Console = {} -- private variables local SpeakTypesSettings = { say = { speakType = SpeakSay, color = '#FFFF00' }, whisper = { speakType = SpeakWhisper, color = '#FFFF00' }, yell = { speakType = SpeakYell, color = '#FFFF00' }, broadcast = { speakType = SpeakBroadcast, color = '#F55E5E' }, private = { speakType = SpeakPrivate, color = '#5FF7F7', private = true }, privateRed = { speakType = SpeakPrivateRed, color = '#F55E5E', private = true }, privatePlayerToPlayer = { speakType = SpeakPrivate, color = '#9F9DFD', private = true }, privatePlayerToNpc = { speakType = SpeakPrivatePlayerToNpc, color = '#9F9DFD', private = true, npcChat = true }, privateNpcToPlayer = { speakType = SpeakPrivateNpcToPlayer, color = '#5FF7F7', private = true, npcChat = true }, channelYellow = { speakType = SpeakChannelYellow, color = '#FFFF00' }, channelWhite = { speakType = SpeakChannelWhite, color = '#FFFFFF' }, channelRed = { speakType = SpeakChannelRed, color = '#F55E5E' }, channelOrange = { speakType = SpeakChannelOrange, color = '#FE6500' }, monsterSay = { speakType = SpeakMonsterSay, color = '#FE6500', hideInConsole = true}, monsterYell = { speakType = SpeakMonsterYell, color = '#FE6500', hideInConsole = true}, } local SpeakTypes = { [SpeakSay] = SpeakTypesSettings.say, [SpeakWhisper] = SpeakTypesSettings.whisper, [SpeakYell] = SpeakTypesSettings.yell, [SpeakBroadcast] = SpeakTypesSettings.broadcast, [SpeakPrivate] = SpeakTypesSettings.private, [SpeakPrivateRed] = SpeakTypesSettings.privateRed, [SpeakPrivatePlayerToNpc] = SpeakTypesSettings.privatePlayerToNpc, [SpeakPrivateNpcToPlayer] = SpeakTypesSettings.privateNpcToPlayer, [SpeakChannelYellow] = SpeakTypesSettings.channelYellow, [SpeakChannelWhite] = SpeakTypesSettings.channelWhite, [SpeakChannelRed] = SpeakTypesSettings.channelRed, [SpeakChannelOrange] = SpeakTypesSettings.channelOrange, [SpeakMonsterSay] = SpeakTypesSettings.monsterSay, [SpeakMonsterYell] = SpeakTypesSettings.monsterYell, } local SayModes = { [1] = { speakTypeDesc = 'whisper', icon = 'icons/whisper.png' }, [2] = { speakTypeDesc = 'say', icon = 'icons/say.png' }, [3] = { speakTypeDesc = 'yell', icon = 'icons/yell.png' } } local MAX_HISTORY = 1000 local MAX_LINES = 100 local HELP_CHANNEL = 9 local consolePanel local consoleContentPanel local consoleTabBar local consoleTextEdit local channels local channelsWindow local ownPrivateName local messageHistory = {} local currentMessageIndex = 0 local ignoreNpcMessages = false -- private functions local function navigateMessageHistory(step) local numCommands = #messageHistory if numCommands > 0 then currentMessageIndex = math.min(math.max(currentMessageIndex + step, 0), numCommands) if currentMessageIndex > 0 then local command = messageHistory[numCommands - currentMessageIndex + 1] consoleTextEdit:setText(command) else consoleTextEdit:clearText() end end end function applyMessagePrefixies(name, level, message) if name then if Options.getOption('showLevelsInConsole') and level > 0 then message = name .. ' [' .. level .. ']: ' .. message else message = name .. ': ' .. message end end return message end -- hooked events local function onCreatureSpeak(name, level, speaktype, message, channelId, creaturePos) if ignoreNpcMessages and speaktype == SpeakPrivateNpcToPlayer then return end local defaultMessage = speaktype < 3 and true or false speaktype = SpeakTypes[speaktype] if speaktype.hideInConsole then return end local composedMessage = applyMessagePrefixies(name, level, message) if speaktype.private then Console.addPrivateText(composedMessage, speaktype, name, false, name) if Options.getOption('showPrivateMessagesOnScreen') then if(speaktype.speakType ~= SpeakPrivateNpcToPlayer) then TextMessage.displayPrivate(name .. ':\n' .. message) end end else local channel = tr('Default') if not defaultMessage then channel = channels[channelId] end if channel then Console.addText(composedMessage, speaktype, channel, name) elseif channelId ~= 0 then -- server sent a message on a channel that is not open pwarning('message in channel id ' .. channelId .. ' which is unknown, this is a server bug, relogin if you want to see messages in this channel') end end end local function onOpenChannel(channelId, channelName) Console.addChannel(channelName, channelId) end local function