spelllistWindow = nil spelllistButton = nil spellList = nil nameValueLabel = nil formulaValueLabel = nil vocationValueLabel = nil groupValueLabel = nil typeValueLabel = nil cooldownValueLabel = nil levelValueLabel = nil manaValueLabel = nil premiumValueLabel = nil vocationBoxAny = nil vocationBoxSorcerer = nil vocationBoxDruid = nil vocationBoxPaladin = nil vocationBoxKnight = nil groupBoxAny = nil groupBoxAttack = nil groupBoxHealing = nil groupBoxSupport = nil premiumBoxAny = nil premiumBoxNo = nil premiumBoxYes = nil vocationRadioGroup = nil groupRadioGroup = nil premiumRadioGroup = nil -- consts FILTER_PREMIUM_ANY = 0 FILTER_PREMIUM_NO = 1 FILTER_PREMIUM_YES = 2 FILTER_VOCATION_ANY = 0 FILTER_VOCATION_SORCERER = 1 FILTER_VOCATION_DRUID = 2 FILTER_VOCATION_PALADIN = 3 FILTER_VOCATION_KNIGHT = 4 FILTER_GROUP_ANY = 0 FILTER_GROUP_ATTACK = 1 FILTER_GROUP_HEALING = 2 FILTER_GROUP_SUPPORT = 3 -- Filter Settings local filters = { level = false, vocation = false, vocationId = FILTER_VOCATION_ANY, premium = FILTER_PREMIUM_ANY, groupId = FILTER_GROUP_ANY } local spellDisplayOrder = {'Animate Dead', 'Annihilation', 'Avalanche', 'Berserk', 'Blood Rage', 'Brutal Strike', 'Cancel Invisibility', 'Challenge', 'Chameleon', 'Charge', 'Conjure Arrow', 'Conjure Bolt', 'Conjure Explosive Arrow', 'Conjure Piercing Bolt', 'Conjure Poisoned Arrow', 'Conjure Power Bolt', 'Conjure Sniper Arrow', 'Convince Creature', 'Creature Illusion', 'Cure Bleeding', 'Cure Burning', 'Cure Curse', 'Cure Electrification', 'Cure Poison', 'Cure Poison Rune', 'Curser', 'Death Strike', 'Desintegrate', 'Destroy Field', 'Divine Caldera', 'Divine Healing', 'Divine Missile', 'Electrify', 'Enchant Party', 'Enchant Spear', 'Enchant Staff', 'Energy Beam', 'Energy Field', 'Energy Strike', 'Energy Wall', 'Energy Wave', 'Energybomb', 'Envenom', 'Eternal Winter', 'Ethereal Spear', 'Explosion', 'Fierce Berserk', 'Find Person', 'Fire Field', 'Fire Wall', 'Fire Wave', 'Fireball', 'Firebomb', 'Flame Strike', 'Food', 'Front Sweep', 'Great Energy Beam', 'Great Fireball', 'Great Light', 'Groundshaker', 'Haste', 'Heal Friend', 'Heal Party', 'Heavy Magic Missile', 'Hells Core', 'Holy Flash', 'Holy Missile', 'Ice Strike', 'Ice Wave', 'Icicle', 'Ignite', 'Inflict Wound', 'Intense Healing', 'Intense Healing Rune', 'Intense Recovery', 'Intense Wound Cleansing', 'Invisibility', 'Levitate', 'Light', 'Light Healing', 'Light Magic Missile', 'Lightning', 'Magic Rope', 'Magic Shield', 'Magic Wall', 'Mass Healing', 'Paralyze', 'Physical Strike', 'Poison Bomb', 'Poison Field', 'Poison Wall', 'Protect Party', 'Protector', 'Rage of the Skies', 'Recovery', 'Salvation', 'Sharpshooter', 'Soulfire', 'Stalagmite', 'Stone Shower', 'Strong Energy Strike', 'Strong Ethereal Spear', 'Strong Flame Strike', 'Strong Haste', 'Strong Ice Strike', 'Strong Ice Wave', 'Strong Terra Strike', 'Sudden Death', 'Summon Creature', 'Swift Foot', 'Terra Strike', 'Terra Wave', 'Thunderstorm', 'Train Party', 'Ultimate Energy Strike', 'Ultimate Flame Strike', 'Ultimate Healing', 'Ultimate Healing Rune', 'Ultimate Ice Strike', 'Ultimate Light', 'Ultimate Terra Strike', 'Whirlwind Throw', 'Wild Growth', 'Wound Cleansing', 'Wrath of Nature'} function getIconImageClip(id) return (((id-1)%12)*32) .. ' ' .. ((math.ceil(id/12)-1)*32) .. ' 32 32' end function setupOptions() if g_game.getClientVersion() >= 950 then -- Vocation is only send in newer clients spelllistWindow:getChildById('buttonFilterVocation'):setVisible(true) else spelllistWindow:getChildById('buttonFilterVocation'):setVisible(false) end end function init() connect(g_game, { onGameStart = setupOptions, onGameEnd = resetWindow }) spelllistWindow = g_ui.displayUI('spelllist.otui', modules.game_interface.getRightPanel()) spelllistWindow:hide() spelllistButton = TopMenu.addRightGameToggleButton('spelllistButton', tr('Spell List'), 'spelllist.png', toggle) spelllistButton:setOn(false) nameValueLabel = spelllistWindow:getChildById('labelNameValue') formulaValueLabel = spelllistWindow:getChildById('labelFormulaValue') vocationValueLabel = spelllistWindow:getChildById('labelVocationValue') groupValueLabel = spelllistWindow:getChildById('labelGroupValue') typeValueLabel = spelllistWindow:getChildById('labelTypeValue') cooldownValueLabel = spelllistWindow:getChildById('labelCooldownValue') levelValueLabel = spelllistWindow:getChildById('labelLevelValue') manaValueLabel = spelllistWindow:getChildById('labelManaValue') premiumValueLabel = spelllistWindow:getChildById('labelPremiumValue') vocationBoxAny = spelllistWindow:getChildById('vocationBoxAny') vocationBoxSorcerer = spelllistWindow:getChildById('vocationBoxSorcerer') vocationBoxDruid = spelllistWindow:getChildById('vocationBoxDruid') vocationBoxPaladin = spelllistWindow:getChildById('vocationBoxPaladin') vocationBoxKnight = spelllistWindow:getChildById('vocationBoxKnight') groupBoxAny = spelllistWindow:getChildById('groupBoxAny') groupBoxAttack = spelllistWindow:getChildById('groupBoxAttack') groupBoxHealing = spelllistWindow:getChildById('groupBoxHealing') groupBoxSupport = spelllistWindow:getChildById('groupBoxSupport') premiumBoxAny = spelllistWindow:getChildById('premiumBoxAny') premiumBoxYes = spelllistWindow:getChildById('premiumBoxYes') premiumBoxNo = spelllistWindow:getChildById('premiumBoxNo') vocationRadioGroup = UIRadioGroup.create() vocationRadioGroup:addWidget(vocationBoxAny) vocationRadioGroup:addWidget(vocationBoxSorcerer) vocationRadioGroup:addWidget(vocationBoxDruid) vocationRadioGroup:addWidget(vocationBoxPaladin) vocationRadioGroup:addWidget(vocationBoxKnight) groupRadioGroup = UIRadioGroup.create() groupRadioGroup:addWidget(groupBoxAny) groupRadioGroup:addWidget(groupBoxAttack) groupRadioGroup:addWidget(groupBoxHealing) groupRadioGroup:addWidget(groupBoxSupport) premiumRadioGroup = UIRadioGroup.create() premiumRadioGroup:addWidget(premiumBoxAny) premiumRadioGroup:addWidget(premiumBoxYes) premiumRadioGroup:addWidget(premiumBoxNo) premiumRadioGroup:selectWidget(premiumBoxAny) vocationRadioGroup:selectWidget(vocationBoxAny) groupRadioGroup:selectWidget(groupBoxAny) vocationRadioGroup.onSelectionChange = toggleFilter groupRadioGroup.onSelectionChange = toggleFilter premiumRadioGroup.onSelectionChange = toggleFilter spellList = spelllistWindow:getChildById('spellList') g_keyboard.bindKeyPress('Down', function() spellList:focusNextChild(KeyboardFocusReason) end, spelllistWindow) g_keyboard.bindKeyPress('Up', function() spellList:focusPreviousChild(KeyboardFocusReason) end, spelllistWindow) for i = 1, #spellDisplayOrder do local spell = spellDisplayOrder[i] local info = SpellInfo[spell] local tmpLabel = g_ui.createWidget('SpellListLabel', spellList) tmpLabel:setId(spell) tmpLabel:setText(spell .. '\n\'' .. info.words .. '\'') tmpLabel:setPhantom(false) if not(SpellIcons[info.icon]) then perror('Spell icon \'' .. info.icon .. '\' not found.') else tmpLabel:setImageClip(getIconImageClip(SpellIcons[info.icon][1])) end tmpLabel.onClick = updateSpellInformation end connect(spellList, { onChildFocusChange = function(self, focusedChild) if focusedChild == nil then return end updateSpellInformation(focusedChild) end }) setupOptions() end function terminate() disconnect(g_game, { onGameStart = setupOptions, onGameEnd = resetWindow }) disconnect(spellList, { onChildFocusChange = function(self, focusedChild) if focusedChild == nil then return end updateSpellInformation(focusedChild) end }) spelllistButton:destroy() spelllistButton = nil spelllistWindow:destroy() spelllistWindow = nil vocationRadioGroup:destroy() vocationRadioGroup = nil groupRadioGroup:destroy() groupRadioGroup = nil premiumRadioGroup:destroy() premiumRadioGroup = nil spellList = nil nameValueLabel = nil formulaValueLabel = nil vocationValueLabel = nil groupValueLabel = nil typeValueLabel = nil cooldownValueLabel = nil levelValueLabel = nil manaValueLabel = nil premiumValueLabel = nil vocationBoxAny = nil vocationBoxSorcerer = nil vocationBoxDruid = nil vocationBoxPaladin = nil vocationBoxKnight = nil groupBoxAny = nil groupBoxAttack = nil groupBoxHealing = nil groupBoxSupport = nil premiumBoxAny = nil premiumBoxNo = nil premiumBoxYes = nil end function updateSpelllist() for i = 1, #spellDisplayOrder do local spell = spellDisplayOrder[i] local info = SpellInfo[spell] local