# Written by Sebastian Lohff # Licensed under Apache License 2.0 from prompt_toolkit.application import Application from prompt_toolkit.layout import Layout, Window, HSplit from prompt_toolkit.buffer import Buffer from prompt_toolkit.layout.controls import BufferControl from prompt_toolkit.key_binding import KeyBindings from prompt_toolkit.document import Document from prompt_toolkit.layout.processors import Processor, Transformation class CliMenuHeader: """Hold a menu header""" def __init__(self, text, indent=False): self.text = text self.indent = indent self.focusable = False class CliMenuOption: """Hold a menu option""" def __init__(self, text, num): self.text = text self.num = num self.focusable = True class CliMenuCursor: """Collection of cursors pointing at the active menu item""" BULLET = '●' TRIANGLE = '▶' CLI_STAR = '*' CLI_ARROW = '-->' CLI_CAT = '=^.^=' CAT = '😸' ARROW = '→' class CliMenuStyle: """Style for a menu Allows to select header, option and selected option color """ def __init__(self, option_style='', highlight_style='', header_style=''): self.option_style = option_style self.highlight_style = highlight_style self.header_style = header_style # self.option_color = '#aa0000' # #self.highlight_color = 'fg:ansiblue bg:ansired bold' # self.highlight_color = 'bold' # self.cursor = ' --> ' # self.cursor = ' ● ' # self.no_cursor = ' ' # self.header_color = '#aa22cc' # self.option_indent = 4 # self.header_indent = 4 class CliMenuTheme: BASIC = CliMenuStyle() BASIC_BOLD = CliMenuStyle(header_style='bold', highlight_style='bold') RED = CliMenuStyle('#aa0000', '#ee0000', '#aa0000') CYAN = CliMenuStyle('cyan', 'lightcyan', 'cyan') BLUE = CliMenuStyle('ansiblue', 'ansired', 'ansiblue') ANSI_CYAN = CliMenuStyle('ansicyan', 'ansibrightcyan', 'ansicyan') class CliMenu: default_stye = CliMenuTheme.BASIC default_cursor = CliMenuCursor.TRIANGLE def __init__(self, options=None, header=None, cursor=None, style=None, indent=2, dedent_selection=False): self._items = [] self._item_num = 0 self._ran = False self._success = None self._pos = 0 self._option_indent = indent self._header_indent = indent self._dedent_selection = dedent_selection self._cursor = cursor if not self._cursor: self._cursor = self.default_cursor self._style = style if not self._style: self._style = self.default_stye if header: self.add_header(header) if options: for option in options: self.add_option(option) def add_header(self, title, indent=False): for text in title.split('\n'): self._items.append(CliMenuHeader(text)) def add_option(self, text): self._items.append(CliMenuOption(text, self._item_num)) self._item_num += 1 def get_selection(self): if not self._ran: self._run() return self._items[self._pos].num def cursor(self): return '{} '.format(self._cursor) @property def no_cursor(self): # cursor with spaces minus dedent return ' ' * (len(self._cursor) + 1 * self._dedent_selection) def _transform_line(self, ti): style, text = list(ti.fragments)[0] item = self._items[ti.lineno] s = self._style # cursor indent = '' prefix = '' if item.focusable: indent += ' ' * self._option_indent if ti.lineno == self._pos: prefix += '{} '.format(self._cursor) style = s.highlight_style else: prefix += ' ' * (len(self._cursor) + 1 + 1 * self._dedent_selection) style = s.option_style else: if item.indent: indent += ' ' * self._header_indent style = s.header_style return Transformation([('', indent), (style, prefix + text)]) def next_item(self, direction): if not any(item.focusable for item in self._items): raise RuntimeError("No focusable item found") while True: self._pos = (self._pos + direction) % len(self._items) if self._items[self._pos].focusable: break def _run(self): class MenuColorizer(Processor): def apply_transformation(_self, ti): return self._transform_line(ti) # keybindings self._kb = KeyBindings() @self._kb.add('q') @self._kb.add('c-c') def quit(event): event.app.exit() @self._kb.add('down') def down(event): self.next_item(1) @self._kb.add('up') def up(event): self.next_item(-1) @self._kb.add('right') @self._kb.add('c-m') @self._kb.add('c-space') def accept(event): self._success = True event.app.exit() # set initial pos if not self._items[self._pos].focusable: self.next_item(1) text = '\n'.join(map(lambda _x: _x.text, self._items)) self._doc = Document(text, cursor_position=self._pos) self._buf = Buffer(read_only=True, document=self._doc) self._bufctrl = BufferControl(self._buf, input_processors=[MenuColorizer()]) split = HSplit([Window(self._bufctrl, wrap_lines=True, always_hide_cursor=True)]) app = Application(layout=Layout(split), key_bindings=self._kb, full_screen=False, mouse_support=False) app.run() self._ran = True