onOpenPrivateChannel(receiver) Console.addPrivateChannel(receiver) end local function onOpenOwnPrivateChannel(channelId, channelName) local privateTab = Console.getTab(channelName) if privateTab == nil then Console.addChannel(channelName, channelId) end ownPrivateName = channelName end local function onCloseChannel(channelId) local channel = channels[channelId] if channel then local tab = Console.getTab(channel) if tab then consoleTabBar:removeTab(tab) end for k, v in pairs(channels) do if (k == tab.channelId) then channels[k] = nil end end end end local function doChannelListSubmit() local channelListPanel = channelsWindow:getChildById('channelList') local openPrivateChannelWith = channelsWindow:getChildById('openPrivateChannelWith'):getText() if openPrivateChannelWith ~= '' then g_game.openPrivateChannel(openPrivateChannelWith) else local selectedChannelLabel = channelListPanel:getFocusedChild() if not selectedChannelLabel then return end if selectedChannelLabel.channelId == 0xFFFF then g_game.openOwnChannel() else g_game.joinChannel(selectedChannelLabel.channelId) end end channelsWindow:destroy() end local function onChannelList(channelList) if channelsWindow then channelsWindow:destroy() end channelsWindow = g_ui.displayUI('channelswindow.otui') local channelListPanel = channelsWindow:getChildById('channelList') channelsWindow.onEnter = doChannelListSubmit channelsWindow.onDestroy = function() channelsWindow = nil end g_keyboard.bindKeyPress('Down', function() channelListPanel:focusNextChild(KeyboardFocusReason) end, channelsWindow) g_keyboard.bindKeyPress('Up', function() channelListPanel:focusPreviousChild(KeyboardFocusReason) end, channelsWindow) for k,v in pairs(channelList) do local channelId = v[1] local channelName = v[2] if #channelName > 0 then local label = g_ui.createWidget('ChannelListLabel', channelListPanel) label.channelId = channelId label:setText(channelName) label:setPhantom(false) label.onDoubleClick = doChannelListSubmit end end end local function onGameStart() local tab = Console.getTab(tr('Default')) if tab then addEvent(function() consoleTabBar:selectTab(tab) end, false) end for _, channelId in ipairs(g_settings.getList('last-channels')) do g_game.joinChannel(channelId) end end -- public functions function Console.init() connect(g_game, { onCreatureSpeak = onCreatureSpeak, onChannelList = onChannelList, onOpenChannel = onOpenChannel, onOpenPrivateChannel = onOpenPrivateChannel, onOpenOwnPrivateChannel = onOpenOwnPrivateChannel, onCloseChannel = onCloseChannel, onGameStart = onGameStart, onGameEnd = Console.clear }) consolePanel = g_ui.loadUI('console.otui', GameInterface.getBottomPanel()) consoleTextEdit = consolePanel:getChildById('consoleTextEdit') consoleContentPanel = consolePanel:getChildById('consoleContentPanel') consoleTabBar = consolePanel:getChildById('consoleTabBar') consoleTabBar:setContentWidget(consoleContentPanel) channels = {} Console.addTab(tr('Default'), true) Console.addTab(tr('Server Log'), false) g_keyboard.bindKeyPress('Shift+Up', function() navigateMessageHistory(1) end, consolePanel) g_keyboard.bindKeyPress('Shift+Down', function() navigateMessageHistory(-1) end, consolePanel) g_keyboard.bindKeyPress('Tab', function() consoleTabBar:selectNextTab() end, consolePanel) g_keyboard.bindKeyPress('Shift+Tab', function() consoleTabBar:selectPrevTab() end, consolePanel) g_keyboard.bindKeyDown('Enter', Console.sendCurrentMessage, consolePanel) g_keyboard.bindKeyPress('Ctrl+A', function() consoleTextEdit:clearText() end, consolePanel) -- apply buttom functions after loaded consolePanel:getChildById('nextChannelButton').onClick = function() consoleTabBar:selectNextTab() end consolePanel:getChildById('prevChannelButton').onClick = function() consoleTabBar:selectPrevTab() end consoleTabBar.onTabChange = Console.onTabChange -- tibia like hotkeys g_keyboard.bindKeyDown('Ctrl+O', g_game.requestChannels) g_keyboard.bindKeyDown('Ctrl+E', Console.removeCurrentTab) g_keyboard.bindKeyDown('Ctrl+H', Console.openHelp) end function Console.terminate() disconnect(g_game, { onCreatureSpeak = onCreatureSpeak, onChannelList = onChannelList, onOpenChannel = onOpenChannel, onOpenPrivateChannel = onOpenPrivateChannel, onOpenOwnPrivateChannel = onOpenPrivateChannel, onCloseChannel = onCloseChannel, onGameStart = onGameStart, onGameEnd = Console.clear }) for channelid, channelname in pairs(channels) do if tonumber(channelid) and tonumber(channelid) ~= 0 then g_game.leaveChannel(channelid) end end channels = {} g_keyboard.unbindKeyDown('Ctrl+O') g_keyboard.unbindKeyDown('Ctrl+E') g_keyboard.unbindKeyDown('Ctrl+H') if channelsWindow then channelsWindow:destroy() channelsWindow = nil end consolePanel:destroy() consolePanel = nil consoleTextEdit = nil consoleContentPanel = nil consoleTabBar = nil ownPrivateName = nil Console = nil end function Console.clear() local lastChannels = {} for channelid, channelname in pairs(channels) do table.insert(lastChannels, channelid) local tab = consoleTabBar:getTab(channelname) consoleTabBar:removeTab(tab) end g_settings.setList('last-channels', lastChannels) channels = {} consoleTabBar:getTab(tr('Default')).tabPanel:getChildById('consoleBuffer'):destroyChildren() consoleTabBar:getTab(tr('Server Log')).tabPanel:getChildById('consoleBuffer'):destroyChildren() local npcTab = consoleTabBar:getTab('NPCs') if npcTab then consoleTabBar:removeTab(npcTab) end consoleTextEdit:clearText() if channelsWindow then channelsWindow:destroy() channelsWindow = nil end end function Console.setTextEditText(text) consoleTextEdit:setText(text) end function Console.openHelp() g_game.joinChannel(HELP_CHANNEL) end function Console.addTab(name, focus) local tab = Console.getTab(name) if(tab) then -- is channel already open if(not focus) then focus = true end else tab = consoleTabBar:addTab(name) end if focus then consoleTabBar:selectTab(tab) elseif name ~= tr('Server Log') then consoleTabBar:blinkTab(tab) end return tab end function Console.onTabChange(tabBar, tab) if tab:getText() == tr('Default') or tab:getText() == tr('Server Log') then consolePanel:getChildById('closeChannelButton'):disable() else consolePanel:getChildById('closeChannelButton'):enable() end end function Console.removeCurrentTab() local tab = consoleTabBar:getCurrentTab() if tab:getText() == tr('Default') or tab:getText() == tr('Server Log') then return end -- notificate the server that we are leaving the channel if tab.channelId then for k, v in pairs(channels) do if (k == tab.channelId) then channels[k] = nil end end g_game.leaveChannel(tab.channelId) elseif tab:getText() == "NPCs" then g_game.closeNpcChannel() end consoleTabBar:removeTab(tab) end function Console.getTab(name) return consoleTabBar:getTab(name) end function Console.getCurrentTab() return consoleTabBar:getCurrentTab() end function Console.addChannel(name, id) channels[id] = name local tab = Console.addTab(name, true) tab.channelId = id return tab end function Console.addPrivateChannel(receiver) channels[receiver] = receiver return Console.addTab(receiver, true) end function Console.addPrivateText(text, speaktype, name, isPrivateCommand, creatureName) local focus = false if speaktype.speakType == SpeakPrivateNpcToPlayer then name = 'NPCs' focus = true end local privateTab = Console.getTab(name) if privateTab == nil then if (Options.getOption('showPrivateMessagesInConsole') and not focus) or (isPrivateCommand and not privateTab) then privateTab = Console.getTab(tr('Default')) else privateTab = Console.addTab(name, focus) channels[name] = name end privateTab.npcChat = speaktype.npcChat elseif focus then consoleTabBar:selectTab(privateTab) end Console.addTabText(text, speaktype, privateTab, creatureName) end function Console.addText(text, speaktype, tabName, creatureName) local tab = Console.getTab(tabName) if tab ~= nil then Console.addTabText(text, speaktype, tab, creatureName) end end function Console.addTabText(text, speaktype, tab, creatureName) if Options.getOption('showTimestampsInConsole') then text ='%H:%M') .. ' ' .. text end local panel = consoleTabBar:getTabPanel(tab) local consoleBuffer = panel:getChildById('consoleBuffer') local label = g_ui.createWidget('ConsoleLabel', consoleBuffer) label:setId('consoleLabel' .. panel:getChildCount()) label:setText(text) label:setColor(speaktype.color) consoleTabBar:blinkTab(tab) label.onMouseRelease = function (self, mousePos, mouseButton) Console.popupMenu(mousePos, mouseButton, creatureName, text) end if consoleBuffer:getChildCount() > MAX_LINES then consoleBuffer:getFirstChild():destroy() end