/*************************************************************************** * Copyright (C) 2003-2007 by Oliver Saal * * osaal@gmx.de * * http://www.oliver-saal.de/software/afutrainer/ * * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * * GNU General Public License for more details. * * * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * * along with this program; if not, write to the * * Free Software Foundation, Inc., * * 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. * ***************************************************************************/ #include "mainwindow.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "dlglearn.h" #include "dlglearnassistant.h" #include "dlginformation.h" #include "dlgexamselect.h" #include "dlgexam.h" #include "dlgexamstatistic.h" #include "dlglearnstatistic.h" #include "catalog.h" CMainWindow::CMainWindow() : QMainWindow() { setupUi(this); m_pSplitter = new QSplitter (this); setCentralWidget (m_pSplitter); m_pViewChapter = new QTreeView (m_pSplitter); m_pViewChapter->setModel(&m_modelCatalog); m_pViewChapter->header()->setStretchLastSection(false); m_pViewChapter->header()->setResizeMode (0, QHeaderView::Stretch); m_pViewChapter->header()->setResizeMode (1, QHeaderView::Interactive); m_pViewChapter->header()->setResizeMode (3, QHeaderView::Interactive); m_pViewChapter->header()->resizeSection(1, 45); m_pViewChapter->header()->resizeSection(2, 150); m_pViewChapter->header()->resizeSection(3, 20); //m_pViewChapter->setSelectionBehavior(QAbstractItemView::SelectRows); connect (m_pViewChapter->selectionModel(), SIGNAL(selectionChanged (const QItemSelection& , const QItemSelection& )), this, SLOT(onCatalogSelectionChanged (const QItemSelection& , const QItemSelection& ))); m_pSplitter2 = new QSplitter (m_pSplitter); m_pSplitter2->setOrientation(Qt::Vertical); m_pViewQuestions = new QTreeView (m_pSplitter2); m_pViewQuestions->setModel(&m_modelQuestion); m_pViewQuestions->header()->setStretchLastSection(false); m_pViewQuestions->header()->setResizeMode (0, QHeaderView::Interactive); m_pViewQuestions->header()->setResizeMode (1, QHeaderView::Stretch); m_pViewQuestions->header()->resizeSection(0, 60); m_pViewQuestions->header()->resizeSection(2, 20); m_pViewQuestions->header()->resizeSection(3, 20); m_pViewQuestions->header()->resizeSection(4, 100); m_pViewQuestions->header()->resizeSection(5, 80); m_pViewQuestions->header()->resizeSection(6, 80); m_pViewQuestions->setRootIsDecorated(false); connect (m_pViewQuestions->selectionModel(), SIGNAL(selectionChanged (const QItemSelection& , const QItemSelection& )), this, SLOT(onQuestionSelectionChanged (const QItemSelection& , const QItemSelection& ))); m_pTextQuestion = new QTextBrowser (m_pSplitter2); m_pTextQuestion->setOpenExternalLinks(true); //m_pTextQuestion->setReadOnly(true); //connect (m_pTextQuestion, SIGNAL(anchorClicked (const QUrl &)), this, SLOT(onAnchorClicked (const QUrl &))); m_pCatalog = 0; connect (&m_rf, SIGNAL(loadFile(const QString&)), this, SLOT(onOpenFile(const QString&))); m_rf.create(QString(), 8); m_rf.insertToMenu(menuFile, actFileExit); m_rf.setShowNoEntry(false); m_rf.setShowSeperator(CRecentFiles::SeperatorBottom); // open last file onOpenFile(m_rf.recentFile(0)); #ifndef _DEBUG actFileSave->setVisible(false); actFileSaveAs->setVisible(false); actFileImport->setVisible(false); actFileImportUS->setVisible(false); #endif updateWindowTitle(); } CMainWindow::~CMainWindow() { if (m_pCatalog) delete m_pCatalog; } void CMainWindow::updateWindowTitle() { QString str; str = tr("AFUTrainer 3.0"); if (m_pCatalog) { str += " - "; if (m_pCatalog->name().isEmpty()) str += tr("unbenannt"); else str += m_pCatalog->name(); if (!m_pCatalog->fileName().isEmpty()) str += " [" + m_pCatalog->fileName() + "]"; } setWindowTitle(str); } void CMainWindow::setCatalog (CCatalog *pCatalog) { m_modelCatalog.setModelData(pCatalog); m_pViewChapter->expandAll(); if (m_pCatalog) delete m_pCatalog; m_pCatalog = pCatalog; m_modelQuestion.setModelData(0); m_pTextQuestion->clear(); updateWindowTitle(); if (m_pCatalog == 0) return; QDate d = m_pCatalog->validUntil(); if (d.isValid() && d < QDate::currentDate()) { QString str = tr("Dieser Fragenkatalog ist seit dem %1 nicht mehr gültig!").arg(d.toString(Qt::LocalDate)); if (!m_pCatalog->publisher().isEmpty()) str += tr("

