function UIMinimap:onSetup() self.flagWindow = nil self.floorUpWidget = self:getChildById('floorUp') self.floorDownWidget = self:getChildById('floorDown') self.zoomInWidget = self:getChildById('zoomIn') self.zoomOutWidget = self:getChildById('zoomOut') self.flags = {} self.alternatives = {} self.autowalk = true self.onAddAutomapFlag = function(pos, icon, description) self:addFlag(pos, icon, description) end self.onRemoveAutomapFlag = function(pos, icon, description) self:removeFlag(pos, icon, description) end connect(g_game, { onAddAutomapFlag = self.onAddAutomapFlag, onRemoveAutomapFlag = self.onRemoveAutomapFlag, }) end function UIMinimap:onDestroy() for _,widget in pairs(self.alternatives) do widget:destroy() end self.alternatives = {} disconnect(g_game, { onAddAutomapFlag = self.onAddAutomapFlag, onRemoveAutomapFlag = self.onRemoveAutomapFlag, }) self:destroyFlagWindow() self.flags = {} end function UIMinimap:onVisibilityChange() if not self:isVisible() then self:destroyFlagWindow() end end function UIMinimap:hideFloor() self.floorUpWidget:hide() self.floorDownWidget:hide() end function UIMinimap:hideZoom() self.zoomInWidget:hide() self.zoomOutWidget:hide() end function UIMinimap:disableAutoWalk() self.autowalk = false end function UIMinimap:load() local settings = g_settings.getNode('Minimap') if settings then if settings.flags then for _,flag in pairs(settings.flags) do self:addFlag(flag.position, flag.icon, flag.description) end end self:setZoom(settings.zoom) end end function UIMinimap:save() local settings = { flags={} } for _,flag in pairs(self.flags) do table.insert(settings.flags, { position = flag.pos, icon = flag.icon, description = flag.description, }) end settings.zoom = self:getZoom() g_settings.setNode('Minimap', settings) end local function onFlagMouseRelease(widget, pos, button) if button == MouseRightButton then local menu = g_ui.createWidget('PopupMenu') menu:addOption(tr('Delete mark'), function() widget:destroy() end) menu:display(pos) return true end return false end function UIMinimap:setCrossPosition(pos) local cross = self.cross if not self.cross then cross = g_ui.createWidget('MinimapCross', self) cross:setIcon('/images/game/minimap/cross') self.cross = cross end cross.pos = pos if pos then self:centerInPosition(cross, pos) else cross:breakAnchors() end end function UIMinimap:addFlag(pos, icon, description) if not pos or not icon then return end local flag = self:getFlag(pos, icon, description) if flag or not icon then return end flag = g_ui.createWidget('MinimapFlag', self) flag.pos = pos flag.description = description flag.icon = icon flag:setIcon('/images/game/minimap/flag' .. icon) flag:setTooltip(description) flag.onMouseRelease = onFlagMouseRelease flag.onDestroy = function() table.removevalue(self.flags, flag) end table.insert(self.flags, flag) self:centerInPosition(flag, pos) end function UIMinimap:addAlternativeWidget(widget, pos, maxZoom) widget.pos = pos widget.maxZoom = maxZoom or 0 widget.minZoom = minZoom table.insert(self.alternatives, widget) end function UIMinimap:setAlternativeWidgetsVisible(show) local layout = self:getLayout() layout:disableUpdates() for _,widget in pairs(self.alternatives) do if show then self:addChild(widget) self:centerInPosition(widget, widget.pos) else self:removeChild(widget) end end layout:enableUpdates() layout:update() end function UIMinimap:onZoomChange(zoom) for _,widget in pairs(self.alternatives) do if (not widget.minZoom or widget.minZoom >= zoom) and widget.maxZoom <= zoom then widget:show() else widget:hide() end end end function UIMinimap:getFlag(pos) for _,flag in pairs(self.flags) do if flag.pos.x == pos.x and flag.pos.y == pos.y and flag.pos.z == pos.z then return flag end end return nil end function UIMinimap:removeFlag(pos, icon, description) local flag = self:getFlag(pos) if flag then flag:destroy() end end function UIMinimap:reset() self:setZoom(0) if self.cross then self:setCameraPosition(self.cross.pos) end end function UIMinimap:move(x, y) local cameraPos = self:getCameraPosition() local scale = self:getScale() if scale > 1 then scale = 1 end local dx = x/scale local dy = y/scale local pos = {x = cameraPos.x - dx, y = cameraPos.y - dy, z = cameraPos.z} self:setCameraPosition(pos) end function UIMinimap:onMouseWheel(mousePos, direction) local keyboardModifiers = g_keyboard.getModifiers() if direction == MouseWheelUp and keyboardModifiers == KeyboardNoModifier then self:zoomIn() elseif direction == MouseWheelDown and keyboardModifiers == KeyboardNoModifier then self:zoomOut() elseif direction == MouseWheelDown and keyboardModifiers == KeyboardCtrlModifier then self:floorUp(1) elseif direction == MouseWheelUp and keyboardModifiers == KeyboardCtrlModifier then self:floorDown(1) end end function UIMinimap:onMousePress(pos, button) if not self:isDragging() then self.allowNextRelease = true end end function UIMinimap:onMouseRelease(pos, button) if not self.allowNextRelease then return true end self.allowNextRelease = false local mapPos = self:getTilePosition(pos) if not mapPos then return end if button == MouseLeftButton then local player = g_game.getLocalPlayer() if self.autowalk then player:autoWalk(mapPos) end return true elseif button == MouseRightButton then local menu = g_ui.createWidget('PopupMenu') menu:addOption(tr('Create mark'), function() self:createFlagWindow(mapPos) end) menu:display(pos) return true end return false end function UIMinimap:onDragEnter(pos) self.dragReference = pos self.dragCameraReference = self:getCameraPosition() return true end function UIMinimap:onDragMove(pos, moved) local scale = self:getScale() local dx = (self.dragReference.x - pos.x)/scale local dy = (self.dragReference.y - pos.y)/scale local pos = {x = self.dragCameraReference.x + dx, y = self.dragCameraReference.y + dy, z = self.dragCameraReference.z} self:setCameraPosition(pos) return true end function UIMinimap:onDragLeave(widget, pos) return true end function UIMinimap:createFlagWindow(pos) if self.flagWindow then return end if not pos then return end self.flagWindow = g_ui.createWidget('MinimapFlagWindow', rootWidget) local positionLabel = self.flagWindow:getChildById('position') local description = self.flagWindow:getChildById('description') local okButton = self.flagWindow:getChildById('okButton') local cancelButton = self.flagWindow:getChildById('cancelButton') positionLabel:setText(string.format('%i, %i, %i', pos.x, pos.y, pos.z)) local flagRadioGroup = UIRadioGroup.create() for i=0,19 do local checkbox = self.flagWindow:getChildById('flag' .. i) checkbox.icon = i flagRadioGroup:addWidget(checkbox) end flagRadioGroup:selectWidget(flagRadioGroup:getFirstWidget()) okButton.onClick = function() self:addFlag(pos, flagRadioGroup:getSelectedWidget().icon, description:getText()) self:destroyFlagWindow() end cancelButton.onClick = function() self:destroyFlagWindow() end self.flagWindow.onDestroy = function() flagRadioGroup:destroy() end end function UIMinimap:destroyFlagWindow() if self.flagWindow then self.flagWindow:destroy() self.flagWindow = nil end end