vipWindow = nil vipButton = nil addVipWindow = nil function init() connect(g_game, { onGameEnd = clear, onAddVip = onAddVip, onVipStateChange = onVipStateChange }) g_keyboard.bindKeyDown('Ctrl+P', toggle) vipWindow = g_ui.loadUI('viplist.otui', modules.game_interface.getRightPanel()) vipWindow.onClose = onMiniWindowClose vipButton = TopMenu.addRightGameToggleButton('vipListButton', tr('VIP list') .. ' (Ctrl+P)', 'viplist.png', toggle) vipButton:setOn(true) refresh() end function terminate() g_keyboard.unbindKeyDown('Ctrl+P') disconnect(g_game, { onGameEnd = clear, onAddVip = onAddVip, onVipStateChange = onVipStateChange }) vipWindow:destroy() vipButton:destroy() end function refresh() clear() for id,vip in pairs(g_game.getVips()) do onAddVip(id, unpack(vip)) end end function clear() local vipList = vipWindow:getChildById('contentsPanel') vipList:destroyChildren() end function toggle() if vipButton:isOn() then vipWindow:close() vipButton:setOn(false) else vipWindow:open() vipButton:setOn(true) end end function onMiniWindowClose() vipButton:setOn(false) end function createAddWindow() addVipWindow = g_ui.displayUI('addvip.otui') end function destroyAddWindow() addVipWindow:destroy() addVipWindow = nil end function addVip() g_game.addVip(addVipWindow:getChildById('name'):getText()) destroyAddWindow() end function onAddVip(id, name, online) local vipList = vipWindow:getChildById('contentsPanel') local label = g_ui.createWidget('VipListLabel') label.onMousePress = onVipListLabelMousePress label:setId('vip' .. id) label:setText(name) if online then label:setColor('#00ff00') else label:setColor('#ff0000') end label.vipOnline = online label:setPhantom(false) connect(label, { onDoubleClick = function () g_game.openPrivateChannel(label:getText()) return true end } ) local nameLower = name:lower() local childrenCount = vipList:getChildCount() for i=1,childrenCount do local child = vipList:getChildByIndex(i) if online and not child.vipOnline then vipList:insertChild(i, label) return end if (not online and not child.vipOnline) or (online and child.vipOnline) then local childText = child:getText():lower() local length = math.min(childText:len(), nameLower:len()) for j=1,length do if nameLower:byte(j) < childText:byte(j) then vipList:insertChild(i, label) return elseif nameLower:byte(j) > childText:byte(j) then break end end end end vipList:insertChild(childrenCount+1, label) end function onVipStateChange(id, online) local vipList = vipWindow:getChildById('contentsPanel') local label = vipList:getChildById('vip' .. id) local text = label:getText() label:destroy() onAddVip(id, text, online) end function onVipListMousePress(widget, mousePos, mouseButton) if mouseButton ~= MouseRightButton then return end local vipList = vipWindow:getChildById('contentsPanel') local menu = g_ui.createWidget('PopupMenu') menu:addOption(tr('Add new VIP'), function() createAddWindow() end) menu:display(mousePos) return true end function onVipListLabelMousePress(widget, mousePos, mouseButton) if mouseButton ~= MouseRightButton then return end local vipList = vipWindow:getChildById('contentsPanel') local menu = g_ui.createWidget('PopupMenu') menu:addOption(tr('Add new VIP'), function() createAddWindow() end) menu:addOption(tr('Remove %s', widget:getText()), function() if widget then g_game.removeVip(widget:getId():sub(4)) vipList:removeChild(widget) end end) menu:addSeparator() menu:addOption(tr('Copy Name'), function() g_window.setClipboardText(widget:getText()) end) menu:display(mousePos) return true end