/* The MIT License * * Copyright (c) 2010 OTClient, https://github.com/edubart/otclient * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN * THE SOFTWARE. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include LRESULT CALLBACK WndProc(HWND hWnd, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam); struct Win32PlatformPrivate { HWND window; HINSTANCE instance; HDC hdc; HGLRC hrc; std::string appName; int x, y; int width, height; int minWidth, minHeight; bool focused, visible, maximized; std::map keyMap; } win32; void Platform::init(const char *appName) { win32.appName = appName; win32.instance = GetModuleHandle(NULL); // setup keys win32.keyMap[0x30] = KC_1; win32.keyMap[0x31] = KC_2; win32.keyMap[0x32] = KC_3; win32.keyMap[0x33] = KC_4; win32.keyMap[0x34] = KC_5; win32.keyMap[0x35] = KC_6; win32.keyMap[0x36] = KC_7; win32.keyMap[0x37] = KC_8; win32.keyMap[0x38] = KC_9; win32.keyMap[0x39] = KC_0; win32.keyMap[VK_BACK] = KC_BACK; win32.keyMap[VK_OEM_MINUS] = KC_MINUS; win32.keyMap[VK_OEM_PLUS] = KC_EQUALS; win32.keyMap[VK_SPACE] = KC_SPACE; win32.keyMap[VK_OEM_COMMA] = KC_COMMA; win32.keyMap[VK_OEM_PERIOD] = KC_PERIOD; //win32.keyMap[VK_OEM_102] = KC_BACKSLASH; //win32.keyMap[XK_slash] = KC_SLASH; //win32.keyMap[XK_bracketleft] = KC_LBRACKET; //win32.keyMap[XK_bracketright] = KC_RBRACKET; win32.keyMap[VK_ESCAPE] = KC_ESCAPE; win32.keyMap[VK_CAPITAL] = KC_CAPITAL; win32.keyMap[VK_TAB] = KC_TAB; win32.keyMap[VK_RETURN] = KC_RETURN; win32.keyMap[VK_LCONTROL] = KC_LCONTROL; win32.keyMap[VK_RCONTROL] = KC_RCONTROL; //win32.keyMap[XK_colon] = KC_COLON; //win32.keyMap[XK_semicolon] = KC_SEMICOLON; //win32.keyMap[XK_apostrophe] = KC_APOSTROPHE; //win32.keyMap[XK_grave] = KC_GRAVE; win32.keyMap[0x41] = KC_A; win32.keyMap[0x42] = KC_B; win32.keyMap[0x43] = KC_C; win32.keyMap[0x44] = KC_D; win32.keyMap[0x45] = KC_E; win32.keyMap[0x46] = KC_F; win32.keyMap[0x47] = KC_G; win32.keyMap[0x48] = KC_H; win32.keyMap[0x49] = KC_I; win32.keyMap[0x4A] = KC_J; win32.keyMap[0x4B] = KC_K; win32.keyMap[0x4C] = KC_L; win32.keyMap[0x4D] = KC_M; win32.keyMap[0x4E] = KC_N; win32.keyMap[0x4F] = KC_O; win32.keyMap[0x50] = KC_P; win32.keyMap[0x51] = KC_Q; win32.keyMap[0x52] = KC_R; win32.keyMap[0x53] = KC_S; win32.keyMap[0x54] = KC_T; win32.keyMap[0x55] = KC_U; win32.keyMap[0x56] = KC_V; win32.keyMap[0x57] = KC_W; win32.keyMap[0x58] = KC_X; win32.keyMap[0x59] = KC_Y; win32.keyMap[0x5A] = KC_Z; win32.keyMap[VK_F1] = KC_F1; win32.keyMap[VK_F2] = KC_F2; win32.keyMap[VK_F3] = KC_F3; win32.keyMap[VK_F4] = KC_F4; win32.keyMap[VK_F5] = KC_F5; win32.keyMap[VK_F6] = KC_F6; win32.keyMap[VK_F7] = KC_F7; win32.keyMap[VK_F8] = KC_F8; win32.keyMap[VK_F9] = KC_F9; win32.keyMap[VK_F10] = KC_F10; win32.keyMap[VK_F11] = KC_F11; win32.keyMap[VK_F12] = KC_F12; win32.keyMap[VK_F13] = KC_F13; win32.keyMap[VK_F14] = KC_F14; win32.keyMap[VK_F15] = KC_F15; // keypad