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Eduardo Bart 5142e912cc
use ARB extensions
13 роки тому
cmake config manager using yaml 14 роки тому
src use ARB extensions 13 роки тому
.gitignore * basic core design (Platform, Engine, Graphics classes) 14 роки тому
AUTHORS * license 14 роки тому
BUGS * license 14 роки тому
CMakeLists.txt use get proc address for opengl extension functions 13 роки тому
README * license 14 роки тому
ROADMAP * license 14 роки тому



OTClient is an alternative tibia client. Currently in early stage
and it aims to be a complete flexible client to otserv. It uses LUA
scripting for all UI functionality and allow custom user MODs via scripts.
Inspirited by "World of Warcraft" and "Heroes of Newerth" where
users can create custom game scripts and on top of the original game.


$ cmake .
$ make
$ ./otclient


OTClient is made available under the MIT License