Market = {} local protocol = runinsandbox('marketprotocol.lua') marketWindow = nil mainTabBar = nil displaysTabBar = nil offersTabBar = nil selectionTabBar = nil marketOffersPanel = nil browsePanel = nil searchPanel = nil itemOffersPanel = nil itemDetailsPanel = nil itemStatsPanel = nil myOffersPanel = nil currentOffersPanel = nil offerHistoryPanel = nil itemsPanel = nil selectedOffer = {} nameLabel = nil feeLabel = nil balanceLabel = nil totalPriceEdit = nil piecePriceEdit = nil amountEdit = nil radioItemSet = nil selectedItem = nil offerTypeList = nil categoryList = nil subCategoryList = nil slotFilterList = nil createOfferButton = nil buyButton = nil sellButton = nil anonymous = nil filterButtons = {} buyOfferTable = nil sellOfferTable = nil detailsTable = nil buyStatsTable = nil sellStatsTable = nil marketOffers = {} marketItems = {} information = {} currentItems = {} fee = 0 local offerTableHeader = { {['text'] = 'Player Name', ['width'] = 100}, {['text'] = 'Amount', ['width'] = 60}, {['text'] = 'Total Price', ['width'] = 90}, {['text'] = 'Piece Price', ['width'] = 80}, {['text'] = 'Ends at', ['width'] = 120} } local function isItemValid(item, category) if item.marketData.category ~= category and category ~= MarketCategory[0] then return false end -- filter item local slotFilter = false if slotFilterList:isEnabled() then slotFilter = getMarketSlotFilterId(slotFilterList:getCurrentOption().text) end local marketData = item.marketData local filterVocation = filterButtons[MarketFilters.Vocation]:isChecked() local filterLevel = filterButtons[MarketFilters.Level]:isChecked() local filterDepot = filterButtons[MarketFilters.Depot]:isChecked() if slotFilter then if slotFilter ~= 255 and item.ptr:getClothSlot() ~= slotFilter then return false end end local player = g_game.getLocalPlayer() if filterLevel and marketData.requiredLevel and player:getLevel() < marketData.requiredLevel then return false end if filterVocation and marketData.restrictVocation > 0 then local voc = Bit.bit(information.vocation) if not Bit.hasBit(marketData.restrictVocation, voc) then return false end end if filterDepot and Market.depotContains(item.ptr:getId()) <= 0 then return false end return true end local function clearItems() currentItems = {} Market.refreshItemsWidget() end local function clearOffers() marketOffers[MarketAction.Buy] = {} marketOffers[MarketAction.Sell] = {} buyOfferTable:clearData() sellOfferTable:clearData() end local function clearFilters() for _, filter in pairs(filterButtons) do if filter and filter:isChecked() then filter:setChecked(false) end end end local function refreshTypeList() offerTypeList:clearOptions() offerTypeList:addOption('Buy') if Market.isItemSelected() then if Market.depotContains(selectedItem.item.ptr:getId()) > 0 then offerTypeList:addOption('Sell') end end end local function refreshFee() feeLabel:setText('') fee = 0 end local function addOffer(offer, type) if not offer then return false end local id = offer:getId() local player = offer:getPlayer() local amount = offer:getAmount() local price = offer:getPrice() local timestamp = offer:getTimeStamp() if amount < 1 then return false end if type == MarketAction.Buy then local data = { {['text'] = player, ['width'] = 100}, {['text'] = amount, ['width'] = 60}, {['text'] = price*amount, ['width'] = 90}, {['text'] = price, ['width'] = 80}, {['text'] = string.gsub('%c', timestamp), " ", " "), ['width'] = 120} } buyOfferTable:addRow(data, id) else local data = { {['text'] = player, ['width'] = 100}, {['text'] = amount, ['width'] = 60}, {['text'] = price*amount, ['width'] = 90}, {['text'] = price, ['width'] = 80}, {['text'] = string.gsub('%c', timestamp), " ", " "), ['width'] = 120} } sellOfferTable:addRow(data, id) end return true end local function mergeOffer(offer) if not offer then return false end local id = offer:getId() local