{% extends "base.html" %} {% block content %}

Welcome, {{ user }}

{% if user.ref %} {# user has a reference, we can start logging QSOs! #}
Ready for the contest!

Hey {{ user }}, your exchange has been registered as {{ user.ref }}. You are all set for the contest! So go ahead and log some QSOs!

{% else %}
You don't have an exchange

Hey you, {{ user }}, you don't have an Exchange! Get yourself registered with the contest orga on {{ contest.callQrg }}. Once you have registered with your callsign and your current location, it will appear on this website (after refreshing) and you will be all set for logging QSOs!

Get yourself registered on {{ contest.callQrg }}!

{% endif %} {% if user.is_staff %}
You are staff!

Hey, you are staff. Do you want to start registering people?

{% endif %}
{% include "contest/contestPanel.html" with contest=contest %}
{% include "contest/qrgPanel.html" with contest=contest qrgs=qrgs %}
{% endblock %}