/* * Copyright (c) 2010-2012 OTClient * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN * THE SOFTWARE. */ #ifndef PROTOCOLGAME_H #define PROTOCOLGAME_H #include "declarations.h" #include #include #include class ProtocolGame : public Protocol { public: ProtocolGame(); public: void login(const std::string& accountName, const std::string& accountPassword, const std::string& host, uint16 port, const std::string& characterName); void onConnect(); void onRecv(InputMessage& inputMessage); void onError(const boost::system::error_code& error); void sendLogout(); void sendPingResponse(); void sendAutoWalk(const std::vector& path); void sendWalkNorth(); void sendWalkEast(); void sendWalkSouth(); void sendWalkWest(); void sendStop(); void sendWalkNorthEast(); void sendWalkSouthEast(); void sendWalkSouthWest(); void sendWalkNorthWest(); void sendTurnNorth(); void sendTurnEast(); void sendTurnSouth(); void sendTurnWest(); void sendMove(const Position& fromPos, int itemId, int stackpos, const Position& toPos, int count); void sendInspectNpcTrade(int itemId, int count); void sendBuyItem(int itemId, int subType, int amount, bool ignoreCapacity, bool buyWithBackpack); void sendSellItem(int itemId, int subType, int amount, bool ignoreEquipped); void sendCloseNpcTrade(); void sendRequestTrade(const Position& pos, int thingId, int stackpos, uint playerId); void sendInspectTrade(bool counterOffer, int index); void sendAcceptTrade(); void sendRejectTrade(); void sendUseItem(const Position& position, int itemId, int stackpos, int index); void sendUseItemWith(const Position& fromPos, int itemId, int fromStackpos, const Position& toPos, int toThingId, int toStackpos); void sendUseOnCreature(const Position& pos, int thingId, int stackpos, uint creatureId); void sendRotateItem(const Position& pos, int thingId, int stackpos); void sendCloseContainer(int containerId); void sendUpContainer(int containerId); void sendEditText(uint id, const std::string& text); void sendEditList(uint id, int doorId, const std::string& text); void sendLook(const Position& position, int thingId, int stackpos); void sendTalk(Otc::SpeakType speakType, int channelId, const std::string& receiver, const std::string& message); void sendRequestChannels(); void sendJoinChannel(int channelId); void sendLeaveChannel(int channelId); void sendOpenPrivateChannel(const std::string& receiver); void sendCloseNpcChannel(); void sendChangeFightModes(Otc::FightModes fightMode, Otc::ChaseModes chaseMode, bool safeFight); void sendAttack(uint creatureId); void sendFollow(uint creatureId); void sendInviteToParty(uint creatureId); void sendJoinParty(uint creatureId); void sendRevokeInvitation(uint creatureId); void sendPassLeadership(uint creatureId); void sendLeaveParty(); void sendShareExperience(bool active, int unknown); void sendOpenOwnChannel(); void sendInviteToOwnChannel(const std::string& name); void sendExcludeFromOwnChannel(const std::string& name); void sendCancelAttackAndFollow(); void sendRefreshContainer(); void sendRequestOutfit(); void sendChangeOutfit(const Outfit& outfit); void sendAddVip(const std::string& name); void sendRemoveVip(uint playerId); void sendBugReport(const std::string& comment); void sendRuleVilation(const std::string& target, int reason, int action, const std::string& comment, const std::string& statement, int statementId, bool ipBanishment); void sendDebugReport(const std::string& a, const std::string& b, const std::string& c, const std::string& d); void sendRequestQuestLog(); void sendRequestQuestLine(int questId); void sendExtendedOpcode(uint8 opcode, const std::string& buffer); private: void sendLoginPacket(uint timestamp, uint8 unknown); // Parse Messages void parseMessage(InputMessage& msg); void parseInitGame(InputMessage& msg); void parseGMActions(InputMessage& msg); void