rip-py: Split things and support Blu-ray

We're using a `libbluray2` wrapper by the same person that also built
`pydvdread`. At the same time, we dump supporting to parse `mpv` output,
because that was too unreliable anyways and keeping it just means more
maintenance overhead.

To provide a better overview, we've split up the DVD and Blu-ray
functionality into own modules
This commit is contained in:
MasterofJOKers 2024-01-05 22:28:30 +01:00
parent cf53e5dd3d
commit d17af01e2f
6 changed files with 1061 additions and 814 deletions

View File

@ -1,813 +0,0 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
import itertools
import math
import re
import os
import shlex
import subprocess
import sys
import tempfile
import click
import dvdread
except ImportError:
FILE_TYPE = click.Path(file_okay=True, dir_okay=False, exists=True)
NEW_FILE_TYPE = click.Path(file_okay=True, dir_okay=False, exists=False)
DIRECTORY_TYPE = click.Path(file_okay=False, dir_okay=True, exists=True)
DEVICE_OR_DIRECTORY_TYPE = click.Path(file_okay=True, dir_okay=True,
def cli():
def with_fifo(func):
def f(*args, **kwargs):
with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmpdir:
fifo_path = os.path.join(tmpdir, 'rip.fifo')
except FileExistsError:
kwargs['fifo_path'] = fifo_path
return func(*args, **kwargs)
return f
def _get_audio_map(title=None, mpv_output=None, device=None):
# FIXME this doesn't always work. ffmpeg seems to order audio stream the
# other way around or something
if (None, None) == (title, mpv_output):
raise RuntimeError('Either `title` or `mpv_output` is required.')
if mpv_output is None:
mpv_cmd = ['mpv', '--quiet', '--frames=0',
if device:
mpv_output = subprocess.check_output(mpv_cmd,
mpv_output = mpv_output.decode('utf-8')
audio_map = []
for line in mpv_output.splitlines():
# [dvd] audio stream: 0 format: mpeg1 (stereo) language: de aid: 0.
# FIXME use the aid as ffmpeg should support -map i:0x80, too
# or another one
# [dvd] audio stream: 0 format: ac3 (5.1) language: de aid: 128.
# [dvd] audio stream: 1 format: ac3 (5.1) language: en aid: 129.
m = re.match(r'\[dvd\] audio stream: (\d+) .* language: (\S+) .*',
if m:
if not audio_map:
print('#' * 15)
print('WARNING: Could not find any audio streams.')
print('#' * 15)
return audio_map
def _get_audios(title, device):
with dvdread.DVD(device) as d:
if not 0 <= title <= d.NumberOfTitles:
msg = 'Number of titles of of range. Use a number in [0, {}['
raise click.ClickException(msg.format(d.NumberOfTitles))
# DvdRead starts counting titles at 1, we start at 0
title += 1
t = d.GetTitle(title)
audio_map = []
for i in range(1, t.NumberOfAudios + 1):
a = t.GetAudio(i)
audio_map.append((128 + i - 1, a.LangCode))
return audio_map
# FIXME can this be _get_audio_map?
raise NotImplementedError(
'Need to do this via ffmpeg/ffprobe/mpv '
'somehow. Make sure you make sense of mpv showing the audio '
'streams in another order than they appear in the file in the '
'end ..')
def _get_subtitles(title, device):
with dvdread.DVD(device) as d:
if not 0 <= title <= d.NumberOfTitles:
msg = 'Number of titles of of range. Use a number in [0, {}['
raise click.ClickException(msg.format(d.NumberOfTitles))
# DvdRead starts counting titles at 1, we start at 0
title += 1
t = d.GetTitle(title)
subtitles = []
for i in range(1, t.NumberOfSubpictures + 1):
s = t.GetSubpicture(i)
subtitles.append((0x20 + i - 1, s.LangCode))
return subtitles
raise NotImplementedError()
def _get_parameterized_ffmpeg_cmd(media_type, quality, extra_opts, use_gpu,
audio_map, subtitle_map, pre_read=1024):
ffmpeg_cmd = []
'-probesize', '{}M'.format(pre_read),
'-analyzeduration', '{}M'.format(pre_read),
'-hwaccel', 'auto',
ffmpeg_cmd[-1].extend(['-map', '0:v:0'])
if '-c:a' not in ffmpeg_cmd[-1]:
ffmpeg_cmd[-1].extend(['-c:a', 'copy'])
ffmpeg_cmd[-1].extend(['-c:s', 'copy'])
if use_gpu:
ffmpeg_cmd[-1] += [
'-c:v', 'h264_nvenc',
'-rc', 'vbr_hq',
'-rc-lookahead', '20',
'-cq', '{}'.format(quality),
# '-maxrate:v', '3M',
# '-b:v', '8M', '-maxrate:v', '10M',
'-preset:v', 'slow']
ffmpeg_cmd[-1] += [
'-c:v', 'h264',
'-crf', '{}'.format(quality),
'-preset:v', 'slower',
'-x264-params', 'opencl=true',
# '-x264-params', 'keyint=240:min-keyint=20',
ffmpeg_cmd[-1] += [
'-pix_fmt', 'yuv420p',
'-movflags', '+faststart',
# '-profile:v', 'baseline',
# '-level', '3.0',
if audio_map:
for i, (channel, lang) in enumerate(audio_map):
if channel < 0x80:
map_target = '0:a:{}'.format(channel)
map_target = 'i:0x{:x}'.format(channel)
'-map', map_target,
'-metadata:s:a:{}'.format(i), 'language={}'.format(lang)
ffmpeg_cmd[-1].extend(['-map', '0:a:0', '-metadata:s:a:0', 'language=de'])
if subtitle_map:
for i, (channel, lang) in enumerate(subtitle_map):
if channel < 0x20:
map_target = '0:s:{}'.format(channel)
map_target = 'i:0x{:x}'.format(channel)
'-map', map_target,
'-metadata:s:s:{}'.format(i), 'language={}'.format(lang)