type = offer:getType() local amount = offer:getAmount() local replaced = false if type == MarketAction.Buy then for i = 1, #marketOffers[MarketAction.Buy] do local o = marketOffers[MarketAction.Buy][i] -- replace existing offer if o:isEqual(id) then marketOffers[MarketAction.Buy][i] = offer replaced = true end end if not replaced then table.insert(marketOffers[MarketAction.Buy], offer) end else for i = 1, #marketOffers[MarketAction.Sell] do local o = marketOffers[MarketAction.Sell][i] -- replace existing offer if o:isEqual(id) then marketOffers[MarketAction.Sell][i] = offer replaced = true end end if not replaced then table.insert(marketOffers[MarketAction.Sell], offer) end end return true end local function updateOffers(offers) -- TODO: optimize offer updates later selectedOffer[MarketAction.Buy] = nil selectedOffer[MarketAction.Sell] = nil if not buyOfferTable or not sellOfferTable then return end balanceLabel:setColor('#bbbbbb') buyOfferTable:clearData() sellOfferTable:clearData() sellButton:setEnabled(false) buyButton:setEnabled(false) for k, offer in pairs(offers) do mergeOffer(offer) end for type, offers in pairs(marketOffers) do for i = 1, #offers do addOffer(offers[i], type) end end end local function updateDetails(itemId, descriptions, purchaseStats, saleStats) if not selectedItem then return end -- update item details detailsTable:clearData() for k, desc in pairs(descriptions) do local columns = { {['text'] = getMarketDescriptionName(desc[1])..':'}, {['text'] = desc[2], ['width'] = 330} } detailsTable:addRow(columns) end -- update sale item statistics sellStatsTable:clearData() if table.empty(saleStats) then sellStatsTable:addRow({{['text'] = 'No information'}}) else local transactions, totalPrice, highestPrice, lowestPrice = 0, 0, 0, 0 for _, stat in pairs(saleStats) do if not stat:isNull() then transactions = transactions + stat:getTransactions() totalPrice = totalPrice + stat:getTotalPrice() local newHigh = stat:getHighestPrice() if newHigh > highestPrice then highestPrice = newHigh end local newLow = stat:getLowestPrice() -- ?? getting '0xffffffff' result from lowest price in 9.60 cipsoft if (lowestPrice == 0 or newLow < lowestPrice) and newLow ~= 0xffffffff then lowestPrice = newLow end end end sellStatsTable:addRow({{['text'] = 'Total Transations:'}, {['text'] = transactions, ['width'] = 270}}) sellStatsTable:addRow({{['text'] = 'Highest Price:'}, {['text'] = highestPrice, ['width'] = 270}}) if totalPrice > 0 and transactions > 0 then sellStatsTable:addRow({{['text'] = 'Average Price:'}, {['text'] = math.floor(totalPrice/transactions), ['width'] = 270}}) else sellStatsTable:addRow({{['text'] = 'Average Price:'}, {['text'] = 0, ['width'] = 270}}) end sellStatsTable:addRow({{['text'] = 'Lowest Price:'}, {['text'] = lowestPrice, ['width'] = 270}}) end -- update buy item statistics buyStatsTable:clearData() if table.empty(purchaseStats) then buyStatsTable:addRow({{['text'] = 'No information'}}) else local transactions, totalPrice, highestPrice, lowestPrice = 0, 0, 0, 0 for _, stat in pairs(purchaseStats) do if not stat:isNull() then transactions = transactions + stat:getTransactions() totalPrice = totalPrice + stat:getTotalPrice() local newHigh = stat:getHighestPrice() if newHigh > highestPrice then highestPrice = newHigh end local newLow = stat:getLowestPrice() -- ?? getting '0xffffffff' result from lowest price in 9.60 cipsoft if (lowestPrice == 0 or newLow < lowestPrice) and newLow ~= 0xffffffff then lowestPrice = newLow end end end buyStatsTable:addRow({{['text'] = 'Total Transations:'}, {['text'] = transactions, ['width'] = 270}}) buyStatsTable:addRow({{['text'] = 'Highest Price:'}, {['text'] = highestPrice, ['width'] = 270}}) if totalPrice > 0 and transactions > 0 then buyStatsTable:addRow({{['text'] = 'Average Price:'}, {['text'] = math.floor(totalPrice/transactions), ['width'] = 