/* * Copyright (c) 2010-2016 OTClient * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN * THE SOFTWARE. */ #include "uianchorlayout.h" #include "uiwidget.h" UIWidgetPtr UIAnchor::getHookedWidget(const UIWidgetPtr& widget, const UIWidgetPtr& parentWidget) { // determine hooked widget UIWidgetPtr hookedWidget; if(parentWidget) { if(m_hookedWidgetId == "parent") hookedWidget = parentWidget; else if(m_hookedWidgetId == "next") hookedWidget = parentWidget->getChildAfter(widget); else if(m_hookedWidgetId == "prev") hookedWidget = parentWidget->getChildBefore(widget); else hookedWidget = parentWidget->getChildById(m_hookedWidgetId); } return hookedWidget; } int UIAnchor::getHookedPoint(const UIWidgetPtr& hookedWidget, const UIWidgetPtr& parentWidget) { // determine hooked widget edge point Rect hookedWidgetRect = hookedWidget->getRect(); if(hookedWidget == parentWidget) hookedWidgetRect = parentWidget->getPaddingRect(); int point = 0; switch(m_hookedEdge) { case Fw::AnchorLeft: point = hookedWidgetRect.left(); break; case Fw::AnchorRight: point = hookedWidgetRect.right(); break; case Fw::AnchorTop: point = hookedWidgetRect.top(); break; case Fw::AnchorBottom: point = hookedWidgetRect.bottom(); break; case Fw::AnchorHorizontalCenter: point = hookedWidgetRect.horizontalCenter(); break; case Fw::AnchorVerticalCenter: point = hookedWidgetRect.verticalCenter(); break; default: // must never happens assert(false); break; } if(hookedWidget == parentWidget) { switch(m_hookedEdge) { case Fw::AnchorLeft: case Fw::AnchorRight: case Fw::AnchorHorizontalCenter: point -= parentWidget->getVirtualOffset().x; break; case Fw::AnchorBottom: case Fw::AnchorTop: case Fw::AnchorVerticalCenter: point -= parentWidget->getVirtualOffset().y; break; default: break; } } return point; } void UIAnchorGroup::addAnchor(const UIAnchorPtr& anchor) { // duplicated anchors must be replaced for(UIAnchorPtr& other : m_anchors) { if(other->getAnchoredEdge() == anchor->getAnchoredEdge()) { other = anchor; return; } } m_anchors.push_back(anchor); } void UIAnchorLayout::addAnchor(const UIWidgetPtr& anchoredWidget, Fw::AnchorEdge anchoredEdge, const std::string& hookedWidgetId, Fw::AnchorEdge hookedEdge) { if(!anchoredWidget) return; assert(anchoredWidget != getParentWidget()); UIAnchorPtr anchor(new UIAnchor(anchoredEdge, hookedWidgetId, hookedEdge)); UIAnchorGroupPtr& anchorGroup = m_anchorsGroups[anchoredWidget]; if(!anchorGroup) anchorGroup = UIAnchorGroupPtr(new UIAnchorGroup); anchorGroup->addAnchor(anchor); // layout must be updated because a new anchor got in update(); } void UIAnchorLayout::removeAnchors(const UIWidgetPtr& anchoredWidget) { m_anchorsGroups.erase(anchoredWidget); update(); } bool UIAnchorLayout::hasAnchors(const UIWidgetPtr& anchoredWidget) { return m_anchorsGroups.find(anchoredWidget) != m_anchorsGroups.end(); } void UIAnchorLayout::centerIn(const UIWidgetPtr& anchoredWidget, const std::string& hookedWidgetId) { addAnchor(anchoredWidget, Fw::AnchorHorizontalCenter, hookedWidgetId, Fw::AnchorHorizontalCenter); addAnchor(anchoredWidget, Fw::AnchorVerticalCenter, hookedWidgetId, Fw::AnchorVerticalCenter); } void UIAnchorLayout::fill(const UIWidgetPtr& anchoredWidget, const