# TODO we are probably able to do forced subtitles. we probably want that
# we can set a default stream. make this available somehow
# -disposition:a:1 default
if media_type and not use_gpu:
ffmpeg_cmd[-1].extend(['-tune:v', media_type])
def parameterized(output_file, input_file):
return ffmpeg_cmd[0] + [input_file] + ffmpeg_cmd[1] + [output_file]
return parameterized
def _get_ffmpeg_cmd(output_file, input_path, media_type, quality, extra_opts,
use_gpu, audio_map, subtitle_map):
cmd = _get_parameterized_ffmpeg_cmd(media_type, quality, extra_opts,
use_gpu, audio_map, subtitle_map)
cmd = cmd(output_file=output_file, input_file=input_path)
return cmd
def _get_mpv_dump_cmd(title, output_path, device=None):
cmd = ['mpv', '--quiet', '--stream-dump={}'.format(output_path),
if device:
return cmd
def _rip_title(title, output_dir, ffmpeg_cmd, fifo_path, device=None,
filename = '{}{}'.format(title, output_file_suffix)
out_file = os.path.join(output_dir, filename)
mpv_cmd = _get_mpv_dump_cmd(title, fifo_path, device)
mpv_proc = subprocess.Popen(mpv_cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
ffmpeg_cmd = ffmpeg_cmd(output_file=out_file, input_file=fifo_path)
mpv_output ='utf-8')
return out_file, mpv_output
def _get_title_chapters(title=None, mpv_output=None, device=None):
return _get_title_chapters_dvdread(title=title, device=device)
return _get_title_chapters_mpv(title=title, mpv_output=mpv_output,
def _get_title_chapters_dvdread(title, device='/dev/dvd'):
# we usually start at 0, but dvdread starts at 1
title += 1
with dvdread.DVD(device) as d:
if title > d.NumberOfTitles:
msg = 'Given title {} doesn\'t exist on DVD (has {} titles).'
raise RuntimeError(msg.format(title, d.NumberOfTitles))
t = d.GetTitle(title)
# we need to put in at least a microsecond to get the full
# 0:00:00.000001 format
td = timedelta(microseconds=1)
chapters = [str(td)]
for i in range(1, t.NumberOfChapters + 1):
td += timedelta(milliseconds=t.GetChapter(i).Length)
return chapters
def _get_title_chapters_mpv(title=None, mpv_output=None, device=None):
if (None, None) == (title, mpv_output):
raise RuntimeError('Either `title` or `mpv_output` is required.')
print('Getting chapters from mpv might miss some at the end. '
'Please install the dvdread python packages.', file=sys.stderr)
if mpv_output is None:
mpv_cmd = ['mpv', '--quiet', '--frames=0',
if device:
mpv_output = subprocess.check_output(mpv_cmd,
mpv_output = mpv_output.decode('utf-8')
for line in mpv_output.splitlines():
m = re.match(r'\[dvd\] CHAPTERS: (\S*)', line)
if m:
chapters =
raise RuntimeError('Could not find CHAPTERS in mpv output.')
chapters = chapters.split(',')
chapters = [c for c in chapters if c] # filter empty/last
return chapters
def _convert_chapters_to_mkvmerge_format(chapters):
lines = []
number_of_zeros = 0
if len(chapters) > 1:
number_of_zeros = int(math.log10(len(chapters) - 1))
chapter_template = 'CHAPTER{{:0{}d}}'.format(number_of_zeros)
for i, timestamp in enumerate(chapters):
chapter_str = chapter_template.format(i)
# if we start with e.g. 0:21, we need another 0 to be compatible
if len(timestamp.split(':')[0]) == 1:
timestamp = '0' + timestamp
# if we have a higher resolution than 1 millisecond, we need to cut
# some chars
if len(timestamp.split('.')[-1]) > 3:
strip_length = len(timestamp.split('.')[-1]) - 3
timestamp = timestamp[:-strip_length]
lines.append('{}={}'.format(chapter_str, timestamp))
return os.linesep.join(lines)
def _set_chapters(mkv_file, chapters):
if not os.path.exists(mkv_file):
raise RuntimeError('MKV file does not exist.')
with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() as f:
mkvmerge_chapters = _convert_chapters_to_mkvmerge_format(chapters)
mkvpropedit_cmd = ['mkvpropedit', mkv_file, '--chapters',]
def _get_dvd_titles(device=None):
return _get_dvd_titles_dvdread(device=device)
return _get_dvd_titles_mpv(device=device)
def _get_dvd_titles_dvdread(device='/dev/dvd'):
with dvdread.DVD(device) as d:
return d.NumberOfTitles
def _get_dvd_titles_mpv(device=None):
mpv_cmd = ['mpv', '--vo', 'null', '--quiet', '--frames=0', 'dvd://']
if device:
out = subprocess.check_output(mpv_cmd, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
out = out.decode('utf-8')
for line in out.splitlines():
m = re.match(r'^\[dvd\] There are (\d+) titles on this DVD.', line)
# next line doesn't work on DVDs with one titleset having multiple
# titles
# m = re.match(r'^libdvdread: Found (\d+) VTS', line)
if m:
titles = int(
raise RuntimeError('Could not find the number of VTS in mpv output.')
return titles
@click.option('-o', '--output-dir', type=DIRECTORY_TYPE, required=True)
@click.option('-d', '--device', type=DEVICE_OR_DIRECTORY_TYPE,
default='/dev/dvd', show_default=True)
@click.option('--media-type', type=click.Choice(['film', 'animation']))
@click.option('--keep-audio', is_flag=True)
@click.option('--audio-map', multiple=True, type=(int, str),
help="Keep specific audio. Order is important. Takes first "
"audio stream and puts it at stream INT in the new file "
"with language STR.")
