# Written by Sebastian Lohff # Licensed under Apache License 2.0 from prompt_toolkit.application import Application from prompt_toolkit.buffer import Buffer from prompt_toolkit.document import Document from prompt_toolkit.filters import is_searching from prompt_toolkit.key_binding import KeyBindings from prompt_toolkit.layout import Layout, Window, HSplit from prompt_toolkit.layout.controls import BufferControl from prompt_toolkit.layout.processors import Processor, Transformation from prompt_toolkit import search from prompt_toolkit.widgets import SearchToolbar class _CliMenuHeader: """Hold a menu header""" def __init__(self, text, indent=False, style=None): self.text = text self.indent = indent self.style = style self.focusable = False class _CliMenuOption: """Hold a menu option""" def __init__(self, text, num, item=None, style=None, highlighted_style=None): self.text = text self.num = num self.item = item self.style = style self.highlighted_style = highlighted_style self.focusable = True class CliMenuCursor: """Collection of cursors pointing at the active menu item""" BULLET = '●' TRIANGLE = '▶' ASCII_STAR = '*' ASCII_ARROW = '-->' ASCII_CAT = '=^.^=' CAT = '😸' ARROW = '→' class CliMenuStyle: """Style for a menu Allows to select header, option and selected option color """ def __init__(self, option='', highlighted='', text='', selected=None, selected_highlighted=None): self.option = option self.highlighted = highlighted self.text = text self.selected = selected self.selected_highlighted = selected_highlighted class CliSelectionStyle: SQUARE_BRACKETS = ('[x]', '[ ]') ROUND_BRACKETS = ('(x)', '( )') CHECKMARK = ('✔', '✖') THUMBS = ('👍', '👎') SMILEY = ('🙂', '🙁') SMILEY_EXTREME = ('😁', '😨') class CliMenuTheme: BASIC = CliMenuStyle() BASIC_BOLD = CliMenuStyle(text='bold', highlighted='bold') RED = CliMenuStyle('#aa0000', '#ee0000', '#aa0000') CYAN = CliMenuStyle('cyan', 'lightcyan', 'cyan') BLUE = CliMenuStyle('ansiblue', 'ansired', 'ansiblue') ANSI_CYAN = CliMenuStyle('ansicyan', 'ansibrightcyan', 'ansicyan') BOLD_HIGHLIGHT = CliMenuStyle(text='bold', highlighted='bold fg:black bg:white') class _EmptyParameter: pass class CliMenu: default_style = CliMenuTheme.BASIC default_cursor = CliMenuCursor.TRIANGLE @classmethod def set_default_style(cls, style): cls.default_style = style @classmethod def set_default_cursor(cls, cursor): cls.default_cursor = cursor def __init__(self, options=None, header=None, cursor=None, style=None, indent=2, dedent_selection=False, initial_pos=0, option_prefix=' ', option_suffix='', right_pad_options=False): self._items = [] self._item_num = 0 self._ran = False self._success = None self._pos = 0 self._initial_pos = initial_pos self._option_prefix = option_prefix self._option_suffix = option_suffix self._option_indent = indent self._header_indent = indent self._dedent_selection = dedent_selection self._right_pad_options = right_pad_options self._cursor = cursor if cursor is not None else self.default_cursor self._style = style if style is not None else self.default_style if header: self.add_text(header, indent=False) if options: for option in options: if isinstance(option, tuple): self.add_option(*option) elif isinstance(option, dict): self.add_option(**option) elif isinstance(option, str): self.add_option(option) else: raise ValueError("Option needs to be either tuple, dict or string, found '{}' of type {}" .format(option, type(option))) def add_header(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.add_text(*args, **kwargs) def add_text(self, title, indent=True, style=None): for text in title.split('\n'): self._items.append(_CliMenuHeader(text, indent=indent, style=style)) def add_option(self, text, item=_EmptyParameter, disabled=False, style=None, highlighted_style=None): if disabled: # this is basically a text option and we just throw the item away self.add_text(title=text, style=style) else: if item == _EmptyParameter: item = text opt = _CliMenuOption(text, self._item_num, item=item, style=style, highlighted_style=highlighted_style) self._items.append(opt) self._item_num += 1 @property def success(self): if not self._ran: self._run() return self._success def get_options(self): return [_item for _item in self._items if isinstance(_item, _CliMenuOption)] @property def