/* * Copyright (c) 2010-2013 OTClient * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN * THE SOFTWARE. */ #include "mapview.h" #include "creature.h" #include "map.h" #include "tile.h" #include "statictext.h" #include "animatedtext.h" #include "missile.h" #include "shadermanager.h" #include "lightview.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include enum { // 3840x2160 => 1080p optimized // 2560x1440 => 720p optimized // 1728x972 => 480p optimized NEAR_VIEW_AREA = 32*32, MID_VIEW_AREA = 64*64, FAR_VIEW_AREA = 128*128, MAX_TILE_DRAWS = NEAR_VIEW_AREA*7 }; MapView::MapView() { m_viewMode = NEAR_VIEW; m_lockedFirstVisibleFloor = -1; m_cachedFirstVisibleFloor = 7; m_cachedLastVisibleFloor = 7; m_updateTilesPos = 0; m_fadeOutTime = 0; m_fadeInTime = 0; m_minimumAmbientLight = 0; m_optimizedSize = Size(g_map.getAwareRange().horizontal(), g_map.getAwareRange().vertical()) * Otc::TILE_PIXELS; m_framebuffer = g_framebuffers.createFrameBuffer(); setVisibleDimension(Size(15, 11)); m_shader = g_shaders.getDefaultMapShader(); } MapView::~MapView() { #ifndef NDEBUG assert(!g_app.isTerminated()); #endif } void MapView::draw(const Rect& rect) { // update visible tiles cache when needed if(m_mustUpdateVisibleTilesCache || m_updateTilesPos > 0) updateVisibleTilesCache(m_mustUpdateVisibleTilesCache ? 0 : m_updateTilesPos); float scaleFactor = m_tileSize/(float)Otc::TILE_PIXELS; Position cameraPosition = getCameraPosition(); int drawFlags = 0; if(m_viewMode == NEAR_VIEW) drawFlags = Otc::DrawGround | Otc::DrawGroundBorders | Otc::DrawWalls | Otc::DrawItems | Otc::DrawCreatures | Otc::DrawEffects | Otc::DrawMissiles | Otc::DrawAnimations; else drawFlags = Otc::DrawGround | Otc::DrawGroundBorders | Otc::DrawWalls | Otc::DrawItems; if(m_mustDrawVisibleTilesCache || (drawFlags & Otc::DrawAnimations)) { m_framebuffer->bind(); if(m_mustCleanFramebuffer) { Rect clearRect = Rect(0, 0, m_drawDimension * m_tileSize); g_painter->setColor(Color::black); g_painter->drawFilledRect(clearRect); if(m_drawLights) { m_lightView->reset(); m_lightView->resize(m_framebuffer->getSize()); Light ambientLight; if(cameraPosition.z <= Otc::SEA_FLOOR) { ambientLight = g_map.getLight(); } else { ambientLight.color = 215; ambientLight.intensity = 0; } ambientLight.intensity = std::max(m_minimumAmbientLight*255, ambientLight.intensity); m_lightView->setGlobalLight(ambientLight); } } g_painter->setColor(Color::white); auto it = m_cachedVisibleTiles.begin(); auto end = m_cachedVisibleTiles.end(); for(int z=m_cachedLastVisibleFloor;z>=m_cachedFirstVisibleFloor;--z) { while(it != end) { const TilePtr& tile = *it; Position tilePos = tile->getPosition(); if(tilePos.z != z) break; else ++it; tile->draw(transformPositionTo2D(tilePos, cameraPosition), scaleFactor, drawFlags, m_lightView.get()); } if(drawFlags & Otc::DrawMissiles) { for(const MissilePtr& missile : g_map.getFloorMissiles(z)) { missile->draw(transformPositionTo2D(missile->getPosition(), cameraPosition), scaleFactor, drawFlags & Otc::DrawAnimations, m_lightView.get()); } } } m_framebuffer->release(); // generating mipmaps each frame can be slow in older cards //m_framebuffer->getTexture()->buildHardwareMipmaps(); m_mustDrawVisibleTilesCache = false; } float fadeOpacity = 1.0f; if(!m_shaderSwitchDone && m_fadeOutTime > 0) { fadeOpacity = 1.0f - (m_fadeTimer.timeElapsed() / m_fadeOutTime); if(fadeOpacity < 0.0f) { m_shader = m_nextShader; m_nextShader = nullptr; m_shaderSwitchDone = true; m_fadeTimer.restart(); } } if(m_shaderSwitchDone && m_shader && m_fadeInTime > 0) fadeOpacity = std::min(m_fadeTimer.timeElapsed() / m_fadeInTime, 1.0f); Rect srcRect = calcFramebufferSource(rect.size()); Point drawOffset = srcRect.topLeft(); if(m_shader && g_painter->hasShaders() && g_graphics.shouldUseShaders() && m_viewMode == NEAR_VIEW) { Rect framebufferRect = Rect(0,0, m_drawDimension * m_tileSize); Point center = srcRect.center(); Point globalCoord = Point(cameraPosition.x - m_drawDimension.width()/2, -(cameraPosition.y - m_drawDimension.height()/2)) * m_tileSize; m_shader->bind(); m_shader->setUniformValue(ShaderManager::MAP_CENTER_COORD, center.x / (float)framebufferRect.width(), 1.0f - center.y / (float)framebufferRect.height()); m_shader->setUniformValue(ShaderManager::MAP_GLOBAL_COORD, globalCoord.x / (float)framebufferRect.height(), globalCoord.y / (float)framebufferRect.height()); m_shader->setUniformValue(ShaderManager::MAP_ZOOM, scaleFactor); g_painter->setShaderProgram(m_shader); } g_painter->setColor(Color::white); g_painter->setOpacity(fadeOpacity); glDisable(GL_BLEND); #if 0 // debug source area g_painter->saveAndResetState(); m_framebuffer->bind(); g_painter->setColor(Color::green); g_painter->drawBoundingRect(srcRect, 2); m_framebuffer->release(); g_painter->restoreSavedState(); m_framebuffer->draw(rect); #else m_framebuffer->draw(rect, srcRect); #endif g_painter->resetShaderProgram(); g_painter->resetOpacity(); glEnable(GL_BLEND); // this could happen if the player position is not known yet if(!cameraPosition.isValid()) return; float horizontalStretchFactor = rect.width() / (float)srcRect.width(); float verticalStretchFactor = rect.height() / (float)srcRect.height(); // avoid drawing texts on map in far zoom outs if(m_viewMode == NEAR_VIEW) { for(const CreaturePtr& creature : m_cachedFloorVisibleCreatures) { if(!creature->canBeSeen()) continue; PointF jumpOffset = creature->getJumpOffset() * scaleFactor; Point creatureOffset = Point(16 - creature->getDisplacementX(), - creature->getDisplacementY() - 2); Position pos = creature->getPosition(); Point p = transformPositionTo2D(pos, cameraPosition) - drawOffset; p += (creature->getDrawOffset() + creatureOffset) * scaleFactor - Point(stdext::round(jumpOffset.x), stdext::round(jumpOffset.y)); p.x = p.x * horizontalStretchFactor; p.y = p.y * verticalStretchFactor; p += rect.topLeft(); int flags = 0; if(m_drawNames){ flags = Otc::DrawNames; } if(m_drawHealthBars) { flags |= Otc::DrawBars; } creature->drawInformation(p, g_map.isCovered(pos, m_cachedFirstVisibleFloor), rect, flags); } } // lights are drawn after names and before texts if(m_drawLights) m_lightView->draw(rect, srcRect); if(m_viewMode == NEAR_VIEW && m_drawTexts) { for(const StaticTextPtr& staticText : g_map.getStaticTexts()) { Position pos = staticText->getPosition(); // ony draw static texts from current camera floor, unless yells //if(pos.z != cameraPosition.z && !staticText->isYell()) // continue; if(pos.z != cameraPosition.z && staticText->getMessageMode() == Otc::MessageNone) continue; Point p = transformPositionTo2D(pos, cameraPosition) - drawOffset; p.x = p.x * horizontalStretchFactor; p.y = p.y * verticalStretchFactor; p += rect.topLeft(); staticText->drawText(p, rect); } for(const AnimatedTextPtr& animatedText : g_map.getAnimatedTexts()) { Position pos = animatedText->getPosition(); /* // only draw animated texts from visible floors if(pos.z < m_cachedFirstVisibleFloor || pos.z > m_cachedLastVisibleFloor) continue; // dont draw animated texts from covered tiles if(pos.z != cameraPosition.z && g_map.isCovered(pos, m_cachedFirstVisibleFloor)) continue; */ if(pos.z != cameraPosition.z) continue; Point p = transformPositionTo2D(pos, cameraPosition) - drawOffset; p.x = p.x * horizontalStretchFactor; p.y = p.y * verticalStretchFactor; p += rect.topLeft(); animatedText->drawText(p, rect); } } } void MapView::updateVisibleTilesCache(int start) { if(start == 0) { m_cachedFirstVisibleFloor = calcFirstVisibleFloor(); m_cachedLastVisibleFloor = calcLastVisibleFloor(); assert(m_cachedFirstVisibleFloor >= 0 && m_cachedLastVisibleFloor >= 0 && m_cachedFirstVisibleFloor <= Otc::MAX_Z && m_cachedLastVisibleFloor <= Otc::MAX_Z); if(m_cachedLastVisibleFloor < m_cachedFirstVisibleFloor) m_cachedLastVisibleFloor = m_cachedFirstVisibleFloor; m_cachedFloorVisibleCreatures.clear(); m_cachedVisibleTiles.clear(); m_mustCleanFramebuffer = true; m_mustDrawVisibleTilesCache = true; m_mustUpdateVisibleTilesCache = false; m_updateTilesPos = 0; } else m_mustCleanFramebuffer = false; // there is no tile to render on invalid positions Position cameraPosition = getCameraPosition(); if(!cameraPosition.isValid()) return; bool stop = false; // clear current visible tiles cache m_cachedVisibleTiles.clear(); m_mustDrawVisibleTilesCache = true; m_updateTilesPos = 0; // cache visible tiles in draw order // draw from last floor (the lower) to first floor (the higher) for(int iz = m_cachedLastVisibleFloor; iz >= m_cachedFirstVisibleFloor && !stop; --iz) { if(m_viewMode <= FAR_VIEW) { const int numDiagonals = m_drawDimension.width() + m_drawDimension.height() - 1; // loop through / diagonals beginning at top left and going to top right for(int diagonal = 0; diagonal < numDiagonals && !stop; ++diagonal) { // loop current diagonal tiles int advance = std::max(diagonal - m_drawDimension.height(), 0); for(int iy = diagonal - advance, ix = advance; iy >= 0 && ix < m_drawDimension.width() && !stop; --iy, ++ix) { // only start really looking tiles in the desired start if(m_updateTilesPos < start) { m_updateTilesPos++; continue; } // avoid rendering too much tiles at once if((int)m_cachedVisibleTiles.size() > MAX_TILE_DRAWS && m_viewMode >= HUGE_VIEW) { stop = true; break; } // position on current floor //TODO: check position limits Position tilePos = cameraPosition.translated(ix - m_virtualCenterOffset.x, iy - m_virtualCenterOffset.y); // adjust tilePos to the wanted floor tilePos.coveredUp(cameraPosition.z - iz); if(const TilePtr& tile = g_map.getTile(tilePos)) { // skip tiles that have nothing if(!tile->isDrawable()) continue; // skip tiles that are completely behind another tile