BUY = 1 SELL = 2 CURRENCY = 'gold' CURRENCY_DECIMAL = false WEIGHT_UNIT = 'oz' LAST_INVENTORY = 10 npcWindow = nil itemsPanel = nil radioTabs = nil radioItems = nil searchText = nil setupPanel = nil quantity = nil quantityScroll = nil nameLabel = nil priceLabel = nil moneyLabel = nil weightDesc = nil weightLabel = nil capacityDesc = nil capacityLabel = nil tradeButton = nil buyTab = nil sellTab = nil initialized = false showWeight = true buyWithBackpack = nil ignoreCapacity = nil ignoreEquipped = nil showAllItems = nil sellAllButton = nil playerFreeCapacity = nil playerMoney = nil tradeItems = {} playerItems = nil selectedItem = nil cancelNextRelease = nil function init() connect(LocalPlayer, {onInventoryChange = refreshPlayerGoods}) npcWindow = g_ui.displayUI('npctrade') npcWindow:setVisible(false) itemsPanel = npcWindow:recursiveGetChildById('itemsPanel') searchText = npcWindow:recursiveGetChildById('searchText') setupPanel = npcWindow:recursiveGetChildById('setupPanel') quantityScroll = setupPanel:getChildById('quantityScroll') nameLabel = setupPanel:getChildById('name') priceLabel = setupPanel:getChildById('price') moneyLabel = setupPanel:getChildById('money') weightDesc = setupPanel:getChildById('weightDesc') weightLabel = setupPanel:getChildById('weight') capacityDesc = setupPanel:getChildById('capacityDesc') capacityLabel = setupPanel:getChildById('capacity') tradeButton = npcWindow:recursiveGetChildById('tradeButton') buyWithBackpack = npcWindow:recursiveGetChildById('buyWithBackpack') ignoreCapacity = npcWindow:recursiveGetChildById('ignoreCapacity') ignoreEquipped = npcWindow:recursiveGetChildById('ignoreEquipped') showAllItems = npcWindow:recursiveGetChildById('showAllItems') sellAllButton = npcWindow:recursiveGetChildById('sellAllButton') buyTab = npcWindow:getChildById('buyTab') sellTab = npcWindow:getChildById('sellTab') radioTabs = UIRadioGroup.create() radioTabs:addWidget(buyTab) radioTabs:addWidget(sellTab) radioTabs:selectWidget(buyTab) radioTabs.onSelectionChange = onTradeTypeChange cancelNextRelease = false if g_game.isOnline() then playerFreeCapacity = g_game.getLocalPlayer():getFreeCapacity() end connect(g_game, { onGameEnd = hide, onOpenNpcTrade = onOpenNpcTrade, onCloseNpcTrade = onCloseNpcTrade, onPlayerGoods = onPlayerGoods } ) connect(LocalPlayer, { onFreeCapacityChange = onFreeCapacityChange, onInventoryChange = onInventoryChange } ) initialized = true end function terminate() initialized = false npcWindow:destroy() disconnect(g_game, { onGameEnd = hide, onOpenNpcTrade = onOpenNpcTrade, onCloseNpcTrade = onCloseNpcTrade, onPlayerGoods = onPlayerGoods } ) disconnect(LocalPlayer, { onFreeCapacityChange = onFreeCapacityChange, onInventoryChange = onInventoryChange } ) end function show() if g_game.isOnline() then if #tradeItems[BUY] > 0 then radioTabs:selectWidget(buyTab) else radioTabs:selectWidget(sellTab) end npcWindow:show() npcWindow:raise() npcWindow:focus() end end function hide() npcWindow:hide() end function onItemBoxChecked(widget) if widget:isChecked() then local item = widget.item selectedItem = item refreshItem(item) tradeButton:enable() if getCurrentTradeType() == SELL then quantityScroll:setValue(quantityScroll:getMaximum()) end end end function onQuantityValueChange(quantity) if selectedItem then weightLabel:setText(string.format('%.2f', selectedItem.weight*quantity) .. ' ' .. WEIGHT_UNIT) priceLabel:setText(formatCurrency(getItemPrice(selectedItem))) end end function onTradeTypeChange(radioTabs, selected, deselected) tradeButton:setText(selected:getText()) selected:setOn(true) deselected:setOn(false) local currentTradeType = getCurrentTradeType() buyWithBackpack:setVisible(currentTradeType == BUY) ignoreCapacity:setVisible(currentTradeType == BUY) ignoreEquipped:setVisible(currentTradeType == SELL) showAllItems:setVisible(currentTradeType == SELL) sellAllButton:setVisible(currentTradeType == SELL) refreshTradeItems() refreshPlayerGoods() end function onTradeClick() if getCurrentTradeType() == BUY then g_game.buyItem(selectedItem.ptr, quantityScroll:getValue(), ignoreCapacity:isChecked(), buyWithBackpack:isChecked()) else