Market = {} g_ui.importStyle('market.otui') g_ui.importStyle('ui/general/markettabs.otui') g_ui.importStyle('ui/general/marketbuttons.otui') g_ui.importStyle('ui/general/marketcombobox.otui') local marketWindow local mainTabBar local marketOffersPanel local selectionTabBar local displaysTabBar local offersTabBar local itemsPanel local browsePanel local searchPanel local itemOffersPanel local itemDetailsPanel local itemStatsPanel local myOffersPanel local currentOffersPanel local offerHistoryPanel local selectedItem local nameLabel local radioItemSet local categoryList local subCategoryList local slotFilterList local filterButtons = {} local buyOfferTable local sellOfferTable local detailsTable local buyStatsTable local sellStatsTable local marketOffers = {} local marketItems = {} local depot = {} local information = {} local currentItems = {} local offerTableHeader = { {['text'] = 'Player Name', ['width'] = 100}, {['text'] = 'Amount', ['width'] = 60}, {['text'] = 'Total Price', ['width'] = 90}, {['text'] = 'Peice Price', ['width'] = 80}, {['text'] = 'Ends at', ['width'] = 120} } local function getMarketCategoryName(id) if table.hasKey(MarketCategoryStrings, id) then return MarketCategoryStrings[id] end end local function getMarketCategoryId(name) local id = table.find(MarketCategoryStrings, name) if id then return id end end local function getMarketDescriptionName(id) if table.hasKey(MarketItemDescriptionStrings, id) then return MarketItemDescriptionStrings[id] end end local function getMarketDescriptionId(name) local id = table.find(MarketItemDescriptionStrings, name) if id then return id end end local function getMarketSlotFilterId(name) local id = table.find(MarketSlotFilters, name) if id then return id end end local function getMarketSlotFilterName(id) if table.hasKey(MarketSlotFilters, id) then return MarketSlotFilters[id] end end local function isValidItem(item, category) if item.marketData.category ~= category and category ~= MarketCategory[0] then return false end -- filter item local slotFilter = false if slotFilterList:isEnabled() then slotFilter = getMarketSlotFilterId(slotFilterList:getCurrentOption().text) end local marketData = item.marketData local filterVocation = filterButtons[MarketFilters.Vocation]:isChecked() local filterLevel = filterButtons[MarketFilters.Level]:isChecked() local filterDepot = filterButtons[MarketFilters.Depot]:isChecked() if slotFilter then if slotFilter ~= 255 and item.ptr:getClothSlot() ~= slotFilter then return false end end local player = g_game.getLocalPlayer() if filterLevel and marketData.requiredLevel and player:getLevel() < marketData.requiredLevel then return false end if filterVocation and marketData.restrictVocation > 0 then local voc = Bit.bit(information.vocation) if not Bit.hasBit(marketData.restrictVocation, voc) then return false end end if filterDepot and not Market.depotContains(item.ptr:getId()) then return false end return true end local function clearSelectedItem() if selectedItem and selectedItem.item.ptr then Market.updateOffers({}) radioItemSet:selectWidget(nil) nameLabel:setText('No item selected.') selectedItem:setItem(nil) selectedItem.item = {} detailsTable:clearData() buyStatsTable:clearData() sellStatsTable:clearData() end end local function initMarketItems() -- populate all market items marketItems = {} local types = g_things.findThingTypeByAttr(ThingAttrMarket) for i = 1, #types do local t = types[i] local newItem = Item.create(t:getId()) if newItem then local marketData = t:getMarketData() if not table.empty(marketData) then local item = { ptr = newItem, marketData = marketData } marketItems[#marketItems+1] = item end end end end local function updateItemsWidget() itemsPanel = browsePanel:recursiveGetChildById('itemsPanel') local layout = itemsPanel:getLayout() layout:disableUpdates() clearSelectedItem() itemsPanel:destroyChildren() if radioItemSet then radioItemSet:destroy() end radioItemSet = UIRadioGroup.create() for i = 1, #currentItems do local item = currentItems[i] local itemBox = g_ui.createWidget('MarketItemBox', itemsPanel) local itemWidget = itemBox:getChildById('item') itemBox.item = item itemWidget:setItem(item.ptr) radioItemSet:addWidget(itemBox) end layout:enableUpdates() layout:update() end local function onUpdateCategory(combobox, option) local id = getMarketCategoryId(option) if id == MarketCategory.MetaWeapons then -- enable and load weapons filter/items subCategoryList:setEnabled(true) slotFilterList:setEnabled(true) local subId = getMarketCategoryId(subCategoryList:getCurrentOption().text) Market.loadMarketItems(subId) else subCategoryList:setEnabled(false) slotFilterList:setEnabled(false) Market.loadMarketItems(id) -- load standard filter end end local function onUpdateSubCategory(combobox, option) local id = getMarketCategoryId(option) Market.loadMarketItems(id) -- setup slot filter slotFilterList:clearOptions() local subId = getMarketCategoryId(subCategoryList:getCurrentOption().text) local slots = MarketCategoryWeapons[subId].slots for _, slot in pairs(slots) do if table.hasKey(MarketSlotFilters, slot) then slotFilterList:addOption(MarketSlotFilters[slot]) end end slotFilterList:setEnabled(true) end local function onUpdateSlotFilter(combobox, option) Market.updateCurrentItems() end local function initInterface() -- TODO: clean this up -- setup main tabs mainTabBar = marketWindow:getChildById('mainTabBar') mainTabBar:setContentWidget(marketWindow:getChildById('mainTabContent')) -- setup 'Market Offer' section tabs marketOffersPanel = g_ui.loadUI('ui/marketoffers.otui') mainTabBar:addTab(tr('Market Offers'), marketOffersPanel) selectionTabBar = marketOffersPanel:getChildById('leftTabBar') selectionTabBar:setContentWidget(marketOffersPanel:getChildById('leftTabContent')) browsePanel = g_ui.loadUI('ui/marketoffers/browse.otui') selectionTabBar:addTab(tr('Browse'), browsePanel) searchPanel = g_ui.loadUI('ui/marketoffers/search.otui') selectionTabBar:addTab(tr('Search'), searchPanel) displaysTabBar = marketOffersPanel:getChildById('rightTabBar') displaysTabBar:setContentWidget(marketOffersPanel:getChildById('rightTabContent')) itemOffersPanel = g_ui.loadUI('ui/marketoffers/itemoffers.otui') displaysTabBar:addTab(tr('Offers'), itemOffersPanel) itemDetailsPanel = g_ui.loadUI('ui/marketoffers/itemdetails.otui') displaysTabBar:addTab(tr('Details'), itemDetailsPanel) itemStatsPanel = g_ui.loadUI('ui/marketoffers/itemstats.otui') displaysTabBar:addTab(tr('Statistics'), itemStatsPanel) -- setup 'My Offer' section tabs myOffersPanel = g_ui.loadUI('ui/myoffers.otui') mainTabBar:addTab(tr('My Offers'), myOffersPanel) offersTabBar = myOffersPanel:getChildById('offersTabBar') offersTabBar:setContentWidget(myOffersPanel:getChildById('offersTabContent')) currentOffersPanel = g_ui.loadUI('ui/myoffers/currentoffers.otui') offersTabBar:addTab(tr('Current Offers'), currentOffersPanel) offerHistoryPanel = g_ui.loadUI('ui/myoffers/offerhistory.otui') offersTabBar:addTab(tr('Offer History'), offerHistoryPanel) -- setup selected item nameLabel = marketOffersPanel:recursiveGetChildById('nameLabel') selectedItem = marketOffersPanel:recursiveGetChildById('selectedItem') selectedItem.item = {} -- setup filters filterButtons[MarketFilters.Vocation] = browsePanel:getChildById('filterVocation') filterButtons[MarketFilters.Level] = browsePanel:getChildById('filterLevel') filterButtons[MarketFilters.Depot] = browsePanel:getChildById('filterDepot') categoryList = browsePanel:getChildById('categoryComboBox') subCategoryList = browsePanel:getChildById('subCategoryComboBox') slotFilterList = browsePanel:getChildById('typeComboBox') slotFilterList:addOption(MarketSlotFilters[255]) slotFilterList:setEnabled(false) for i = MarketCategory.First, MarketCategory.Last do if i >= MarketCategory.Ammunition and i <= MarketCategory.WandsRods then subCategoryList:addOption(getMarketCategoryName(i)) else categoryList:addOption(getMarketCategoryName(i)) end end categoryList:addOption(getMarketCategoryName(255)) -- meta weapons categoryList:setCurrentOption(getMarketCategoryName(MarketCategory.First)) subCategoryList:setEnabled(false) -- hook item filters categoryList.onOptionChange = onUpdateCategory subCategoryList.onOptionChange = onUpdateSubCategory slotFilterList.onOptionChange = onUpdateSlotFilter -- get tables buyOfferTable = itemOffersPanel:recursiveGetChildById('buyingTable') sellOfferTable = itemOffersPanel:recursiveGetChildById('sellingTable') detailsTable = itemDetailsPanel:recursiveGetChildById('detailsTable') buyStatsTable = itemStatsPanel:recursiveGetChildById('buyStatsTable') sellStatsTable = itemStatsPanel:recursiveGetChildById('sellStatsTable') end function Market.init() marketWindow = g_ui.createWidget('MarketWindow', rootWidget) marketWindow:hide() initInterface() -- build interface initMarketItems() end function Market.terminate() if marketWindow then marketWindow:destroy() marketWindow = nil end mainTabBar = nil displaysTabBar = nil offersTabBar = nil selectionTabBar = nil marketOffersPanel = nil browsePanel = nil searchPanel = nil itemOffersPanel = nil itemDetailsPanel = nil itemStatsPanel = nil myOffersPanel = nil currentOffersPanel = nil offerHistoryPanel = nil itemsPanel = nil nameLabel = nil radioItemSet = nil selectedItem = nil categoryList = nil subCategoryList = nil slotFilterList = nil filterButtons = {} buyOfferTable = nil sellOfferTable = nil detailsTable = nil buyStatsTable = nil sellStatsTable = nil marketOffers = {} marketItems = {} information = {} currentItems = {} Market = nil end function Market.depotContains(itemId) for i = 1, #information.depotItems do local item = information.depotItems[i] if item.ptr:getId() == itemId then return true end end return false end function Market.loadMarketItems(category) if table.empty(marketItems) then initMarketItems() end currentItems = {} for i = 1, #marketItems do local item = marketItems[i] if isValidItem(item, category) then table.insert(currentItems, item) end end updateItemsWidget() end function Market.loadDepotItems(depotItems) information.depotItems = {} for i = 1, #depotItems do local data = depotItems[i] local newItem = Item.create(data[1]) if not newItem then break end newItem:setCount(data[2]) local marketData = newItem:getMarketData() if not table.empty(marketData) then local item = { ptr = newItem, marketData = marketData } table.insert(information.depotItems, item) end end end function Market.updateCurrentItems() -- get market category local id = getMarketCategoryId(categoryList:getCurrentOption().text) if id == MarketCategory.MetaWeapons then id = getMarketCategoryId(subCategoryList:getCurrentOption().text) end Market.loadMarketItems(id) end function Market.updateOffers(offers) marketOffers[MarketAction.Buy] = {} marketOffers[MarketAction.Sell] = {} if not buyOfferTable or not sellOfferTable then return end buyOfferTable:clearData() sellOfferTable:clearData() for k, offer in pairs(offers) do if offer and offer:getAction() == MarketAction.Buy then local data = { {['text'] = offer:getPlayer(), ['width'] = 100}, {['text'] = offer:getAmount(), ['width'] = 60}, {['text'] = offer:getPrice()*offer:getAmount(), ['width'] = 90}, {['text'] = offer:getPrice(), ['width'] = 80}, {['text'] = offer:getTimeStamp(), ['width'] = 120} } buyOfferTable:addRow(data) table.insert(marketOffers[MarketAction.Buy], offer) else local data = { {['text'] = offer:getPlayer(), ['width'] = 100}, {['text'] = offer:getAmount(), ['width'] = 