NPCTrade = {} -- private variables local BUY = 1 local SELL = 2 local CURRENCY = 'gold' local WEIGHT_UNIT = 'oz' local LAST_INVENTORY = 10 local npcWindow local itemsPanel local radioTabs local radioItems local searchText local setupPanel local quantity local quantityScroll local nameLabel local priceLabel local moneyLabel local weightLabel local capacityLabel local tradeButton local buyTab local sellTab local showCapacity = true local buyWithBackpack local ignoreCapacity local ignoreEquipped local showAllItems local playerFreeCapacity local playerMoney local tradeItems = {} local playerItems local selectedItem -- private functions local function clearSelectedItem() nameLabel:clearText() weightLabel:clearText() priceLabel:clearText() quantityLabel:clearText() tradeButton:disable() quantityScroll:setMaximum(1) if selectedItem then radioItems:selectWidget(nil) selectedItem = nil end end local function getCurrentTradeType() if tradeButton:getText() == tr('Buy') then return BUY else return SELL end end local function getItemPrice(item) if getCurrentTradeType() == BUY then if buyWithBackpack:isChecked() then if item.ptr:isStackable() then return item.price*quantityScroll:getValue() + 20; else return item.price*quantityScroll:getValue() + math.ceil(quantityScroll:getValue()/20)*20 end end end return item.price*quantityScroll:getValue() end local function getSellQuantity(item) if not playerItems[item.ptr:getId()] then return 0 end local removeAmount = 0 if ignoreEquipped:isChecked() then local localPlayer = g_game.getLocalPlayer() for i=1,LAST_INVENTORY do local inventoryItem = localPlayer:getInventoryItem(i) if inventoryItem and inventoryItem:getId() == item.ptr:getId() then removeAmount = removeAmount + inventoryItem:getCount() end end end return playerItems[item.ptr:getId()] - removeAmount end local function canTradeItem(item) if getCurrentTradeType() == BUY then return (ignoreCapacity:isChecked() or (not ignoreCapacity:isChecked() and playerFreeCapacity >= item.weight)) and playerMoney >= getItemPrice(item) else return getSellQuantity(item) > 0 end end local function refreshItem(item) nameLabel:setText( weightLabel:setText(string.format('%.2f', item.weight) .. ' ' .. WEIGHT_UNIT) priceLabel:setText(getItemPrice(item) .. ' ' .. CURRENCY) quantityLabel:setText(1) quantityScroll:setValue(1) if getCurrentTradeType() == BUY then local capacityMaxCount = math.floor(playerFreeCapacity / item.weight) if ignoreCapacity:isChecked() then capacityMaxCount = 100 end local priceMaxCount = math.floor(playerMoney / getItemPrice(item)) quantityScroll:setMaximum(math.max(0, math.min(100, math.min(priceMaxCount, capacityMaxCount)))) else local removeAmount = 0 if ignoreEquipped:isChecked() then local localPlayer = g_game.getLocalPlayer() for i=1,LAST_INVENTORY do local inventoryItem = localPlayer:getInventoryItem(i) if inventoryItem and inventoryItem:getId() == item.ptr:getId() then removeAmount = removeAmount + inventoryItem:getCount() end end end quantityScroll:setMaximum(math.max(0, math.min(100, getSellQuantity(item)))) end setupPanel:enable() end local function refreshTradeItems() local layout = itemsPanel:getLayout() layout:disableUpdates() clearSelectedItem() searchText:clearText() setupPanel:disable() itemsPanel:destroyChildren() if radioItems then radioItems:destroy() end radioItems = UIRadioGroup.create() local currentTradeItems = tradeItems[getCurrentTradeType()] for key,item in pairs(currentTradeItems) do local itemBox = g_ui.createWidget('NPCItemBox', itemsPanel) itemBox.item = item local text = '' local name = text = text .. name if