Client = {} function Client.reloadScripts() g_modules.reloadModules() dofile '/otclientrc' local message = tr('All modules and scripts were reloaded.') modules.game_textmessage.displayGameMessage(message) print(message) end function Client.init() g_window.setMinimumSize({ width = 600, height = 480 }) -- initialize in fullscreen mode on mobile devices if g_window.getPlatformType() == "X11-EGL" then g_window.setFullscreen(true) else -- window size local size = { width = 800, height = 600 } size = g_settings.getSize('window-size', size) g_window.resize(size) -- window position, default is the screen center local displaySize = g_window.getDisplaySize() local defaultPos = { x = (displaySize.width - size.width)/2, y = (displaySize.height - size.height)/2 } local pos = g_settings.getPoint('window-pos', defaultPos) g_window.move(pos) -- window maximized? local maximized = g_settings.getBoolean('window-maximized', false) if maximized then g_window.maximize() end end g_window.setTitle('OTClient') g_window.setIcon(resolvepath('clienticon.png')) g_keyboard.bindKeyDown('Ctrl+Shift+R', Client.reloadScripts) connect(g_app, { onRun = function() -- Play startup music (The Silver Tree, by Mattias Westlund) g_sounds.playMusic("startup.ogg", 3) connect(g_game, { onGameStart = function() g_sounds.stopMusic(3) end }) connect(g_game, { onGameEnd = function() g_sounds.playMusic("startup.ogg", 3) end }) end }) end function Client.terminate() -- save window configs g_settings.set('window-size', g_window.getUnmaximizedSize()) g_settings.set('window-pos', g_window.getUnmaximizedPos()) g_settings.set('window-maximized', g_window.isMaximized()) local clientVersion = g_game.getClientVersion() if clientVersion ~= 0 then g_settings.set('client-version', clientVersion) end Client = nil end