NPCTrade = {} local npcWindow local itemsPanel local radioTabs local radioItems local buyTab local sellTab local searchText local setupPanel local quantity local quantityScroll local nameLabel local priceLabel local moneyGoods local moneyLabel local weightLabel local capacityLabel local offerSelected local setupButton local cacheItems local cacheGoods local buyWithBackpack = false local ignoreCapacity = false local ignoreEquipped = true local showOnlyHolding = false local CURRENCY = 'gold' local WEIGHT_UNIT = 'oz' -- public functions function NPCTrade.init() cacheItems = {} cacheGoods = {} npcWindow = displayUI('npctrade.otui') npcWindow:setVisible(false) itemsPanel = npcWindow:recursiveGetChildById('itemsPanel') buyTab = npcWindow:getChildById('buyTab') sellTab = npcWindow:getChildById('sellTab') searchText = npcWindow:getChildById('searchText') setupPanel = npcWindow:recursiveGetChildById('setupPanel') quantityLabel = setupPanel:getChildById('quantity') quantityScroll = setupPanel:getChildById('quantityScroll') nameLabel = setupPanel:getChildById('name') priceLabel = setupPanel:getChildById('price') moneyLabel = setupPanel:getChildById('money') weightLabel = setupPanel:getChildById('weight') capacityLabel = setupPanel:getChildById('capacity') setupButton = setupPanel:getChildById('setupButton') radioTabs = RadioGroup.create() radioTabs:addWidget(buyTab) radioTabs:addWidget(sellTab) radioTabs:selectWidget(buyTab) radioTabs.onSelectionChange = NPCTrade.setList connect(g_game, { onGameEnd = NPCTrade.hide, onOpenNpcTrade = NPCTrade.onOpenNpcTrade, onPlayerGoods = NPCTrade.onPlayerGoods, onCloseNpcTrade = NPCTrade.onCloseNpcTrade } ) end function NPCTrade.terminate() --radioTabs:destroy() radioTabs = nil npcWindow:destroy() npcWindow = nil itemsPanel = nil buyButton = nil sellButton = nil searchText = nil setupPanel = nil quantityLabel = nil quantityScroll = nil nameLabel = nil priceLabel = nil moneyLabel = nil weightLabel = nil capacityLabel = nil offerSelected = nil setupButton = nil cacheItems = nil cacheGoods = nil disconnect(g_game, { onGameEnd = NPCTrade.hide, onOpenNpcTrade = NPCTrade.onOpenNpcTrade, onPlayerGoods = NPCTrade.onPlayerGoods, onCloseNpcTrade = NPCTrade.onCloseNpcTrade } ) end -- private functions function if g_game.isOnline() then npcWindow:show() npcWindow:raise() end end function NPCTrade.hide() npcWindow:hide() end function NPCTrade.setList(radioTabs, selected, deselected) setupButton:setText(selected:getText()) selected:setOn(true) deselected:setOn(false) NPCTrade.createItemsOnPanel() NPCTrade.resetSetup() NPCTrade.refreshItemsPanel() NPCTrade.refreshFilters() end function NPCTrade.resetSetup() nameLabel:clearText() weightLabel:clearText() priceLabel:clearText() searchText:clearText() if offerSelected then radioItems.selectedWidget:setChecked(false) offerSelected = nil end setupPanel:disable() end function NPCTrade.updateSetup() if offerSelected then if radioItems.selectedWidget:isEnabled() then if setupButton:getText() == 'Buy' then local capacityMaxCount = math.floor(100*g_game.getLocalPlayer():getFreeCapacity()/offerSelected[3]) local priceMaxCount = math.floor(moneyGoods/NPCTrade.getOfferPrice(offerSelected)) quantityScroll:setMaximum(math.max(0, math.min(100, math.min(priceMaxCount, capacityMaxCount)))) else if cacheGoods[offerSelected[1]:getId()] then -- list might be empty. quantityScroll:setMaximum(math.max(0, math.min(100, cacheGoods[offerSelected[1]:getId()]))) end end else NPCTrade.resetSetup() end end end function NPCTrade.getOfferPrice(offer) if setupButton:getText() == 'Buy' then local price = offer[4] if buyWithBackpack then if offer[1]:isStackable() then return price*quantityScroll:getValue() + 20; else return price*quantityScroll:getValue() + math.ceil(quantityScroll:getValue()/20)*20 end else return price*quantityScroll:getValue() end else return offer[5]*quantityScroll:getValue() end end function NPCTrade.setItem(widget) offerSelected = widget.offer local offer = widget.offer local price = NPCTrade.getOfferPrice(widget.offer) local freeCapacity = g_game.getLocalPlayer():getFreeCapacity() nameLabel:setText(offer[2]) weightLabel:setText(string.format('%.2f', offer[3]/100) .. ' ' .. WEIGHT_UNIT) priceLabel:setText(price .. ' ' .. CURRENCY) capacityLabel:setText(string.format('%.2f', freeCapacity) .. ' ' .. WEIGHT_UNIT) quantityLabel:setText(1) quantityScroll:setValue(1) NPCTrade.updateSetup() setupPanel:enable() end function NPCTrade.setQuantity(quantity) if