parseLoginError(InputMessage& msg); void parseLoginAdvice(InputMessage& msg); void parseLoginWait(InputMessage& msg); void parsePing(InputMessage&); void parseDeath(InputMessage& msg); void parseMapDescription(InputMessage& msg); void parseMapMoveNorth(InputMessage& msg); void parseMapMoveEast(InputMessage& msg); void parseMapMoveSouth(InputMessage& msg); void parseMapMoveWest(InputMessage& msg); void parseUpdateTile(InputMessage& msg); void parseTileAddThing(InputMessage& msg); void parseTileTransformThing(InputMessage& msg); void parseTileRemoveThing(InputMessage& msg); void parseCreatureMove(InputMessage& msg); void parseOpenContainer(InputMessage& msg); void parseCloseContainer(InputMessage& msg); void parseContainerAddItem(InputMessage& msg); void parseContainerUpdateItem(InputMessage& msg); void parseContainerRemoveItem(InputMessage& msg); void parseAddInventoryItem(InputMessage& msg); void parseRemoveInventoryItem(InputMessage& msg); void parseOpenNpcTrade(InputMessage& msg); void parsePlayerGoods(InputMessage& msg); void parseCloseNpcTrade(InputMessage&); void parseWorldLight(InputMessage& msg); void parseMagicEffect(InputMessage& msg); void parseAnimatedText(InputMessage& msg); void parseDistanceMissile(InputMessage& msg); void parseCreatureMark(InputMessage& msg); void parseCreatureHealth(InputMessage& msg); void parseCreatureLight(InputMessage& msg); void parseCreatureOutfit(InputMessage& msg); void parseCreatureSpeed(InputMessage& msg); void parseCreatureSkulls(InputMessage& msg); void parseCreatureShields(InputMessage& msg); void parseCreatureUnpass(InputMessage& msg); void parseCreatureTurn(InputMessage& msg); void parseEditText(InputMessage& msg); void parseEditList(InputMessage& msg); void parsePlayerStats(InputMessage& msg); void parsePlayerSkills(InputMessage& msg); void parsePlayerState(InputMessage& msg); void parsePlayerCancelAttack(InputMessage& msg); void parseSpellDelay(InputMessage& msg); void parseSpellGroupDelay(InputMessage& msg); void parseCreatureSpeak(InputMessage& msg); void parseChannelList(InputMessage& msg); void parseOpenChannel(InputMessage& msg); void parseOpenPrivateChannel(InputMessage& msg); void parseOpenOwnPrivateChannel(InputMessage& msg); void parseCloseChannel(InputMessage& msg); void parseRuleViolationChannel(InputMessage& msg); void parseRuleViolationRemove(InputMessage& msg); void parseRuleViolationCancel(InputMessage& msg); void parseRuleViolationLock(InputMessage& msg); void parseOwnTrade(InputMessage& msg); void parseCounterTrade(InputMessage& msg); void parseCloseTrade(InputMessage&); void parseTextMessage(InputMessage& msg); void parseCancelWalk(InputMessage& msg); void parseFloorChangeUp(InputMessage& msg); void parseFloorChangeDown(InputMessage& msg); void parseOpenOutfitWindow(InputMessage& msg); void parseVipAdd(InputMessage& msg); void parseVipLogin(InputMessage& msg); void parseVipLogout(InputMessage& msg); void parseTutorialHint(InputMessage& msg); void parseAutomapFlag(InputMessage& msg); void parseQuestLog(InputMessage& msg); void parseQuestLine(InputMessage& msg); void parseExtendedOpcode(InputMessage& msg); void setMapDescription(InputMessage& msg, int x, int y, int z, int width, int height); void setFloorDescription(InputMessage& msg, int x, int y, int z, int width, int height, int offset, int* skipTiles); void setTileDescription(InputMessage& msg, Position position); Outfit internalGetOutfit(InputMessage& msg); ThingPtr internalGetThing(InputMessage& msg); ItemPtr internalGetItem(InputMessage& msg, int id = 0); void addPosition(OutputMessage& msg, const Position& position); Position parsePosition(InputMessage& msg); private: bool m_waitingLoginPacket; std::string m_accountName; std::string m_accountPassword; std::string m_characterName; LocalPlayerPtr m_localPlayer; }; #endif