num_options(self): return self._item_num def get_selection(self): if self.success: item = self._items[self._pos] return (item.num, item.item) else: return (None, None) def get_selection_num(self): return self.get_selection()[0] def get_selection_item(self): return self.get_selection()[1] def _transform_prefix(self, item, lineno, prefix): return prefix def _get_style(self, item, lineno, highlighted): s = self._style if item.focusable: if highlighted: return item.highlighted_style if item.highlighted_style is not None else s.highlighted else: return item.style if item.style is not None else s.option else: return item.style if item.style is not None else s.text def _transform_line(self, ti): if len(list(ti.fragments)) == 0: return Transformation(ti.fragments) style, text = list(ti.fragments)[0] item = self._items[ti.lineno] style = self._get_style(item, ti.lineno, ti.lineno == self._pos) # cursor indent = '' prefix = '' suffix = '' if item.focusable: indent += ' ' * self._option_indent suffix = self._option_suffix if ti.lineno == self._pos: prefix += '{}{}'.format(self._cursor, self._option_prefix) else: prefix += ' ' * len(self._cursor) + self._option_prefix + ' ' * self._dedent_selection else: if item.indent: indent += ' ' * (self._header_indent + len(self._cursor) + 1) items = [(s if s else style, t) for s, t in ti.fragments] prefix = self._transform_prefix(item, ti.lineno, prefix) return Transformation([('', indent), (style, prefix)] + items + [(style, suffix)]) def next_item(self, direction): if not any(item.focusable for item in self._items): raise RuntimeError("No focusable item found") while True: self._pos = (self._pos + direction) % len(self._items) # move cursor of buffer along with the selected option self._buf.cursor_position = self._doc.translate_row_col_to_index(self._pos, 0) if self._items[self._pos].focusable: break def sync_cursor_to_line(self, line, sync_dir=1): """Sync cursor to next fousable item starting on `line`""" assert sync_dir in (1, -1) self._pos = line while not self._items[self._pos].focusable: self._pos = (self._pos + sync_dir) % len(self._items) self._buf.cursor_position = self._doc.translate_row_col_to_index(self._pos, 0) def _get_search_result_lines(self): """Get a list of all lines that have a match with the current search result""" if not self._bufctrl.search_state.text: return [] idx_list = [] i = 1 while True: next_idx = self._buf.get_search_position(self._bufctrl.search_state, count=i, include_current_position=False) if next_idx in idx_list: break idx_list.append(next_idx) i += 1 lines = [] for idx in idx_list: line, _ = self._doc.translate_index_to_position(idx) if line not in lines: lines.append(line) return lines def _register_extra_kb_cbs(self, kb): pass def _preflight(self): if self._initial_pos < 0 or self._initial_pos >= self._item_num: raise ValueError("Initial position {} is out of range, needs to be in range of [0, {})" .format(self._initial_pos, self._item_num)) if self._right_pad_options: # pad all item labels with spaces to have the same length max_item_len = max([len(_item.text) for _item in self._items if _item.focusable]) for item in self._items: if item.focusable: item.text += " " * (max_item_len - len(item.text)) def _accept(self, event): self._success = True event.app.exit() def _run(self): if self._item_num == 0: self._success = False return self._preflight() class MenuColorizer(Processor): def apply_transformation(_self, ti): return self._transform_line(ti) # keybindings self._kb = KeyBindings() @self._kb.add('q', filter=~is_searching) @self._kb.add('c-c') def quit(event): self._success = False event.app.exit() @self._kb.add('down', filter=~is_searching) @self._kb.add('j', filter=~is_searching) @self._kb.add('c-n', filter=~is_searching) def down(event): self.next_item(1) @self._kb.add('up', filter=~is_searching) @self._kb.add('k', filter=~is_searching) @self._kb.add('c-p', filter=~is_searching) def up(event): self.next_item(-1) @self._kb.add('N', filter=~is_searching) @self._kb.add('n', filter=~is_searching) def search_inc(event): if not self._bufctrl.search_state.text: return search_dir = 1 if event.data == 'n' else -1 sr_lines = self._get_search_result_lines() if sr_lines: line = sr_lines[search_dir] if len(sr_lines) > 1 else