You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

16 lines
673 B

#best use ./gen_lang_template >> ../data/locales/XX.lua
#it wont run if you type "sh gen_lang_template", type "./" instead
#based on
echo '-- generated by ./tools/'
echo 'locale ={'
echo ' name="",'
echo ' languageName="",'
echo ' translation = {'
cat <(find -L ../ \( -name "*.lua" -o -name "*.otui" \) -exec grep -oE "tr\\('(\\\\'|[^'])*'" {} \;) \
<(find -L ../ \( -name "*.lua" -o -name "*.otui" \) -exec grep -oE "tr\\(\"(\\\\\"|[^\"])*\"" {} \;) \
| sort | uniq | sed "s/^tr(.\(.*\).$/ [\"\1\"] = \"\",/"
echo ' }'
echo '}'
echo 'modules.client_locales.installLocale(locale)'