-- @docclass UIMiniWindow = extends(UIWindow) function UIMiniWindow.create() local miniwindow = UIMiniWindow.internalCreate() miniwindow.isSetup = false return miniwindow end function UIMiniWindow:getClassName() return 'UIMiniWindow' end function UIMiniWindow:open(dontSave) self:setVisible(true) if not dontSave then self:setSettings({closed = false}) end signalcall(self.onOpen, self) end function UIMiniWindow:close(dontSave) self:setVisible(false) if not dontSave then self:setSettings({closed = true}) end signalcall(self.onClose, self) end function UIMiniWindow:minimize(dontSave) self:setOn(true) self:getChildById('contentsPanel'):hide() self:getChildById('miniwindowScrollBar'):hide() self:getChildById('bottomResizeBorder'):hide() self:getChildById('minimizeButton'):setOn(true) self.savedHeight = self:getHeight() self:setHeight(self.minimizedHeight) if not dontSave then self:setSettings({minimized = true}) end signalcall(self.onMinimize, self) end function UIMiniWindow:maximize(dontSave) self:setOn(false) self:getChildById('contentsPanel'):show() self:getChildById('miniwindowScrollBar'):show() self:getChildById('bottomResizeBorder'):show() self:getChildById('minimizeButton'):setOn(false) self:setHeight(self.savedHeight) if not dontSave then self:setSettings({minimized = false}) end signalcall(self.onMaximize, self) end function UIMiniWindow:onSetup() self:getChildById('closeButton').onClick = function() self:close() end self:getChildById('minimizeButton').onClick = function() if self:isOn() then self:maximize() else self:minimize() end end local oldParent = self:getParent() local settings = g_settings.getNode('MiniWindows') if settings then local selfSettings = settings[self:getId()] if selfSettings then if selfSettings.parentId then local parent = rootWidget:recursiveGetChildById(selfSettings.parentId) if parent then if parent:getClassName() == 'UIMiniWindowContainer' and selfSettings.index and parent:isOn() then self.miniIndex = selfSettings.index parent:scheduleInsert(self, selfSettings.index) elseif selfSettings.position then self:setParent(parent) self:setPosition(topoint(selfSettings.position)) self:bindRectToParent() end end end if selfSettings.minimized then self:minimize(true) end if selfSettings.closed then self:close(true) end if selfSettings.height then self:setHeight(selfSettings.height) end end self.isSetup = true end local newParent = self:getParent() self.miniLoaded = true if self.save then if oldParent and oldParent:getClassName() == 'UIMiniWindowContainer' then oldParent:order() end if newParent and newParent:getClassName() == 'UIMiniWindowContainer' and newParent ~= oldParent then newParent:order() end end if newParent and newParent:getClassName() == 'UIMiniWindowContainer' and self:isVisible() then -- not on input event, must rework --newParent:fitAll(self) end end function UIMiniWindow:onVisibilityChange(visible) local parent = self:getParent() if visible and parent and parent:getClassName() == 'UIMiniWindowContainer' then -- not on input event, must rework --parent:fitAll(self) end end function UIMiniWindow:onDragEnter(mousePos) local parent = self:getParent() if not parent then return false end if parent:getClassName() == 'UIMiniWindowContainer' then local containerParent = parent:getParent() parent:removeChild(self) containerParent:addChild(self) parent:saveChildren() end local oldPos = self:getPosition() self.movingReference = { x = mousePos.x - oldPos.x, y = mousePos.y - oldPos.y } self:setPosition(oldPos) self.free = true return true end function UIMiniWindow:onDragLeave(droppedWidget, mousePos) if self.movedWidget then self.setMovedChildMargin(0) self.movedWidget = nil self.setMovedChildMargin = nil self.movedIndex = nil end local parent = self:getParent() if parent then if parent:getClassName() == 'UIMiniWindowContainer' then parent:saveChildren() else self:saveParentPosition(parent:getId(), self:getPosition()) end end end function UIMiniWindow:onDragMove(mousePos, mouseMoved) local oldMousePosY = mousePos.y - mouseMoved.y local children = rootWidget:recursiveGetChildrenByMarginPos(mousePos) local overAnyWidget = false for i=1,#children do local child = children[i] if child:getParent():getClassName() == 'UIMiniWindowContainer' then overAnyWidget = true local childCenterY = child:getY() + child:getHeight() / 2 if child == self.movedWidget and mousePos.y < childCenterY and oldMousePosY < childCenterY then break end if self.movedWidget then self.setMovedChildMargin(0) self.setMovedChildMargin = nil end if mousePos.y < childCenterY then self.setMovedChildMargin = function(v) child:setMarginTop(v) end self.movedIndex = 0 else self.setMovedChildMargin = function(v) child:setMarginBottom(v) end self.movedIndex = 1 end self.movedWidget = child self.setMovedChildMargin(self:getHeight()) break end end if not overAnyWidget and self.movedWidget then self.setMovedChildMargin(0) self.movedWidget = nil end return UIWindow.onDragMove(self, mousePos, mouseMoved) end function UIMiniWindow:onMousePress() local parent = self:getParent() if not parent then return false end if parent:getClassName() ~= 'UIMiniWindowContainer' then self:raise() return true end end function UIMiniWindow:onFocusChange(focused) -- miniwindows only raises when its outside MiniWindowContainers if not focused then return end local parent = self:getParent() if parent and parent:getClassName() ~= 'UIMiniWindowContainer' then self:raise() end end function UIMiniWindow:onGeometryChange(oldRect, rect) if self.isSetup then self:setSettings({height = rect.height}) end local parent = self:getParent() if self:isVisible() and parent and parent:getClassName() == 'UIMiniWindowContainer' then -- not on input event, must rework --parent:fitAll(self) end end function UIMiniWindow:setSettings(data) if not self.save then return end local settings = g_settings.getNode('MiniWindows') if not settings then settings = {} end local id = self:getId() if not settings[id] then settings[id] = {} end for key,value in pairs(data) do settings[id][key] = value end g_settings.setNode('MiniWindows', settings) end function UIMiniWindow:saveParentPosition(parentId, position) local selfSettings = {} selfSettings.parentId = parentId selfSettings.position = pointtostring(position) self:setSettings(selfSettings) end function UIMiniWindow:saveParentIndex(parentId, index) local selfSettings = {} selfSettings.parentId = parentId selfSettings.index = index self:setSettings(selfSettings) self.miniIndex = index end function UIMiniWindow:disableResize() self:getChildById('bottomResizeBorder'):disable() end function UIMiniWindow:setContentMinimumHeight(height) local contentsPanel = self:getChildById('contentsPanel') local minHeight = contentsPanel:getMarginTop() + contentsPanel:getMarginBottom() + contentsPanel:getPaddingTop() + contentsPanel:getPaddingBottom() local resizeBorder = self:getChildById('bottomResizeBorder') resizeBorder:setMinimum(minHeight + height) end function UIMiniWindow:setContentMaximumHeight(height) local contentsPanel = self:getChildById('contentsPanel') local minHeight = contentsPanel:getMarginTop() + contentsPanel:getMarginBottom() + contentsPanel:getPaddingTop() + contentsPanel:getPaddingBottom() local resizeBorder = self:getChildById('bottomResizeBorder') resizeBorder:setMaximum(minHeight + height) end