270}}) else buyStatsTable:addRow({{['text'] = 'Average Price:'}, {['text'] = 0, ['width'] = 270}}) end buyStatsTable:addRow({{['text'] = 'Lowest Price:'}, {['text'] = lowestPrice, ['width'] = 270}}) end end local function updateSelectedItem(newItem) selectedItem.item = newItem Market.resetCreateOffer() if Market.isItemSelected() then selectedItem:setItem(selectedItem.item.ptr) nameLabel:setText( clearOffers() Market.enableCreateOffer(true)-- update offer types MarketProtocol.sendMarketBrowse(selectedItem.item.ptr:getId()) -- send browsed msg else Market.Market.clearSelectedItem() end end local function updateBalance(balance) local balance = tonumber(balance) if not balance then return end if balance < 0 then balance = 0 end information.balance = balance balanceLabel:setText('Balance: '..balance..'gp') balanceLabel:resizeToText() end local function updateDepotItemCount(itemId, amount) if Market.depotContains(itemId) < amount then return false end for i = 1, #information.depotItems do local depotItem = information.depotItems[i] if depotItem and itemId == depotItem.ptr:getId() then local depotItemCount = depotItem.ptr:getCount() if depotItemCount <= 100 and depotItemCount >= amount then if (depotItemCount - amount) <= 0 then table.remove(information.depotItems, i) else depotItem.ptr:setCount(depotItemCount - amount) information.depotItems[i] = depotItem end return true else local removeCount = math.floor(amount/100) local remainder = amount % depotItemCount if remainder > 0 then removeCount = removeCount + 1 end for i = 1, removeCount do if i == removeCount and remainder > 0 then updateDepotItemCount(itemId, remainder) else updateDepotItemCount(itemId, 100) end end return true end end end end local function updateFee(price, amount) fee = math.ceil(price / 100 * amount) if fee < 20 then fee = 20 elseif fee > 1000 then fee = 1000 end feeLabel:setText('Fee: '..fee) feeLabel:resizeToText() end local function openAmountWindow(callback, type, actionText) local actionText = actionText or '' if not Market.isOfferSelected(type) then return end amountWindow = g_ui.createWidget('AmountWindow', rootWidget) amountWindow:lock() local spinbox = amountWindow:getChildById('amountSpinBox') spinbox:setMaximum(selectedOffer[type]:getAmount()) spinbox:setMinimum(1) spinbox:setValue(1) local scrollbar = amountWindow:getChildById('amountScrollBar') scrollbar:setMaximum(selectedOffer[type]:getAmount()) scrollbar:setMinimum(1) scrollbar:setValue(1) scrollbar.onValueChange = function(self, value) spinbox:setValue(value) end spinbox.onValueChange = function(self, value) scrollbar:setValue(value) end local okButton = amountWindow:getChildById('buttonOk') if actionText ~= '' then okButton:setText(actionText) end local okFunc = function() local counter = selectedOffer[type]:getCounter() local timestamp = selectedOffer[type]:getTimeStamp() callback(spinbox:getValue(), timestamp, counter) okButton:getParent():destroy() amountWindow = nil end local cancelButton = amountWindow:getChildById('buttonCancel') local cancelFunc = function() cancelButton:getParent():destroy() amountWindow = nil end amountWindow.onEnter = okFunc amountWindow.onEscape = cancelFunc okButton.onClick = okFunc cancelButton.onClick = cancelFunc end local function onSelectSellOffer(table, selectedRow, previousSelectedRow) updateBalance() for _, offer in pairs(marketOffers[MarketAction.Sell]) do if offer:isEqual(selectedRow.ref) then selectedOffer[MarketAction.Buy] = offer buyButton:setEnabled(true) end end local offer = selectedOffer[MarketAction.Buy] if offer then local price = offer:getPrice() if price > information.balance then balanceLabel:setColor('#b22222') else local slice = (information.balance / 2) if (price/slice) * 100 <= 40 then color = '#008b00' -- green elseif (price/slice) * 100 <= 70 then color = '#eec900' -- yellow else color = '#ee9a00' -- orange end balanceLabel:setColor(color) end end end local function onSelectBuyOffer(table, selectedRow, previousSelectedRow) updateBalance() for _, offer in pairs(marketOffers[MarketAction.Buy]) do if offer:isEqual(selectedRow.ref) then selectedOffer[MarketAction.Sell] = offer if Market.depotContains(offer:getItem():getId()) >= offer:getAmount() then sellButton:setEnabled(true) else sellButton:setEnabled(false) end end end end local function onChangeCategory(combobox, option) local id = getMarketCategoryId(option) if id == MarketCategory.MetaWeapons then -- enable and load weapons filter/items subCategoryList:setEnabled(true) slotFilterList:setEnabled(true) local subId = getMarketCategoryId(subCategoryList:getCurrentOption().text) Market.loadMarketItems(subId) else subCategoryList:setEnabled(false) slotFilterList:setEnabled(false) Market.loadMarketItems(id) -- load standard filter end end local function onChangeSubCategory(combobox, option) Market.loadMarketItems(getMarketCategoryId(option)) slotFilterList:clearOptions() local subId = getMarketCategoryId(subCategoryList:getCurrentOption().text) local slots = MarketCategoryWeapons[subId].slots for _, slot in pairs(slots) do if table.hasKey(MarketSlotFilters, slot) then slotFilterList:addOption(MarketSlotFilters[slot]) end end slotFilterList:setEnabled(true) end local function onChangeSlotFilter(combobox, option) Market.updateCurrentItems() end local function onChangeOfferType(combobox, option) local id = selectedItem.item.ptr:getId() if option == 'Sell' then local max = Market.depotContains(id) amountEdit:setMaximum(max) else amountEdit:setMaximum(999999) end end local function onTotalPriceChange() local totalPrice = totalPriceEdit:getValue() local piecePrice = piecePriceEdit:getValue() local amount = amountEdit:getValue() piecePriceEdit:setValue(math.floor(totalPrice/amount)) if Market.isItemSelected() then updateFee(totalPrice, amount) end end local function onPiecePriceChange() local totalPrice = totalPriceEdit:getValue() local piecePrice = piecePriceEdit:getValue() local amount = amountEdit:getValue() totalPriceEdit:setValue(piecePrice*amount) if Market.isItemSelected() then updateFee(totalPrice, amount) end end local function onAmountChange() local totalPrice = totalPriceEdit:getValue() local piecePrice = piecePriceEdit:getValue() local amount = amountEdit:getValue() piecePriceEdit:setValue(math.floor(totalPrice/amount)) totalPriceEdit:setValue(piecePrice*amount) if Market.isItemSelected() then updateFee(totalPrice, amount) end end local function initMarketItems() -- populate all market items marketItems = {} local types = g_things.findThingTypeByAttr(ThingAttrMarket, 0) for i = 1, #types do local t = types[i] local newItem = Item.create(t:getId()) if newItem then local marketData = t:getMarketData() if not table.empty(marketData) then local item = { ptr = newItem, marketData = marketData } marketItems[#marketItems+1] = item end end end end local function initInterface() -- TODO: clean this up -- setup main tabs mainTabBar = marketWindow:getChildById('mainTabBar') mainTabBar:setContentWidget(marketWindow:getChildById('mainTabContent')) -- setup 'Market Offer' section tabs marketOffersPanel = g_ui.loadUI('ui/marketoffers.otui') mainTabBar:addTab(tr('Market Offers'), marketOffersPanel) selectionTabBar = marketOffersPanel:getChildById('leftTabBar') selectionTabBar:setContentWidget(marketOffersPanel:getChildById('leftTabContent')) browsePanel = g_ui.loadUI('ui/marketoffers/browse.otui') selectionTabBar:addTab(tr('Browse'), browsePanel) searchPanel = g_ui.loadUI('ui/marketoffers/search.otui') selectionTabBar:addTab(tr('Search'), searchPanel) displaysTabBar = marketOffersPanel:getChildById('rightTabBar') displaysTabBar:setContentWidget(marketOffersPanel:getChildById('rightTabContent')) itemOffersPanel = g_ui.loadUI('ui/marketoffers/itemoffers.otui') displaysTabBar:addTab(tr('Offers'), itemOffersPanel) itemDetailsPanel = g_ui.loadUI('ui/marketoffers/itemdetails.otui') displaysTabBar:addTab(tr('Details'), itemDetailsPanel) itemStatsPanel = g_ui.loadUI('ui/marketoffers/itemstats.otui') displaysTabBar:addTab(tr('Statistics'), itemStatsPanel) -- setup 'My Offer' section tabs myOffersPanel = g_ui.loadUI('ui/myoffers.otui') mainTabBar:addTab(tr('My Offers'), myOffersPanel) offersTabBar = myOffersPanel:getChildById('offersTabBar') offersTabBar:setContentWidget(myOffersPanel:getChildById('offersTabContent')) currentOffersPanel = g_ui.loadUI('ui/myoffers/currentoffers.otui') offersTabBar:addTab(tr('Current Offers'), currentOffersPanel) offerHistoryPanel = g_ui.loadUI('ui/myoffers/offerhistory.otui') offersTabBar:addTab(tr('Offer History'), offerHistoryPanel) balanceLabel = marketWindow:getChildById('balanceLabel') -- setup offers buyButton = itemOffersPanel:getChildById('buyButton') buyButton.onClick = function() openAmountWindow(Market.buyMarketOffer, MarketAction.Buy, 'Buy') end sellButton = itemOffersPanel:getChildById('sellButton') sellButton.onClick = function() openAmountWindow(Market.sellMarketOffer, MarketAction.Sell, 'Sell') end -- setup selected item nameLabel = marketOffersPanel:getChildById('nameLabel') selectedItem = marketOffersPanel:getChildById('selectedItem') selectedItem.item = {} -- setup create new offer totalPriceEdit = marketOffersPanel:getChildById('totalPriceEdit') piecePriceEdit = marketOffersPanel:getChildById('piecePriceEdit') amountEdit = marketOffersPanel:getChildById('amountEdit') feeLabel = marketOffersPanel:getChildById('feeLabel') totalPriceEdit.onValueChange = onTotalPriceChange piecePriceEdit.onValueChange = onPiecePriceChange amountEdit.onValueChange = onAmountChange offerTypeList = marketOffersPanel:getChildById('offerTypeComboBox') offerTypeList.onOptionChange = onChangeOfferType anonymous = marketOffersPanel:getChildById('anonymousCheckBox') createOfferButton = marketOffersPanel:getChildById('createOfferButton') createOfferButton.onClick = Market.createNewOffer Market.enableCreateOffer(false) -- setup filters filterButtons[MarketFilters.Vocation] = browsePanel:getChildById('filterVocation') filterButtons[MarketFilters.Level] = browsePanel:getChildById('filterLevel') filterButtons[MarketFilters.Depot] = browsePanel:getChildById('filterDepot') categoryList = browsePanel:getChildById('categoryComboBox') subCategoryList = browsePanel:getChildById('subCategoryComboBox') slotFilterList = browsePanel:getChildById('typeComboBox') slotFilterList:addOption(MarketSlotFilters[255]) slotFilterList:setEnabled(false) for i = MarketCategory.First, MarketCategory.Last do if i >= MarketCategory.Ammunition and i <= MarketCategory.WandsRods then subCategoryList:addOption(getMarketCategoryName(i)) else categoryList:addOption(getMarketCategoryName(i)) end end categoryList:addOption(getMarketCategoryName(255)) -- meta weapons categoryList:setCurrentOption(getMarketCategoryName(MarketCategory.First)) subCategoryList:setEnabled(false) -- hook item filters categoryList.onOptionChange = onChangeCategory subCategoryList.onOptionChange = onChangeSubCategory slotFilterList.onOptionChange = onChangeSlotFilter -- get tables buyOfferTable = itemOffersPanel:recursiveGetChildById('buyingTable') sellOfferTable = itemOffersPanel:recursiveGetChildById('sellingTable') detailsTable = itemDetailsPanel:recursiveGetChildById('detailsTable') buyStatsTable = itemStatsPanel:recursiveGetChildById('buyStatsTable') sellStatsTable = itemStatsPanel:recursiveGetChildById('sellStatsTable') buyOfferTable.onSelectionChange = onSelectBuyOffer sellOfferTable.onSelectionChange = onSelectSellOffer end function