Panel OptionCheckBox id: classicControl !text: tr('Classic control') OptionCheckBox id: autoChaseOverride !text: tr('Allow auto chase override') OptionCheckBox id: smartWalk !text: tr('Enable smart walking') !tooltip: tr('Will detect when to use diagonal step based on the\nkeys you are pressing') //OptionCheckBox //id: walkBooster //!text: tr('Enable walk booster') //!tooltip: tr('Also known as dash in community, recommended\nfor playing characters with high speed') OptionCheckBox id: showPing !text: tr('Show connection ping') !tooltip: tr('Display connection speed to the server (milliseconds)') OptionCheckBox id: showLeftPanel !text: tr('Show left panel') Button id: changeLocale !text: tr('Change language') @onClick: modules.client_locales.createWindow() prev.bottom anchors.left: prev.left margin-top: 5 width: 120