function UIMap:onMouseRelease(mousePos, mouseButton) local tile = self:getTile(mousePos) if not tile then return false end local keyboardModifiers = g_window.getKeyboardModifiers() print ("lol " .. keyboardModifiers) if not Options.classicControl then if keyboardModifiers == KeyboardNoModifier and mouseButton == MouseLeftButton then -- auto walk return true elseif keyboardModifiers == KeyboardNoModifier and mouseButton == MouseRightButton then Game.createThingMenu(mousePos, tile:getTopLookThing(), tile:getTopUseThing(), tile:getTopCreature()) return true elseif keyboardModifiers == KeyboardShiftModifier and (mouseButton == MouseRightButton or mouseButton == MouseLeftButton) then Game.look(tile:getTopLookThing()) return true elseif keyboardModifiers == KeyboardCtrlModifier and (mouseButton == MouseRightButton or mouseButton == MouseLeftButton) then Game.use(tile:getTopUseThing()) return true elseif keyboardModifiers == KeyboardAltModifier and (mouseButton == MouseRightButton or mouseButton == MouseLeftButton) then Game.attack(tile:getTopCreature()) return true end end return false end