/* * Copyright (c) 2010-2012 OTClient * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN * THE SOFTWARE. */ #ifndef OTCLIENT_CONST_H #define OTCLIENT_CONST_H #include namespace Otc { static const char* AppName = "OTClient"; static const char* AppCompactName = "otclient"; static const char* AppVersion = "0.4.0"; enum DatOpts { DatGround = 0, DatGroundClip, DatOnBottom, DatOnTop, DatContainer, DatStackable, DatForceUse, DatMultiUse, DatWritable, DatWritableOnce, DatFluidContainer, DatSplash, DatBlockWalk, DatNotMovable, DatBlockProjectile, DatBlockPathFind, DatPickupable, DatHangable, DatHookSouth, DatHookEast, DatRotable, DatLight, DatDontHide, DatTranslucent, DatDisplacement, DatElevation, DatLyingCorpse, DatAnimateAlways, DatMinimapColor, DatLensHelp, DatFullGround, DatIgnoreLook, DatCloth, DatAnimation, // lastest tibia DatLastOpt = 255 }; enum InventorySlots { InventorySlotHead = 1, InventorySlotNecklace, InventorySlotBackpack, InventorySlotArmor, InventorySlotRight, InventorySlotLeft, InventorySlotLegs, InventorySlotFeet, InventorySlotRing, InventorySlotAmmo }; enum Statistic { Health, MaxHealth, FreeCapacity, Experience, Level, LevelPercent, Mana, MaxMana, MagicLevel, MagicLevelPercent, Soul, Stamina, LastStatistic }; enum Skill { Fist = 0, Club, Sword, Axe, Distance, Shielding, Fishing, LastSkill }; enum SkillType { SkillLevel, SkillPercent, LastSkillType }; enum Direction { North = 0, East, South, West, NorthEast, SouthEast, SouthWest, NorthWest, InvalidDirection }; enum FluidsColor { FluidTransparent, FluidBlue, FluidRed, FluidBrown, FluidGreen, FluidYellow, FluidWhite, FluidPurple }; enum FluidsType { FluidWater = 1, FluidMana = 2, FluidBeer = 3, FluidBlood = 5, FluidSlime = 6, FluidLemonade = 8, FluidMilk = 9, FluidWine = 10, FluidHealth = 11, FluidCoconutMilk = 15 }; enum FightModes { FightOffensive = 1, FightBalanced = 2, FightDefensive = 3 }; enum ChaseModes { StandWhileFighting = 0, ChaseOpponent = 1 }; enum PlayerSkulls { SkullNone = 0, SkullYellow = 1, SkullGreen = 2, SkullWhite = 3, SkullRed = 4, SkullBlack = 5, SkullOrange = 6 }; enum PlayerShields { ShieldNone = 0, ShieldWhiteYellow = 1, ShieldWhiteBlue = 2, ShieldBlue = 3, ShieldYellow = 4, ShieldBlueSharedExp = 5, ShieldYellowSharedExp = 6, ShieldBlueNoSharedExpBlink = 7, ShieldYellowNoSharedExpBlink = 8, ShieldBlueNoSharedExp = 9, ShieldYellowNoSharedExp = 10 }; enum PlayerEmblems { EmblemNone = 0, EmblemGreen = 1, EmblemRed = 2, EmblemBlue = 3 }; } #endif