{% extends "base.html" %} {% load crispy_forms_tags %} {% block content %}
{% if mnts %} You have the following Maintainers associated with you {% for mnt in mnts %} {% include "whoisdb/handle_table_row.html" with obj=mnt objType="Maintainer" prefix="mnt" %} {% endfor %} {% for contact in contacts %} {% include "whoisdb/handle_table_row.html" with obj=contact objType="Contact / Role" prefix="contact" %} {% endfor %} {% for asblock in asblocks %} {% include "whoisdb/handle_table_row.html" with obj=asblock objType="AS Block" prefix="mnt" %} {% endfor %} {% for asnumber in asnumbers %} {% include "whoisdb/handle_table_row.html" with obj=asnumber objType="AS Number" prefix="contact" %} {% endfor %} {% for netblock in netblocks %} {% include "whoisdb/handle_table_row.html" with obj=netblock objType="IP Netblock" prefix="contact" %} {% endfor %}
Handle Type Name? Contact Actions
{% else %} You don't have a maintainer! Start by creating a Maintainer and a Person Object!
{% csrf_token %}

Maintainer Object

This object will be used to identify resources you are allowed to edit via your maintainer {{ mntForm | crispy }}

Person Object

This object will be used to identify yourself as a person to other people, used for your maintainer object {{ contactForm | crispy }}
{% endif %}
{% endblock %}