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15 Commits
main ... wip

Author SHA1 Message Date
MasterofJOKers fe3d0fc5c6 Make passing text on comment creation possible
It's now possible to pass the comment text in via CLI by passing using
the new `--text` option when creating comments. This increases
scriptability. Previously, it was only possible to add text in the
2024-05-31 22:12:26 +02:00
MasterofJOKers ead0cf51de Move Comment fetching into click callback
Instead of calling the get_comment() we now have a callback for click,
that's called to validate and transform the given comment id into a
Comment object from JIRA.
2022-10-25 23:51:14 +02:00
MasterofJOKers f0b455326e Add comment creation, editing and deletion
This needed changes in showing an issue's comments, because we want to
make it easy to target a specific comment and therefore we need to show
the comment id.

If the user doesn't provide a comment id, we show a list of comments and
let the user chose the comment to edit/delete.
2022-10-25 23:37:37 +02:00
MasterofJOKers 9bcd668171 Add client to debug command
Makes it easier to debug things ;)
2022-10-25 23:36:55 +02:00
MasterofJOKers 68b1142cd7 Add a filter for watched issues 2022-10-25 22:37:32 +02:00
MasterofJOKers 6596be6c1e Let the user query issues without default project
When the user sets --project to an empty string, we will not add the
default project from the config anymore.
2022-10-25 22:30:39 +02:00
MasterofJOKers 6c1667046b Change meaning of --jql in issues command
--jql can now provide filtering in addition to the other command line
arguments instead of replacing the whole query. This still allows the
same behavior as before by specifying none of the other options.
2022-10-25 22:26:57 +02:00
MasterofJOKers 0ce3932e9c wip 2022-09-21 22:59:29 +02:00
MasterofJOKers e7e286fbf3 Support not having [filters] in config
Not everybody might have a default_project set ...
2022-09-20 22:56:37 +02:00
MasterofJOKers 6e2d639034 Support NOT in --status of issues 2022-09-20 22:56:31 +02:00
MasterofJOKers 471855beb6 Fix multiple=True for components in issues 2022-09-20 22:56:10 +02:00
MasterofJOKers 57afd1c82b Add implementation for issue show 2022-09-20 22:55:04 +02:00
MasterofJOKers 6594f515f3 wip 2022-09-17 11:58:15 +02:00
MasterofJOKers 14a9af7e51 wip 2022-09-15 21:36:04 +02:00
MasterofJOKers d4491cf7ab WIP 2022-09-14 22:40:53 +02:00
3 changed files with 570 additions and 0 deletions

jiracli/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,541 @@
import configparser
import functools
import os
from pathlib import Path
from textwrap import dedent, indent, shorten, wrap
from typing import Any, Callable, Dict
import click
import editor
CONFIG_PATH = Path(os.environ.get('XDG_CONFIG_HOME', '~/.config')).expanduser() / 'jiracli' / 'config'
def get_config():
config = configparser.ConfigParser()
if not config.has_section('server'):
raise ValueError(f"Config in {CONFIG_PATH} does not contain a section [server]")
return config
def ipython():
import IPython
def main(ctx):
from jira import JIRA
config = get_config()
ctx.obj['config'] = config
server_config = config['server']
skip_cert_verify = server_config.getboolean('skip_cert_verify', False)
if skip_cert_verify:
import urllib3
jira_kwargs = dict(
'server': server_config['host'],
'verify': not skip_cert_verify
timeout=server_config.getint('timeout', 2),
max_retries=server_config.getint('max_retries', 2)
if 'password' in server_config:
if 'user' not in server_config:
raise ValueError('If password is set in [server], user needs to be set, too.')
jira_kwargs['basic_auth'] = (server_config['user'], server_config['password'])
elif 'token' in server_config:
jira_kwargs['token_auth'] = server_config['token']
raise ValueError("Need either user and password or token in [server] for login.")
ctx.obj['client'] = JIRA(**jira_kwargs)
def pass_client(fn):
def wrapped(obj, *args, **kwargs):
client = obj['client']
return fn(client, *args, **kwargs)
return wrapped
def pass_config(fn):
def wrapped(obj, *args, **kwargs):
config = obj['config']
return fn(config, *args, **kwargs)
return wrapped
def version(client):
print('Version {}.{}.{}-{}p{}'.format(*client.sys_version_info))
@click.option('--project', help='Project to filter for. Default: take from config [filters]/default_project')
@click.option('--component', 'components', multiple=True, help='Filter for issues with *any* of the given components')
@click.option('--status', multiple=True, help='Filter for issues with *any* of the given statuses. '
'! at the beginning means NOT.')
