#include #include #include #include #include void UIContainer::destroy() { //logTraceDebug(getId()); // clear additional references m_lockedElements.clear(); m_focusedElement.reset(); // destroy children while(m_children.size() > 0) { UIElementPtr element = m_children.front(); //hold reference element->destroy(); } UIElement::destroy(); } UIContainerPtr& UIContainer::getRoot() { static UIContainerPtr rootContainer; if(!rootContainer) { rootContainer = UIContainerPtr(new UIContainer); rootContainer->setId("root"); rootContainer->setLayout(UILayoutPtr(new UIAnchorLayout)); } return rootContainer; } void UIContainer::addChild(const UIElementPtr& child) { m_children.push_back(child); if(child->getParent() != asUIContainer()) child->setParent(asUIContainer()); } void UIContainer::removeChild(const UIElementPtr& child) { // defocus if needed if(m_focusedElement == child) setFocusedElement(UIElementPtr()); // try to unlock unlockElement(child); // remove from children list m_children.remove(child); if(child->getParent() == asUIContainer()) child->setParent(UIContainerPtr()); } bool UIContainer::hasChild(const UIElementPtr& child) { auto it = std::find(m_children.begin(), m_children.end(), child); if(it != m_children.end()) return true; return false; } UIElementPtr UIContainer::getChildById(const std::string& id) { if(getId() == id || id == "self") return asUIElement(); else if(id == "parent") return getParent(); else if(id == "root") return getRoot(); else if(id == "prev") { if(UIContainerPtr parent = getParent()) return parent->getChildBefore(asUIElement()); } else if(id == "next") { if(UIContainerPtr parent = getParent()) return parent->getChildAfter(asUIElement()); } else { foreach(const UIElementPtr& child, m_children) { if(child->getId() == id) return child; } } return UIElementPtr(); } UIElementPtr UIContainer::getChildBefore(const UIElementPtr& reference) { for(auto it = m_children.rbegin(); it != m_children.rend(); ++it) { const UIElementPtr& element = (*it); if(element == reference) { if(++it != m_children.rend()) return (*it); break; } } return UIElementPtr(); } UIElementPtr UIContainer::getChildAfter(const UIElementPtr& reference) { for(auto it = m_children.begin(); it != m_children.end(); ++it) { const UIElementPtr& element = (*it); if(element == reference) { if(++it != m_children.end()) return (*it); break; } } return UIElementPtr(); } UIElementPtr UIContainer::recursiveGetChildById(const std::string& id) { if(getId() == id || id == "self") return asUIElement(); else if(id == "parent") return getParent(); else if(id == "root") return getRoot(); else if(id == "prev") { if(UIContainerPtr parent = getParent()) return parent->getChildBefore(asUIElement()); } else if(id == "next") { if(UIContainerPtr parent = getParent()) return parent->getChildAfter(asUIElement()); } else { foreach(const UIElementPtr& element, m_children) { if(element->getId() == id) return element; else { UIContainerPtr container = element->asUIContainer(); if(container) { UIElementPtr element2 = container->recursiveGetChildById(id); if(element2) return element2; } } } } return UIElementPtr(); } UIElementPtr UIContainer::getChildByPos(const Point& pos) { for(auto it = m_children.rbegin(); it != m_children.rend(); ++it) { const UIElementPtr& element = (*it); if(element->getRect().contains(pos)) return element; } return UIElementPtr(); } UIElementPtr UIContainer::recursiveGetChildByPos(const Point& pos) { for(auto it = m_children.rbegin(); it != m_children.rend(); ++it) { const UIElementPtr& element = (*it); if(element->getRect().contains(pos)) { if(UIContainerPtr container = element->asUIContainer()) { if(UIElementPtr containerChild = container->recursiveGetChildByPos(pos)) return containerChild; else return container; } return element; } } return UIElementPtr(); } void UIContainer::pushChildToTop(const UIElementPtr& child) { auto it = std::find(m_children.begin(), m_children.end(), child); if(it != m_children.end()) { m_children.erase(it); m_children.push_back(child); } } void UIContainer::onLoad() { foreach(const UIElementPtr& child, m_children) child->onLoad(); UIElement::onLoad(); } void UIContainer::render() { UIElement::render(); foreach(const UIElementPtr& child, m_children) { if(child->isVisible()) child->render(); } } void UIContainer::onInputEvent(const InputEvent& event) { UIElementPtr focusedElement = m_focusedElement; foreach(const UIElementPtr& child, m_children) { bool shouldFire = false; // events should pass only when element is visible and enabled if(child->isEnabled() && child->isVisible()) { if(event.type & EV_KEYBOARD) { // keyboard events only go to focused elements or containers if(child->asUIContainer() || child == focusedElement) { shouldFire = true; } // mouse events } else if(event.type & EV_MOUSE) { // mouse down and wheel events only go to elements that contains the mouse position if(event.type & EV_DOWN || event.type & EV_MOUSE_WHEEL) { // the child must contains the mouse position and be on top if(child->getRect().contains(event.mousePos) && child == getChildByPos(event.mousePos)) { // focus it if(event.type == EV_MOUSE_LDOWN && child->isFocusable()) setFocusedElement(child); shouldFire = true; } } else { shouldFire = true; if(event.type == EV_MOUSE_MOVE) { if(child->getRect().contains(event.mousePos) && UIContainer::getRoot()->recursiveGetChildByPos(event.mousePos) == child) child->setMouseOver(true); else child->setMouseOver(false); } } } } if(shouldFire) child->onInputEvent(event); } } void UIContainer::focusNextElement() { UIElementPtr element; std::list rotatedChildren(m_children); auto focusedIt = std::find(rotatedChildren.begin(), rotatedChildren.end(), m_focusedElement); if(focusedIt != rotatedChildren.end()) { std::rotate(rotatedChildren.begin(), focusedIt, rotatedChildren.end()); rotatedChildren.pop_front(); foreach(const UIElementPtr& child, rotatedChildren) { if(child->isFocusable()) { element = child; break; } } } if(element) setFocusedElement(element); } void UIContainer::setFocusedElement(const UIElementPtr& focusedElement) { if(focusedElement != m_focusedElement) { UIElementPtr oldFocused = m_focusedElement; m_focusedElement = focusedElement; if(oldFocused) oldFocused->onFocusChange(); if(focusedElement) focusedElement->onFocusChange(); } // when containers are focused they go to the top if(focusedElement && focusedElement->asUIContainer()) { g_dispatcher.addTask(std::bind(&UIContainer::pushChildToTop, asUIContainer(), m_focusedElement)); } } bool UIContainer::lockElement(const UIElementPtr& element) { if(std::find(m_children.begin(), m_children.end(), element) != m_children.end()) { m_lockedElements.remove(element); m_lockedElements.push_front(element); foreach(const UIElementPtr& child, m_children) { if(child != element) child->setEnabled(false); else child->setEnabled(true); } return true; } return false; } bool UIContainer::unlockElement(const UIElementPtr& element) { auto it = std::find(m_lockedElements.begin(), m_lockedElements.end(), element); if(it != m_lockedElements.end()) { m_lockedElements.erase(it); UIElementPtr newLockedElement; if(m_lockedElements.size() > 0) newLockedElement = m_lockedElements.front(); foreach(const UIElementPtr& child, m_children) { if(newLockedElement) { if(child == newLockedElement) child->setEnabled(true); else child->setEnabled(false); } else child->setEnabled(true); } return true; } return false; }