@click.option('--subtitle-map', multiple=True, type=(int, str),
help="Keep the specific subtitles. Order is important. Takes "
"stream defined as INT into place according to order with "
"language STR.")
@click.option('--quality', type=click.INT, default=22, show_default=True)
@click.option('--start-at-title', type=click.INT, default=0, show_default=True)
@click.option('--end-at-title', type=click.INT, default=-1)
@click.option('-t', '--title', 'titles', multiple=True, type=click.INT)
@click.option('--deinterlace', is_flag=True)
@click.option('--pre-read-size', type=click.INT, default=1024, show_default=True)
def rip(output_dir, titles, device=None, media_type=None, keep_audio=False,
quality=18, start_at_title=0, end_at_title=-1, ffmpeg_opts=None,
deinterlace=False, audio_map=None, subtitle_map=None, pre_read_size=1024):
if end_at_title >= 0 and start_at_title > end_at_title:
raise click.ClickException('--start-at-title cannot be larger than --end-at-title.')
if ffmpeg_opts is None:
ffmpeg_opts = []
ffmpeg_opts = shlex.split(ffmpeg_opts)
if deinterlace:
ffmpeg_opts.extend(['-vf', 'yadif'])
if titles:
titles = sorted(t for t in titles if t >= start_at_title)
titles = _get_dvd_titles(device=device)
if end_at_title >= 0:
if end_at_title > titles:
raise click.ClickException('--end-at-title {} larger than number of titles {}'
.format(end_at_title, titles))
# we'll put it into a Python range(), so we need to add 1 to make
# it include that title
end_at_title += 1
end_at_title = titles
titles = range(start_at_title, end_at_title)
for title in titles:
if keep_audio:
audio_map = _get_audio_map(title, device=device)
use_gpu = False
ffmpeg_cmd = _get_parameterized_ffmpeg_cmd(media_type, quality,
ffmpeg_opts, use_gpu,
audio_map, subtitle_map,
out_file, mpv_output = _rip_title(title, output_dir, ffmpeg_cmd, device=device)
chapters = _get_title_chapters(title=title, mpv_output=mpv_output,
if chapters:
_set_chapters(out_file, chapters)
@click.option('-i', '--input-file', type=FILE_TYPE, required=True)
@click.option('-o', '--output-file', type=NEW_FILE_TYPE, required=True)
@click.option('--media-type', type=click.Choice(['film', 'animation']))
@click.option('--quality', type=click.INT, default=18, show_default=True)
@click.option('--deinterlace', is_flag=True)
@click.option('--audio-map', multiple=True, type=(int, str),
help="Keep specific audio. Order is important. Takes first "
"audio stream and puts it at stream INT in the new file "
"with language STR.")
@click.option('--subtitle-map', multiple=True, type=(int, str),
help="Keep the specific subtitles. Order is important. Takes "
"stream defined as INT into place according to order with "
"language STR.")
@click.option('-c', '--chapters')
def convert(input_file, output_file, media_type, quality, deinterlace,
ffmpeg_opts, audio_map, subtitle_map, chapters):
if ffmpeg_opts is None:
ffmpeg_opts = []
ffmpeg_opts = shlex.split(ffmpeg_opts)
if deinterlace:
ffmpeg_opts.extend(['-vf', 'yadif'])
if chapters:
chapters = chapters.split(',')
ffmpeg_cmd = _get_ffmpeg_cmd(output_file, input_file, media_type,
quality, ffmpeg_opts, False, audio_map,
if chapters:
_set_chapters(output_file, chapters)
@click.option('-t', '--title', type=int, required=True)
@click.option('-d', '--device', type=DEVICE_OR_DIRECTORY_TYPE,
default='/dev/dvd', show_default=True)
def get_chapters(title, device=None):
print(','.join(_get_title_chapters(title=title, device=device)))
@click.option('-o', '--output-dir', type=DIRECTORY_TYPE, required=True)
@click.option('-t', '--title', type=int, required=True)
@click.option('--pre-read-size', type=click.INT, default=1024, show_default=True)
@click.option('-d', '--device', type=DEVICE_OR_DIRECTORY_TYPE,
default='/dev/dvd', show_default=True)
def get_subtitles_file(output_dir, title, device=None, pre_read_size=1024):
# ffmpeg_cmd = ffmpeg_cmd(output_file=out_file, input_file=fifo_path)
ffmpeg_cmd = []
'-probesize', '{}M'.format(pre_read_size),
'-analyzeduration', '{}M'.format(pre_read_size),
'-hwaccel', 'auto',
'-map', '0:v:0',
'-c:v', 'h264',
'-crf', '75',
'-preset:v', 'veryfast',
'-x264-params', 'opencl=true',
# '-x264-params', 'keyint=240:min-keyint=20',
'-c:s', 'copy',
for i, (channel, lang) in enumerate(_get_subtitles(title, device)):
lang = '{} - 0x{:x}'.format(lang, channel)
ffmpeg_cmd[-1] += [
'-map', 'i:0x{:x}'.format(channel),
'-metadata:s:s:{}'.format(i), 'language={}'.format(lang)
def parameterized(output_file, input_file):
return ffmpeg_cmd[0] + [input_file] + ffmpeg_cmd[1] + [output_file]
out_file, mpv_output = _rip_title(title, output_dir, parameterized, device=device)
@click.option('-o', '--output-dir', type=DIRECTORY_TYPE, required=True)
@click.option('-t', '--title', type=int, required=True)
@click.option('-d', '--device', type=DEVICE_OR_DIRECTORY_TYPE,
default='/dev/dvd', show_default=True)
def ffprobe(output_dir, title, device):
ffmpeg_cmd = [['ffprobe', '-i']]
def parameterized(output_file, input_file):
return ffmpeg_cmd[0] + [input_file]
out_file, mpv_output = _rip_title(title, output_dir, parameterized, device=device)
@click.option('-o', '--output-file', type=FILE_TYPE, required=True)
@click.option('-t', '--title', type=int)
@click.option('-c', '--chapters')
@click.option('-d', '--device', type=DEVICE_OR_DIRECTORY_TYPE,
default='/dev/dvd', show_default=True)
def set_chapters(output_file, title=None, chapters=None, device=None):
if (None, None) == (title, chapters):
raise RuntimeError('One of `title` and `chapters` is required.')