@click.option('--label', 'labels', multiple=True, help='Filter for issues with all the given labels')
@click.option('--text', 'texts', multiple=True, help='Filter for issues containing all the given strings')
@click.option('--flagged/--not-flagged', is_flag=True, default=None, help='Filter issues being flagged or not flagged')
@click.option('--watching/--not-watching', is_flag=True, default=None, help='Filter issues I watch or do not watch')
@click.option('--order', help='Sort by this field')
@click.option('--asc/--desc', 'asc', help='Sort ascending/descending. Default: descending')
@click.option('--jql', help='Provide your own JQL query string to include in the search via AND.')
def issues(config, client, project, components, status, labels, texts, flagged, watching, order, asc, jql):
if project is None and config.has_section('filters') and config.get('filters', 'default_project'):
project = config['filters']['default_project']
# TODO add filtering by created since
# TODO add filtering by updated
# TODO support pagination I guess? i.e. a limit
filters = []
if jql:
if texts:
texts_jql = ' AND '.join([f'text ~ "{text}"' for text in texts])
filters.append(f"( {texts_jql} )")
if components:
component_list = ', '.join([f'"{c}"' for c in components])
components_jql = f"component in ({component_list})"
if status:
status_list = ', '.join([f'"{s}"' for s in status if not s.startswith('!')])
if status_list:
status_jql = f"status IN ({status_list})"
status_list = ', '.join([f'"{s[1:]}"' for s in status if s.startswith('!')])
if status_list:
status_jql = f"status NOT IN ({status_list})"
if labels:
labels_jql = ' AND '.join([f'labels = "{label}"' for label in labels])
filters.append(f"( {labels_jql} )")
if flagged is not None:
if flagged:
flagged_jql = 'flagged IS NOT EMPTY'
flagged_jql = 'flagged IS EMPTY'
if watching is not None:
if watching:
watching_jql = 'watcher = currentUser()'
watching_jql = 'watcher != currentUser()'
if project:
project_jql = f"project = {project}"
jql = ' AND '.join(filters)
if order:
jql += f" ORDER BY {order} {'ASC' if asc else 'DESC'}"
print(f"Searching with query: {jql}")
issues = client.search_issues(jql)
for issue in issues:
# TODO tabulate?
print(f"{issue.key:>8} - {issue.fields.status} - {issue.fields.created} - {shorten(issue.fields.summary, 72)}")
def get_more_attr(obj, fields):
fields = fields.split('.')
for field in fields:
obj = getattr(obj, field)
if not obj:
return obj
def comment_to_dict(comment):
fields = ['created', 'author.displayName', 'body']
return {f: get_more_attr(comment, f) for f in fields}
def issue_to_yaml(issue):
import yaml
info_fields = ['creator.displayName', 'reporter.displayName', 'created']
editable_fields = ['summary', 'description', '', '', 'labels',
'issuelinks', 'components', 'assignee.displayName']
d = {
'info': {f: get_more_attr(issue.fields, f) for f in info_fields},
'editable': {f: get_more_attr(issue.fields, f) for f in editable_fields},
'comments': [comment_to_dict(c) for c in issue.fields.comment.comments]
return yaml.dump(d)
# @main.command()
# @click.argument('issue_id')
# def issue(issue_id):
# try:
# issue = client.issue(issue_id)
# except JIRAError as e:
# print(f'Problem retrieving issue: {e.text}')
# return
# # import IPython
# # IPython.embed()
# original_content = issue_to_yaml(issue)
# print(original_content)
# # new_content = editor.edit(contents=original_content).decode('utf-8')
# # print(dir(issue))
def dump():
from yaml import CDumper as Dumper
except ImportError:
from yaml import Dumper
import ruamel.yaml
# from ruamel.yaml import YAML
import yaml
def str_presenter(dumper, data):
"""configures yaml for dumping multiline strings
if data.count('\n') > 0: # check for multiline string
return dumper.represent_scalar(',2002:str', data, style='|')
return dumper.represent_scalar(',2002:str', data)
