/* * Copyright (c) 2010-2013 OTClient * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN * THE SOFTWARE. */ #ifndef CLIENT_CONST_H #define CLIENT_CONST_H namespace Otc { enum { TILE_PIXELS = 32, MAX_ELEVATION = 24, SEA_FLOOR = 7, MAX_Z = 15, UNDERGROUND_FLOOR = SEA_FLOOR+1, AWARE_UNDEGROUND_FLOOR_RANGE = 2, INVISIBLE_TICKS_PER_FRAME = 500, ITEM_TICKS_PER_FRAME = 500, ANIMATED_TEXT_DURATION = 1000, STATIC_DURATION_PER_CHARACTER = 60, MIN_STATIC_TEXT_DURATION = 3000, MAX_STATIC_TEXT_WIDTH = 200, MAX_AUTOWALK_STEPS_RETRY = 10 }; enum DrawFlags { DrawGround = 1, DrawGroundBorders = 2, DrawOnBottom = 4, DrawOnTop = 8, DrawItems = 16, DrawCreatures = 32, DrawEffects = 64, DrawMissiles = 128, DrawCreaturesInformation = 256, DrawStaticTexts = 512, DrawAnimatedTexts = 1024, DrawAnimations = 2048, DrawWalls = DrawOnBottom | DrawOnTop, DrawEverything = DrawGround | DrawGroundBorders | DrawWalls | DrawItems | DrawCreatures | DrawEffects | DrawMissiles | DrawCreaturesInformation | DrawStaticTexts | DrawAnimatedTexts | DrawAnimations }; enum DatOpts { DatGround = 0, DatGroundClip, DatOnBottom, DatOnTop, DatContainer, DatStackable, DatForceUse, DatMultiUse, DatWritable, DatWritableOnce, DatFluidContainer, DatSplash, DatBlockWalk, DatNotMoveable, DatBlockProjectile, DatBlockPathFind, DatPickupable, DatHangable, DatHookSouth, DatHookEast, DatRotable, DatLight, DatDontHide, DatTranslucent, DatDisplacement, DatElevation, DatLyingCorpse, DatAnimateAlways, DatMinimapColor, DatLensHelp, DatFullGround, DatIgnoreLook, DatCloth, DatAnimation, // lastest tibia DatLastOpt = 255 }; enum InventorySlot { InventorySlotHead = 1, InventorySlotNecklace, InventorySlotBackpack, InventorySlotArmor, InventorySlotRight, InventorySlotLeft, InventorySlotLegs, InventorySlotFeet, InventorySlotRing, InventorySlotAmmo, InventorySlotPurse, InventorySlotExt1, InventorySlotExt2, InventorySlotExt3, InventorySlotExt4, LastInventorySlot }; enum Statistic { Health = 0, MaxHealth, FreeCapacity, Experience, Level, LevelPercent, Mana, MaxMana, MagicLevel, MagicLevelPercent, Soul, Stamina, LastStatistic }; enum Skill { Fist = 0, Club, Sword, Axe, Distance, Shielding, Fishing, LastSkill }; enum Direction { North = 0, East, South, West, NorthEast, SouthEast, SouthWest, NorthWest, InvalidDirection }; enum FluidsColor { FluidTransparent = 0, FluidBlue, FluidRed, FluidBrown, FluidGreen, FluidYellow, FluidWhite, FluidPurple }; enum FluidsType { FluidNone = 0, FluidWater, FluidMana, FluidBeer, FluidOil, FluidBlood, FluidSlime, FluidMud, FluidLemonade, FluidMilk, FluidWine, FluidHealth, FluidUrine, FluidRum, FluidFruidJuice, FluidCoconutMilk, FluidTea, FluidMead }; enum FightModes { FightOffensive = 1, FightBalanced = 2, FightDefensive = 3 }; enum ChaseModes { DontChase = 0, ChaseOpponent = 1 }; enum PlayerSkulls { SkullNone = 0, SkullYellow, SkullGreen, SkullWhite, SkullRed, SkullBlack, SkullOrange }; enum PlayerShields { ShieldNone = 0, ShieldWhiteYellow, // 1 party leader ShieldWhiteBlue, // 2 party member ShieldBlue, // 3 party member sexp off ShieldYellow, // 4 party leader sexp off ShieldBlueSharedExp, // 5 party member sexp on ShieldYellowSharedExp, // 6 // party leader sexp on ShieldBlueNoSharedExpBlink, // 7 party member sexp inactive guilty ShieldYellowNoSharedExpBlink, // 8 // party leader sexp inactive guilty ShieldBlueNoSharedExp, // 9 party member sexp inactive innocent ShieldYellowNoSharedExp // 10 party leader sexp inactive innocent }; enum