if chapters is None:
chapters = _get_title_chapters(title=title, device=device)
chapters = chapters.split(',')
_set_chapters(output_file, chapters)
@click.option('--start-title', type=int, default=0, show_default=True)
@click.option('--end-title', type=int)
@click.option('-d', '--device', type=DEVICE_OR_DIRECTORY_TYPE,
default='/dev/dvd', show_default=True)
def find_right_title(start_title, end_title, device):
if end_title and start_title > end_title:
msg = '--start-title must not be bigger than --end-title'
raise click.ClickException(msg)
titles = _get_dvd_titles(device=device)
if start_title > titles:
raise RuntimeError('DVD has less titles than start title.')
if end_title:
end_title = min(titles - 1, end_title)
end_title = titles - 1
title_chapter_lengths = {}
for title in range(start_title, end_title + 1):
chapters = _get_title_chapters(title, device=device)
timestamps = []
for timestamp in chapters:
timestamp, microseconds = timestamp.split('.')
dt = datetime.strptime(timestamp, '%H:%M:%S')
dt = dt.replace(microsecond=int(microseconds) * 1000)
lengths = []
if len(timestamps) > 1:
for i, timestamp in enumerate(timestamps[1:]):
lengths.append(timestamp - timestamps[i])
if not lengths:
title_chapter_lengths[title] = lengths
# remove titles with duplicate chapters by looking at the length
title_chapter_lengths = {
title: lengths for title, lengths in title_chapter_lengths.items()
if len(lengths) == len(set(lengths))}
if title_chapter_lengths:
print('The titles {} contain no duplicate chapter lengths.'.format(
', '.join(str(i) for i in title_chapter_lengths.keys())))
print('No title without duplicates found.')
@click.option('-c', '--chapters-file', type=FILE_TYPE, required=True,
help='File with timestamps separated by comma')
@click.option('-i', '--input-file', type=FILE_TYPE, required=True)
@click.option('-o', '--output-dir', type=DIRECTORY_TYPE, required=True)
@click.option('-n', '--number', type=click.INT,
help='Split out only one chapter given by this number.')
@click.option('--reencode', is_flag=True,
help='Don\'t use -c:v copy and -c:a copy')
@click.option('--media-type', type=click.Choice(['film', 'animation']),
help='Only relevant with --reencode')
@click.option('--quality', type=click.INT, default=18, show_default=True,
help='Only relevant with --reencode')
help='Only relevant with --reencode')
@click.option('--audio-map', multiple=True, type=(int, str),
help="Keep specific audio. Only relevant with --reencode."
"Order is important. Takes first "
"audio stream and puts it at stream INT in the new file "
"with language STR.")
@click.option('--subtitle-map', multiple=True, type=(int, str),
help="Keep the specific subtitles. Order is important. Takes "
"stream defined as INT into place according to order with "
"language STR.")
