/* * Copyright (c) 2010-2013 OTClient * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN * THE SOFTWARE. */ #include "minimap.h" #include "tile.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include Minimap g_minimap; void MinimapBlock::clean() { m_tiles.fill(MinimapTile()); m_texture.reset(); m_mustUpdate = false; } void MinimapBlock::update() { if(!m_mustUpdate) return; ImagePtr image(new Image(Size(MMBLOCK_SIZE, MMBLOCK_SIZE))); bool shouldDraw = false; for(int x=0;xsetPixel(x, y, col); if(col != 0) shouldDraw = true; } } if(shouldDraw) { if(!m_texture) { m_texture = TexturePtr(new Texture(image, true)); } else { m_texture->uploadPixels(image, true); } } else m_texture.reset(); m_mustUpdate = false; } void MinimapBlock::updateTile(int x, int y, const MinimapTile& tile) { if(m_tiles[getTileIndex(x,y)].color != tile.color) m_mustUpdate = true; m_tiles[getTileIndex(x,y)] = tile; } void Minimap::init() { } void Minimap::terminate() { clean(); } void Minimap::clean() { for(int i=0;i<=Otc::MAX_Z;++i) m_tileBlocks[i].clear(); } void Minimap::draw(const Rect& screenRect, const Position& mapCenter, float scale) { if(screenRect.isEmpty()) return; Rect mapRect = calcMapRect(screenRect, mapCenter, scale); g_painter->saveState(); g_painter->setColor(Color::black); g_painter->drawFilledRect(screenRect); g_painter->resetColor(); g_painter->setClipRect(screenRect); if(MMBLOCK_SIZE*scale <= 1 || !mapCenter.isMapPosition()) { g_painter->restoreSavedState(); return; } Point blockOff = getBlockOffset(mapRect.topLeft()); Point off = Point((mapRect.size() * scale).toPoint() - screenRect.size().toPoint())/2; Point start = screenRect.topLeft() -(mapRect.topLeft() - blockOff)*scale - off; for(int y = blockOff.y, ys = start.y;ys= 65536) continue; for(int x = blockOff.x, xs = start.x;xs= 65536) continue; Position blockPos(x, y, mapCenter.z); if(!hasBlock(blockPos)) continue; MinimapBlock& block = getBlock(Position(x, y, mapCenter.z)); block.update(); const TexturePtr& tex = block.getTexture(); if(tex) { Rect src(0, 0, MMBLOCK_SIZE, MMBLOCK_SIZE); Rect dest(Point(xs,ys), src.size() * scale); tex->setSmooth(scale < 1.0f); g_painter->drawTexturedRect(dest, tex, src); } } } g_painter->restoreSavedState(); } Point Minimap::getPoint(const Position& pos, const Rect& screenRect, const Position& mapCenter, float scale) { if(screenRect.isEmpty() || MMBLOCK_SIZE*scale <= 1 || !mapCenter.isMapPosition()) return Point(-1,-1); Rect mapRect = calcMapRect(screenRect, mapCenter, scale); Point off = Point((mapRect.size() * scale).toPoint() - screenRect.size().toPoint())/2; Point posoff = (Point(pos.x,pos.y) - mapRect.topLeft())*scale; return posoff + screenRect.topLeft() - off + (Point(1,1)*scale)/2; } Position Minimap::getPosition(const Point& point, const Rect& screenRect, const Position& mapCenter, float scale) { if(screenRect.isEmpty() || MMBLOCK_SIZE*scale <= 1 || !mapCenter.isMapPosition()) return Position(); Rect mapRect = calcMapRect(screenRect, mapCenter, scale); Point off = Point((mapRect.size() * scale).toPoint() - screenRect.size().toPoint())/2; Point pos2d = (point - screenRect.topLeft() + off)/scale + mapRect.topLeft(); return Position(pos2d.x, pos2d.y, mapCenter.z); } Rect Minimap::calcMapRect(const Rect& screenRect, const Position& mapCenter, float scale) { int w, h; do { w = std::ceil(screenRect.width() / scale); h = std::ceil(screenRect.height() / scale); if(w % 2 == 0) w++; if(h % 2 == 0) h++; scale *= 2; } while(w > 8192 || h > 8192); Rect mapRect(0,0,w,h); mapRect.moveCenter(Point(mapCenter.x, mapCenter.y)); return