end function Console.popupMenu(mousePos, mouseButton, creatureName, text) if mouseButton == MouseRightButton then local menu = g_ui.createWidget('PopupMenu') if creatureName then if creatureName ~= g_game.getCharacterName() then menu:addOption(tr('Message to ' .. creatureName), function () g_game.openPrivateChannel(creatureName) end) if (not Player:hasVip(creatureName)) then menu:addOption(tr('Add to VIP list'), function () g_game.addVip(creatureName) end) end -- TODO ignore creatureName menu:addSeparator() end --TODO select all menu:addOption(tr('Copy message'), function () g_window.setClipboardText(text) end) if RuleViolation.hasWindowAccess() then menu:addSeparator() menu:addOption(tr('Rule Violation'), function(), text:match('.+%:%s(.+)')) end) end menu:addSeparator() menu:addOption(tr('Copy name'), function () g_window.setClipboardText(creatureName) end) else --TODO select all menu:addOption(tr('Copy message'), function () g_window.setClipboardText(text) end) end menu:display(mousePos) end end function Console.sendCurrentMessage() local message = consoleTextEdit:getText() if #message == 0 then return end consoleTextEdit:clearText() -- get current channel local tab = Console.getCurrentTab() -- handling chat commands local originalMessage = message local chatCommandSayMode local chatCommandPrivate local chatCommandPrivateReady local chatCommandMessage = message:match("^%#y (.*)") if chatCommandMessage ~= nil then chatCommandSayMode = 'yell' end -- player used yell command message = chatCommandMessage or message local chatCommandMessage = message:match("^%#w (.*)") if chatCommandMessage ~= nil then chatCommandSayMode = 'whisper' end -- player used whisper message = chatCommandMessage or message local findIni, findEnd, chatCommandInitial, chatCommandPrivate, chatCommandEnd, chatCommandMessage = message:find("([%*%@])(.+)([%*%@])(.*)") if findIni ~= nil and findIni == 1 then -- player used private chat command if chatCommandInitial == chatCommandEnd then chatCommandPrivateRepeat = false if chatCommandInitial == "*" then consoleTextEdit:setText('*'.. chatCommandPrivate .. '* ') end message = chatCommandMessage:trim() chatCommandPrivateReady = true end end message = message:gsub("^(%s*)(.*)","%2") -- remove space characters from message init if #message == 0 then return end -- add new command to history currentMessageIndex = 0 if #messageHistory == 0 or messageHistory[#messageHistory] ~= originalMessage then table.insert(messageHistory, originalMessage) if #messageHistory > MAX_HISTORY then table.remove(messageHistory, 1) end end -- when talking on server log, the message goes to default channel local name = tab:getText() if name == tr('Server Log') then tab = Console.getTab(tr('Default')) name = tr('Default') end local speaktypedesc if (tab.channelId or name == tr('Default')) and not chatCommandPrivateReady then if name == tr('Default') then speaktypedesc = chatCommandSayMode or SayModes[consolePanel:getChildById('sayModeButton').sayMode].speakTypeDesc if speaktypedesc ~= 'say' then Console.sayModeChange(2) end -- head back to say mode else speaktypedesc = 'channelYellow' end g_game.talkChannel(SpeakTypesSettings[speaktypedesc].speakType, tab.channelId, message) return else local isPrivateCommand = false if chatCommandPrivateReady then speaktypedesc = 'privatePlayerToPlayer' name = chatCommandPrivate isPrivateCommand = true elseif tab.npcChat then speaktypedesc = 'privatePlayerToNpc' else speaktypedesc = 'privatePlayerToPlayer' end local speaktype = SpeakTypesSettings[speaktypedesc] local player = g_game.getLocalPlayer() g_game.talkPrivate(speaktype.speakType, name, message) message = applyMessagePrefixies(player:getName(), player:getLevel(), message) Console.addPrivateText(message, speaktype, name, isPrivateCommand, g_game.getCharacterName()) end end function Console.sayModeChange(sayMode) local buttom = consolePanel:getChildById('sayModeButton') if sayMode == nil then sayMode = buttom.sayMode + 1 end if sayMode > #SayModes then sayMode = 1 end buttom:setIcon(SayModes[sayMode].icon) buttom.sayMode = sayMode end function Console.getOwnPrivateTab() if not ownPrivateName then return end return Console.getTab(ownPrivateName) end function Console.ignoreNpcMessages(ignore) ignoreNpcMessages = ignore end