def split_file(output_dir, input_file, chapters_file, number, reencode,
media_type, quality, ffmpeg_opts, audio_map, subtitle_map):
if ffmpeg_opts is None:
ffmpeg_opts = []
ffmpeg_opts = shlex.split(ffmpeg_opts)
extension = input_file.split('.')[-1]
with open(chapters_file) as f:
chapters =',')
for i, (start, end) in enumerate(itertools.zip_longest(chapters, chapters[1:]), start=1):
if number is not None and i != number:
extra_opts = ffmpeg_opts + ['-ss', start]
if end is not None:
extra_opts.extend(['-to', end])
out_path = os.path.join(output_dir, '{}.{}'.format(i, extension))
if not reencode:
ffmpeg_cmd = ['ffmpeg'] + extra_opts + [
'-i', input_file,
'-c:a', 'copy',
'-c:v', 'copy',
'-movflags', '+faststart',
use_gpu = False
ffmpeg_cmd = _get_ffmpeg_cmd(out_path, input_file, media_type,
quality, extra_opts, use_gpu,
audio_map, subtitle_map)
@click.option('-d', '--device', type=DEVICE_OR_DIRECTORY_TYPE,
default='/dev/dvd', show_default=True)
def titles(device):
with dvdread.DVD(device) as d:
for i in range(1, d.NumberOfTitles + 1):
t = d.GetTitle(i)
click.echo('{}: {}'.format(i - 1, t.PlaybackTimeFancy))
@click.option('-t', '--title', type=int, required=True)
@click.option('-d', '--device', type=DEVICE_OR_DIRECTORY_TYPE,
default='/dev/dvd', show_default=True)
def audios(device, title):
"""Retrieve the audio streams and their languages for a title"""
for i, (channel, lang) in enumerate(_get_audios(title, device)):
click.echo('{}: {} aid probably {} (0x{:x})'
.format(i, lang, channel, channel))
@click.option('-t', '--title', type=int, required=True)
@click.option('-d', '--device', type=DEVICE_OR_DIRECTORY_TYPE,
default='/dev/dvd', show_default=True)
def subtitles(device, title):
"""Retrieve the subtitles streams and their languages for a title"""
for i, (channel, lang) in enumerate(_get_subtitles(title, device)):
print('{}: {} with id {} (0x{:x})'
.format(i, lang, channel, channel))
@click.option('-t', '--title', type=int)
@click.option('-o', '--output-dir', type=DIRECTORY_TYPE, required=True)
@click.option('-d', '--device', type=DEVICE_OR_DIRECTORY_TYPE,
default='/dev/dvd', show_default=True)
@click.option('--no-dump', is_flag=True)
@click.option('--no-audios', is_flag=True)
@click.option('--no-subtitles', is_flag=True)
@click.option('--no-chapters', is_flag=True)
def dump(title, output_dir, device, no_dump, no_audios, no_subtitles,
"""Just dump the stream and additional infos"""
if title is None:
titles = range(0, _get_dvd_titles(device))
titles = [title]
for title in titles:
if not no_dump:
dump_file = os.path.join(output_dir, '{}.dump'.format(title))
mpv_cmd = _get_mpv_dump_cmd(title, dump_file, device)
if not no_audios:
audios_file = os.path.join(output_dir, '{}.audios'.format(title))
with open(audios_file, 'w') as f:
audios = ['{}: {}'.format(c, l)
for c, l in _get_audios(title, device)]
if not no_subtitles:
subtitles_file = os.path.join(output_dir, '{}.subs'.format(title))
with open(subtitles_file, 'w') as f:
subtitles = ['{}: {}'.format(c, l)
for c, l in _get_subtitles(title, device)]
if not no_chapters:
chapters_file = os.path.join(output_dir, '{}.chapters'.format(title))
with open(chapters_file, 'w') as f:
chapters = _get_title_chapters(title, device=device)
def has_dvdread():
print(f"dvdread support: {'available' if HAS_DVDREAD else 'missing'}")
def audio():
@click.option('-o', '--output-dir', type=DIRECTORY_TYPE, required=True)
@click.option('-d', '--device', type=DEVICE_OR_DIRECTORY_TYPE,
default='/dev/dvd', show_default=True)
@click.option('-t', '--title', type=int, required=True)
def rip_dvd_title(device, output_dir, title):
"""Rip the given title's audio from DVD"""
def partial(output_file, input_file):
return ['ffmpeg',
'-i', input_file,
'-map', '0:a:0',
'-c:a', 'flac',
_rip_title(title, output_dir, partial, device=device,
@click.option('-o', '--output-dir', type=DIRECTORY_TYPE, required=True)
@click.option('-c', '--chapters-file', type=FILE_TYPE, required=True,
help='File with timestamps separated by comma')
@click.option('-i', '--input-file', type=FILE_TYPE, required=True)
def audio_split_file(output_dir, chapters_file, input_file):
"""Split an audio file into different flac files based on timestamps in the chapters file"""
with open(chapters_file) as f:
chapters =',')
times_ten = 0
while len(chapters) // (10 ** times_ten) > 9:
times_ten += 1
name_template = '{:0' + str(times_ten + 1) + 'd}.flac'
for i, (start, end) in enumerate(itertools.zip_longest(chapters, chapters[1:]), start=1):
ffmpeg_cmd = [
'-ss', start]
if end is not None:
ffmpeg_cmd.extend(['-to', end])
out_path = os.path.join(output_dir, name_template.format(i))
'-i', input_file,
'-c:a', 'flac',
'-movflags', '+faststart',
if __name__ == '__main__':

rip-py/rip_py/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
import bluread
def get_title_audio_map(device, title):
with bluread.Bluray(device) as b:
if not 0 <= title < b.NumberOfTitles:
msg = f"Number of titles of of range. Use a number in [0, {b.NumberOfTitles}["
raise ValueError(msg)
t = b.GetTitle(title)
audio_map = set()
for i in range(0, t.NumberOfClips):
clip = t.GetClip(i)
for j in range(0, clip.NumberOfAudiosPrimary):
a = clip.GetAudio(j)
audio_map.add((0x1100 + j, a.Language))
return sorted(audio_map)
def get_title_subtitle_map(device, title):
with bluread.Bluray(device) as b:
if not 0 <= title < b.NumberOfTitles:
msg = f"Number of titles of of range. Use a number in [0, {b.NumberOfTitles}["
raise ValueError(msg)
t = b.GetTitle(title)
subtitles = set()
for i in range(0, t.NumberOfClips):
clip = t.GetClip(i)
for j in range(0, clip.NumberOfSubtitles):
s = clip.GetSubtitle(j)
