/* * Copyright (c) 2010-2011 OTClient * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN * THE SOFTWARE. */ #ifndef OTCLIENT_CONST_H #define OTCLIENT_CONST_H #include namespace Otc { static const char* AppName = "OTClient"; static const char* AppVersion = "0.4.0"; static const char* CipsoftPublicRSA = "1321277432058722840622950990822933849527763264961655079678763618" "4334395343554449668205332383339435179772895415509701210392836078" "6959821132214473291575712138800495033169914814069637740318278150" "2907336840325241747827401343576296990629870233111328210165697754" "88792221429527047321331896351555606801473202394175817"; static const char* OtservPublicRSA = "1091201329673994292788609605089955415282375029027981291234687579" "3726629149257644633073969600111060390723088861007265581882535850" "3429057592827629436413108566029093628212635953836686562675849720" "6207862794310902180176810615217550567108238764764442605581471797" "07119674283982419152118103759076030616683978566631413"; enum DatFlag { DatGround = 0, DatGroundClip, DatOnBottom, DatOnTop, DatContainer, DatStackable, DatForceUse, DatMultiUse, DatWritable, DatWritableOnce, DatFluidContainer, DatSplash, DatBlockWalk, DatNotMovable, DatBlockProjectile, DatBlockPathFind, DatPickupable, DatHangable, DatHookSouth, DatHookEast, DatRotable, DatLight, DatDontHide, DatTranslucent, DatDisplacment, DatElevation, DatLyingCorpse, DatAnimateAlways, DatMinimapColor, DatLensHelp, DatFullGround, DatIgnoreLook, DatClothe, DatAnimation, LastDatFlag = 255 }; enum ThingType { Item, Creature, Effect, Shot }; enum SpriteMask { SpriteRedMask = 0, SpriteGreenMask, SpriteBlueMask, SpriteYellowMask, SpriteNoMask = 255 }; enum Skill { Fist = 0, Club, Sword, Axe, Distance, Shielding, Fishing, LastSkill }; enum SkillType { SkillLevel, SkillPercent, LastSkillType }; enum Direction { North = 0, East, South, West, NorthEast, SouthEast, SouthWest, NorthWest }; enum SpeakClasses { SpeakSay = 0x01, //normal talk SpeakWhisper = 0x02, //whispering - #w text SpeakYell = 0x03, //yelling - #y text SpeakPrivatePlayerToNpc = 0x04, //Player-to-NPC speaking(NPCs channel) SpeakPrivateNpcToPlayer = 0x05, //NPC-to-Player speaking SpeakPrivate = 0x06, //Players speaking privately to players SpeakChannelYellow = 0x07, //Yellow message in chat SpeakChannelWhite = 0x08, //White message in chat SpeakBroadcast = 0x09, //Broadcast a message - #b SpeakChannelRed = 0x0A, //Talk red on chat - #c SpeakPrivateRed = 0x0B, //Red private - @name@ text SpeakChannelOrange = 0x0C, //Talk orange on text SpeakMonsterSay = 0x0D, //Talk orange SpeakMonsterYell = 0x0E //Yell orange }; static const Color OutfitColors[] = { Color(255,255,255), Color(255,212,191), Color(255,233,191), Color(255,255,191), Color(233,255,191), Color(212,255,191), Color(191,255,191), Color(191,255,212), Color(191,255,233), Color(191,255,255), Color(191,233,255), Color(191,212,255), Color(191,191,255), Color(212,191,255), Color(233,191,255), Color(255,191,255), Color(255,191,233), Color(255,191,212), Color(255,191,191), Color(128,128,128), Color(191,159,143), Color(191,175,143), Color(191,191,143), Color(175,191,143), Color(159,191,143), Color(143,191,143), Color(143,191,159), Color(143,191,175), Color(143,191,191), Color(143,175,191), Color(143,159,191), Color(143,143,191), Color(159,143,191), Color(175,143,191), Color(191,143,191), Color(191,143,175), Color(191,143,159), Color(191,143,143), Color(182,182,182), Color(191,127,95), Color(191,159,95), Color(191,191,95), Color(159,191,95), Color(127,191,95), Color(95,191,95), Color(95,191,127), Color(95,191,159), Color(95,191,191), Color(95,159,191), Color(95,127,191), Color(95,95,191), Color(127,95,191), Color(159,95,191), Color(191,95,191), Color(191,95,159), Color(191,95,127), Color(191,95,95), Color(145,145,145), Color(191,106,63), Color(191,148,63), Color(191,191,63), Color(148,191,63), Color(107,191,63), Color(63,191,63), Color(63,191,106), Color(63,191,148), Color(63,191,191), Color(63,148,191), Color(63,106,191), Color(63,63,191), Color(106,63,191), Color(148,63,191), Color(191,63,191), Color(191,63,148), Color(191,63,106), Color(191,63,63), Color(109,109,109), Color(255,85,0), Color(255,170,0), Color(255,255,0), Color(170,255,0), Color(84,255,0), Color(0,255,0), Color(0,255,84), Color(0,255,170), Color(0,255,255), Color(0,169,255), Color(0,85,255), Color(0,0,255), Color(85,0,255), Color(169,0,255), Color(254,0,255), Color(255,0,170), Color(255,0,85), Color(255,0,0), Color(72,72,72), Color(191,63,0), Color(191,127,0), Color(191,191,0), Color(127,191,0), Color(63,191,0), Color(0,191,0), Color(0,191,63), Color(0,191,127), Color(0,191,191), Color(0,127,191), Color(0,63,191), Color(0,0,191), Color(63,0,191), Color(127,0,191), Color(191,0,191), Color(191,0,127), Color(191,0,63), Color(191,0,0), Color(36,36,36), Color(127,42,0), Color(127,85,0), Color(127,127,0), Color(85,127,0), Color(42,127,0), Color(0,127,0), Color(0,127,42), Color(0,127,85), Color(0,127,127), Color(0,84,127), Color(0,42,127), Color(0,0,127), Color(42,0,127), Color(84,0,127), Color(127,0,127), Color(191,0,85), Color(127,0,42), Color(127,0,0) }; } #endif