modules recursivity makes client crash, it should generate a warning

== P1 BUGS (affects game play)
in some situations creatures may disappears while walking
sometimes minimap desync Z pos
follow and autowalk doesn't cancel when walking via hotkeys
when reading invalid spr/dat the client crashs

when walking on a tile with too many creatures, the following errors occurrs:
ERROR: [ProtocolGame::parseCreatureHealth] could not get greature
ERROR: [ProtocolGame::parseCreatureHealth] could not get greature
ERROR: [Map::setCentralPosition] invalid creature
ERROR: [Map::setCentralPosition] invalid creature
ERROR: [Map::setCentralPosition] invalid creature
ERROR: [Map::setCentralPosition] invalid creature

== P2 BUGS
battle sometimes doesn't clear attacked/followed creatures when they go out of range
when looking from floor 5 in floor 7, sometimes a tile have 2 invisible grounds in floor 6 that should be ignored
invisible creatures name offset is incorrect
walk does not work properly when a creature is paralyzed

== P3 BUGS
widgets may have been destroyed when adding event in onSetup (UIResizeBorder), generating invalid events
too many talk messages in game map make the messages boxes disappear
hotkeys works while windows are locked, it shouldn't
skulls is rendering outside map bounds
party options does not work when re-logging inside a party
sometimes we can still view hits from above/bottom floors from a fight that is not visible