mapRect; } void Minimap::updateTile(const Position& pos, const TilePtr& tile) { MinimapTile minimapTile; if(tile) { minimapTile.color = tile->getMinimapColorByte(); minimapTile.flags |= MinimapTileWasSeen; if(!tile->isWalkable(true)) minimapTile.flags |= MinimapTileNotWalkable; if(!tile->isPathable()) minimapTile.flags |= MinimapTileNotPathable; minimapTile.speed = std::min((int)std::ceil(tile->getGroundSpeed() / 10.0f), 255); } if(minimapTile != MinimapTile()) { MinimapBlock& block = getBlock(pos); Point offsetPos = getBlockOffset(Point(pos.x, pos.y)); block.updateTile(pos.x - offsetPos.x, pos.y - offsetPos.y, minimapTile); } } const MinimapTile& Minimap::getTile(const Position& pos) { static MinimapTile nulltile; if(pos.z <= Otc::MAX_Z && hasBlock(pos)) { MinimapBlock& block = getBlock(pos); Point offsetPos = getBlockOffset(Point(pos.x, pos.y)); return block.getTile(pos.x - offsetPos.x, pos.y - offsetPos.y); } return nulltile; } bool Minimap::loadOtmm(const std::string& fileName) { try { FileStreamPtr fin = g_resources.openFile(fileName); if(!fin) stdext::throw_exception("unable to open file"); fin->cache(); uint32 signature = fin->getU32(); if(signature != OTMM_SIGNATURE) stdext::throw_exception("invalid OTMM file"); uint16 start = fin->getU16(); uint16 version = fin->getU16(); fin->getU32(); // flags switch(version) { case 1: { fin->getString(); // description break; } default: stdext::throw_exception("OTMM version not supported"); } fin->seek(start); uint blockSize = MMBLOCK_SIZE * MMBLOCK_SIZE * sizeof(MinimapTile); std::vector compressBuffer(compressBound(blockSize)); while(true) { Position pos; pos.x = fin->getU16(); pos.y = fin->getU16(); pos.z = fin->getU8(); // end of file if(!pos.isValid()) break; MinimapBlock& block = getBlock(pos); ulong len = fin->getU16(); ulong destLen = blockSize; fin->read(compressBuffer.data(), len); int ret = uncompress((uchar*)&block.getTiles(), &destLen, compressBuffer.data(), len); assert(ret == Z_OK); assert(destLen == blockSize); block.mustUpdate(); } fin->close(); return true; } catch(stdext::exception& e) { g_logger.error(stdext::format("failed to load OTMM minimap: %s", e.what())); return false; } } void Minimap::saveOtmm(const std::string& fileName) { try { stdext::timer saveTimer; FileStreamPtr fin = g_resources.createFile(fileName); fin->cache(); //TODO: compression flag with zlib uint32 flags = 0; // header fin->addU32(OTMM_SIGNATURE); fin->addU16(0); // data start, will be overwritten later fin->addU16(OTMM_VERSION); fin->addU32(flags); // version 1 header fin->addString("OTMM 1.0"); // description // go back and rewrite where the map data starts uint32 start = fin->tell(); fin->seek(4); fin->addU16(start); fin->seek(start); uint blockSize = MMBLOCK_SIZE * MMBLOCK_SIZE * sizeof(MinimapTile); std::vector compressBuffer(compressBound(blockSize)); const int COMPRESS_LEVEL = 3; for(uint8_t z = 0; z <= Otc::MAX_Z; ++z) { for(auto& it : m_tileBlocks[z]) { int index = it.first; MinimapBlock& block = it.second; Position pos = getIndexPosition(index, z); fin->addU16(pos.x); fin->addU16(pos.y); fin->addU8(pos.z); ulong len = blockSize; int ret = compress2(compressBuffer.data(), &len, (uchar*)&block.getTiles(), blockSize, COMPRESS_LEVEL); assert(ret == Z_OK); fin->addU16(len); fin->write(compressBuffer.data(), len); } } // end of file Position invalidPos; fin->addU16(invalidPos.x); fin->addU16(invalidPos.y); fin->addU8(invalidPos.z); fin->flush(); fin->close(); } catch(stdext::exception& e) { g_logger.error(stdext::format("failed to save OTMM minimap: %s", e.what())); } }