if(g_map.isCompletelyCovered(tilePos, m_cachedFirstVisibleFloor)) continue; m_cachedVisibleTiles.push_back(tile); } m_updateTilesPos++; } } } else { // cache tiles in spiral mode static std::vector m_spiral; if(start == 0) { m_spiral.resize(m_drawDimension.area()); int width = m_drawDimension.width(); int height = m_drawDimension.height(); int tpx = width/2 - 2; int tpy = height/2 - 2; int count = 0; Rect area(0, 0, m_drawDimension); m_spiral[count++] = Point(tpx+1,tpy+1); for(int step = 1; tpx >= 0 || tpy >= 0; ++step, --tpx, --tpy) { int qs = 2*step; Rect lines[4] = { Rect(tpx, tpy, qs, 1), Rect(tpx + qs, tpy, 1, qs), Rect(tpx + 1, tpy + qs, qs, 1), Rect(tpx, tpy + 1, 1, qs), }; for(int i=0;i<4;++i) { int sx = std::max(lines[i].left(), area.left()); int ex = std::min(lines[i].right(), area.right()); int sy = std::max(lines[i].top(), area.top()); int ey = std::min(lines[i].bottom(), area.bottom()); for(int qx=sx;qx<=ex;++qx) for(int qy=sy;qy<=ey;++qy) m_spiral[count++] = Point(qx, qy); } } } for(m_updateTilesPos = start; m_updateTilesPos < (int)m_spiral.size(); ++m_updateTilesPos) { // avoid rendering too much tiles at once if((int)m_cachedVisibleTiles.size() > MAX_TILE_DRAWS) { stop = true; break; } const Point& p = m_spiral[m_updateTilesPos]; Position tilePos = cameraPosition.translated(p.x - m_virtualCenterOffset.x, p.y - m_virtualCenterOffset.y); tilePos.coveredUp(cameraPosition.z - iz); if(const TilePtr& tile = g_map.getTile(tilePos)) { if(tile->isDrawable()) m_cachedVisibleTiles.push_back(tile); } } } } if(!stop) { m_updateTilesPos = 0; m_spiral.clear(); } if(start == 0 && m_viewMode <= NEAR_VIEW) m_cachedFloorVisibleCreatures = g_map.getSightSpectators(cameraPosition, false); } void MapView::updateGeometry(const Size& visibleDimension, const Size& optimizedSize) { int tileSize = 0; Size bufferSize; int possiblesTileSizes[] = {1,2,4,8,16,32}; for(int candidateTileSize : possiblesTileSizes) { bufferSize = (visibleDimension + Size(3,3)) * candidateTileSize; if(bufferSize.width() > g_graphics.getMaxTextureSize() || bufferSize.height() > g_graphics.getMaxTextureSize()) break; tileSize = candidateTileSize; if(optimizedSize.width() < bufferSize.width() - 3*candidateTileSize && optimizedSize.height() < bufferSize.height() - 3*candidateTileSize) break; } if(tileSize == 0) { g_logger.traceError("reached max zoom out"); return; } Size drawDimension = visibleDimension + Size(3,3); Point virtualCenterOffset = (drawDimension/2 - Size(1,1)).toPoint(); Point visibleCenterOffset = virtualCenterOffset; ViewMode viewMode = m_viewMode; if(m_autoViewMode) { if(tileSize >= 32 && visibleDimension.area() <= NEAR_VIEW_AREA) viewMode = NEAR_VIEW; else if(tileSize >= 16 && visibleDimension.area() <= MID_VIEW_AREA) viewMode = MID_VIEW; else if(tileSize >= 8 && visibleDimension.area() <= FAR_VIEW_AREA) viewMode = FAR_VIEW; else viewMode = HUGE_VIEW; if(viewMode >= FAR_VIEW) m_multifloor = false; else m_multifloor = true; } // draw actually more than what is needed to avoid massive recalculations on huge views /* if(viewMode >= HUGE_VIEW) { Size oldDimension = drawDimension; drawDimension = (m_framebuffer->getSize() / tileSize); virtualCenterOffset += (drawDimension - oldDimension).toPoint() / 