Weitere Informationen zur Gültigkeit erhalten Sie vom Herausgeber:
")+m_pCatalog->publisher(); if (!m_pCatalog->contact().isEmpty()) str += tr("

Einen aktuellen Fragenkatalog für den AFUTrainer erhalten Sie evt. von:
")+m_pCatalog->contact(); QMessageBox::warning(this, tr("Warnung"), str); } } bool CMainWindow::checkForErrors() { QString str; if (m_pCatalog == 0) return false; str = m_pCatalog->checkForErrors(); if (str.isEmpty()) return false; QMessageBox::critical(this, tr("Fehler im Fragenkatalog"), tr("Die gewünschte Funktion kann nicht ausgeführt werden, da der Fragenkatalog folgende Fehler enthält:

")+ str); return true; } bool CMainWindow::checkForHomeDir() { QString strDir = QDir::homePath() + "/.afutrainer/"; QDir dir; if (dir.exists(strDir)) return true; if (!dir.mkpath(strDir)) { QMessageBox::critical(this, tr("Fehler"), tr("Konnte Verzeichnis %1 nicht anlegen!").arg(strDir)); return false; } return true; } void CMainWindow::on_actFileNew_triggered() { if (!checkForHomeDir()) return; setCatalog(0); } void CMainWindow::on_actFileOpen_triggered() { QString strFileName; if (!checkForHomeDir()) return; strFileName = QFileDialog::getOpenFileName(this, tr("Öffne Fragenkatalog"), QString(), tr("Amateur Radio Questionary Data Format (*.aqz)\nAlle Dateien (*.*)")); onOpenFile(strFileName); } void CMainWindow::onOpenFile(const QString& strFileName) { CCatalog *pCatalog=0; if (strFileName.isEmpty()) return; pCatalog = new CCatalog; if (pCatalog->load(strFileName, this)) { setCatalog (pCatalog); m_rf.setRecentFile(strFileName); } else { m_rf.removeFile(strFileName); delete pCatalog; } } void CMainWindow::on_actFileInformation_triggered() { CDlgInformation dlg(this); if (!m_pCatalog) { QMessageBox::information(this, tr("Information"), tr("Kein Fragenkatalog geladen, zu dem Informationen angezeigt werden könnten.")); return; } dlg.setup(m_pCatalog); dlg.exec(); } void CMainWindow::on_actFileSave_triggered() { if (!m_pCatalog) return; if (m_pCatalog->fileName().isEmpty()) on_actFileSaveAs_triggered(); else { m_pCatalog->save(m_pCatalog->fileName(), this); updateWindowTitle(); } } void CMainWindow::on_actFileSaveAs_triggered() { QString strFileName; if (!m_pCatalog) return; strFileName = QFileDialog::getSaveFileName(this, tr("Speichere Fragenkatalog"), QString(), tr("XML-Dateien (*.xml)\nAlle Dateien (*.*)")); if (strFileName.isEmpty()) return; m_pCatalog->save(strFileName, this); updateWindowTitle(); } bool ImportDE_isChapter(const QString& strLine) { if (strLine.contains(QRegExp ("^[0-9](\\.[0-9]+)*\\s\\w"))) return true; else return false; } int ImportDE_chapterLevel(const QString& strLine) { QString str = strLine.left(strLine.indexOf(' ')); return (str.count('.')); } bool ImportDE_isQuestion(const QString& strLine) { return strLine.contains(QRegExp("^[A-Z]{2,2}[0-9]{3,3}")); } bool ImportDE_isAnswer(const QString& strLine) { return strLine.contains(QRegExp("^[A-D]\\s")) || strLine.contains(QRegExp("^[A-D]$")); } void CMainWindow::on_actFileImport_triggered() { QString strFileName, strLine, strChapter; CChapter *pChapter=0, *pTempChapter=0; CQuestion *pQuestion=0; int uCurrentLevel=-1, uLevel=-1; enum LastAdded {None, Chapter, Question, Answer}; LastAdded la=None; CCatalog *pCatalog=0; strFileName = QFileDialog::getOpenFileName(this, tr("Öffne Datei zum Fragenkatalog-Import"), QString("D:/projekte/afutrainer/fragenkataloge/2007-02/Klasse A Technik/"), tr("TXT-Dateien (*.txt)\nAlle Dateien (*.*)")); if (strFileName.isEmpty()) return; QFile file(strFileName); if(!file.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)) { QMessageBox::information(this, tr("Fehler"), tr("Konnte Datei '%1' nicht zum Lesen öffnen!").arg(strFileName)); return; } QTextStream in(&file); pCatalog = new CCatalog(); while (!in.atEnd()) { strLine = in.readLine().trimmed(); if (strLine.isEmpty() || strLine.contains(QRegExp("^Prüfungsfragen")) || strLine.contains("^Bundesnetzagentur")) { la = None; } else if (ImportDE_isChapter(strLine)) // && (uCurrentLevel+1 == ImportDE_chapterLevel(strLine) || uCurrentLevel-1 == ImportDE_chapterLevel(strLine))) { uLevel = ImportDE_chapterLevel(strLine); while (uCurrentLevel >= uLevel && pChapter) { pChapter = pChapter->parentChapter(); uCurrentLevel--; } pTempChapter = new CChapter(); if (pChapter == 0) pCatalog->appendChapter(pTempChapter); else pChapter->appendChapter(pTempChapter); pTempChapter->setText(strLine.mid(strLine.indexOf(' ') + 1)); pChapter = pTempChapter; uCurrentLevel++; strChapter += QString("%1 -- %2
").arg(uLevel).arg(strLine); qDebug ("%i -- %s", uLevel, qPrintable(strLine)); la = Chapter; } else if (ImportDE_isQuestion(strLine)) { pQuestion = new CQuestion(); pQuestion->setId (strLine.left(5)); pQuestion->setText (strLine.mid(6).trimmed()); if (pChapter) { pChapter->appendQuestion(pQuestion); // update id of chapters pTempChapter = pChapter; uLevel = uCurrentLevel; while (pTempChapter && uLevel >= 0) { if (pTempChapter->id().isEmpty()) pTempChapter->setId(pQuestion->id().at(uLevel)); pTempChapter = pTempChapter->parentChapter(); uLevel--; } } else delete pQuestion; //qDebug (qPrintable(strLine)); la = Question; } else if (ImportDE_isAnswer(strLine)) { CAnswer a(strLine.mid(2).trimmed(), strLine[0] == QChar('A')); if (pQuestion) pQuestion->appendAnswer(a); //qDebug (qPrintable("\t"+strLine)); la = Answer; } else { if (la == Chapter && pChapter) { if (pChapter->text().isEmpty()) pChapter->appendText (strLine.trimmed()); else pChapter->appendText (" " + strLine.trimmed()); } else if (la == Question && pQuestion) { if (pQuestion->text().isEmpty() || pQuestion->text().right(1) == "-") pQuestion->appendText (strLine.trimmed()); else pQuestion->appendText (" " + strLine.trimmed()); } else if (la == Answer && pQuestion && pQuestion->countAnswer() > 0) { QString strText = pQuestion->answerAt(pQuestion->countAnswer()-1).text(); if (strText.isEmpty() || strText.right(1) == "-") pQuestion->answerAt(pQuestion->countAnswer()-1).appendText(strLine.trimmed()); else pQuestion->answerAt(pQuestion->countAnswer()-1).appendText(" " + strLine.trimmed()); } } } // Bilder hinzufügen QList listPool = pCatalog->questionPool(); QDir dirPath(strFileName.left(strFileName.lastIndexOf('/'))); for (int i=0; iid().toLower()+"*"); for (int j=0; j"; if (strImgFile.contains(QRegExp("f\\d*\\."))) { // Frage qDebug("Adding image %s to question %s", qPrintable(strImgFile), qPrintable(pQuestion->id())); pQuestion->appendText("

" + strLink + "

"); } else if (strImgFile.contains("a.") && pQuestion->countAnswer() > 0) { // Antwort A //qDebug("Adding image %s to answer A of question %s", qPrintable(strImgFile), qPrintable(pQuestion->id())); pQuestion->answerAt(0).appendText("

" + strLink + "