showCapacity then local weight = string.format('%.2f', item.weight) .. ' ' .. WEIGHT_UNIT text = text .. '\n' .. weight end local price = item.price .. ' ' .. CURRENCY text = text .. '\n' .. price itemBox:setText(text) local itemWidget = itemBox:getChildById('item') itemWidget:setItem(item.ptr) itemWidget.onMouseRelease = NPCTrade.itemPopup radioItems:addWidget(itemBox) end layout:enableUpdates() layout:update() end local function refreshPlayerGoods() moneyLabel:setText(playerMoney .. ' ' .. CURRENCY) capacityLabel:setText(string.format('%.2f', playerFreeCapacity) .. ' ' .. WEIGHT_UNIT) local currentTradeType = getCurrentTradeType() local searchFilter = searchText:getText():lower() local foundSelectedItem = false local items = itemsPanel:getChildCount() for i=1,items do local itemWidget = itemsPanel:getChildByIndex(i) local item = itemWidget.item local canTrade = canTradeItem(item) itemWidget:setEnabled(canTrade) local searchCondition = (searchFilter == '') or (searchFilter ~= '' and string.find(, searchFilter) ~= nil) local showAllItemsCondition = (currentTradeType == BUY) or (showAllItems:isChecked()) or (currentTradeType == SELL and not showAllItems:isChecked() and canTrade) itemWidget:setVisible(searchCondition and showAllItemsCondition) if selectedItem == item and itemWidget:isEnabled() and itemWidget:isVisible() then foundSelectedItem = true end end if not foundSelectedItem then clearSelectedItem() end if selectedItem then refreshItem(selectedItem) end end -- hooked functions local function onOpenNpcTrade(items) tradeItems[BUY] = {} tradeItems[SELL] = {} for key,item in pairs(items) do local newItem = {} newItem.ptr = item[1] = item[2] newItem.weight = item[3] / 100 if item[4] > 0 then newItem.price = item[4] table.insert(tradeItems[BUY], newItem) elseif item[5] > 0 then newItem.price = item[5] table.insert(tradeItems[SELL], newItem) else error("server error: item name " .. item[1] .. " has neither buy or sell price.") end end refreshTradeItems() addEvent( -- player goods has not been parsed yet end local function onCloseNpcTrade() NPCTrade.hide() end local function onPlayerGoods(money, items) playerMoney = money playerItems = {} for key,item in pairs(items) do local id = item[1]:getId() if not playerItems[id] then playerItems[id] = item[2] else playerItems[id] = playerItems[id] + item[2] end end refreshPlayerGoods() end local function onFreeCapacityChange(localPlayer, freeCapacity, oldFreeCapacity) playerFreeCapacity = freeCapacity if npcWindow:isVisible() then refreshPlayerGoods() end end local function onInventoryChange(inventory, item, oldeItem) if selectedItem then refreshItem(selectedItem) end end -- public functions function NPCTrade.init() npcWindow = g_ui.displayUI('npctrade.otui') npcWindow:setVisible(false) itemsPanel = npcWindow:recursiveGetChildById('itemsPanel') searchText = npcWindow:recursiveGetChildById('searchText') setupPanel = npcWindow:recursiveGetChildById('setupPanel') quantityLabel = setupPanel:getChildById('quantity') quantityScroll = setupPanel:getChildById('quantityScroll') nameLabel = setupPanel:getChildById('name') priceLabel = setupPanel:getChildById('price') moneyLabel = setupPanel:getChildById('money') weightLabel = setupPanel:getChildById('weight') capacityLabel = setupPanel:getChildById('capacity') tradeButton = npcWindow:recursiveGetChildById('tradeButton') buyWithBackpack = npcWindow:recursiveGetChildById('buyWithBackpack') ignoreCapacity = npcWindow:recursiveGetChildById('ignoreCapacity') ignoreEquipped = npcWindow:recursiveGetChildById('ignoreEquipped') showAllItems = npcWindow:recursiveGetChildById('showAllItems') buyTab = npcWindow:getChildById('buyTab') sellTab = npcWindow:getChildById('sellTab') radioTabs = UIRadioGroup.create() radioTabs:addWidget(buyTab) radioTabs:addWidget(sellTab) radioTabs:selectWidget(buyTab) radioTabs.onSelectionChange = NPCTrade.onTradeTypeChange if g_game.isOnline() then -- event wont be sent again when reloading modules playerFreeCapacity = g_game.getLocalPlayer():getFreeCapacity() end connect(g_game, { onGameEnd = NPCTrade.hide, onOpenNpcTrade = onOpenNpcTrade, onCloseNpcTrade = onCloseNpcTrade, onPlayerGoods = onPlayerGoods } ) connect(LocalPlayer, { onFreeCapacityChange = onFreeCapacityChange, onInventoryChange = onInventoryChange } ) end function NPCTrade.terminate() --radioTabs:destroy() radioTabs = nil npcWindow:destroy() npcWindow = nil itemsPanel = nil buyButton = nil sellButton = nil searchText = nil buyTab = nil sellTab = nil setupPanel = nil quantityLabel = nil quantityScroll = nil nameLabel = nil priceLabel = nil moneyLabel = nil weightLabel = nil capacityLabel = nil offerSelected = nil tradeButton = nil disconnect(g_game, { onGameEnd = NPCTrade.hide, onOpenNpcTrade = onOpenNpcTrade, onCloseNpcTrade = onCloseNpcTrade, onPlayerGoods = onPlayerGoods } ) disconnect(LocalPlayer, { onFreeCapacityChange = onFreeCapacityChange, onInventoryChange = onInventoryChange } ) NPCTrade = nil end function if g_game.isOnline() then if #tradeItems[BUY] > 0 then radioTabs:selectWidget(buyTab) else radioTabs:selectWidget(sellTab) end npcWindow:show() npcWindow:raise() npcWindow:focus() end end function NPCTrade.hide() npcWindow:hide() end function NPCTrade.onItemBoxChecked(widget) if widget:isChecked() then local item = widget.item selectedItem = item refreshItem(item) tradeButton:enable() end end function NPCTrade.onQuantityValueChange(quantity) if quantityLabel and selectedItem then quantityLabel:setText(quantity) weightLabel:setText(string.format('%.2f', selectedItem.weight*quantity) .. ' ' .. WEIGHT_UNIT) priceLabel:setText(getItemPrice(selectedItem) .. ' ' .. CURRENCY) end end function NPCTrade.onTradeTypeChange(radioTabs, selected, deselected) tradeButton:setText(selected:getText()) selected:setOn(true) deselected:setOn(false) local currentTradeType = getCurrentTradeType() buyWithBackpack:setVisible(currentTradeType == BUY) ignoreCapacity:setVisible(currentTradeType == BUY) ignoreEquipped:setVisible(currentTradeType == SELL) showAllItems:setVisible(currentTradeType == SELL) refreshTradeItems() refreshPlayerGoods() end function NPCTrade.onTradeClick() if getCurrentTradeType() == BUY then g_game.buyItem(selectedItem.ptr, quantityScroll:getValue(), ignoreCapacity:isChecked(), buyWithBackpack:isChecked()) else g_game.sellItem(selectedItem.ptr, quantityScroll:getValue(), ignoreEquipped:isChecked()) end end function NPCTrade.onSearchTextChange() refreshPlayerGoods() end function NPCTrade.itemPopup(self, mousePosition, mouseButton) if mouseButton == MouseRightButton then local menu = g_ui.createWidget('PopupMenu') menu:addOption(tr('Look'), function() return g_game.inspectNpcTrade(self:getItem()) end) menu:display(mousePosition) return true end return false end function NPCTrade.onBuyWithBackpackChange() if selectedItem then refreshItem(selectedItem) end end function NPCTrade.onIgnoreCapacityChange() refreshPlayerGoods() end function NPCTrade.onIgnoreEquippedChange() refreshPlayerGoods() end function NPCTrade.onShowAllItemsChange() refreshPlayerGoods() end function NPCTrade.setCurrency(currency) CURRENCY = currency end function NPCTrade.showCapacity(state) showCapacity = state end