# yaml.add_representer(str, str_presenter)
# yaml.representer.SafeRepresenter.add_representer(str, str_presenter) # to use with safe_dum
def yaml_multiline_string_pipe(dumper, data):
text_list = [line for line in data.splitlines()]
fixed_data = "\n".join(text_list)
if len(text_list) > 1:
return dumper.represent_scalar(',2002:str', data, style="|")
return dumper.represent_scalar(',2002:str', fixed_data)
# yaml.add_representer(str, yaml_multiline_string_pipe)
print(yaml.dump({"multiline": "First line \nSecond line\nThird line"},
allow_unicode=True, Dumper=Dumper, default_style="|"))
import sys
ruamel.yaml.dump({"multiline": "First line \nSecond line\nThirdline"}, sys.stdout, default_style='|')
def issue(obj: Dict[str, Any], client, issue_id: str):
from jira.exceptions import JIRAError
issue = client.issue(issue_id)
except JIRAError as e:
raise click.ClickException(f"Problem retrieving {issue_id}: {e.text}")
obj['issue'] = issue
obj['issue_id'] = issue_id
def pass_issue(fn: Callable) -> Callable:
def wrapped(obj, *args, **kwargs):
issue = obj['issue']
return fn(issue, *args, **kwargs)
return wrapped
def link():
def _format_links(client, issue):
lines = []
issuelinks = getattr(issue.fields, 'issuelinks', [])
if issuelinks:
lines.append("Issue Links")
# TODO group by type?
for issuelink in issuelinks:
other_issue = getattr(issuelink, 'inwardIssue', getattr(issuelink, 'outwardIssue', None))
summary = indent('\n'.join(wrap(other_issue.fields.summary, width=72)), prefix=' ' * 4)
lines.append(f" {issuelink.type} - {other_issue.key}\n{summary}")
remote_links = client.remote_links(
if remote_links:
if lines:
lines.append("Remote Links:")
for link in remote_links:
# TODO tabulate?
lines.append(f" {link.object.title} => {link.object.url}")
return '\n'.join(lines)
def link_list(client, issue):
print(_format_links(client, issue))
def prompt(description: str, *, multiline_ok: bool = True, initial_content: str = '', empty_ok: bool = False) -> str:
divider_line = '--- Everything after this line will be removed'
contents = f"{initial_content}\n{divider_line}\n\n{description}"
contents = editor.edit(contents=contents).decode('utf-8')
if not contents:
raise click.ClickException('Empty content. Cannot continue.')
contents_lines = contents.splitlines()
for i, line in enumerate(reversed(contents_lines), start=1):
if line == divider_line:
raise click.ClickException('Could not find divider line. Please keep the footer intact.')
contents_lines = contents_lines[:-i]
if not multiline_ok and len(contents_lines) > 1:
# TODO build a retry into this?
raise click.ClickException('Input needs to be a single line only')
if not empty_ok and not any(contents_lines):
raise click.ClickException('Empty content. Cannot continue.')
return '\n'.join(contents_lines)
@click.argument('URL', required=False)
@click.argument('TITLE', required=False)
def link_create(client, issue, url: str, title: str):
if url is None:
url = prompt(f"Input the URL for the link to add to {issue.key}", multiline_ok=False)
if title is None:
title = prompt(f"Input a single line of title for {url}. This will be added to {issue.key}.",
client.add_simple_link(issue.key, {'url': url, 'title': title})
def link_issue(client, issue):
"""Link to another issue"""
raise NotImplementedError
def issue_open(issue):
import subprocess['xdg-open', issue.permalink()])
def label():
def label_list(issue):
"""List all labels on the issue"""
def label_edit(issue):
"""Edit the labels of the issue"""
import jira
original_labels = issue.fields.labels
# TODO add a configurable list of "often used" labels into the description
labels = set(prompt('Add or remove labels by adding them line by line or removing one',
original_labels = set(original_labels)
if labels == original_labels:
print(f"Not updating {issue.key} as the labels are the same.")