init() g_ui.importStyle('market.otui') g_ui.importStyle('ui/general/markettabs.otui') g_ui.importStyle('ui/general/marketbuttons.otui') g_ui.importStyle('ui/general/marketcombobox.otui') g_ui.importStyle('ui/general/amountwindow.otui') protocol.initProtocol() connect(g_game, { onGameEnd = Market.reset }) marketWindow = g_ui.createWidget('MarketWindow', rootWidget) marketWindow:hide() initInterface() -- build interface initMarketItems() end function terminate() protocol.terminateProtocol() disconnect(g_game, { onGameEnd = Market.reset }) if marketWindow then marketWindow:destroy() end Market = nil end function Market.reset() balanceLabel:setColor('#bbbbbb') marketWindow:unlock() marketWindow:hide() categoryList:setCurrentOption(getMarketCategoryName(MarketCategory.First)) Market.clearSelectedItem() clearFilters() clearItems() end function Market.clearSelectedItem() if Market.isItemSelected() then Market.resetCreateOffer() offerTypeList:clearOptions() offerTypeList:setText('Please Select') offerTypeList:setEnabled(false) clearOffers() radioItemSet:selectWidget(nil) nameLabel:setText('No item selected.') selectedItem:setItem(nil) detailsTable:clearData() buyStatsTable:clearData() sellStatsTable:clearData() Market.enableCreateOffer(false) end end function Market.isItemSelected() return selectedItem and not table.empty(selectedItem.item) and selectedItem.item.ptr end function Market.isOfferSelected(type) return selectedOffer[type] and not selectedOffer[type]:isNull() end function Market.depotContains(itemId) local count = 0 for i = 1, #information.depotItems do local item = information.depotItems[i] if item and item.ptr:getId() == itemId then count = count + item.ptr:getCount() end end return count end function Market.enableCreateOffer(enable) offerTypeList:setEnabled(enable) totalPriceEdit:setEnabled(enable) piecePriceEdit:setEnabled(enable) amountEdit:setEnabled(enable) anonymous:setEnabled(enable) createOfferButton:setEnabled(enable) local prevAmountButton = marketOffersPanel:recursiveGetChildById('prevAmountButton') local nextAmountButton = marketOffersPanel:recursiveGetChildById('nextAmountButton') prevAmountButton:setEnabled(enable) nextAmountButton:setEnabled(enable) end function Market.incrementAmount() amountEdit:setValue(amountEdit:getValue() + 1) end function Market.decrementAmount() amountEdit:setValue(amountEdit:getValue() - 1) end function Market.updateCurrentItems() local id = getMarketCategoryId(categoryList:getCurrentOption().text) if id == MarketCategory.MetaWeapons then id = getMarketCategoryId(subCategoryList:getCurrentOption().text) end Market.loadMarketItems(id) end function Market.resetCreateOffer() piecePriceEdit:setValue(1) totalPriceEdit:setValue(1) amountEdit:setValue(1) refreshTypeList() refreshFee() end function Market.refreshItemsWidget(selectItem) local selectItem = selectItem or 0 itemsPanel = browsePanel:recursiveGetChildById('itemsPanel') local layout = itemsPanel:getLayout() layout:disableUpdates() Market.clearSelectedItem() itemsPanel:destroyChildren() if radioItemSet then radioItemSet:destroy() end radioItemSet = UIRadioGroup.create() local select = nil for i = 1, #currentItems do local item = currentItems[i] local itemBox = g_ui.createWidget('MarketItemBox', itemsPanel) itemBox.onCheckChange = Market.onItemBoxChecked itemBox.item = item if selectItem > 0 and item.ptr:getId() == selectItem then select = itemBox end local itemWidget = itemBox:getChildById('item') item.ptr:setCount(1) -- reset item count for image itemWidget:setItem(item.ptr) local amount = Market.depotContains(item.ptr:getId()) if amount > 0 then itemWidget:setText(amount) itemBox:setTooltip('You have '.. amount ..' in your depot.') end radioItemSet:addWidget(itemBox) end if select then select:setChecked(true) end layout:enableUpdates() layout:update() end function Market.loadMarketItems(category) if table.empty(marketItems) then initMarketItems() end