subtitles.add((0x1200 + j, s.Language))
return sorted(subtitles)
def get_title_chapters(device, title):
with bluread.Bluray(device) as b:
if not 0 <= title < b.NumberOfTitles:
msg = f"Number of titles of of range. Use a number in [0, {b.NumberOfTitles}["
raise ValueError(msg)
t = b.GetTitle(title)
chapters = ['00:00:00.000,00']
for i in range(1, t.NumberOfChapters + 1):
c = t.GetChapter(i)
return chapters
def get_num_titles(device):
with bluread.Bluray(device) as b:
return b.NumberOfTitles
def get_titles(device):
titles = []
with bluread.Bluray(device) as b:
for i in range(0, b.NumberOfTitles):
t = b.GetTitle(i)
titles.append(f"{t.LengthFancy} - {t.PlaylistNumber}")
return titles
def get_title_playlist_number(device, title):
with bluread.Bluray(device) as b:
return b.GetTitle(b.MainTitleNumber).PlaylistNumber
def get_main_title(device):
"""Return the main title number and it's playlist number as defined on the disk"""
with bluread.Bluray(device) as b:
return (b.MainTitleNumber, b.GetTitle(b.MainTitleNumber).PlaylistNumber)
def get_parameterized_mpv_dump_cmd(device):
"""Return function which accepts title and output_path as arguments and returns the final mpv dump command"""
cmd = ['mpv', '--quiet',
def parameterized(title, output_path):
final_cmd = cmd.copy()
final_cmd[2] = final_cmd[2].format(output_path)
title = get_title_playlist_number(device, title)
final_cmd[3] = final_cmd[3].format(title)
return final_cmd
return parameterized
def get_mpv_dump_cmd(title, output_path, device):
"""Return a list to call mpv for dumping a BluRay title"""
return get_parameterized_mpv_dump_cmd(device)(title, output_path)

rip-py/rip_py/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,128 @@
from datetime import timedelta
import dvdread
# ## What I need from dvdread
# - audio information for each title
# - count
# - language code
# - subpicture (subtitle) information for each title
# - count
# - language code
# - chapter information per title
# - count
# - length
# - title information
# - number of titles
# - length ("playback time fancy")
# python3-mediainfodll
# In [71]: for i in range(308):
# ...: if not mi.GetI(MediaInfoDLL3.Stream.Video, 0, i, 1):
# ...: continue
# ...: print('{}: {} - {}'.format(mi.GetI(MediaInfoDLL3.Stream.Video, 0, i, 4)
# ...: , mi.GetI(MediaInfoDLL3.Stream.Video, 0, i, 1), mi.GetI(MediaInfoDLL3.Strea
# ...: m.Video, 0, i, 6)))
def get_title_audio_map(device, title):
with dvdread.DVD(device) as d:
if not 0 <= title <= d.NumberOfTitles:
msg = f"Number of titles of of range. Use a number in [0, {d.NumberOfTitles}["
raise ValueError(msg)
# DvdRead starts counting titles at 1, we start at 0
title += 1
t = d.GetTitle(title)
audio_map = []
for i in range(1, t.NumberOfAudios + 1):
a = t.GetAudio(i)
audio_map.append((128 + i - 1, a.LangCode))
return audio_map
def get_title_subtitle_map(device, title):
with dvdread.DVD(device) as d:
if not 0 <= title <= d.NumberOfTitles:
msg = f"Number of titles of of range. Use a number in [0, {d.NumberOfTitles}["
raise ValueError(msg)
# DvdRead starts counting titles at 1, we start at 0
title += 1
t = d.GetTitle(title)
subtitles = []
for i in range(1, t.NumberOfSubpictures + 1):
s = t.GetSubpicture(i)
subtitles.append((0x20 + i - 1, s.LangCode))
return subtitles
def get_title_chapters(device, title):
with dvdread.DVD(device) as d:
if not 0 <= title <= d.NumberOfTitles:
msg = f"Number of titles of of range. Use a number in [0, {d.NumberOfTitles}["
raise ValueError(msg)
# we usually start at 0, but dvdread starts at 1
title += 1
t = d.GetTitle(title)
# we need to put in at least a microsecond to get the full
# 0:00:00.000001 format
td = timedelta(microseconds=1)
chapters = [str(td)]
for i in range(1, t.NumberOfChapters + 1):
td += timedelta(milliseconds=t.GetChapter(i).Length)
return chapters
def get_num_titles(device):
with dvdread.DVD(device) as d:
return d.NumberOfTitles
def get_titles(device):
titles = []
with dvdread.DVD(device) as d:
for i in range(1, d.NumberOfTitles + 1):
t = d.GetTitle(i)
return titles
def get_parameterized_mpv_dump_cmd(device=None):
"""Return function which accepts title and output_path as arguments and returns the final mpv dump command"""
cmd = ['mpv', '--quiet',
if device:
def parameterized(title, output_path):
final_cmd = cmd.copy()
final_cmd[2] = final_cmd[2].format(output_path)
final_cmd[3] = final_cmd[3].format(title)
return final_cmd
return parameterized
def get_mpv_dump_cmd(title, output_path, device=None):
"""Return a list to call mpv for dumping a BluRay title"""
return get_parameterized_mpv_dump_cmd(device=device)(title, output_path)

rip-py/rip_py/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,618 @@
from datetime import datetime
import functools
import itertools
from pathlib import Path
import shlex
import subprocess
import click
from rip_py import _bluray, _dvd, utils
FILE_TYPE = click.Path(file_okay=True, dir_okay=False, exists=True, path_type=Path)
NEW_FILE_TYPE = click.Path(file_okay=True, dir_okay=False, exists=False, path_type=Path)
DIRECTORY_TYPE = click.Path(file_okay=False, dir_okay=True, exists=True, path_type=Path)
DEVICE_OR_DIRECTORY_TYPE = click.Path(file_okay=True, dir_okay=True, exists=True, path_type=Path)
def scale_convert(ctx, param, value):
if value == '720p':
return '-1:720'
if value == '480p':
return '-1:480'
return value
def _rip(module, output_dir, titles, device, media_type, keep_audio, quality,
start_at_title, end_at_title, ffmpeg_opts, deinterlace, audio_map,
subtitle_map, pre_read_size, scale=None):
if end_at_title >= 0 and start_at_title > end_at_title:
raise click.ClickException('--start-at-title cannot be larger than --end-at-title.')
