, (uchar *) &typeList, sizeof(typeList)); respond.xselection.property = req->property; } else { XChangeProperty(x11.display, req->requestor, req->property, req->target, 8, PropModeReplace, (uchar*) x11.clipboardText.c_str(), x11.clipboardText.size()); respond.xselection.property = req->property; } respond.xselection.type = SelectionNotify; respond.xselection.display = req->display; respond.xselection.requestor = req->requestor; respond.xselection.selection = req->selection; respond.xselection.target = req->target; respond.xselection.time = req->time; XSendEvent(x11.display, req->requestor, 0, 0, &respond); XFlush(x11.display); break; } case ClientMessage: { if((Atom)event.xclient.data.l[0] == x11.atomDeleteWindow) m_listener->onClose(); break; } } } } void Platform::updateTicks() { static timeval tv; static ulong firstTick = 0; gettimeofday(&tv, 0); if(!firstTick) firstTick = tv.tv_sec; m_lastTicks = ((tv.tv_sec - firstTick) * 1000) + (tv.tv_usec / 1000); } void Platform::sleep(ulong miliseconds) { timespec tv; tv.tv_sec = miliseconds / 1000; tv.tv_nsec = (miliseconds % 1000) * 1000000; nanosleep(&tv, NULL); } bool Platform::createWindow(int x, int y, int width, int height, int minWidth, int minHeight, bool maximized) { static int attrList[] = { GLX_USE_GL, GLX_RGBA, GLX_DOUBLEBUFFER, None }; // choose OpenGL, RGBA, double buffered, visual x11.visual = glXChooseVisual(x11.display, DefaultScreen(x11.display), attrList); if(!x11.visual) logFatal("RGBA/Double buffered visual not supported"); // create GLX context x11.glxContext = glXCreateContext(x11.display, x11.visual, 0, GL_TRUE); if(!x11.glxContext) logFatal("Unable to create GLX context"); // color map x11.colormap = XCreateColormap(x11.display, RootWindow(x11.display, x11.visual->screen), x11.visual->visual, AllocNone); // setup window type XSetWindowAttributes wa; wa.colormap = x11.colormap; wa.border_pixel = 0; wa.event_mask = KeyPressMask | KeyReleaseMask | ButtonPressMask | ButtonReleaseMask | PointerMotionMask | ExposureMask | VisibilityChangeMask | StructureNotifyMask | FocusChangeMask; x11.x = x; x11.y = y; // create the window x11.window = XCreateWindow(x11.display, RootWindow(x11.display, x11.visual->screen), 0, 0, width, height, 0, x11.visual->depth, InputOutput, x11.visual->visual, CWBorderPixel | CWColormap | CWEventMask, &wa); if(!x11.window) logFatal("Unable to create X window"); // create input context (to have better key input handling) if(XSupportsLocale()) { XSetLocaleModifiers(""); x11.xim = XOpenIM(x11.display, NULL, NULL, NULL); if(x11.xim) { x11.xic = XCreateIC(x11.xim, XNInputStyle, XIMPreeditNothing | XIMStatusNothing, XNClientWindow, x11.window, NULL); if(!x11.xic) logError("Unable to create the input context"); } else logError("Failed to open an input method"); } else logError("X11 does not support the current locale"); if(!x11.xic) logWarning("Input of special keys maybe messed up because we couldn't create an input context"); // set window minimum size XSizeHints xsizehints; xsizehints.flags = PMinSize; xsizehints.min_width = minWidth; xsizehints.min_height= minHeight; XSetWMSizeHints(x11.display, x11.window, &xsizehints, XA_WM_NORMAL_HINTS); // handle delete window event x11.atomDeleteWindow = XInternAtom(x11.display, "WM_DELETE_WINDOW", True); XSetWMProtocols(x11.display, x11.window, &x11.atomDeleteWindow , 1); // connect the GLX-context to the window glXMakeCurrent(x11.display, x11.window, x11.glxContext); x11.width = width; x11.height = height; x11.maximizeOnFirstShow = maximized; // call first onResize m_listener->onResize(Size(width, height)); return true; } void Platform::destroyWindow() { if(x11.glxContext) { glXMakeCurrent(x11.display, None, NULL); glXDestroyContext(x11.display, x11.glxContext); x11.glxContext = NULL; } if(x11.visual) { XFree(x11.visual); x11.visual = NULL; } if(x11.colormap != None) { XFreeColormap(x11.display, x11.colormap); x11.colormap = 0; } if(x11.window != None) { XDestroyWindow(x11.display, x11.window); x11.window = None; } if(x11.xic) { XDestroyIC(x11.xic); x11.xic = NULL; } if(x11.xim) { XCloseIM(x11.xim); x11.xim = NULL; } } void Platform::showWindow() { XMapWindow(x11.display, x11.window); static bool firstShow = true; if(firstShow) { // move window XMoveWindow(x11.display, x11.window, x11.x, x11.y); // set window maximized if needed if(x11.maximizeOnFirstShow) { XEvent e; memset(&e, 0, sizeof(XEvent)); e.xany.type = ClientMessage; e.xclient.message_type = x11.atomWindowState; e.xclient.format = 32; e.xclient.window = x11.window; e.xclient.data.l[0] = 1l; e.xclient.data.l[1] = x11.atomWindowMaximizedVert; e.xclient.data.l[2] = x11.atomWindowMaximizedHorz; e.xclient.data.l[3] = 