60}, {['text'] = offer:getPrice()*offer:getAmount(), ['width'] = 90}, {['text'] = offer:getPrice(), ['width'] = 80}, {['text'] = offer:getTimeStamp(), ['width'] = 120} } sellOfferTable:addRow(data) table.insert(marketOffers[MarketAction.Sell], offer) end end end function Market.updateDetails(itemId, descriptions, purchaseStats, saleStats) if not selectedItem then return end selectedItem.item.details = { descriptions = descriptions, purchaseStats = purchaseStats, saleStats = saleStats } -- update item details detailsTable:clearData() for k, desc in pairs(descriptions) do local columns = { {['text'] = getMarketDescriptionName(desc[1])..':'}, {['text'] = desc[2], ['width'] = 330} } detailsTable:addRow(columns) end -- update sale item statistics sellStatsTable:clearData() if table.empty(saleStats) then sellStatsTable:addRow({{['text'] = 'No information'}}) else for k, stat in pairs(saleStats) do if not table.empty(stat) then sellStatsTable:addRow({{['text'] = 'Total Transations:'}, {['text'] = stat[1], ['width'] = 270}}) sellStatsTable:addRow({{['text'] = 'Highest Price:'}, {['text'] = stat[3], ['width'] = 270}}) sellStatsTable:addRow({{['text'] = 'Average Price:'}, {['text'] = math.floor(stat[2]/stat[1])}}) sellStatsTable:addRow({{['text'] = 'Lowest Price:'}, {['text'] = stat[4], ['width'] = 270}}) end end end -- update buy item statistics buyStatsTable:clearData() if table.empty(purchaseStats) then buyStatsTable:addRow({{['text'] = 'No information'}}) else for k, stat in pairs(purchaseStats) do if not table.empty(stat) then buyStatsTable:addRow({{['text'] = 'Total Transations:'}, {['text'] = stat[1], ['width'] = 270}}) buyStatsTable:addRow({{['text'] = 'Highest Price:'}, {['text'] = stat[3], ['width'] = 270}}) buyStatsTable:addRow({{['text'] = 'Average Price:'}, {['text'] = math.floor(stat[2]/stat[1]), ['width'] = 270}}) buyStatsTable:addRow({{['text'] = 'Lowest Price:'}, {['text'] = stat[4], ['width'] = 270}}) end end end end function Market.updateSelectedItem(newItem) selectedItem.item = newItem if selectedItem and not table.empty(selectedItem.item) then if selectedItem.item.ptr then selectedItem:setItem(selectedItem.item.ptr) nameLabel:setText( MarketProtocol.sendMarketBrowse(selectedItem.item.ptr:getId()) -- send browsed msg end else selectedItem:setItem(nil) nameLabel:setText(tr('No item selected.')) end end function Market.onMarketEnter(depotItems, offers, balance, vocation) if marketWindow:isVisible() then return end marketOffers[MarketAction.Buy] = {} marketOffers[MarketAction.Sell] = {} --[[ TODO: * clear filters on enter * add market reset function ]] information.balance = balance information.totalOffers = offers if vocation < 0 then local player = g_game.getLocalPlayer() if player then information.vocation = player:getVocation() end else -- vocation must be compatible with < 950 information.vocation = vocation end if table.empty(currentItems) then Market.loadMarketItems(MarketCategory.First) end Market.loadDepotItems(depotItems) -- build offer table header if buyOfferTable and not buyOfferTable:hasHeader() then buyOfferTable:addHeaderRow(offerTableHeader) end if sellOfferTable and not sellOfferTable:hasHeader() then sellOfferTable:addHeaderRow(offerTableHeader) end local currentItem = radioItemSet:getSelectedWidget() if currentItem then -- Uncheck selected item, cannot make protocol calls to resend marketBrowsing clearSelectedItem() end marketWindow:lock() marketWindow:show() end function Market.onMarketLeave() marketWindow:hide() end function Market.onMarketDetail(itemId, descriptions, purchaseStats, saleStats) Market.updateDetails(itemId, descriptions, purchaseStats, saleStats) end function Market.onMarketBrowse(offers) Market.updateOffers(offers) end function Market.onItemBoxChecked(widget) if widget:isChecked() then Market.updateSelectedItem(widget.item) end end