ffmpeg_opts = shlex.split(ffmpeg_opts) if ffmpeg_opts is not None else []
video_filters = []
if deinterlace:
if titles:
titles = sorted(t for t in titles if t >= start_at_title)
titles = module.get_num_titles(device)
if end_at_title >= 0:
if end_at_title > titles:
raise click.ClickException(f"--end-at-title {end_at_title} larger than number of titles {titles}")
# we'll put it into a Python range(), so we need to add 1 to make
# it include that title
end_at_title += 1
end_at_title = titles
titles = range(start_at_title, end_at_title)
for title in titles:
if keep_audio:
audio_map = module.get_title_audio_map(device, title)
use_gpu = False
ffmpeg_cmd = utils.get_parameterized_ffmpeg_cmd(
media_type, quality, ffmpeg_opts, use_gpu, audio_map, subtitle_map,
pre_read=pre_read_size, video_filters=video_filters, scale=scale)
mpv_cmd = module.get_parameterized_mpv_dump_cmd(device)
out_file = utils.rip_title(title, output_dir, mpv_cmd, ffmpeg_cmd)
chapters = module.get_title_chapters(device, title)
if chapters:
utils.set_chapters(out_file, chapters)
def cli():
@click.option('-d', '--device', type=DEVICE_OR_DIRECTORY_TYPE,
default='/dev/dvd', show_default=True)
def dvd(ctx, device):
ctx.obj['device'] = str(device)
def pass_device(fn):
def wrapped(obj, *args, **kwargs):
kwargs['device'] = obj['device']
return fn(*args, **kwargs)
return wrapped'info')
def dvd_info():
@click.option('-t', '--title', type=int, required=True)
def dvd_info_audios(device, title):
"""Show the audio streams and their languages for a title"""
for i, (channel, lang) in enumerate(_dvd.get_title_audio_map(device, title)):
print(f"{i}: {lang} aid probably {channel} (0x{channel:x})")
@click.option('-t', '--title', type=int, required=True)
def dvd_info_chapters(title, device):
"""Show the chapters for a title"""
print(','.join(_dvd.get_title_chapters(device, title)))
@click.option('-t', '--title', type=int, required=True)
def dvd_info_ffprobe(title, device):
"""Run ffprobe on the given title
Output is saved into a file named like the title number in the given directory.
ffmpeg_cmd = [['ffprobe', '-i']]
def parameterized(output_file, input_file):
return ffmpeg_cmd[0] + [input_file]
mpv_cmd = _dvd.get_parameterized_mpv_dump_cmd(device)
utils.rip_title(title, Path('/tmp'), mpv_cmd)
@click.option('-t', '--title', type=int, required=True)
def dvd_info_subtitles(device, title):
"""Show the subtitle streams and their languages for a title"""
for i, (channel, lang) in enumerate(_dvd.get_title_subtitle_map(device, title)):
print(f"{i}: {lang} with id {channel} (0x{channel:x})")
def dvd_info_titles(device):
"""Show the titles and their length"""
for i, t in enumerate(_dvd.get_titles(device)):
print(f"{i}: {t}")
@click.option('-o', '--output-dir', type=DIRECTORY_TYPE, required=True)
@click.option('-t', '--title', type=int, required=True)
@click.option('--pre-read-size', type=int, default=1024, show_default=True)
def get_subtitles_file(output_dir, title, device, pre_read_size):
"""Write out the subtitles of the given title into the given directory"""
# ffmpeg_cmd = ffmpeg_cmd(output_file=out_file, input_file=fifo_path)
# FIXME can we move this out of the `cli` module?
ffmpeg_cmd = []
'-probesize', '{}M'.format(pre_read_size),
'-analyzeduration', '{}M'.format(pre_read_size),
'-hwaccel', 'auto',
'-map', '0:v:0',
'-c:v', 'h264',
'-crf', '75',
'-preset:v', 'veryfast',
'-x264-params', 'opencl=true',
# '-x264-params', 'keyint=240:min-keyint=20',
'-c:s', 'copy',
for i, (channel, lang) in enumerate(_dvd.get_title_subtitle_map(device, title)):
lang = f"{lang} - 0x{channel:x}"
ffmpeg_cmd[-1] += [
'-map', f"i:0x{channel:x}",
f"-metadata:s:s:{i}", f"language={lang}"
def parameterized(output_file, input_file):
return ffmpeg_cmd[0] + [input_file] + ffmpeg_cmd[1] + [output_file]
mpv_cmd = _dvd.get_parameterized_mpv_dump_cmd(device)
utils.rip_title(title, output_dir, mpv_cmd, parameterized)
@click.option('-o', '--output-dir', type=DIRECTORY_TYPE, required=True)
@click.option('-t', '--title', type=int)
@click.option('--no-dump', is_flag=True)
@click.option('--no-audios', is_flag=True)
@click.option('--no-subtitles', is_flag=True)
@click.option('--no-chapters', is_flag=True)
def dump(title, output_dir, device, no_dump, no_audios, no_subtitles,
"""Just dump the stream and additional infos
It's basically ripping without converting."""
