Console = {} -- private variables local SpeakTypes = { say = { color = '#FFFF00' }, whisper = { color = '#FFFF00' }, yell = { color = '#FFFF00' }, monsterSay = { color = '#FE6500', hideInConsole = true}, monsterYell = { color = '#FE6500', hideInConsole = true}, npcToPlayer = { color = '#5FF7F7', private = true, npcChat = true }, channelYellow = { color = '#FFFF00' }, channelWhite = { color = '#FFFFFF' }, channelRed = { color = '#F55E5E' }, channelOrange = { color = '#FE6500' }, private = { color = '#5FF7F7', private = true }, playerToNpc = { color = '#9F9DFD', private = true, npcChat = true }, broadcast = { color = '#F55E5E' }, privateRed = { color = '#F55E5E', private = true } } local consolePanel local consoleBuffer local consoleTabBar local consoleLineEdit local channels -- private functions function applyMessagePrefixies(name, level, message) if name then if Options.showLevelsInConsole and level > 0 then message = name .. ' [' .. level .. ']: ' .. message else message = name .. ': ' .. message end end return message end -- public functions function Console.create() consolePanel = displayUI('console.otui', { parent = Game.gameBottomPanel } ) consoleLineEdit = consolePanel:getChildById('consoleLineEdit') consoleBuffer = consolePanel:getChildById('consoleBuffer') consoleTabBar = consolePanel:getChildById('consoleTabBar') consoleTabBar:setContentWidget(consoleBuffer) channels = {} Console.addChannel('Default', 0) Console.addTab('Server Log') Hotkeys.bind('Tab', function() consoleTabBar:selectNextTab() end, consolePanel) Hotkeys.bind('Shift+Tab', function() consoleTabBar:selectPrevTab() end, consolePanel) Hotkeys.bind('Enter', Console.sendCurrentMessage, consolePanel) Hotkeys.bind('Return', Console.sendCurrentMessage, consolePanel) end function Console.destroy() consolePanel:destroy() consolePanel = nil end function Console.addTab(name) local tab = consoleTabBar:addTab(name) consoleTabBar:selectTab(tab) return tab end function Console.getTab(name) return consoleTabBar:getTab(name) end function Console.getCurrentTab() return consoleTabBar:getCurrentTab() end function Console.addChannel(name, id) channels[id] = name local tab = Console.addTab(name) tab.channelId = id return tab end function Console.addPrivateText(text, speaktype, name) local privateTab = Console.getTab(name) if privateTab == nil then if Options.showPrivateMessagesInConsole then privateTab = Console.getTab('Default') else privateTab = Console.addTab(name) end privateTab.npcChat = speaktype.npcChat end Console.addTabText(text, speaktype, privateTab) end function Console.addText(text, speaktype, tabName) local tab = Console.getTab(tabName) Console.addTabText(text, speaktype, tab) end function Console.addTabText(text, speaktype, tab) if Options.showTimestampsInConsole then text ='%H:%M') .. ' ' .. text end local label = createWidget('ConsoleLabel', consoleTabBar:getTabPanel(tab)) label:setText(text) label:setColor(speaktype.color) consoleTabBar:blinkTab(tab) end function Console.sendCurrentMessage() local message = consoleLineEdit:getText() if #message == 0 then return end consoleLineEdit:clearText() -- get current channel local tab = Console.getCurrentTab() -- when talking on server log, the message goes to default channel local name = tab:getText() if name == 'Server Log' then tab = Console.getTab('Default') name = 'Default' end local speaktypedesc if tab.channelId then if tab.channelId == 0 then speaktypedesc = 'say' else speaktypedesc = 'channelYellow' end Game.talkChannel(speaktypedesc, tab.channelId, message) return else if tab.npcChat then speaktypedesc = 'playerToNpc' else speaktypedesc = 'private' end local speaktype = SpeakTypes[speaktypedesc] local player = Game.getLocalPlayer() Game.talkPrivate(speaktypedesc, name, message) message = applyMessagePrefixies(player:getName(), player:getLevel(), message) Console.addPrivateText(message, speaktype, name) end end -- hooked events local function onCreatureSpeak(name, level, speaktypedesc, message, channelId, creaturePos) speaktype = SpeakTypes[speaktypedesc] if speaktype.hideInConsole then return end message = applyMessagePrefixies(name, level, message) if speaktype.private then Console.addPrivateText(message, speaktype, name) else Console.addText(message, speaktype, channels[channelId]) end end local function onOpenChannel(channelId, channelName) Console.addChannel(channelName, channelId) end local function onChannelList(channelList) local channelsWindow = displayUI('channelswindow.otui') local channelListPanel = channelsWindow:getChildById('channelList') channelsWindow.onEnter = function(self) local selectedChannelLabel = channelListPanel:getFocusedChild() if not selectedChannelLabel then return end Game.joinChannel(selectedChannelLabel.channelId) channelsWindow:destroy() end for k,v in pairs(channelList) do local channelId = v[1] local channelName = v[2] if channelId ~= 0 and #channelName > 0 then local label = createWidget('ChannelListLabel', channelListPanel) label.channelId = channelId label:setText(channelName) end end end connect(Game, { onLogin = Console.create, onLogout = Console.destroy, onCreatureSpeak = onCreatureSpeak, onChannelList = onChannelList, onOpenChannel = onOpenChannel})