import whoisdb.models import domains.models from django.db.models import F import ipaddress import re def _addFields(fields, obj, fieldNames): for fieldName in fieldNames: fields.append((fieldName.capitalize().replace("_", " "), getattr(obj, fieldName))) def getWhoisObjectFields(obj, owner): fields = [] if getattr(obj, "handle", None): _addFields(fields, obj, ["handle"]) c = type(obj) if c == whoisdb.models.Maintainer: _addFields(fields, obj, ["description", "admin_c"]) if owner: _addFields(fields, obj, ["auth"]) elif c == whoisdb.models.Contact: _addFields(fields, obj, ["name", "mnt_by"]) elif c == whoisdb.models.ASBlock: _addFields(fields, obj, ["name"]) fields.append(("AS Range", "%s - %s" % (obj.asBegin, obj.asEnd))) _addFields(fields, obj, ["description", "parent_block", "mnt_by", "mnt_lower", "admin_c"]) elif c == whoisdb.models.ASNumber: _addFields(fields, obj, ["name", "number", "description", "asblock", "volatile", "mnt_by", "mnt_lower", "admin_c"]) elif c == whoisdb.models.InetNum: _addFields(fields, obj, ["name"]) fields.append(("Address CIDR", obj.prefix())) _addFields(fields, obj, ["description", "parent_range", "mnt_by", "mnt_lower", "admin_c"]) elif c == domains.models.Domain: _addFields(fields, obj, ["name", "nameservers", "mnt_by", "admin_c"]) elif c == domains.models.Nameserver: _addFields(fields, obj, ["name", "glueIPv4", "glueIPv6", "mnt_by", "admin_c"]) elif c == domains.models.ReverseZone: #_addFields(fields, obj, ["name"]) fields.append(("Address CIDR", obj.prefix())) _addFields(fields, obj, ["parentNet", "nameservers"]) return fields def guessWhoisObject(self, handle): # is it a normal handle? pass def findInDatabase(rawValue): # is this an ip address? rawValue = rawValue.strip().upper() value = None results = [] # try subnetwork try: value = ipaddress.ip_network(rawValue, strict=False) except ValueError: pass if value: # ssubnet obj = whoisdb.models.InetNum.objects.filter(address=str(value.network_address), netmask=value.prefixlen) results.extend(obj) # single ip value = None try: value = ipaddress.ip_address(rawValue) except ValueError: pass if value: # NOTE: this is only for "small subnets", we could increase this... baseaddr = None if value.version == 4: basenet = ipaddress.ip_network("%s/24" % value, strict=False) baseaddr = ".".join(str(basenet).split(".")[0:3]) + "." else: basenet = ipaddress.ip_network("%s/56" % value.exploded, strict=False) baseaddr = ":".join(str(basenet).split(":")[0:4])[-2] nets = whoisdb.models.InetNum.objects.filter(address__startswith=baseaddr).order_by("-netmask") for net in nets: if value in net.getNetwork(): results.append(net) break # asnumber? m = re.match("^(?:AS)?(\d+)$", rawValue) if m: # asnumber! num = int( obj = whoisdb.models.ASNumber.objects.filter(number=num) results.extend(obj) # find a matching block blocks = whoisdb.models.ASBlock.objects.filter(asBegin__lte=num, asEnd__gte=num).annotate(size=F('asEnd')-F('asBegin')).order_by('size') if blocks.count() > 0: results.append(blocks[0]) # asblocks? smallest asblock containing the range # WHEN anotation foo... could also be done in asnumber match # also look for number - number queries? # domain? if rawValue.endswith("DN") or rawValue.endswith("DN."): value = rawValue if not value.endswith("."): value += "." obj = domains.models.Domain.filter(name=value) results.extend(obj) # contact by name? # handlenames for Maintainer, Contact, InetNum, ASNumber, ASBlock handleObjs = [ whoisdb.models.Contact, whoisdb.models.Maintainer, whoisdb.models.InetNum, whoisdb.models.ASBlock, whoisdb.models.ASNumber, ] for handleObj in handleObjs: obj = handleObj.objects.filter(handle=rawValue) if not obj and len(rawValue) >= 3: obj = handleObj.objects.filter(handle__startswith=rawValue) results.extend(obj) return results def findHandleFromStr(rawValue): handleObjs = [ whoisdb.models.Contact, whoisdb.models.Maintainer, whoisdb.models.InetNum, whoisdb.models.ASBlock, whoisdb.models.ASNumber, ] for handleObj in handleObjs: try: return handleObj.objects.get(handle=rawValue) except handleObj.DoesNotExist: pass return None