if title is None:
titles = range(0, _dvd.get_num_titles(device))
titles = [title]
for title in titles:
if not no_dump:
dump_file = str(output_dir / f"{title}.dump")
mpv_cmd = _dvd.get_mpv_dump_cmd(title, dump_file, device)
if not no_audios:
audios_file = str(output_dir / f"{title}.audios")
with open(audios_file, 'w') as f:
audios = [f"{c}: {l}"
for c, l in _dvd.get_title_audio_map(device, title)]
if not no_subtitles:
subtitles_file = str(output_dir / f"{title}.subs")
with open(subtitles_file, 'w') as f:
subtitles = [f"{c}: {l}"
for c, l in _dvd.get_title_subtitle_map(device, title)]
if not no_chapters:
chapters_file = str(output_dir / f"{title}.chapters")
with open(chapters_file, 'w') as f:
chapters = _dvd.get_title_chapters(device, title)
@click.option('-o', '--output-dir', type=DIRECTORY_TYPE, required=True)
@click.option('--media-type', type=click.Choice(['film', 'animation']))
@click.option('--keep-audio', is_flag=True)
@click.option('--audio-map', multiple=True, type=(int, str),
help="Keep specific audio. Order is important. Takes first "
"audio stream and puts it at stream INT in the new file "
"with language STR.")
@click.option('--subtitle-map', multiple=True, type=(int, str),
help="Keep the specific subtitles. Order is important. Takes "
"stream defined as INT into place according to order with "
"language STR.")
@click.option('--quality', type=int, default=22, show_default=True)
@click.option('--start-at-title', type=int, default=0, show_default=True)
@click.option('--end-at-title', type=int, default=-1)
@click.option('-t', '--title', 'titles', multiple=True, type=int)
@click.option('--deinterlace', is_flag=True)
@click.option('--pre-read-size', type=int, default=1024, show_default=True)
def dvd_rip(output_dir, titles, device, media_type, keep_audio, quality,
start_at_title, end_at_title, ffmpeg_opts, deinterlace, audio_map,
subtitle_map, pre_read_size):
_rip(_dvd, output_dir, titles, device, media_type, keep_audio, quality,
start_at_title, end_at_title, ffmpeg_opts, deinterlace, audio_map,
subtitle_map, pre_read_size)
@click.option('-o', '--output-dir', type=DIRECTORY_TYPE, required=True)
@click.option('-t', '--title', type=int, required=True)
def dvd_rip_audio(device, output_dir, title):
"""Rip the given title's audio from DVD"""
def partial(output_file, input_file):
return ['ffmpeg',
'-i', input_file,
'-map', '0:a:0',
'-c:a', 'flac',
mpv_cmd = _dvd.get_parameterized_mpv_dump_cmd(device)
utils.rip_title(title, output_dir, mpv_cmd, partial,
@click.option('--start-title', type=int, default=0, show_default=True)
@click.option('--end-title', type=int)
def dvd_find_right_title(start_title, end_title, device):
"""Try to find a title without duplicate chapter lengths"""
if end_title and start_title > end_title:
msg = '--start-title must not be bigger than --end-title'
raise click.ClickException(msg)
titles = _dvd.get_num_titles(device)
if start_title > titles:
raise RuntimeError('DVD has less titles than start title.')
if end_title:
end_title = min(titles - 1, end_title)
end_title = titles - 1
title_chapter_lengths = {}
for title in range(start_title, end_title + 1):
chapters = _dvd.get_title_chapters(device, title)
timestamps = []
for timestamp in chapters:
timestamp, microseconds = timestamp.split('.')
dt = datetime.strptime(timestamp, '%H:%M:%S')
dt = dt.replace(microsecond=int(microseconds) * 1000)
lengths = []
if len(timestamps) > 1:
for i, timestamp in enumerate(timestamps[1:]):
lengths.append(timestamp - timestamps[i])
if not lengths:
title_chapter_lengths[title] = lengths
# remove titles with duplicate chapters by looking at the length
title_chapter_lengths = {
title: lengths for title, lengths in title_chapter_lengths.items()
if len(lengths) == len(set(lengths))}
if title_chapter_lengths:
print('The titles {} contain no duplicate chapter lengths.'.format(
', '.join(str(i) for i in title_chapter_lengths.keys())))
print('No title without duplicates found.')
@click.option('-d', '--device', type=DEVICE_OR_DIRECTORY_TYPE,
default='/dev/dvd', show_default=True)
def bluray(ctx, device):
ctx.obj['device'] = str(device)'info')
def bluray_info():
@click.option('-t', '--title', type=int, required=True)
def bluray_info_audios(device, title):
"""Show the audio streams and their languages for a title"""
for i, (channel, lang) in enumerate(_bluray.get_title_audio_map(device, title)):
print(f"{i}: {lang} aid probably {channel} (0x{channel:x})")
@click.option('-t', '--title', type=int, required=True)
def bluray_info_chapters(title, device):
"""Show the chapters for a title"""
print(','.join(_bluray.get_title_chapters(device, title)))