Console = { } -- configs local LogColors = { [LogInfo] = 'white', [LogWarning] = 'yellow', [LogError] = 'red' } local MaxLogLines = 80 local LabelHeight = 16 -- private variables local consoleWidget local logLocked = false local commandEnv = createEnvironment() local commandLineEdit local consoleBuffer local commandHistory = { } local currentHistoryIndex = 0 -- private functions local function navigateCommand(step) local numCommands = #commandHistory if numCommands > 0 then currentHistoryIndex = math.min(math.max(currentHistoryIndex + step, 0), numCommands) if currentHistoryIndex > 0 then local command = commandHistory[numCommands - currentHistoryIndex + 1] commandLineEdit:setText(command) else commandLineEdit:clearText() end end end local function completeCommand() local cursorPos = commandLineEdit:getCursorPos() if cursorPos == 0 then return end local commandBegin = string.sub(commandLineEdit:getText(), 1, cursorPos) local possibleCommands = {} -- create a list containing all globals local allVars = table.copy(_G) table.merge(allVars, commandEnv) -- match commands for k,v in pairs(allVars) do if string.sub(k, 1, cursorPos) == commandBegin then table.insert(possibleCommands, k) end end -- complete command with one match if #possibleCommands == 1 then commandLineEdit:setText(possibleCommands[1]) -- show command matches elseif #possibleCommands > 0 then print('>> ' .. commandBegin) -- expand command local expandedComplete = commandBegin local done = false while not done do cursorPos = #commandBegin+1 if #possibleCommands[1] < cursorPos then break end expandedComplete = commandBegin .. string.sub(possibleCommands[1], cursorPos, cursorPos) for i,v in ipairs(possibleCommands) do if string.sub(v, 1, #expandedComplete) ~= expandedComplete then done = true end end if not done then commandBegin = expandedComplete end end commandLineEdit:setText(commandBegin) for i,v in ipairs(possibleCommands) do print(v) end end end local function onKeyPress(widget, keyCode, keyText, keyboardModifiers) if keyboardModifiers == KeyboardNoModifier then -- execute current command if keyCode == KeyReturn or keyCode == keyEnter then local currentCommand = commandLineEdit:getText() Console.executeCommand(currentCommand) commandLineEdit:clearText() return true -- navigate history up elseif keyCode == KeyUp then navigateCommand(1) return true -- navigate history down elseif keyCode == KeyDown then navigateCommand(-1) return true -- complete command elseif keyCode == KeyTab then completeCommand() return true end end return false end local function onLog(level, message, time) -- debug messages are ignored if level == LogDebug then return end -- avoid logging while reporting logs (would cause a infinite loop) if logLocked then return end logLocked = true Console.addLine(message, LogColors[level]) logLocked = false end -- public functions function Console.init() consoleWidget = UI.display('console.otui', { visible = false }) connect(consoleWidget, { onKeyPress = onKeyPress }) commandLineEdit = consoleWidget:getChildById('commandLineEdit') consoleBuffer = consoleWidget:getChildById('consoleBuffer') Logger.setOnLog(onLog) Logger.fireOldMessages() end function Console.terminate() Logger.setOnLog(nil) consoleWidget:destroy() commandLineEdit = nil consoleWidget = nil end function Console.addLine(text, color) -- create new line label local numLines = consoleBuffer:getChildCount() + 1 local label = UILabel.create() consoleBuffer:addChild(label) label:setId('consoleLabel' .. numLines) label:setStyle('ConsoleLabel') label:setText(text) label:setForegroundColor(color) -- delete old lines if needed if numLines > MaxLogLines then consoleBuffer:getChildByIndex(1):destroy() else consoleBuffer:setHeight(consoleBuffer:getHeight() + LabelHeight) consoleBuffer:updateParentLayout() end end function Console.executeCommand(command) -- detect and convert commands with simple syntax local realCommand if commandEnv[command] then if type(commandEnv[command]) == "function" then realCommand = command .. '()' else realCommand = 'print(' .. command .. ')' end else realCommand = command end -- reset current history index currentHistoryIndex = 0 -- add new command to history table.insert(commandHistory, command) -- add command line Console.addLine(">> " .. command, "#ffffff") -- load command buffer local func, err = loadstring(realCommand, "@") -- check for syntax errors if not func then Logger.log(LogError, 'incorrect lua syntax: ' .. err:sub(5)) return end -- setup func env to commandEnv setfenv(func, commandEnv) -- execute the command local ok, ret = pcall(func) if ok then -- if the command returned a value, print it if ret then print(ret) end else Logger.log(LogError, 'command failed: ' .. ret) end end