PlayerEmblems { EmblemNone = 0, EmblemGreen, EmblemRed, EmblemBlue }; enum PlayerStates { IconNone = 0, IconPoison = 1, IconBurn = 2, IconEnergy = 4, IconDrunk = 8, IconManaShield = 16, IconParalyze = 32, IconHaste = 64, IconSwords = 128, IconDrowning = 256, IconFreezing = 512, IconDazzled = 1024, IconCursed = 2048, IconPartyBuff = 4096, IconPzBlock = 8192, IconPz = 16384, IconBleeding = 32768, IconHungry = 65536 }; enum MessageMode { MessageNone = 0, MessageSay = 1, MessageWhisper = 2, MessageYell = 3, MessagePrivateFrom = 4, MessagePrivateTo = 5, MessageChannelManagement = 6, MessageChannel = 7, MessageChannelHighlight = 8, MessageSpell = 9, MessageNpcFrom = 10, MessageNpcTo = 11, MessageGamemasterBroadcast = 12, MessageGamemasterChannel = 13, MessageGamemasterPrivateFrom = 14, MessageGamemasterPrivateTo = 15, MessageLogin = 16, MessageWarning = 17, MessageGame = 18, MessageFailure = 19, MessageLook = 20, MessageDamageDealed = 21, MessageDamageReceived = 22, MessageHeal = 23, MessageExp = 24, MessageDamageOthers = 25, MessageHealOthers = 26, MessageExpOthers = 27, MessageStatus = 28, MessageLoot = 29, MessageTradeNpc = 30, MessageGuild = 31, MessagePartyManagement = 32, MessageParty = 33, MessageBarkLow = 34, MessageBarkLoud = 35, MessageReport = 36, MessageHotkeyUse = 37, MessageTutorialHint = 38, MessageThankyou = 39, MessageMarket = 40, MessageBeyondLast = 41, // deprecated MessageMonsterYell = 42, MessageMonsterSay = 43, MessageRed = 44, MessageBlue = 45, MessageRVRChannel = 46, MessageRVRAnswer = 47, MessageRVRContinue = 48, LastMessage = 49, MessageInvalid = 255 }; enum GameFeature { // 1-50 defined in c++ GameProtocolChecksum = 1, GameAccountNames = 2, GameChallengeOnLogin = 3, GamePenalityOnDeath = 4, GameNameOnNpcTrade = 5, GameDoubleFreeCapacity = 6, GameDoubleExperience = 7, GameTotalCapacity = 8, GameSkillsBase = 9, GamePlayerRegenerationTime = 10, GameChannelPlayerList = 11, GamePlayerMounts = 12, GameEnvironmentEffect = 13, GameCreatureEmblems = 14, GameItemAnimationPhase = 15, GameMagicEffectU16 = 16, GamePlayerMarket = 17, GameSpritesU32 = 18, GameChargeableItems = 19, GameOfflineTrainingTime = 20, GamePurseSlot = 21, GameFormatCreatureName = 22, GameSpellList = 23, GameClientPing = 24, GameExtendedClientPing = 25, GameUpdater = 26, GameLoginLocale = 27, GameDoubleHealth = 28, GameDoubleSkills = 29, GameChangeMapAwareRange = 30, GameMapMovePosition = 31, GameAttackSeq = 32, GameBlueNpcNameColor = 33, GameDiagonalAnimatedText = 34, GameLoginPending = 35, GameNewSpeedLaw = 36, GameForceFirstAutoWalkStep = 37, // 51-100 reserved to be defined in lua LastGameFeature = 101 }; enum PathFindResult { PathFindResultOk = 0, PathFindResultSamePosition, PathFindResultImpossible, PathFindResultTooFar, PathFindResultNoWay }; enum PathFindFlags { PathFindAllowNullTiles = 1, PathFindAllowCreatures = 2, PathFindAllowNonPathable = 4, PathFindAllowNonWalkable = 8, PathFindAllowChangeFloor = 16 }; enum AutomapFlags { MapMarkTick = 0, MapMarkQuestion, MapMarkExclamation, MapMarkStar, MapMarkCross, MapMarkTemple, MapMarkKiss, MapMarkShovel, MapMarkSword, MapMarkFlag, MapMarkLock, MapMarkBag, MapMarkSkull, MapMarkDollar, MapMarkRedNorth, MapMarkRedSouth, MapMarkRedEast, MapMarkRedWest, MapMarkGreenNorth, MapMarkGreenSouth }; enum VipState { VipStateOffline = 0, VipStateOnline = 1, VipStatePending = 2 }; enum SpeedFormula { SpeedFormulaA = 0, SpeedFormulaB, SpeedFormulaC, LastSpeedFormula }; } #endif