function EnterGame_connectToLoginServer() -- create login protocol local protocolLogin = ProtocolLogin.create() -- used to recreate enter game window local recreateEnterGame = function() loadUI("ui/entergamewindow") end -- display loading message box local loadBox = displayCancelBox("Please wait", "Connecting..") -- cancel loading callback loadBox.onCancel = function(msgbox) -- cancel protocol and reacreate enter game window protocolLogin:cancel() recreateEnterGame() end -- error callback protocolLogin.onError = function(protocol, error) -- destroy loading message box loadBox:destroy() -- display error message local errorBox = displayErrorBox("Login Error", error) -- cancel protocol and reacreate enter game window protocol:cancel() errorBox.onOk = recreateEnterGame end -- motd callback protocolLogin.onMotd = function(protocol, motd) -- destroy loading message box loadBox:destroy() -- display motd local motdNumber = string.sub(motd, 0, string.find(motd, "\n")) local motdText = string.sub(motd, string.find(motd, "\n") + 1, string.len(motd)) local motdBox = displayInfoBox("Message of the day", motdText) -- cancel protocol and reacreate enter game window protocol:cancel() motdBox.onOk = recreateEnterGame end -- get account and password then login local enterGameWindow = rootUI:getChild("enterGameWindow") local account = enterGameWindow:getChild("accountNameTextEdit").text local password = enterGameWindow:getChild("passwordTextEdit").text protocolLogin:login(account, password) -- destroy enter game window enterGameWindow:destroy() end