0l; XSendEvent(x11.display, RootWindow(x11.display, x11.visual->screen), 0, SubstructureNotifyMask | SubstructureRedirectMask, &e); } firstShow = false; } } void Platform::hideWindow() { XUnmapWindow(x11.display, x11.window); } void Platform::setWindowTitle(const char *title) { XStoreName(x11.display, x11.window, title); XSetIconName(x11.display, x11.window, title); } void *Platform::getExtensionProcAddress(const char *ext) { return (void*)glXGetProcAddressARB((const GLubyte*)ext); } bool Platform::isExtensionSupported(const char *ext) { const char *exts = glXQueryExtensionsString(x11.display, DefaultScreen(x11.display)); if(strstr(exts, ext)) return true; return false; } const char *Platform::getClipboardText() { Window ownerWindow = XGetSelectionOwner(x11.display, x11.atomClipboard); if(ownerWindow == x11.window) return x11.clipboardText.c_str(); std::string clipboard = ""; if(ownerWindow != None) { XConvertSelection(x11.display, x11.atomClipboard, XA_STRING, 0, ownerWindow, CurrentTime); XFlush(x11.display); // hack to wait SelectioNotify event, otherwise we will get wrong clipboard pastes sleep(100); // check for data Atom type; int format; ulong numItems, bytesLeft, dummy; uchar *data; XGetWindowProperty(x11.display, ownerWindow, XA_STRING, 0, 0, 0, AnyPropertyType, &type, &format, &numItems, &bytesLeft, &data); if(bytesLeft > 0) { // get the data get int result = XGetWindowProperty(x11.display, ownerWindow, XA_STRING, 0, bytesLeft, 0, AnyPropertyType, &type, &format, &numItems, &dummy, &data); if(result == Success) clipboard = (const char*)data; XFree(data); } } return clipboard.c_str(); } void Platform::setClipboardText(const char *text) { x11.clipboardText = text; XSetSelectionOwner(x11.display, x11.atomClipboard, x11.window, CurrentTime); XFlush(x11.display); } void Platform::hideMouseCursor() { if(x11.cursor == None) { char bm[] = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }; Pixmap pix = XCreateBitmapFromData(x11.display, x11.window, bm, 8, 8); XColor black; memset(&black, 0, sizeof(XColor)); black.flags = DoRed | DoGreen | DoBlue; x11.cursor = XCreatePixmapCursor(x11.display, pix, pix, &black, &black, 0, 0); XFreePixmap(x11.display, pix); } XDefineCursor(x11.display, x11.window, x11.cursor); } void Platform::showMouseCursor() { XUndefineCursor(x11.display, x11.window); if(x11.cursor != None) { XFreeCursor(x11.display, x11.cursor); x11.cursor = None; } } Point Platform::getMouseCursorPos() { return x11.inputEvent.mousePos; } void Platform::setVerticalSync(bool enable) { typedef GLint (*glSwapIntervalProc)(GLint); glSwapIntervalProc glSwapInterval = NULL; if(isExtensionSupported("GLX_MESA_swap_control")) glSwapInterval = (glSwapIntervalProc)getExtensionProcAddress("glXSwapIntervalMESA"); else if(isExtensionSupported("GLX_SGI_swap_control")) glSwapInterval = (glSwapIntervalProc)getExtensionProcAddress("glXSwapIntervalSGI"); if(glSwapInterval) glSwapInterval(enable ? 1 : 0); } void Platform::swapBuffers() { glXSwapBuffers(x11.display, x11.window); } bool Platform::isWindowFocused() { return x11.focused; } bool Platform::isWindowVisible() { return x11.visible; } int Platform::getWindowX() { return x11.x; } int Platform::getWindowY() { return x11.y; } int Platform::getWindowWidth() { return x11.width; } int Platform::getWindowHeight() { return x11.height; } int Platform::getDisplayWidth() { return XDisplayWidth(x11.display, DefaultScreen(x11.display)); } int Platform::getDisplayHeight() { return XDisplayHeight(x11.display, DefaultScreen(x11.display)); } bool Platform::isWindowMaximized() { bool ret = false; Atom actualType; int actualFormat; ulong i, numItems, bytesAfter; uchar *propertyValue = NULL; long maxLength = 1024; if(XGetWindowProperty(x11.display, x11.window, x11.atomWindowState, 0l, maxLength, False, XA_ATOM, &actualType, &actualFormat, &numItems, &bytesAfter, &propertyValue) == Success) { Atom *atoms = (Atom *)propertyValue; int maximized = 0; for(i=0; i buffer(maxLevel); int numLevels = backtrace(&buffer[0], maxLevel); char **tracebackBuffer = backtrace_symbols(&buffer[0], numLevels); if(tracebackBuffer) { for(int i = 1; i < numLevels; i++) { std::string line = tracebackBuffer[i]; if(line.find("__libc_start_main") != std::string::npos) break; std::size_t demanglePos = line.find("(_Z"); if(demanglePos != std::string::npos) { demanglePos++; int len = std::min(line.find_first_of("+", demanglePos), line.find_first_of(")", demanglePos)) - demanglePos; std::string funcName = line.substr(demanglePos, len); line.replace(demanglePos, len, Fw::demangleName(funcName.c_str())); } if(i > 1) ss << "\n"; ss << line; } free(tracebackBuffer); } return ss.str(); }