g_game.sellItem(selectedItem.ptr, quantityScroll:getValue(), ignoreEquipped:isChecked()) end end function onSearchTextChange() refreshPlayerGoods() end function itemPopup(self, mousePosition, mouseButton) if cancelNextRelease then cancelNextRelease = false return false end if mouseButton == MouseRightButton then local menu = g_ui.createWidget('PopupMenu') menu:addOption(tr('Look'), function() return g_game.inspectNpcTrade(self:getItem()) end) menu:display(mousePosition) return true elseif ((g_mouse.isPressed(MouseLeftButton) and mouseButton == MouseRightButton) or (g_mouse.isPressed(MouseRightButton) and mouseButton == MouseLeftButton)) then cancelNextRelease = true g_game.inspectNpcTrade(self:getItem()) return true end return false end function onBuyWithBackpackChange() if selectedItem then refreshItem(selectedItem) end end function onIgnoreCapacityChange() refreshPlayerGoods() end function onIgnoreEquippedChange() refreshPlayerGoods() end function onShowAllItemsChange() refreshPlayerGoods() end function setCurrency(currency, decimal) CURRENCY = currency CURRENCY_DECIMAL = decimal end function setShowWeight(state) showWeight = state weightDesc:setVisible(state) weightLabel:setVisible(state) end function setShowYourCapacity(state) capacityDesc:setVisible(state) capacityLabel:setVisible(state) ignoreCapacity:setVisible(state) end function clearSelectedItem() nameLabel:clearText() weightLabel:clearText() priceLabel:clearText() tradeButton:disable() quantityScroll:setMinimum(0) quantityScroll:setMaximum(0) if selectedItem then radioItems:selectWidget(nil) selectedItem = nil end end function getCurrentTradeType() if tradeButton:getText() == tr('Buy') then return BUY else return SELL end end function getItemPrice(item, single) local amount = 1 local single = single or false if not single then amount = quantityScroll:getValue() end if getCurrentTradeType() == BUY then if buyWithBackpack:isChecked() then if item.ptr:isStackable() then return item.price*amount + 20 else return item.price*amount + math.ceil(amount/20)*20 end end end return item.price*amount end function getSellQuantity(item) if not item or not playerItems[item:getId()] then return 0 end local removeAmount = 0 if ignoreEquipped:isChecked() then local localPlayer = g_game.getLocalPlayer() for i=1,LAST_INVENTORY do local inventoryItem = localPlayer:getInventoryItem(i) if inventoryItem and inventoryItem:getId() == item:getId() then removeAmount = removeAmount + inventoryItem:getCount() end end end return playerItems[item:getId()] - removeAmount end function canTradeItem(item) if getCurrentTradeType() == BUY then return (ignoreCapacity:isChecked() or (not ignoreCapacity:isChecked() and playerFreeCapacity >= item.weight)) and playerMoney >= getItemPrice(item, true) else return getSellQuantity(item.ptr) > 0 end end function refreshItem(item) nameLabel:setText( weightLabel:setText(string.format('%.2f', item.weight) .. ' ' .. WEIGHT_UNIT) priceLabel:setText(formatCurrency(getItemPrice(item))) if getCurrentTradeType() == BUY then local capacityMaxCount = math.floor(playerFreeCapacity / item.weight) if ignoreCapacity:isChecked() then capacityMaxCount = 65535 end local priceMaxCount = math.floor(playerMoney / getItemPrice(item, true)) local finalCount = math.max(0, math.min(getMaxAmount(), math.min(priceMaxCount, capacityMaxCount))) quantityScroll:setMinimum(1) quantityScroll:setMaximum(finalCount) else quantityScroll:setMinimum(1) quantityScroll:setMaximum(math.max(0, math.min(getMaxAmount(), getSellQuantity(item.ptr)))) end setupPanel:enable() end function refreshTradeItems() local layout = itemsPanel:getLayout() layout:disableUpdates() clearSelectedItem() searchText:clearText() setupPanel:disable() itemsPanel:destroyChildren() if radioItems then radioItems:destroy() end radioItems = UIRadioGroup.create() local currentTradeItems = tradeItems[getCurrentTradeType()] for key,item in pairs(currentTradeItems) do local itemBox = g_ui.createWidget('NPCItemBox', itemsPanel) itemBox.item = item local text = '' local name = text = text .. name if showWeight then local weight = string.format('%.2f', item.weight) .. ' ' .. WEIGHT_UNIT text = text .. '\n' .. weight end local price = formatCurrency(item.price) text = text .. '\n' .. price itemBox:setText(text) local itemWidget = itemBox:getChildById('item') itemWidget:setItem(item.ptr) itemWidget.onMouseRelease = itemPopup radioItems:addWidget(itemBox) end layout:enableUpdates() layout:update() end function refreshPlayerGoods() if not initialized then return end checkSellAllTooltip() moneyLabel:setText(formatCurrency(playerMoney)) capacityLabel:setText(string.format('%.2f', playerFreeCapacity) .. ' ' .. WEIGHT_UNIT) local currentTradeType = getCurrentTradeType() local searchFilter = searchText:getText():lower() local foundSelectedItem = false local items = itemsPanel:getChildCount() for i=1,items do local itemWidget = itemsPanel:getChildByIndex(i) local item = itemWidget.item local canTrade = canTradeItem(item) itemWidget:setOn(canTrade) local searchCondition = (searchFilter == '') or (searchFilter ~= '' and string.find(, searchFilter) ~= nil) local showAllItemsCondition = (currentTradeType == BUY) or (showAllItems:isChecked()) or (currentTradeType == SELL and not showAllItems:isChecked() and canTrade) itemWidget:setVisible(searchCondition and showAllItemsCondition) if selectedItem == item and itemWidget:isEnabled() and itemWidget:isVisible() then foundSelectedItem = true end end if not foundSelectedItem then clearSelectedItem() end if selectedItem then refreshItem(selectedItem) end end function onOpenNpcTrade(items) tradeItems[BUY] = {} tradeItems[SELL] = {} for key,item in pairs(items) do if item[4] > 0 then local newItem = {} newItem.ptr = item[1] = item[2] newItem.weight = item[3] / 100 newItem.price = item[4] table.insert(tradeItems[BUY], newItem) end if item[5] > 0 then local newItem = {} newItem.ptr = item[1] = item[2] newItem.weight = item[3] / 100 newItem.price = item[5] table.insert(tradeItems[SELL], newItem) end end refreshTradeItems() addEvent(show) -- player goods has not been parsed yet end function closeNpcTrade() g_game.closeNpcTrade() hide() end function onCloseNpcTrade() hide() end function onPlayerGoods(money, items) playerMoney = money playerItems = {} for key,item in pairs(items) do local id = item[1]:getId() if not playerItems[id] then playerItems[id] = item[2] else playerItems[id] = playerItems[id] + item[2] end end refreshPlayerGoods() end function onFreeCapacityChange(localPlayer, freeCapacity, oldFreeCapacity) playerFreeCapacity = freeCapacity if npcWindow:isVisible() then refreshPlayerGoods() end end function onInventoryChange(inventory, item, oldItem) if selectedItem then refreshItem(selectedItem) end end function getTradeItemData(id, type) if table.empty(tradeItems[type]) then return false end if type then for key,item in pairs(tradeItems[type]) do if item.ptr and item.ptr:getId() == id then return item end end else for _,items in pairs(tradeItems) do for key,item in pairs(items) do if item.ptr and item.ptr:getId() == id then return item end end end end return false end function checkSellAllTooltip() sellAllButton:setEnabled(true) sellAllButton:removeTooltip() local total = 0 local info = '' local first = true for key, amount in pairs(playerItems) do if amount > 0 then local data = getTradeItemData(key, SELL) if data and canTradeItem(data) then info = info..(not first and "\n" or "").. amount.." ".." (".. data.price*amount.." gold)" total = total+(data.price*amount) if first then first = false end end end end if info ~= '' then info = info.."\nTotal: "" gold" sellAllButton:setTooltip(info) else sellAllButton:setEnabled(false) end end function formatCurrency(amount) if CURRENCY_DECIMAL then return string.format("%.02f", amount/100.0) .. ' ' .. CURRENCY else return amount .. ' ' .. CURRENCY end end function getMaxAmount() if getCurrentTradeType() == SELL and g_game.getFeature(GameDoubleShopSellAmount) then return 10000 end return 100 end function sellAll() for itemid,item in pairs(playerItems) do local item = Item.create(itemid) local amount = getSellQuantity(item) if amount > 0 then g_game.sellItem(item, amount, ignoreEquipped:isChecked()) end end end