sr_lines[0] self.sync_cursor_to_line(line, search_dir) @self._kb.add('c-m', filter=~is_searching) @self._kb.add('right', filter=~is_searching) def accept(event): self._accept(event) @self._kb.add('c-m', filter=is_searching) def accept_search(event): search.accept_search() new_line, _ = self._doc.translate_index_to_position(self._buf.cursor_position) self.sync_cursor_to_line(new_line) self._register_extra_kb_cbs(self._kb) self._searchbar = SearchToolbar(ignore_case=True) text = '\n'.join(map(lambda _x: _x.text, self._items)) self._doc = Document(text, cursor_position=self._pos) self._buf = Buffer(read_only=True, document=self._doc) self._bufctrl = BufferControl(self._buf, search_buffer_control=self._searchbar.control, preview_search=True, input_processors=[MenuColorizer()]) split = HSplit([Window(self._bufctrl, wrap_lines=True, always_hide_cursor=True), self._searchbar]) # set initial pos while not self._items[self._pos].focusable: self._pos += 1 for _ in range(self._initial_pos): self.next_item(1) app = Application(layout=Layout(split), key_bindings=self._kb, full_screen=False, mouse_support=False) app.run() self._ran = True class CliMultiMenu(CliMenu): default_selection_icons = CliSelectionStyle.SQUARE_BRACKETS @classmethod def set_default_selector_icons(cls, selection_icons): cls.default_selection_icons = selection_icons def __init__(self, *args, selection_icons=None, min_selection_count=0, **kwargs): self._multi_selected = [] self._min_selection_count = min_selection_count self._selection_icons = selection_icons if selection_icons is not None else self.default_selection_icons super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) def add_option(self, text, item=_EmptyParameter, selected=False, disabled=False, style=None, highlighted_style=None, selected_style=None, selected_highlighted_style=None): super().add_option(text, item, disabled=disabled, style=style, highlighted_style=highlighted_style) if disabled: return self._items[-1].selected_style = selected_style self._items[-1].selected_highlighted_style = selected_highlighted_style if selected: self._multi_selected.append(len(self._items) - 1) def get_selection(self): if self.success: return [(self._items[n].num, self._items[n].item) for n in self._multi_selected] else: return None def get_selection_num(self): if self.success: return [self._items[n].num for n in self._multi_selected] else: return None def get_selection_item(self): if self.success: return [self._items[n].item for n in self._multi_selected] else: return None def _register_extra_kb_cbs(self, kb): @kb.add('space', filter=~is_searching) @kb.add('right', filter=~is_searching) def mark(event): if self._pos not in self._multi_selected: self._multi_selected.append(self._pos) else: self._multi_selected.remove(self._pos) def _transform_prefix(self, item, lineno, prefix): if item.focusable: if lineno in self._multi_selected: icon = self._selection_icons[0] else: icon = self._selection_icons[1] return "{}{} ".format(prefix, icon) else: return prefix def _get_style(self, item, lineno, highlighted): s = self._style if item.focusable and lineno in self._multi_selected: if highlighted: if item.selected_highlighted_style is not None: return item.selected_highlighted_style if s.selected_highlighted is not None: return s.selected_highlighted else: if item.selected_style is not None: return item.selected_style if s.selected is not None: return s.selected # no style specified or no selected state, call parent return super()._get_style(item, lineno, highlighted) def _preflight(self): super()._preflight() if self._min_selection_count > self._item_num: raise ValueError("A minimum of {} items was requested for successful selection but only {} exist" .format(self._min_selection_count, self._item_num)) def _accept(self, event): if len(self._multi_selected) >= self._min_selection_count: super()._accept(event) def cli_select_item(options, header=None, abort_exc=ValueError, abort_text="Selection aborted.", style=None, return_single=True): """Helper function to quickly get a selection with just a few arguments""" menu = CliMenu(header=header, options=options, style=style) if return_single and menu.num_options == 1: item = menu.get_options()[0] return item.num, item.item if not menu.success: raise abort_exc(abort_text) return menu.get_selection()