"); } else if (strImgFile.contains("b.") && pQuestion->countAnswer() > 1) { // Antwort B //qDebug("Adding image %s to answer B of question %s", qPrintable(strImgFile), qPrintable(pQuestion->id())); pQuestion->answerAt(1).appendText("

" + strLink + "

"); } else if (strImgFile.contains("c.") && pQuestion->countAnswer() > 2) { // Antwort C //qDebug("Adding image %s to answer C of question %s", qPrintable(strImgFile), qPrintable(pQuestion->id())); pQuestion->answerAt(2).appendText("

" + strLink + "

"); } else if (strImgFile.contains("d.") && pQuestion->countAnswer() > 3) { // Antwort D //qDebug("Adding image %s to answer D of question %s", qPrintable(strImgFile), qPrintable(pQuestion->id())); pQuestion->answerAt(3).appendText("

" + strLink + "

"); } else { qDebug ("Konnte Grafik %s nicht zuordnen.\n\tMögliche Gründe: Frage oder Antwort existiert nicht. Dateiname der Grafik falsch geschrieben.", qPrintable(strImgFile)); } } } pCatalog->setName("Importierter Katalog von " + strFileName); QMessageBox::information(this, tr("Information"), "Bitte Debug-Ausgabe überprüfen, ob alle Grafik-Dateien zugeordnet wurden!

" "Bitte überprüfen, ob alle Kapitel korrekt erkannt wurden. " "Wenn nicht, muss die TXT-Datei von Hand kontrolliert werden!