2; } */ m_viewMode = viewMode; m_visibleDimension = visibleDimension; m_drawDimension = drawDimension; m_tileSize = tileSize; m_virtualCenterOffset = virtualCenterOffset; m_visibleCenterOffset = visibleCenterOffset; m_optimizedSize = optimizedSize; m_framebuffer->resize(bufferSize); requestVisibleTilesCacheUpdate(); } void MapView::onTileUpdate(const Position& pos) { requestVisibleTilesCacheUpdate(); } void MapView::onMapCenterChange(const Position& pos) { requestVisibleTilesCacheUpdate(); } void MapView::lockFirstVisibleFloor(int firstVisibleFloor) { m_lockedFirstVisibleFloor = firstVisibleFloor; requestVisibleTilesCacheUpdate(); } void MapView::unlockFirstVisibleFloor() { m_lockedFirstVisibleFloor = -1; requestVisibleTilesCacheUpdate(); } void MapView::setVisibleDimension(const Size& visibleDimension) { if(visibleDimension == m_visibleDimension) return; if(visibleDimension.width() % 2 != 1 || visibleDimension.height() % 2 != 1) { g_logger.traceError("visible dimension must be odd"); return; } if(visibleDimension < Size(3,3)) { g_logger.traceError("reach max zoom in"); return; } updateGeometry(visibleDimension, m_optimizedSize); } void MapView::setViewMode(MapView::ViewMode viewMode) { m_viewMode = viewMode; requestVisibleTilesCacheUpdate(); } void MapView::setAutoViewMode(bool enable) { m_autoViewMode = enable; if(enable) updateGeometry(m_visibleDimension, m_optimizedSize); } void MapView::optimizeForSize(const Size& visibleSize) { updateGeometry(m_visibleDimension, visibleSize); } void MapView::followCreature(const CreaturePtr& creature) { m_follow = true; m_followingCreature = creature; requestVisibleTilesCacheUpdate(); } void MapView::setCameraPosition(const Position& pos) { m_follow = false; m_customCameraPosition = pos; requestVisibleTilesCacheUpdate(); } Position MapView::getPosition(const Point& point, const Size& mapSize) { Position cameraPosition = getCameraPosition(); // if we have no camera, its impossible to get the tile if(!cameraPosition.isValid()) return Position(); Rect srcRect = calcFramebufferSource(mapSize); float sh = srcRect.width() / (float)mapSize.width(); float sv = srcRect.height() / (float)mapSize.height(); Point framebufferPos = Point(point.x * sh, point.y * sv); Point centerOffset = (framebufferPos + srcRect.topLeft()) / m_tileSize; Point tilePos2D = getVisibleCenterOffset() - m_drawDimension.toPoint() + centerOffset + Point(2,2); if(tilePos2D.x + cameraPosition.x < 0 && tilePos2D.y + cameraPosition.y < 0) return Position(); Position position = Position(tilePos2D.x, tilePos2D.y, 0) + cameraPosition; if(!position.isValid()) return Position(); return position; } void MapView::move(int x, int y) { m_moveOffset.x = x; m_moveOffset.y = y; } Rect MapView::calcFramebufferSource(const Size& destSize) { float scaleFactor = m_tileSize/(float)Otc::TILE_PIXELS; Point drawOffset = ((m_drawDimension - m_visibleDimension - Size(1,1)).toPoint()/2) * m_tileSize; if(isFollowingCreature()) drawOffset += m_followingCreature->getWalkOffset() * scaleFactor; else if(!m_moveOffset.isNull()) drawOffset += m_moveOffset * scaleFactor; Size srcSize = destSize; Size srcVisible = m_visibleDimension * m_tileSize; srcSize.scale(srcVisible, Fw::KeepAspectRatio); drawOffset.x += (srcVisible.width() - srcSize.width()) / 2; drawOffset.y += (srcVisible.height() - srcSize.height()) / 2; return Rect(drawOffset, srcSize); } int MapView::calcFirstVisibleFloor() { int z = 7; // return forced first visible floor if(m_lockedFirstVisibleFloor != -1) { z = m_lockedFirstVisibleFloor; } else { Position cameraPosition = getCameraPosition(); // this could happens if the player is not known yet if(cameraPosition.isValid()) { // avoid rendering multifloors in far views if(!m_multifloor) { z = cameraPosition.z; } else { // if nothing is limiting the view, the first visible floor is 0 int firstFloor = 0; // limits to underground floors while under sea level if(cameraPosition.z > Otc::SEA_FLOOR) firstFloor = std::max(cameraPosition.z - Otc::AWARE_UNDEGROUND_FLOOR_RANGE, (int)Otc::UNDERGROUND_FLOOR); // loop in 3x3 tiles around the camera for(int ix = -1; ix <= 1 && firstFloor < cameraPosition.z; ++ix) { for(int iy = -1; iy <= 1 && firstFloor < cameraPosition.z; ++iy) { Position pos = cameraPosition.translated(ix, iy); // process tiles that we can look through, e.g. windows, doors if((ix == 0 && iy == 0) || ((std::abs(ix) != std::abs(iy)) && g_map.isLookPossible(pos))) { Position upperPos = pos; Position coveredPos = pos; while(coveredPos.coveredUp() && upperPos.up() && upperPos.z >= firstFloor) { // check tiles physically above TilePtr tile = g_map.getTile(upperPos); if(tile && tile->limitsFloorsView(!g_map.isLookPossible(pos))) { firstFloor = upperPos.z + 1; break; } // check tiles geometrically above tile = g_map.getTile(coveredPos); if(tile && tile->limitsFloorsView(g_map.isLookPossible(pos))) { firstFloor = coveredPos.z + 1; break; } } } } } z = firstFloor; } } } // just ensure the that the floor is in the valid range z = stdext::clamp(z, 0, (int)Otc::MAX_Z); return z; } int MapView::calcLastVisibleFloor() { if(!m_multifloor) return calcFirstVisibleFloor(); int z = 7; Position cameraPosition = getCameraPosition(); // this could happens if the player is not known yet if(cameraPosition.isValid()) { // view only underground floors when below sea level if(cameraPosition.z > Otc::SEA_FLOOR) z = cameraPosition.z + Otc::AWARE_UNDEGROUND_FLOOR_RANGE; else z = Otc::SEA_FLOOR; } if(m_lockedFirstVisibleFloor != -1) z = std::max(m_lockedFirstVisibleFloor, z); // just ensure the that the floor is in the valid range z = stdext::clamp(z, 0, (int)Otc::MAX_Z); return z; } Position MapView::getCameraPosition() { if(isFollowingCreature()) return m_followingCreature->getPosition(); return m_customCameraPosition; } void MapView::setShader(const PainterShaderProgramPtr& shader, float fadein, float fadeout) { if((m_shader == shader && m_shaderSwitchDone) || (m_nextShader == shader && !m_shaderSwitchDone)) return; if(fadeout > 0.0f && m_shader) { m_nextShader = shader; m_shaderSwitchDone = false; } else { m_shader = shader; m_nextShader = nullptr; m_shaderSwitchDone = true; } m_fadeTimer.restart(); m_fadeInTime = fadein; m_fadeOutTime = fadeout; } void MapView::setDrawLights(bool enable) { if(enable == m_drawLights) return; if(enable) m_lightView = LightViewPtr(new LightView); else m_lightView = nullptr; m_drawLights = enable; } /* vim: set ts=4 sw=4 et: */