std::string& hookedWidgetId) { addAnchor(anchoredWidget, Fw::AnchorLeft, hookedWidgetId, Fw::AnchorLeft); addAnchor(anchoredWidget, Fw::AnchorRight, hookedWidgetId, Fw::AnchorRight); addAnchor(anchoredWidget, Fw::AnchorTop, hookedWidgetId, Fw::AnchorTop); addAnchor(anchoredWidget, Fw::AnchorBottom, hookedWidgetId, Fw::AnchorBottom); } void UIAnchorLayout::addWidget(const UIWidgetPtr& widget) { update(); } void UIAnchorLayout::removeWidget(const UIWidgetPtr& widget) { removeAnchors(widget); } bool UIAnchorLayout::updateWidget(const UIWidgetPtr& widget, const UIAnchorGroupPtr& anchorGroup, UIWidgetPtr first) { UIWidgetPtr parentWidget = getParentWidget(); if(!parentWidget) return false; if(first == widget) { g_logger.error(stdext::format("child '%s' of parent widget '%s' is recursively anchored to itself, please fix this", widget->getId(), parentWidget->getId())); return false; } if(!first) first = widget; Rect newRect = widget->getRect(); bool verticalMoved = false; bool horizontalMoved = false; // calculates new rect based on anchors for(const UIAnchorPtr& anchor : anchorGroup->getAnchors()) { // skip invalid anchors if(anchor->getHookedEdge() == Fw::AnchorNone) continue; // determine hooked widget UIWidgetPtr hookedWidget = anchor->getHookedWidget(widget, parentWidget); // skip invalid anchors if(!hookedWidget) continue; if(hookedWidget != getParentWidget()) { // update this hooked widget anchors auto it = m_anchorsGroups.find(hookedWidget); if(it != m_anchorsGroups.end()) { const UIAnchorGroupPtr& hookedAnchorGroup = it->second; if(!hookedAnchorGroup->isUpdated()) updateWidget(hookedWidget, hookedAnchorGroup, first); } } int point = anchor->getHookedPoint(hookedWidget, parentWidget); switch(anchor->getAnchoredEdge()) { case Fw::AnchorHorizontalCenter: newRect.moveHorizontalCenter(point + widget->getMarginLeft() - widget->getMarginRight()); horizontalMoved = true; break; case Fw::AnchorLeft: if(!horizontalMoved) { newRect.moveLeft(point + widget->getMarginLeft()); horizontalMoved = true; } else newRect.setLeft(point + widget->getMarginLeft()); break; case Fw::AnchorRight: if(!horizontalMoved) { newRect.moveRight(point - widget->getMarginRight()); horizontalMoved = true; } else newRect.setRight(point - widget->getMarginRight()); break; case Fw::AnchorVerticalCenter: newRect.moveVerticalCenter(point + widget->getMarginTop() - widget->getMarginBottom()); verticalMoved = true; break; case Fw::AnchorTop: if(!verticalMoved) { newRect.moveTop(point + widget->getMarginTop()); verticalMoved = true; } else newRect.setTop(point + widget->getMarginTop()); break; case Fw::AnchorBottom: if(!verticalMoved) { newRect.moveBottom(point - widget->getMarginBottom()); verticalMoved = true; } else newRect.setBottom(point - widget->getMarginBottom()); break; default: break; } } bool changed = false; if(widget->setRect(newRect)) changed = true; anchorGroup->setUpdated(true); return changed; } bool UIAnchorLayout::internalUpdate() { bool changed = false; // reset all anchors groups update state for(auto& it : m_anchorsGroups) { const UIAnchorGroupPtr& anchorGroup = it.second; anchorGroup->setUpdated(false); } // update all anchors for(auto& it : m_anchorsGroups) { const UIWidgetPtr& widget = it.first; const UIAnchorGroupPtr& anchorGroup = it.second; if(!anchorGroup->isUpdated()) { if(updateWidget(widget, anchorGroup)) changed = true; } } return changed; }