"+strChapter); qDebug("Weitere Vorgehensweise:\n\t1. Fragenkatalog als XML-Datei abspeichern.\n\t2. ggf. Korrekturen in der XML-Datei vornehmen\n\t3. XML-Datei und alle Grafik-Dateien in ein ZIP-Archiv packen und die Dateiänderung auf .atc ändern.\n\tFertig!"); setCatalog (pCatalog); } bool ImportUS_isChapter(const QString& strLine) { if (strLine.contains(QRegExp("^SUBELEMENT")) || strLine.contains(QRegExp("^[A-Z][0-9][A-Z]\\s"))) return true; else return false; } bool ImportUS_isQuestion(const QString& strLine) { return strLine.contains(QRegExp("^[A-Z][0-9][A-Z][0-9]{2,2}")); } bool ImportUS_isAnswer(const QString& strLine) { return strLine.contains(QRegExp("^[A-D]\\.\\s")); } void CMainWindow::on_actFileImportUS_triggered() { QString strFileName, strLine, strChapter, str; CChapter *pChapter=0, *pTempChapter=0; CQuestion *pQuestion=0; int uCurrentLevel=-1, uLevel=-1; enum LastAdded {None, Chapter, Question, Answer}; LastAdded la=None; CCatalog *pCatalog=0; strFileName = QFileDialog::getOpenFileName(this, tr("Öffne Datei zum Fragenkatalog-Import"), QString("D:/projekte/afutrainer/fragenkataloge/US/"), tr("TXT-Dateien (*.txt)\nAlle Dateien (*.*)")); if (strFileName.isEmpty()) return; QFile file(strFileName); if(!file.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)) { QMessageBox::information(this, tr("Fehler"), tr("Konnte Datei '%1' nicht zum Lesen öffnen!").arg(strFileName)); return; } QTextStream in(&file); pCatalog = new CCatalog(); while (!in.atEnd()) { strLine = in.readLine().trimmed(); if (strLine.isEmpty()) { //la = None; } else if (strLine == "~~") { la = None; } else if (ImportUS_isChapter(strLine)) { pTempChapter = new CChapter(); if (strLine.contains(QRegExp("^SUBELEMENT"))) { uLevel = 0; strLine = strLine.mid(strLine.indexOf(' ')+1); pTempChapter->setId(strLine.left(2)); // str = strLine.mid(strLine.indexOf(QRegExp("[A-Z]"), 2)); // str.remove(QRegExp("\\[.*\\]")); pTempChapter->setText(strLine.mid(strLine.indexOf(QRegExp("[A-Z]"), 2))); } else { uLevel = 1; pTempChapter->setId(strLine.mid(2, 1)); // str = strLine.mid(strLine.indexOf(QRegExp("[A-Z]"), 3)); // str.remove(QRegExp("\\[.*\\]")); pTempChapter->setText(strLine.mid(strLine.indexOf(QRegExp("[A-Z]"), 3))); } while (uCurrentLevel >= uLevel && pChapter) { pChapter = pChapter->parentChapter(); uCurrentLevel--; } if (!pChapter) pCatalog->appendChapter(pTempChapter); else { // pTempChapter->setExam("main", 1); pChapter->appendChapter(pTempChapter); } strChapter += QString("%1 -- %2 - %3
").arg(uLevel).arg(pTempChapter->id(), pTempChapter->text()); pChapter = pTempChapter; uCurrentLevel++; la = Chapter; } else if (ImportUS_isQuestion(strLine)) { pQuestion = new CQuestion(); pQuestion->setId (strLine.left(5)); pQuestion->setText (strLine.mid(6).trimmed()); if (pChapter) pChapter->appendQuestion(pQuestion); else delete pQuestion; //qDebug (qPrintable(strLine)); la = Question; } else if (ImportUS_isAnswer(strLine)) { CAnswer a(strLine.mid(3).trimmed(), false); if (pQuestion) pQuestion->appendAnswer(a); //qDebug (qPrintable("\t"+strLine)); la = Answer; } else { if (la == Chapter && pChapter) { if (pChapter->text().isEmpty()) pChapter->appendText (strLine.trimmed()); else pChapter->appendText (" " + strLine.trimmed()); } else if (la == Question && pQuestion) { if (pQuestion->text().isEmpty() || pQuestion->text().right(1) == "-") pQuestion->appendText (strLine.trimmed()); else pQuestion->appendText (" " + strLine.trimmed()); } else if (la == Answer && pQuestion && pQuestion->countAnswer() > 0) { QString strText = pQuestion->answerAt(pQuestion->countAnswer()-1).text(); if (strText.isEmpty() || strText.right(1) == "-") pQuestion->answerAt(pQuestion->countAnswer()-1).appendText(strLine.trimmed()); else pQuestion->answerAt(pQuestion->countAnswer()-1).appendText(" " + strLine.trimmed()); } } } // Fragen durchgehen und richtige Antworten eintragen QList listPool = pCatalog->questionPool(); for (int i=0; itext(); int idx = strText.indexOf(QRegExp("\\([A-Z]\\)")); if (idx == -1) continue; int iCorrect = pQuestion->text().at(idx+1).toAscii() - 'A'; if (pQuestion->countAnswer() > iCorrect) pQuestion->answerAt(iCorrect).setCorrect(true); strText.remove(idx, 3); idx = strText.indexOf(QRegExp("\\[.