win32.keyMap[VK_NUMPAD0] = KC_NUMPAD0; win32.keyMap[VK_NUMPAD1] = KC_NUMPAD1; win32.keyMap[VK_NUMPAD2] = KC_NUMPAD2; win32.keyMap[VK_NUMPAD3] = KC_NUMPAD3; win32.keyMap[VK_NUMPAD4] = KC_NUMPAD4; win32.keyMap[VK_NUMPAD5] = KC_NUMPAD5; win32.keyMap[VK_NUMPAD6] = KC_NUMPAD6; win32.keyMap[VK_NUMPAD7] = KC_NUMPAD7; win32.keyMap[VK_NUMPAD8] = KC_NUMPAD8; win32.keyMap[VK_NUMPAD9] = KC_NUMPAD9; win32.keyMap[VK_ADD] = KC_ADD; win32.keyMap[VK_SUBTRACT] = KC_SUBTRACT; win32.keyMap[VK_DECIMAL] = KC_DECIMAL; //win32.keyMap[XK_KP_Equal] = KC_NUMPADEQUALS; win32.keyMap[VK_DIVIDE] = KC_DIVIDE; win32.keyMap[VK_MULTIPLY] = KC_MULTIPLY; win32.keyMap[VK_SEPARATOR] = KC_NUMPADENTER; // keypad with numlock off //win32.keyMap[XK_KP_Home] = KC_NUMPAD7; //win32.keyMap[XK_KP_Up] = KC_NUMPAD8; //win32.keyMap[XK_KP_Page_Up] = KC_NUMPAD9; //win32.keyMap[XK_KP_Left] = KC_NUMPAD4; //win32.keyMap[XK_KP_Begin] = KC_NUMPAD5; //win32.keyMap[XK_KP_Right] = KC_NUMPAD6; //win32.keyMap[XK_KP_End] = KC_NUMPAD1; //win32.keyMap[XK_KP_Down] = KC_NUMPAD2; //win32.keyMap[XK_KP_Page_Down] = KC_NUMPAD3; //win32.keyMap[XK_KP_Insert] = KC_NUMPAD0; //win32.keyMap[XK_KP_Delete] = KC_DECIMAL; win32.keyMap[VK_UP] = KC_UP; win32.keyMap[VK_DOWN] = KC_DOWN; win32.keyMap[VK_LEFT] = KC_LEFT; win32.keyMap[VK_RIGHT] = KC_RIGHT; win32.keyMap[VK_PRIOR] = KC_PGUP; win32.keyMap[VK_NEXT] = KC_PGDOWN; win32.keyMap[VK_HOME] = KC_HOME; win32.keyMap[VK_END] = KC_END; win32.keyMap[VK_NUMLOCK] = KC_NUMLOCK; win32.keyMap[VK_SNAPSHOT] = KC_SYSRQ; win32.keyMap[VK_SCROLL] = KC_SCROLL; win32.keyMap[VK_PAUSE] = KC_PAUSE; win32.keyMap[VK_RSHIFT] = KC_RSHIFT; win32.keyMap[VK_LSHIFT] = KC_LSHIFT; win32.keyMap[VK_RMENU] = KC_RALT; win32.keyMap[VK_LMENU] = KC_LALT; win32.keyMap[VK_INSERT] = KC_INSERT; win32.keyMap[VK_DELETE] = KC_DELETE; win32.keyMap[VK_LWIN] = KC_LWIN; win32.keyMap[VK_RWIN] = KC_RWIN; win32.keyMap[VK_APPS] = KC_APPS; // win class WNDCLASSA wc; wc.style = CS_HREDRAW | CS_VREDRAW | CS_OWNDC; // Redraw On Size, And Own DC For Window. wc.lpfnWndProc = (WNDPROC)WndProc; // WndProc Handles Messages wc.cbClsExtra = 0; // No Extra Window Data wc.cbWndExtra = 0; // No Extra Window Data wc.hInstance = win32.instance; // Set The Instance wc.hIcon = LoadIcon(NULL, IDI_WINLOGO); // Load The Default Icon wc.hCursor = LoadCursor(NULL, IDC_ARROW); // Load The Arrow Pointer wc.hbrBackground = NULL; // No Background Required For GL wc.lpszMenuName = NULL; // We Don't Want A Menu wc.lpszClassName = win32.appName.c_str(); // Set The Class Name if(!RegisterClassA(&wc)) logFatal("FATAL ERROR: Failed to register the window class."); // force first tick Platform::getTicks(); } void Platform::terminate() { if(win32.window) { destroyWindow(); win32.window = NULL; } if(win32.instance) { if(!UnregisterClassA(win32.appName.c_str(), win32.instance)) logError("ERROR: Unregister class