{% extends "base.html" %} {% load crispy_forms_tags %} {% block content %}
Contest Stations
Here is a Table with all OMs/YLs in the contest! {% for u in alluser %} {% endfor %}
Call Ref # QSO # Cfmd
{{ u.username }} {{ u.ref|default:"unknown / unset" }} {{ u.getQSOCount}} {{ u.getCfmdQSOCount}} Update / Create ref
Shadow Stations (unregistered, but active)
{% if shadowForm.errors %}
{{ shadowForm.errors }}
{% endif %} {% crispy shadowForm %} {% for shadow in shadows %} {% endfor %}
Call Ref
{{ shadow.username }} {{ shadow.ref|default:"unknown / unset" }} Update / create ref
Last {{ qsos.count }} QSOs Show all
{% for qso in qsos %} {% endfor %}
Nr-S Band UTC Call A Call B RS-S RS-R Nr-R EXC Remarks
{{ qso.ownNo }} {{ qso.band }} {{ qso.time|date:"H:i" }} {{ qso.owner.username }} {{ qso.call }} {{ qso.reportTX }} {{ qso.reportRX }} {{ qso.otherNo }} {{ qso.refStr }} {{ qso.remarks }}
{% endblock %}