@tool extends Control var color_on := Color(0, 128, 0) var color_off := Color(0, 0, 0) var last_delta := 0.0 @export_range(0.1, 120.0) var display_sec := 5.0 @export var stretch_display := false var morse_step_perc := 0.45 func _draw_morse_rect(x: float, width: float, state: bool): var rect := Rect2(max(x, 0.0), morse_step_perc * size.y, width, (0.5 - morse_step_perc) * size.y) draw_rect(rect, color_on if state else color_off, true, -1.0, true) func _draw(): # black background draw_rect(Rect2(0.0, 0.0, size.x, size.y), Color.BLACK) # in editor we only want a black rectangle if Engine.is_editor_hint(): return var morse_on := MorseState.curr_state var first_time := Time.get_ticks_msec() - MorseState.last_change var curr_x := float(size.x) var px_per_s := 0.0 if not stretch_display: px_per_s = size.x / display_sec else: px_per_s = size.x / (Time.get_ticks_msec() - MorseState.start_time) * 1000.0 for n in [-1] + range(MorseState.states.size() - 1, -1, -1): var duration := first_time if n == -1 else MorseState.states[n] var rect_width: float = min(duration / 1000.0 * px_per_s, curr_x) curr_x -= rect_width if morse_on: # at the moment we only draw the morse rects _draw_morse_rect(curr_x, rect_width, morse_on) morse_on = not morse_on if curr_x <= 0.0: break func _process(_delta): last_delta += _delta queue_redraw()