CharacterList = { } -- private variables local charactersWindow local loadBox local characterList local errorBox local waitingWindow local updateWaitEvent local resendWaitEvent -- private functions local function tryLogin(charInfo, tries) tries = tries or 1 if tries > 4 then CharacterList.destroyLoadBox() displayErrorBox(tr('Error'), tr('Unable to logout.')) return end if g_game.isOnline() then g_game.safeLogout() if tries == 1 then loadBox = displayCancelBox(tr('Please wait'), tr('Loggin out...')) end scheduleEvent(function() tryLogin(charInfo, tries+1) end, 250) return end CharacterList.destroyLoadBox() g_game.loginWorld(G.account, G.password, charInfo.worldName, charInfo.worldHost, charInfo.worldPort, charInfo.characterName) loadBox = displayCancelBox(tr('Please wait'), tr('Connecting to game server...')) connect(loadBox, { onCancel = function() loadBox = nil g_game.cancelLogin() end }) -- save last used character Settings.set('lastUsedCharacter', charInfo.characterName) end local function updateWait(timeStart, timeEnd) if waitingWindow then local time = g_clock.seconds() if time <= timeEnd then local percent = ((time - timeStart) / (timeEnd - timeStart)) * 100 local timeStr = string.format("%.0f", timeEnd - time) local progressBar = waitingWindow:getChildById('progressBar') progressBar:setPercent(percent) local label = waitingWindow:getChildById('timeLabel') label:setText('Trying to reconnect in ' .. timeStr .. ' seconds.') updateWaitEvent = scheduleEvent(function() updateWait(timeStart, timeEnd) end, 1000 * progressBar:getPercentPixels() / 100 * (timeEnd - timeStart)) return true end end if updateWaitEvent then updateWaitEvent:cancel() updateWaitEvent = nil end end local function resendWait() if waitingWindow then waitingWindow:destroy() waitingWindow = nil if updateWaitEvent then updateWaitEvent:cancel() updateWaitEvent = nil end if charactersWindow then local selected = charactersWindow:getChildById('characterList'):getFocusedChild() if selected then local charInfo = { worldHost = selected.worldHost, worldPort = selected.worldPort, characterName = selected.characterName } tryLogin(charInfo) end end end end local function onLoginWait(message, time) CharacterList.destroyLoadBox() waitingWindow = displayUI('waitinglist.otui') local label = waitingWindow:getChildById('infoLabel') label:setText(message) updateWaitEvent = scheduleEvent(function() updateWait(g_clock.seconds(), g_clock.seconds() + time) end, 0) resendWaitEvent = scheduleEvent(resendWait, time * 1000) end local function onCharactersWindowKeyPress(self, keyCode, keyboardModifiers) if keyboardModifiers == KeyboardNoModifier then if keyCode == KeyUp then characterList:focusPreviousChild(KeyboardFocusReason) return true elseif keyCode == KeyDown or keyCode == KeyTab then characterList:focusNextChild(KeyboardFocusReason) return true end end return false end function onGameLoginError(message) CharacterList.destroyLoadBox() errorBox = displayErrorBox(tr("Login Error"), message) errorBox.onOk = function() errorBox = nil CharacterList.showAgain() end end function onGameConnectionError(message) CharacterList.destroyLoadBox() errorBox = displayErrorBox(tr("Login Error"), message) errorBox.onOk = function() errorBox = nil CharacterList.showAgain() end end -- public functions function CharacterList.init() charactersWindow = displayUI('characterlist.otui') charactersWindow:hide() characterList = charactersWindow:getChildById('characterList') charactersWindow.onKeyPress = onCharactersWindowKeyPress connect(g_game, { onLoginError = onGameLoginError }) connect(g_game, { onConnectionError = onGameConnectionError }) connect(g_game, { onGameStart = CharacterList.destroyLoadBox }) connect(g_game, { onLoginWait = onLoginWait }) connect(g_game, { onGameEnd = CharacterList.showAgain }) if G.characters then CharacterList.create(G.characters, G.premDays) end end function CharacterList.terminate() disconnect(g_game, { onLoginError = onGameLoginError }) disconnect(g_game, { onConnectionError = onGameConnectionError }) disconnect(g_game, { onGameStart = CharacterList.destroyLoadBox }) disconnect(g_game, { onLoginWait = onLoginWait }) disconnect(g_game, { onGameEnd = CharacterList.showAgain }) characterList = nil charactersWindow:destroy() charactersWindow = nil if loadBox then g_game.cancelLogin() loadBox:destroy() loadBox = nil end if waitingWindow then waitingWindow:destroy() waitingWindow = nil end if updateWaitEvent then updateWaitEvent:cancel() updateWaitEvent = nil end if resendWaitEvent then resendWaitEvent:cancel() resendWaitEvent = nil end CharacterList = nil end function CharacterList.create(characters, premDays) G.characters = characters G.premDays = premDays characterList:destroyChildren() local accountStatusLabel = charactersWindow:getChildById('accountStatusLabel') local focusLabel for i,characterInfo in ipairs(characters) do local characterName = characterInfo[1] local worldName = characterInfo[2] local worldHost = characterInfo[3] local worldIp = characterInfo[4] local label = createWidget('CharacterListLabel', characterList) label:setText(characterName .. ' (' .. worldName .. ')') label:setPhantom(false) label.characterName = characterName label.worldHost = worldHost label.worldPort = worldIp connect(label, { onDoubleClick = function () CharacterList.doLogin() return true end } ) if i == 1 or Settings.get('lastUsedCharacter') == characterName then focusLabel = label end end characterList:focusChild(focusLabel, ActiveFocusReason) if premDays > 0 then accountStatusLabel:setText(tr("Account Status:\nPremium Account (%s) days left", premDays)) end end function CharacterList.hide() charactersWindow:hide() end function CharacterList.destroy() CharacterList.hide() if not g_game.isOnline() then end end function if not loadBox and not errorBox then charactersWindow:show() charactersWindow:raise() charactersWindow:focus() end end function CharacterList.showAgain() if characterList:hasChildren() then end end function CharacterList.isVisible() if charactersWindow and charactersWindow:isVisible() then return true end return false end function CharacterList.doLogin() local selected = charactersWindow:getChildById('characterList'):getFocusedChild() if selected then local charInfo = { worldHost = selected.worldHost, worldPort = selected.worldPort, characterName = selected.characterName } CharacterList.hide() tryLogin(charInfo) else displayErrorBox(tr('Error'), tr('You must select a character to login!')) end end function CharacterList.destroyLoadBox() if loadBox then loadBox:destroy() loadBox = nil end end function CharacterList.cancelWait() if waitingWindow then waitingWindow:destroy() waitingWindow = nil end if updateWaitEvent then updateWaitEvent:cancel() updateWaitEvent = nil end if resendWaitEvent then resendWaitEvent:cancel() resendWaitEvent = nil end CharacterList.destroyLoadBox() CharacterList.showAgain() end