failed."); win32.instance = NULL; } } void Platform::poll() { MSG msg; if(PeekMessage(&msg, NULL, 0, 0, PM_REMOVE)) { TranslateMessage(&msg); DispatchMessage(&msg); } } int Platform::getTicks() { static ulong firstTick = 0; if(!firstTick) firstTick = GetTickCount(); return (uint32_t)(GetTickCount() - firstTick); } void Platform::sleep(ulong miliseconds) { Sleep(miliseconds); } bool Platform::createWindow(int x, int y, int width, int height, int minWidth, int minHeight, bool maximized) { DWORD dwExStyle = WS_EX_APPWINDOW | WS_EX_WINDOWEDGE; DWORD dwStyle = WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW | WS_CLIPSIBLINGS | WS_CLIPCHILDREN; win32.x = x; win32.y = y; win32.width = width; win32.height = height; win32.minWidth = minWidth; win32.minHeight = minHeight; win32.maximized = maximized; RECT windowRect = {x, y, x + width, y + height}; AdjustWindowRectEx(&windowRect, dwStyle, FALSE, dwExStyle); win32.window = CreateWindowExA(dwExStyle, // Extended Style For The Window win32.appName.c_str(), // Class Name win32.appName.c_str(), // Window Title dwStyle, // Required Window Style windowRect.left, // Window X Position windowRect.top, // Window Y Position windowRect.right - windowRect.left, // Calculate Window Width windowRect.bottom - windowRect.top, // Calculate Window Height NULL, // No Parent Window NULL, // No Menu win32.instance, // Instance NULL); if(!win32.window) { terminate(); logFatal("FATAL ERROR: Window creation error."); return false; } GLuint pixelFormat; static PIXELFORMATDESCRIPTOR pfd= // pfd Tells Windows How We Want Things To Be { sizeof(PIXELFORMATDESCRIPTOR), // Size Of This Pixel Format Descriptor 1, // Version Number PFD_DRAW_TO_WINDOW | // Format Must Support Window PFD_SUPPORT_OPENGL | // Format Must Support OpenGL PFD_DOUBLEBUFFER, // Must Support Double Buffering PFD_TYPE_RGBA, // Request An RGBA Format 32, // Select Our Color Depth 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, // Color Bits Ignored 0, // No Alpha Buffer 0, // Shift Bit Ignored 0, // No Accumulation Buffer 0, 0, 0, 0, // Accumulation Bits Ignored 16, // 16Bit Z-Buffer (Depth Buffer) 0, // No Stencil Buffer 0, // No Auxiliary Buffer PFD_MAIN_PLANE, // Main Drawing Layer 0, // Reserved 0, 0, 0 // Layer Masks Ignored }; if(!(win32.hdc = GetDC(win32.window))) { terminate(); logFatal("FATAL ERROR: Can't Create A GL Device Context."); return false; } if(!(pixelFormat = ChoosePixelFormat(win32.hdc, &pfd))) { terminate(); logFatal("FATAL ERROR: Can't Find A Suitable PixelFormat."); return false; } if(!SetPixelFormat(win32.hdc, pixelFormat, &pfd)) { terminate(); logFatal("FATAL ERROR: Can't Set The PixelFormat."); return false; } if(!