*\\]")); if (idx >= 0) { int iLen = strText.indexOf(']', idx) - idx + 1; CHint hint; hint.appendQuestion(pQuestion->id()); hint.setAuthor("FCC"); hint.setText("See FCC rules part " + strText.mid(idx + 1, iLen - 2)); pCatalog->appendHint(hint); strText.remove(idx, iLen); } pQuestion->setText(strText.trimmed()); } // Kapitelnamen korrigieren QList listChapter = pCatalog->subChapters(); for (int i=0; itext(); //strText = strText.left(strText.indexOf(" - ")); strText.remove(QRegExp("\\[.*\\]")); pChapter->setText(strText.trimmed()); } // Allgemeine Angaben: //pCatalog->setVersionText(""); pCatalog->setPublisher("NCVEC (National Conference of Volunteer Examiner Coordinators)
Question Pool Committee
http://www.ncvec.org/"); pCatalog->setContact("Oliver Saal, DM1OLI
Mail: osaal@gmx.de"); pCatalog->setName("Importierter Katalog von " + strFileName); QMessageBox::information(this, tr("Information"), "Bitte überprüfen, ob alle Kapitel korrekt erkannt wurden. " "Wenn nicht, muss die TXT-Datei von Hand kontrolliert werden!
"+strChapter); qDebug("Weitere Vorgehensweise:\n\t1. Fragenkatalog als XML-Datei abspeichern.\n\t2. ggf. Korrekturen in der XML-Datei vornehmen\n\t3. XML-Datei und alle Grafik-Dateien in ein ZIP-Archiv packen und die Dateiänderung auf .atc ändern.\n\tFertig!"); setCatalog (pCatalog); } void CMainWindow::on_actFileExit_triggered() { qApp->quit(); } void CMainWindow::on_actQuestionAssistant_triggered() { CDlgLearnAssistant dlg(this); CDlgLearn dlgLearn(this); CChapter *pChapter=0; if (m_pCatalog == 0) return; if (checkForErrors()) return; if (!dlg.setup(m_pCatalog)) { QMessageBox::information(this, tr("Information"), tr("Derzeit gibt es keine Empfehlung des Lernassistentes.")); return; } if (dlg.exec() != QDialog::Accepted) return; pChapter = dlg.selectedChapter(); if (pChapter == 0) return; dlgLearn.go(m_pCatalog, pChapter); m_pCatalog->saveStatistic(this); } void CMainWindow::on_actQuestionsLearn_triggered() { CDlgLearn dlg(this); QModelIndexList list = m_pViewChapter->selectionModel()->selectedIndexes(); if (checkForErrors()) return; if (list.isEmpty()) { QMessageBox::information(this, tr("Information"), tr("Bitte ein Kapitel zum Lernen auswählen!")); return; } CChapter *p = (CChapter*)list.first().internalPointer(); Q_ASSERT(p != 0); dlg.go(m_pCatalog, p); m_pCatalog->saveStatistic(this); } void CMainWindow::on_actQuestionsLearnStatistics_triggered() { CDlgLearnStatistic dlg(this); QModelIndexList list = m_pViewChapter->selectionModel()->selectedIndexes(); CChapter *p=0; if (checkForErrors()) return; if (list.isEmpty()) p = m_pCatalog; else p = (CChapter*)list.first().internalPointer(); dlg.go(p); } void CMainWindow::on_actQuestionsTest_triggered() { int iCount=0; CExam exam; if (checkForErrors()) return; iCount = m_pCatalog->countExam(); if (iCount == 0) { QMessageBox::information(this, tr("Information"), tr("Dieser Fragenkatalog enthält keine Prüfungen.")); return; } else if (iCount == 1) { exam = m_pCatalog->examAt(0); } else if (iCount > 1) { CDlgExamSelect dlg1(this); dlg1.setup(m_pCatalog); dlg1.exec(); if (dlg1.result() == QDialog::Rejected) return; exam = m_pCatalog->examAt(dlg1.selectedExam()); } CDlgExam dlg2(m_pCatalog, this); if (dlg2.setup(exam)) dlg2.exec(); } void CMainWindow::on_actQuestionsTestStatistics_triggered() { CDlgExamStatistic dlg(this); if (checkForErrors()) return; if (m_pCatalog->countExam() == 0) { QMessageBox::information(this, tr("Information"), tr("Dieser Fragenkatalog enthält keine Prüfungen.")); return; } dlg.go(m_pCatalog); } void CMainWindow::on_actViewToolbar_toggled(bool bChecked) { if (bChecked) toolBar->show(); else toolBar->hide(); } void CMainWindow::on_actViewStatusbar_toggled(bool bChecked) { if (bChecked) statusbar->show(); else statusbar->hide(); } void CMainWindow::on_actHelpWhatsThis_triggered() { QWhatsThis::enterWhatsThisMode(); } void CMainWindow::on_actHelpAbout_triggered() { QString str = tr("AFUTrainer Version 3.0
" "(c) 2003-2007 by Oliver Saal (DM1OLI)