quantityLabel and offerSelected then local price = NPCTrade.getOfferPrice(offerSelected) quantityLabel:setText(quantity) weightLabel:setText(string.format('%.2f', offerSelected[3]*quantity/100) .. ' ' .. WEIGHT_UNIT) priceLabel:setText(price .. ' ' .. CURRENCY) end end function NPCTrade.setupButton() if setupButton:getText() == 'Buy' then g_game.buyItem(offerSelected[1], quantityScroll:getValue(), buyWithBackpack, ignoreCapacity) else g_game.sellItem(offerSelected[1], quantityScroll:getValue(), ignoreEquipped) end end function NPCTrade.onOpenNpcTrade(items) -- items[item] = item -- item[1] = ItemPtr -- item[2] = name -- item[3] = weight -- item[4] = buyPrice -- item[5] = sellPrice cacheItems = items NPCTrade.createItemsOnPanel() end function NPCTrade.switchBuyWithBackpack() buyWithBackpack = not buyWithBackpack if offerSelected then priceLabel:setText(NPCTrade.getOfferPrice(offerSelected) .. ' ' .. CURRENCY) end return true end function NPCTrade.itemPopup(self, mousePosition, mouseButton) if mouseButton == MouseRightButton then local menu = createWidget('PopupMenu') menu:addOption('Look', function() return g_game.inspectNpcTrade(self.offer[1]) end) menu:addSeparator() if setupButton:getText() == 'Buy' then menu:addOption((buyWithBackpack and 'Buy no backpack' or 'Buy with backpack'), NPCTrade.switchBuyWithBackpack) menu:addOption((ignoreCapacity and 'Consider capacity' or 'Ignore capacity'), function() ignoreCapacity = not ignoreCapacity return true end) else menu:addOption((ignoreEquipped and 'Consider equipped' or 'Ignore equipped'), function() ignoreEquipped = not ignoreEquipped return true end) menu:addOption((showOnlyHolding and 'Show all items' or 'Show only holding items'), function() showOnlyHolding = not showOnlyHolding NPCTrade.refreshFilters() return true end) end menu:display(mousePosition) end end function NPCTrade.createItemsOnPanel() local layout = itemsPanel:getLayout() layout:disableUpdates() NPCTrade.resetSetup() offerSelected = nil itemsPanel:destroyChildren() if radioItems then radioItems:destroy() end radioItems = RadioGroup.create() for i, v in pairs(cacheItems) do local price = NPCTrade.getOfferPrice(v) if price > 0 then local itemBox = createWidget('NPCItemBox', itemsPanel) itemBox.offer = v itemBox:getChildById('item'):setItem(v[1]) itemBox:getChildById('nameLabel'):setText(v[2]) itemBox:getChildById('weightLabel'):setText(string.format('%.2f', v[3]/100) .. ' ' .. WEIGHT_UNIT) itemBox:getChildById('priceLabel'):setText(price .. ' ' .. CURRENCY) itemBox.onMouseRelease = NPCTrade.itemPopup itemBox:getChildById('item').onMouseRelease = function (self, mousePosition, mouseButton) NPCTrade.itemPopup(itemBox, mousePosition, mouseButton) end radioItems:addWidget(itemBox) end end layout:enableUpdates() layout:update() end function NPCTrade.extraFilters(widget, showOnlyHolding) if setupButton:getText() == 'Sell' then if not showOnlyHolding or cacheGoods[widget.offer[1]:getId()] then return true else return false end end return true end function NPCTrade.refreshFilters() local filter = searchText:getText() local items = itemsPanel:getChildCount() for i = 1, items do local itemWidget = itemsPanel:getChildByIndex(i) if filter ~= '' then if string.find(itemWidget.offer[2], filter) and NPCTrade.extraFilters(itemWidget, showOnlyHolding) then itemWidget:show() else itemWidget:hide() end else if NPCTrade.extraFilters(itemWidget, showOnlyHolding) then itemWidget:show() else itemWidget:hide() end end end end function NPCTrade.refreshItemsPanel() if setupButton:getText() == 'Buy' then local items = itemsPanel:getChildCount() for i = 1, items do local itemWidget = itemsPanel:getChildByIndex(i) if moneyGoods < NPCTrade.getOfferPrice(itemWidget.offer) then itemWidget:disable() else itemWidget:enable() end end else local items = itemsPanel:getChildCount() for i = 1, items do local itemWidget = itemsPanel:getChildByIndex(i) if cacheGoods[itemWidget.offer[1]:getId()] then itemWidget:enable() else itemWidget:disable() end end end end function NPCTrade.onPlayerGoods(money, goods) moneyGoods = money moneyLabel:setText(money .. ' ' .. CURRENCY) local freeCapacity = g_game.getLocalPlayer():getFreeCapacity() capacityLabel:setText(string.format('%.2f', freeCapacity) .. ' ' .. WEIGHT_UNIT) cacheGoods = {} for i,v in pairs(goods) do cacheGoods[v[1]:getId()] = v[2] end NPCTrade.refreshItemsPanel() NPCTrade.updateSetup() end function NPCTrade.onCloseNpcTrade() NPCTrade.hide() end