/* * Copyright (c) 2010-2012 OTClient * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN * THE SOFTWARE. */ #include "map.h" #include "game.h" #include "localplayer.h" #include "tile.h" #include "item.h" #include "missile.h" #include "statictext.h" #include #include "mapview.h" #include Map g_map; void Map::addMapView(const MapViewPtr& mapView) { m_mapViews.push_back(mapView); } void Map::removeMapView(const MapViewPtr& mapView) { auto it = std::find(m_mapViews.begin(), m_mapViews.end(), mapView); if(it != m_mapViews.end()) m_mapViews.erase(it); } void Map::notificateTileUpdateToMapViews(const Position& pos) { for(const MapViewPtr& mapView : m_mapViews) mapView->onTileUpdate(pos); } void Map::load() { if(!g_resources.fileExists("/map.otcmap")) return; std::stringstream in; g_resources.loadFile("/map.otcmap", in); while(!in.eof()) { Position pos; in.read((char*)&pos, sizeof(pos)); uint16 id; in.read((char*)&id, sizeof(id)); while(id != 0xFFFF) { ItemPtr item = Item::create(id); if(item->isStackable() || item->isFluidContainer() || item->isFluid()) { uint8 countOrSubType; in.read((char*)&countOrSubType, sizeof(countOrSubType)); item->setCountOrSubType(countOrSubType); } addThing(item, pos, 255); in.read((char*)&id, sizeof(id)); } } } void Map::save() { std::stringstream out; for(auto& pair : m_tiles) { Position pos = pair.first; TilePtr tile = pair.second; if(!tile || tile->isEmpty()) continue; out.write((char*)&pos, sizeof(pos)); uint16 id; for(const ThingPtr& thing : tile->getThings()) { if(ItemPtr item = thing->asItem()) { id = item->getId(); out.write((char*)&id, sizeof(id)); if(item->isStackable() || item->isFluidContainer() || item->isFluid()) { uint8 countOrSubType = item->getCountOrSubType(); out.write((char*)&countOrSubType, sizeof(countOrSubType)); } } } id = 0xFFFF; out.write((char*)&id, sizeof(id)); } g_resources.saveFile("/map.otcmap", out); } void Map::clean() { cleanDynamicThings(); m_tiles.clear(); } void Map::cleanDynamicThings() { for(const auto& pair : m_knownCreatures) { const CreaturePtr& creature = pair.second; removeThing(creature); creature->setRemoved(true); } m_knownCreatures.clear(); for(int i=0;i<=Otc::MAX_Z;++i) m_floorMissiles[i].clear(); m_animatedTexts.clear(); m_staticTexts.clear(); } void Map::addThing(const ThingPtr& thing, const Position& pos, int stackPos) { if(!thing) return; Position oldPos = thing->getPosition(); TilePtr tile = getOrCreateTile(pos); if(MissilePtr missile = thing->asMissile()) { m_floorMissiles[pos.z].push_back(missile); } else if(AnimatedTextPtr animatedText = thing->asAnimatedText()) { m_animatedTexts.push_back(animatedText); } else if(StaticTextPtr staticText = thing->asStaticText()) { bool mustAdd = true; for(auto it = m_staticTexts.begin(), end = m_staticTexts.end(); it != end; ++it) { StaticTextPtr cStaticText = *it; if(cStaticText->getPosition() == pos) { // try to combine messages if(cStaticText->addMessage(staticText->getName(), staticText->getMessageType(), staticText->getFirstMessage())) { mustAdd = false; break; } else { // must add another message and rearrenge current } } } if(mustAdd) m_staticTexts.push_back(staticText); } else { tile->addThing(thing, stackPos); } thing->startAnimation(); thing->setPosition(pos); if(CreaturePtr creature = thing->asCreature()) { if(oldPos != pos) { if(oldPos.isInRange(pos,1,1)) g_game.processCreatureMove(creature, oldPos, pos); else g_game.processCreatureTeleport(creature); } } notificateTileUpdateToMapViews(pos); } ThingPtr Map::getThing(const Position& pos, int stackPos) { if(TilePtr tile = getTile(pos)) return tile->getThing(stackPos); return nullptr; } bool Map::removeThing(const ThingPtr& thing) { if(!thing) return false; notificateTileUpdateToMapViews(thing->getPosition()); if(MissilePtr missile = thing->asMissile()) { int z = missile->getPosition().z; auto it = std::find(m_floorMissiles[z].begin(), m_floorMissiles[z].end(), missile); if(it != m_floorMissiles[z].end()) { m_floorMissiles[z].erase(it); return true; } } else if(AnimatedTextPtr animatedText = thing->asAnimatedText()) { auto it = std::find(m_animatedTexts.begin(), m_animatedTexts.end(), animatedText); if(it != m_animatedTexts.end()) { m_animatedTexts.erase(it); return true; } } else if(StaticTextPtr staticText = thing->asStaticText()) { auto it = std::find(m_staticTexts.begin(), m_staticTexts.end(), staticText); if(it != m_staticTexts.end()) { m_staticTexts.erase(it); return true; } } else if(TilePtr tile = thing->getTile()) return tile->removeThing(thing); return false; } bool Map::removeThingByPos(const Position& pos, int stackPos) { if(TilePtr tile = getTile(pos)) return removeThing(tile->getThing(stackPos)); return false; } TilePtr Map::createTile(const Position& pos) { TilePtr tile = TilePtr(new Tile(pos)); m_tiles[pos] = tile; return tile; } const TilePtr& Map::getTile(const Position& pos) { auto it = m_tiles.find(pos); if(it != m_tiles.end()) return it->second; static TilePtr nulltile; return nulltile; } TilePtr Map::getOrCreateTile(const Position& pos) { const TilePtr& tile = getTile(pos); if(tile) return tile; else return createTile(pos); } void Map::cleanTile(const Position& pos) { if(TilePtr tile = getTile(pos)) { tile->clean(); if(tile->canErase()) m_tiles.erase(m_tiles.find(pos)); notificateTileUpdateToMapViews(pos); } } void Map::addCreature(const CreaturePtr& creature) { m_knownCreatures[creature->getId()] = creature; } CreaturePtr Map::getCreatureById(uint32 id) { LocalPlayerPtr localPlayer = g_game.getLocalPlayer(); if(localPlayer && localPlayer->getId() == id) return localPlayer; return m_knownCreatures[id]; } void Map::removeCreatureById(uint32 id) { if(id == 0) return; if(CreaturePtr creature = m_knownCreatures[id]) creature->setRemoved(true); m_knownCreatures.erase(id); } void Map::setCentralPosition(const Position& centralPosition) { m_centralPosition = centralPosition; // remove creatures from tiles that we are not aware anymore for(const auto& pair : m_knownCreatures) { const CreaturePtr& creature = pair.second; if(creature) { if(!isAwareOfPosition(creature->getPosition())) { removeThing(creature); } } else logTraceError("invalid creature"); } // this fixes local player position when the local player is removed from the map, // the local player is removed from the map when there are too many creatures on his tile, // so there is no enough stackpos to the server send him g_eventDispatcher.addEvent([this] { LocalPlayerPtr localPlayer = g_game.getLocalPlayer(); if(!localPlayer || localPlayer->getPosition() == m_centralPosition) return; TilePtr tile = localPlayer->getTile(); if(tile && tile->hasThing(localPlayer)) return; Position oldPos = localPlayer->getPosition(); Position pos = m_centralPosition; localPlayer->setPosition(pos); if(oldPos != pos) { if(oldPos.isInRange(pos,1,1)) g_game.processCreatureMove(localPlayer, oldPos, pos); else g_game.processCreatureTeleport(localPlayer); } }); } std::vector Map::getSpectators(const Position& centerPos, bool multiFloor) { return getSpectatorsInRange(centerPos, multiFloor, (Otc::VISIBLE_X_TILES - 1)/2, (Otc::VISIBLE_Y_TILES - 1)/2); } std::vector Map::getSpectatorsInRange(const Position& centerPos, bool multiFloor, int xRange, int yRange) { return getSpectatorsInRangeEx(centerPos, multiFloor, xRange, xRange, yRange, yRange); } std::vector Map::getSpectatorsInRangeEx(const Position& centerPos, bool multiFloor, int minXRange, int maxXRange, int minYRange, int maxYRange) { int minZRange = 0; int maxZRange = 0; std::vector creatures; if(multiFloor) { minZRange = 0; maxZRange = Otc::MAX_Z; } //TODO: get creatures from other floors corretly //TODO: delivery creatures in distance order for(int iz=-minZRange; iz<=maxZRange; ++iz) { for(int iy=-minYRange; iy<=maxYRange; ++iy) { for(int ix=-minXRange; ix<=maxXRange; ++ix) { TilePtr tile = getTile(centerPos.translated(ix,iy,iz)); if(!tile) continue; auto tileCreatures = tile->getCreatures(); creatures.insert(creatures.end(), tileCreatures.rbegin(), tileCreatures.rend()); } } } return creatures; } bool Map::isLookPossible(const Position& pos) { TilePtr tile = getTile(pos); return tile && tile->isLookPossible(); } bool Map::isCovered(const Position& pos, int firstFloor) { // check for tiles on top of the postion Position tilePos = pos; while(tilePos.coveredUp() && tilePos.z >= firstFloor) { TilePtr tile = getTile(tilePos); // the below tile is covered when the above tile has a full ground if(tile && tile->isFullGround()) return true; } return false; } bool Map::isCompletelyCovered(const Position& pos, int firstFloor) { Position tilePos = pos; while(tilePos.coveredUp() && tilePos.z >= firstFloor) { bool covered = true; // check in 2x2 range tiles that has no transparent pixels for(int x=0;x<2;++x) { for(int y=0;y<2;++y) { const TilePtr& tile = getTile(tilePos.translated(-x, -y)); if(!tile || !tile->isFullyOpaque()) { covered = false; break; } } } if(covered) return true; } return false; } bool Map::isAwareOfPosition(const Position& pos) { if(pos.z < getFirstAwareFloor() || pos.z > getLastAwareFloor()) return false; Position groundedPos = pos; while(groundedPos.z != m_centralPosition.z) { if(groundedPos.z > m_centralPosition.z) groundedPos.coveredUp(); else groundedPos.coveredDown(); } return m_centralPosition.isInRange(groundedPos, Otc::AWARE_X_LEFT_TILES, Otc::AWARE_X_RIGHT_TILES, Otc::AWARE_Y_TOP_TILES, Otc::AWARE_Y_BOTTOM_TILES); } int Map::getFirstAwareFloor() { if(m_centralPosition.z > Otc::SEA_FLOOR) return m_centralPosition.z-Otc::AWARE_UNDEGROUND_FLOOR_RANGE; else return 0; } int Map::getLastAwareFloor() { if(m_centralPosition.z > Otc::SEA_FLOOR) return std::min(m_centralPosition.z+Otc::AWARE_UNDEGROUND_FLOOR_RANGE, (int)Otc::MAX_Z); else return Otc::SEA_FLOOR; } // pathfinding using A* search algorithm // as described in http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/A*_search_algorithm std::vector Map::findPath(const Position& startPos, const Position& goalPos, int maxSteps) { struct Node { Node(const Position& pos) : cost(0), totalCost(0), steps(0), pos(pos), prev(nullptr), dir(Otc::InvalidDirection), evaluated(false) { } bool operator<(const Node& other) const { return totalCost < other.totalCost; } float cost; float totalCost; int steps; Position pos; Node *prev; Otc::Direction dir; bool evaluated; }; struct LessNode : std::binary_function { bool operator()(Node* a, Node* b) const { return b->totalCost < a->totalCost; } }; std::vector dirs; if(startPos == goalPos || startPos.z != goalPos.z || startPos.distance(goalPos) > maxSteps) return dirs; std::unordered_map nodes; std::priority_queue, LessNode> searchList; Node *currentNode = new Node(startPos); currentNode->pos = startPos; nodes[startPos] = currentNode; Node *foundNode = nullptr; while(currentNode && currentNode->steps < maxSteps) { if(currentNode->pos == goalPos && (!foundNode || currentNode->cost < foundNode->cost)) foundNode = currentNode; if(foundNode && currentNode->totalCost >= foundNode->cost) break; for(int i=-1;i<=1;++i) { for(int j=-1;j<=1;++j) { if(i == 0 && j == 0) continue; Position neighborPos = currentNode->pos.translated(i, j); const TilePtr& tile = getTile(neighborPos); if(!tile || (!tile->isPathable() && neighborPos != goalPos) || (!tile->isWalkable() && neighborPos == goalPos)) continue; float walkFactor; Otc::Direction walkDir = currentNode->pos.getDirectionFromPosition(neighborPos); if(walkDir >= Otc::NorthEast) walkFactor = 3.0f; else walkFactor = 1.0f; float cost = currentNode->cost + (tile->getGroundSpeed() * walkFactor) / 100.0f; Node *neighborNode; if(nodes.find(neighborPos) == nodes.end()) { neighborNode = new Node(neighborPos); nodes[neighborPos] = neighborNode; } else { neighborNode = nodes[neighborPos]; if(neighborNode->cost < cost) continue; } neighborNode->prev = currentNode; neighborNode->cost = cost; neighborNode->steps = currentNode->steps + 1; neighborNode->totalCost = neighborNode->cost + neighborPos.distance(goalPos); neighborNode->dir = walkDir; neighborNode->evaluated = false; searchList.push(neighborNode); } } currentNode->evaluated = true; currentNode = nullptr; while(searchList.size() > 0 && !currentNode) { Node *node = searchList.top(); searchList.pop(); if(!node->evaluated) currentNode = node; } } if(foundNode) { currentNode = foundNode; while(currentNode) { dirs.push_back(currentNode->dir); currentNode = currentNode->prev; } dirs.pop_back(); std::reverse(dirs.begin(), dirs.end()); } for(auto it : nodes) delete it.second; return dirs; }