" "EMail: osaal@gmx.de
" "http://www.oliver-saal.de/software/afutrainer/
" "This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify " "it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by " "the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or " "(at your option) any later version.

" "This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, " "but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of " "MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the " "GNU General Public License for more details.

" "You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License " "along with this program; if not, write to the " "Free Software Foundation, Inc., " "59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA."); QMessageBox::about(this,tr("Über..."), str); } void CMainWindow::on_actHelpAboutQt_triggered() { qApp->aboutQt(); } void CMainWindow::onCatalogSelectionChanged (const QItemSelection& selected, const QItemSelection& deselected) { Q_UNUSED(deselected); m_pTextQuestion->clear(); if (!selected.indexes().isEmpty()) { CChapter *pChapter = (CChapter*)selected.indexes().first().internalPointer(); if (pChapter) m_modelQuestion.setModelData(pChapter); } else m_modelQuestion.clear(); } void CMainWindow::onQuestionSelectionChanged (const QItemSelection& selected, const QItemSelection& deselected) { Q_UNUSED(deselected); m_pTextQuestion->clear(); if (selected.indexes().isEmpty()) return; CQuestion *pQuestion = (CQuestion*)selected.indexes().first().internalPointer(); if (pQuestion == 0) return; m_pTextQuestion->setHtml(pQuestion->showText(m_pCatalog)); } /* void CMainWindow::onAnchorClicked (const QUrl &link) { QMessageBox::information(this, tr("Click"), link.toString()); m_pTextQuestion->home(); } */