tmpLabel = spellList:getChildById(spell) local localPlayer = g_game.getLocalPlayer() if (not(filters.level) or info.level <= localPlayer:getLevel()) and (not(filters.vocation) or table.find(info.vocations, localPlayer:getVocation())) and (filters.vocationId == FILTER_VOCATION_ANY or table.find(info.vocations, filters.vocationId) or table.find(info.vocations, filters.vocationId+4)) and (filters.groupId == FILTER_GROUP_ANY or info.group[filters.groupId]) and (filters.premium == FILTER_PREMIUM_ANY or (info.premium and filters.premium == FILTER_PREMIUM_YES) or (not(info.premium) and filters.premium == FILTER_PREMIUM_NO)) then tmpLabel:setVisible(true) else tmpLabel:setVisible(false) end end end function updateSpellInformation(widget) local spell = widget:getId() local name = '' local formula = '' local vocation = '' local group = '' local type = '' local cooldown = '' local level = '' local mana = '' local premium = '' if SpellInfo[spell] then local info = SpellInfo[spell] name = spell formula = info.words for i = 1, #info.vocations do local vocationId = info.vocations[i] if vocationId <= 4 or not(table.find(info.vocations, (vocationId-4))) then vocation = vocation .. (vocation:len() == 0 and '' or ', ') .. VocationNames[vocationId] end end cooldown = (info.exhaustion / 1000) .. 's' for groupId, groupName in ipairs(SpellGroups) do if info.group[groupId] then group = group .. (group:len() == 0 and '' or ' / ') .. groupName cooldown = cooldown .. ' / ' .. (info.group[groupId] / 1000) .. 's' end end type = info.type level = info.level mana = info.mana .. ' / ' .. info.soul premium = (info.premium and 'yes' or 'no') end nameValueLabel:setText(name) formulaValueLabel:setText(formula) vocationValueLabel:setText(vocation) groupValueLabel:setText(group) typeValueLabel:setText(type) cooldownValueLabel:setText(cooldown) levelValueLabel:setText(level) manaValueLabel:setText(mana) premiumValueLabel:setText(premium) end function toggle() if spelllistButton:isOn() then spelllistWindow:hide() spelllistButton:setOn(false) else spelllistWindow:show() spelllistButton:setOn(true) end end function toggleFilter(widget, selectedWidget) if widget == vocationRadioGroup then local boxId = selectedWidget:getId() if boxId == 'vocationBoxAny' then filters.vocationId = FILTER_VOCATION_ANY elseif boxId == 'vocationBoxSorcerer' then filters.vocationId = FILTER_VOCATION_SORCERER elseif boxId == 'vocationBoxDruid' then filters.vocationId = FILTER_VOCATION_DRUID elseif boxId == 'vocationBoxPaladin' then filters.vocationId = FILTER_VOCATION_PALADIN elseif boxId == 'vocationBoxKnight' then filters.vocationId = FILTER_VOCATION_KNIGHT end elseif widget == groupRadioGroup then local boxId = selectedWidget:getId() if boxId == 'groupBoxAny' then filters.groupId = FILTER_GROUP_ANY elseif boxId == 'groupBoxAttack' then filters.groupId = FILTER_GROUP_ATTACK elseif boxId == 'groupBoxHealing' then filters.groupId = FILTER_GROUP_HEALING elseif boxId == 'groupBoxSupport' then filters.groupId = FILTER_GROUP_SUPPORT end elseif widget == premiumRadioGroup then local boxId = selectedWidget:getId() if boxId == 'premiumBoxAny' then filters.premium = FILTER_PREMIUM_ANY elseif boxId == 'premiumBoxNo' then filters.premium = FILTER_PREMIUM_NO elseif boxId == 'premiumBoxYes' then filters.premium = FILTER_PREMIUM_YES end else local id = widget:getId() if id == 'buttonFilterLevel' then filters.level = not(filters.level) widget:setOn(filters.level) elseif id == 'buttonFilterVocation' then filters.vocation = not(filters.vocation) widget:setOn(filters.vocation) end end updateSpelllist() end function resetWindow() spelllistWindow:hide() spelllistButton:setOn(false) -- Resetting filters filters.level = false filters.vocation = false local buttonFilterLevel = spelllistWindow:getChildById('buttonFilterLevel') buttonFilterLevel:setOn(filters.level) local buttonFilterVocation = spelllistWindow:getChildById('buttonFilterVocation') buttonFilterVocation:setOn(filters.vocation) vocationRadioGroup:selectWidget(vocationBoxAny) groupRadioGroup:selectWidget(groupBoxAny) premiumRadioGroup:selectWidget(premiumBoxAny) updateSpelllist() end