@ -0,0 +1,161 @@
use std::cell::RefCell;
use std::error;
use std::fs::File;
use std::io::BufRead;
use std::io::BufReader;
use std::rc::{Rc, Weak};
enum FsEntry {
struct FsDir {
name: String,
children: RefCell<Vec<FsEntry>>,
parent: Option<Weak<FsDir>>
impl FsDir {
fn _compute_size(&self) -> u32 {
let mut size: u32 = 0;
let children = self.children.borrow_mut();
for child in children.iter() {
match child {
FsEntry::File(f) => size += f.size,
FsEntry::Dir(d) => {
size += d._compute_size();
fn _show(&self, prefix: String) {
println!("{}{}", &prefix, &self.name);
let children = self.children.borrow_mut();
for child in children.iter() {
match child {
FsEntry::File(f) => println!("{}{}", &prefix, &f.size),
FsEntry::Dir(d) => d._show(format!("{} ", &prefix)),
fn get_dir_sizes(&self) -> Vec<u32> {
let mut sizes = vec![];
let mut size: u32 = 0;
let children = self.children.borrow_mut();
for child in children.iter() {
match child {
FsEntry::File(f) => size += f.size,
FsEntry::Dir(d) => {
let d_vec = d.get_dir_sizes();
size += d_vec[d_vec.len() - 1];
struct FsFile {
size: u32
fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn error::Error>> {
let f = File::open("input.txt")?;
let reader = BufReader::new(f);
let fs_tree: Rc<FsDir> = Rc::new(FsDir { children: RefCell::new(vec![]), parent: None, name: String::from("/") });
let mut current_dir = Rc::downgrade(&fs_tree);
for line in reader.lines() {
let line = line?;
if &line[0..1] == "$" {
// parse the command
let mut cmd_iter = line[2..].split_whitespace();
match cmd_iter.next() {
Some("cd") => {
// println!("{}", &line);
match cmd_iter.next() {
Some("/") => current_dir = Rc::downgrade(&fs_tree),
Some("..") => {
let mut new_dir = None;
let strong = current_dir.upgrade().unwrap();
match &strong.parent {
Some(x) => {
let strong_x = x.upgrade().unwrap();
let rc_c = Rc::clone(&strong_x);
new_dir = Some(Rc::downgrade(&rc_c));
None => (),
match new_dir {
Some(d) => current_dir = d,
None => panic!("Could not find parent dir in '{}'", current_dir.upgrade().unwrap().name),
Some(x) => {
let mut new_dir = None;
let strong = current_dir.upgrade().unwrap();
let children = strong.children.borrow_mut();
for child in children.iter() {
if let FsEntry::Dir(d) = child {
if d.name == x {
new_dir = Some(Rc::clone(&d));
match new_dir {
Some(d) => current_dir = Rc::downgrade(&d),
None => panic!("Could not find dir '{x}' in '{}'", current_dir.upgrade().unwrap().name),
None => panic!("No argument to 'cd': {}", line),
// println!("{}", current_dir.upgrade().unwrap().name);
Some("ls") => {
// we can ignore this, as we read everything not being a command into the
// current directory anyways
Some(x) => panic!("Unsupported command: {}", x),
None => panic!("Could not split into a command: {}", line),
} else {
// parse the list of fs entries
let mut entry_iter = line.split_whitespace();
match entry_iter.next() {
Some("dir") => {
let new_dir = Rc::new(FsDir {name: String::from(entry_iter.next().unwrap()),
children: RefCell::new(vec![]), parent: Some(current_dir.clone()) });
let strong = current_dir.upgrade().unwrap();
let mut children = strong.children.borrow_mut();
Some(size) => {
let f = FsFile {size: size.parse().unwrap()};
let strong = current_dir.upgrade().unwrap();
let mut children = strong.children.borrow_mut();
_ => panic!("Unknown fs entry: {line}"),
// fs_tree.show(String::from(""));
// compute sizes
let sizes = fs_tree.get_dir_sizes();
let full_space = 70000000;
let free_space = full_space - sizes[sizes.len() - 1];
let needed_space = 30000000 - free_space;
println!("{}", sizes.iter().filter(|x| **x > needed_space).min().unwrap());