clearItems() for i = 1, #marketItems do local item = marketItems[i] if isItemValid(item, category) then table.insert(currentItems, item) end end Market.refreshItemsWidget() end function Market.loadDepotItems(depotItems) information.depotItems = {} local items = {} for i = 1, #depotItems do local data = depotItems[i] local id, count = data[1], data[2] if count > 100 then local createCount = math.floor(count/100) local remainder = count % 100 if remainder > 0 then createCount = createCount + 1 end for i = 1, createCount do local newItem = Item.create(id) if i == createCount and remainder > 0 then newItem:setCount(remainder) else newItem:setCount(100) end table.insert(items, newItem) end else local newItem = Item.create(id) newItem:setCount(count) table.insert(items, newItem) end end for _, newItem in pairs(items) do local marketData = newItem:getMarketData() if not table.empty(marketData) then local item = { ptr = newItem, marketData = marketData } table.insert(information.depotItems, item) end end end function Market.createNewOffer() local type = offerTypeList:getCurrentOption().text if type == 'Sell' then type = MarketAction.Sell else type = MarketAction.Buy end if not Market.isItemSelected() then return end local item = selectedItem.item local spriteId = item.ptr:getId() local piecePrice = piecePriceEdit:getValue() local totalPrice = totalPriceEdit:getValue() local amount = amountEdit:getValue() local anonymous = anonymous:isChecked() and 1 or 0 local errorMsg = '' if piecePrice > piecePriceEdit.maximum then errorMsg = errorMsg..'Price is too high.\n' elseif piecePrice < piecePriceEdit.minimum then errorMsg = errorMsg..'Price is too low.\n' end if amount > amountEdit.maximum then errorMsg = errorMsg..'Amount is too high.\n' elseif amount < amountEdit.minimum then errorMsg = errorMsg..'Amount is too low.\n' end if errorMsg ~= '' then UIMessageBox.display('Error', errorMsg, MessageBoxOk) return end MarketProtocol.sendMarketCreateOffer(type, spriteId, amount, piecePrice, anonymous) if type == MarketAction.Sell then --[[ This is require due to bot protected protocol (cannot update browse item without user input) normal way is to use the new retrieved depot items in onMarketEnter and refresh the items widget. ]] updateDepotItemCount(spriteId, amount) Market.refreshItemsWidget(spriteId) end Market.resetCreateOffer() end function Market.buyMarketOffer(amount, timestamp, counter) if timestamp > 0 and amount > 0 then MarketProtocol.sendMarketAcceptOffer(timestamp, counter, amount) end end function Market.sellMarketOffer(amount, timestamp, counter) if timestamp > 0 and amount > 0 then MarketProtocol.sendMarketAcceptOffer(timestamp, counter, amount) end end function Market.onItemBoxChecked(widget) if widget:isChecked() then updateSelectedItem(widget.item) end end function Market.onMarketEnter(depotItems, offers, balance, vocation) updateBalance(balance) information.totalOffers = offers if vocation < 0 then local player = g_game.getLocalPlayer() if player then information.vocation = player:getVocation() end else -- vocation must be compatible with < 950 information.vocation = vocation end Market.loadDepotItems(depotItems) if table.empty(currentItems) then Market.loadMarketItems(MarketCategory.First) end -- build offer table header if buyOfferTable and not buyOfferTable:hasHeader() then buyOfferTable:addHeaderRow(offerTableHeader) end if sellOfferTable and not sellOfferTable:hasHeader() then sellOfferTable:addHeaderRow(offerTableHeader) end if g_game.isOnline() then marketWindow:lock() marketWindow:show() end end function Market.onMarketLeave() marketWindow:unlock() marketWindow:hide() end function Market.onMarketDetail(itemId, descriptions, purchaseStats, saleStats) updateDetails(itemId, descriptions, purchaseStats, saleStats) end function Market.onMarketBrowse(offers) updateOffers(offers) end