(win32.hrc = wglCreateContext(win32.hdc))) { terminate(); logFatal("FATAL ERROR: Can't Create A GL Rendering Context."); return false; } if(!wglMakeCurrent(win32.hdc, win32.hrc)) { terminate(); logFatal("FATAL ERROR: Can't Activate The GL Rendering Context."); return false; } return true; } void Platform::destroyWindow() { if(win32.hrc) { if(!wglMakeCurrent(NULL, NULL)) logError("ERROR: Release Of DC And RC Failed."); if(!wglDeleteContext(win32.hrc)) logError("ERROR: Release Rendering Context Failed."); win32.hrc = NULL; } if(win32.hdc) { if(!ReleaseDC(win32.window, win32.hdc)) logError("ERROR: Release Device Context Failed."); win32.hdc = NULL; } if(win32.window) { if(!DestroyWindow(win32.window)) logError("ERROR: Destroy window failed."); win32.window = NULL; } } void Platform::showWindow() { if(win32.maximized) ShowWindow(win32.window, SW_MAXIMIZE); else ShowWindow(win32.window, SW_SHOW); } void Platform::setWindowTitle(const char *title) { SetWindowTextA(win32.window, title); } void *Platform::getExtensionProcAddress(const char *ext) { return (void*)wglGetProcAddress(ext); } bool Platform::isExtensionSupported(const char *ext) { typedef const char* _wglGetExtensionsStringARB(HDC hdc); _wglGetExtensionsStringARB *wglGetExtensionsStringARB = (_wglGetExtensionsStringARB*)getExtensionProcAddress("wglGetExtensionsStringARB"); const char *exts = wglGetExtensionsStringARB(win32.hdc); if(strstr(exts, ext)) return true; return false; } const char *Platform::getClipboardText() { const char *text = ""; if(OpenClipboard(NULL)) { text = (const char*)GetClipboardData(CF_TEXT); CloseClipboard(); } return text; } void Platform::setClipboardText(const char *text) { int textLenght = strlen(text); HANDLE hData = new HANDLE[textLenght + 1]; memcpy(hData, text, textLenght + 1); if(OpenClipboard(NULL)) { EmptyClipboard(); SetClipboardData(CF_TEXT, hData); CloseClipboard(); } } void Platform::hideMouseCursor() { ShowCursor(false); } void Platform::showMouseCursor() { ShowCursor(true); } void Platform::setVsync(bool enable /*= true*/) { typedef GLint (*glSwapIntervalProc)(GLint); glSwapIntervalProc glSwapInterval = NULL; if(isExtensionSupported("WGL_EXT_swap_control")) glSwapInterval = (glSwapIntervalProc)getExtensionProcAddress("wglSwapIntervalEXT"); if(glSwapInterval) glSwapInterval(enable ? 1 : 0); } void Platform::swapBuffers() { SwapBuffers(win32.hdc); } bool Platform::isWindowFocused() { return win32.focused; } bool Platform::isWindowVisible() { return win32.visible; } int Platform::getWindowX() { return win32.x; } int Platform::getWindowY() { return win32.y; } int Platform::getWindowWidth() { return win32.width; } int Platform::getWindowHeight() { return win32.height; } int Platform::getDisplayWidth() { return GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXSCREEN); } int Platform::getDisplayHeight() { return GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYSCREEN); } bool Platform::isWindowMaximized() { return win32.maximized; } std::string Platform::getAppUserDir() { std::stringstream sdir; sdir << PHYSFS_getUserDir() << "/." << win32.appName << "/"; if((mkdir(sdir.str().c_str()) != 0) && (errno != EEXIST)) flogError("ERROR: Couldn't create directory for saving configuration file. (%s)", sdir.str().c_str()); return sdir.str(); } LRESULT CALLBACK WndProc(HWND hWnd, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { static int lastX, lastY; static InputEvent inputEvent; switch(uMsg) { case WM_ACTIVATE: { win32.focused = !(wParam == WA_INACTIVE); break; } case WM_CHAR: { if(wParam >= 32 && wParam <= 255) { inputEvent.type = EV_TEXT_ENTER; inputEvent.keychar = wParam; inputEvent.keycode = KC_UNKNOWN; g_engine.onInputEvent(inputEvent); } break; } case WM_CLOSE: { g_engine.onClose(); break; } case WM_GETMINMAXINFO: { MINMAXINFO *minMax = (MINMAXINFO*)lParam; minMax->ptMinTrackSize.x = win32.minWidth; minMax->ptMinTrackSize.y = win32.minHeight; break; } case WM_KEYDOWN: case WM_KEYUP: { if(win32.keyMap.find(wParam) != win32.keyMap.end()) { inputEvent.type = uMsg == WM_KEYDOWN ? EV_KEY_DOWN : EV_KEY_UP; inputEvent.ctrl = HIWORD(GetKeyState(VK_CONTROL)) == 0 ? false : true; inputEvent.alt = HIWORD(GetKeyState(VK_MENU)) == 0 ? false : true; inputEvent.shift = HIWORD(GetKeyState(VK_SHIFT)) == 0 ? false : true; inputEvent.keycode = win32.keyMap[wParam]; } g_engine.onInputEvent(inputEvent); break; } case WM_LBUTTONDOWN: { inputEvent.type = EV_MOUSE_LDOWN; g_engine.onInputEvent(inputEvent); break; } case WM_LBUTTONUP: { inputEvent.type = EV_MOUSE_LUP; g_engine.onInputEvent(inputEvent); break; } case WM_MBUTTONDOWN: { inputEvent.type = EV_MOUSE_MDOWN; g_engine.onInputEvent(inputEvent); break; } case WM_MBUTTONUP: { inputEvent.type = EV_MOUSE_MUP; g_engine.onInputEvent(inputEvent); break; } case WM_RBUTTONDOWN: { inputEvent.type = EV_MOUSE_RDOWN; g_engine.onInputEvent(inputEvent); break; } case WM_RBUTTONUP: { inputEvent.type = EV_MOUSE_RUP; g_engine.onInputEvent(inputEvent); break; } case WM_MOUSEMOVE: { inputEvent.type = EV_MOUSE_MOVE; Point newMousePos(LOWORD(lParam), HIWORD(lParam)); inputEvent.mouseMoved = newMousePos - inputEvent.mousePos; inputEvent.mousePos = newMousePos; g_engine.onInputEvent(inputEvent); break; } case WM_MOUSEWHEEL: { inputEvent.type = HIWORD(wParam) > 0 ? EV_MOUSE_WHEEL_UP : EV_MOUSE_WHEEL_DOWN; g_engine.onInputEvent(inputEvent); break; } case WM_MOVE: { lastX = win32.x; lastY = win32.y; win32.x = LOWORD(lParam); win32.y = HIWORD(lParam); break; } case WM_SIZE: { switch(wParam) { case SIZE_MAXIMIZED: win32.x = lastX; win32.y = lastY; win32.maximized = true; break; case SIZE_RESTORED: win32.maximized = false; break; } win32.visible = !(wParam == SIZE_MINIMIZED); if(!win32.maximized) { win32.width = LOWORD(lParam); win32.height = HIWORD(lParam); } g_engine.onResize(Size(LOWORD(lParam), HIWORD(lParam))); break; } default: { return DefWindowProc(hWnd, uMsg, wParam, lParam); } } return 0; }