changes = []
added_labels = labels - original_labels
for label in added_labels:
changes.append({'add': label})
removed_labels = original_labels - labels
for label in removed_labels:
changes.append({'remove': label})
# inspired by jira.Issue.add_field_value
jira.resources.Resource.update(issue, fields={"update": {"labels": changes}})
def debug(client, issue):
import IPython
def show(client, issue):
"""Show a lot of information about the issue"""
print(f"{issue.key} on {issue.fields.status} as {issue.fields.issuetype} assigned to {issue.fields.assignee}")
if getattr(issue.fields, 'parent', None):
parent = issue.fields.parent
print(f" parent: {parent.key} on {parent.fields.status} as {parent.fields.issuetype}")
summary = indent('\n'.join(wrap(parent.fields.summary, width=72)), prefix=' ' * 4)
# TODO handle customfields in a good manner, e.g. let the user enable
# showing them by a custom name or their own. use cache for that.
created: {issue.fields.created}
components: {', '.join( for c in issue.fields.components)}
flagged: {bool(getattr(issue.fields, 'customfield_13216', False))}
labels: {', '.join(issue.fields.labels)}
priority: {issue.fields.priority}
reporter: {issue.fields.reporter}"""),
' ' * 2))
def _header(s):
# print(f"\n {s}\n {'+' * len(s)}")
print(f"\n +++ {s} +++")
summary = indent('\n'.join(wrap(issue.fields.summary, replace_whitespace=False)), prefix=' ' * 2)
description = indent('\n'.join(wrap(issue.fields.description or '', replace_whitespace=False)), prefix=' ' * 2)
for i, attachment in enumerate(issue.fields.attachment):
print(f" * {attachment.filename} by {}")
print(f" {attachment.content}")
print(f" {attachment.mimeType} with {attachment.size} B")
links = _format_links(client, issue)
if links:
print(indent(links, prefix=' ' * 2))
for i, comment in enumerate(issue.fields.comment.comments):
if i != 0:
print(f" {comment.created} - {} - {}")
body = indent('\n'.join(wrap(comment.body, replace_whitespace=False)), ' ' * 4)
def comment():
@click.option('--text', help="Text of the comment. Prompted for in editor if not provided.")
def comment_create(client, issue, text):
"""Create a comment on the issue"""
# TODO add some help text for the syntax in the description
# TODO add all issue info to the description, so we can autocomplete in the
# editor
if not text:
text = prompt(f"Comment text to add as new comment to {issue.key}")
client.add_comment(issue.key, text)
def get_comment(ctx, param, comment_id):
"""click callback returning a Comment for the comment_id value given by the user"""
from jira.exceptions import JIRAError
issue = ctx.obj['issue']
if not comment_id:
from clintermission import cli_select_item
options = []
for comment in issue.fields.comment.comments:
# TODO make this roughly terminal width or add a shorten() method
# with … at the end
body = comment.body.replace('\n', ' ')[:64]
options.append((f"{comment.created} - {} - {body}",
_, comment_id = cli_select_item(options)
client = ctx.obj['client']
return client.comment(issue.key, comment_id, expand=['body'])
except JIRAError as e:
raise click.ClickException(f"Problem retrieving {comment_id} for issue {issue.key}: {e.text}")
@click.argument('comment', required=False, callback=get_comment)
def comment_edit(client, issue, comment):
"""Edit the text of an issues comment"""
text = prompt(f"Comment text to set as new body for comment {} on {issue.key}",
if text == comment.body:
print("No changes. Aborting.")
@click.argument('comment', required=False, callback=get_comment)
def comment_delete(client, issue, comment):
# TODO print formatted comment for verification
click.confirm("Do you really want to delete this ^ ?", abort=True)

setup.cfg Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
name = jiracli
version = 0.1
description = JIRA command line interface
packages = find:
install_requires =
console_scripts =
jiracli = jiracli.cli:main
max-line-length = 120
exclude = .git,__pycache__,*.egg-info,*lib/python*
ignore = E241,E741,W503,W504

4 Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
import setuptools