ethernet over spam draft

This commit is contained in:
seba 2011-11-14 00:09:41 +01:00
parent a124ccf1f0
commit 5cbd187da3
5 changed files with 763 additions and 0 deletions

TODO Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
- 00 80 at beginning of every packet - what is this?
- writing random data to dev generates OSError - handle this
- implement configurable packet aggregation
- if possible and useful: helper to replace ethernet

tunnel/spam/.gitignore vendored Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1 @@

tunnel/spam/ Executable file
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@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
import os
Conf = {
# ======== network settings ========
# select the kind of tunnel
# True: tap-device, tunneling ethernet
# False: tun-device, tunneling ip
'tunnelEthernet': True,
# ipsettings for the device
'address': '',
'netmask': '',
#gateway: '',
'mtu': 1400,
# ======== mail settings ========
# mail adress to which all packets are sent
'mailTo': '',
# mail address to send mail from (only for the mailheader / display)
'mailFrom': '',
# extra address to handle broadcast packets
# set to None if you want broadcasts also handled by mailTo addr
# ATM this is not implemented
'broadcastTo': None,
# smtp data for outgoing packets
'server': '',
'authentication': True,
'user': '',
'password': '',
# smtpd - a small mailserver to handle incoming packets
'enabled': False,
'listen': ('', 25),
# imap - get incoming data from an imap server
'enabled': False,
'server': '',
'authentication': True,
'user': '',
'password': '',
'folder': 'INBOX',
'deleteAfterwards': True,
# intervals to wait when fetching mail fails
# afterwards the fetcher will go into IMAPv4 IDLE mode
'mailWait': [0.25, 0.5, 0.75],
'useIDLE': True
# mail handler configuration
# this is the part which handles incoming mail delivered by imap or smtpd
# list of all allowed senders, None for everyone
# e.g. ["", ""]
'allowFrom': None,
# list of all allowed recipients, None for everyone
# e.g. ["", ""]
'allowTo': None,

tunnel/spam/ Executable file
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@ -0,0 +1,234 @@
import time
import asyncore
import select
import smtpd
import smtplib
import imaplib
import email
from email.mime.text import MIMEText
import threading
import sys
from wtbase import SpamGenerator, DecodingException
from ether2any import Ether2Any
from ether2any.helper import getDstMacFromPkt, isBroadcast, binToHexStr
# Todo
# Error checking at some places
# Check for closed imap/smtp connections
class NetMailHandler():
devWriteMutex = threading.Lock()
""" Parse, decode and write incoming mails to output. """
def __init__(self, dev, allowFrom, allowTo): = dev
self.allowFrom = allowFrom
self.allowTo = allowTo
self.generator = SpamGenerator()
def receiveMail(self, mailfrom, mailto, data):
# FIXME: mailfrom can be None
mail =
# try to harvest text/plain part of mail
if mail.get_content_type() == "text/plain":
elif mail.get_content_type() == "multipart/alternative":
for msg in mail.get_payload():
if msg.get_content_type() == "text/plain":
elif self.allowFrom == None and self.allowTo == None:
def _handleText(self, text):
data = None
# FIXME: Where do these "\n " or 0a 20 come from?
# Seem to occure only when smtplib sends (long) mails to smtpd
text = text.replace("\n ", "")
data = self.generator.decode(text)
except DecodingException, e:
print "Error: Could not decode text! See error below"
print " < ----------- 8< ----------- > "
print e
print " < ----------- 8< ----------- > "
if data:
class SimpleSMTPServer(smtpd.SMTPServer):
""" Simple small SMTP Server, gives mails to a handler. """
def __init__(self, handler, *args, **kwargs):
smtpd.SMTPServer.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
self._handler = handler
def process_message(self, peer, mailfrom, mailto, data):
# give mail to handler
self._handler.receiveMail(mailfrom, mailto, data)
class SMTPServerThread(threading.Thread):
def __init__(self, listen, handler):
self.server = SimpleSMTPServer(handler, listen, None)
def run(self):
class SimpleIMAPClient(threading.Thread):
def __init__(self, imapConf, mailTo, handler):
self.imapConf = imapConf
self.imap = None
self.quit = False
self.mailTo = mailTo
self.handler = handler
self.idleTagNum = 0
def connect(self):
if self.imapConf['crypto'] == ENCRYPTION_SSL:
self.imap = imaplib.IMAP4_SSL(self.imapConf['server'], 993)
self.smtp = imaplib.IMAP4(self.imapConf['server'])
if self.imapConf['crypto'] == ENCRYPTION_STARTTLS:
if self.imapConf['authentication']:
self.imap.login(self.imapConf['user'], self.imapConf['password'])
ret =['folder'])
if ret[0] != 'OK':
print "Error!"
def fetchNewMailToDev(self):
l =, 'UNSEEN')
newMsgIds = l[1][0].replace(" ", ",")
if newMsgIds == '':
return False
msgs = self.imap.fetch(newMsgIds, '(RFC822)')
for msg in msgs[1]:
if msg == ")":
# where does this come from...?
if len(msg) != 2:
print "Warning: Message broken, %d values in list, text '%s'" % (len(msg), msg)
(flags, data) = msg
self.handler.receiveMail(None, self.mailTo, data)
return (len(msgs) > 0)
def run(self):
while not self.quit:
print "New IMAP loop"
tries = 0
while tries < len(self.imapConf['mailWait']):
# get new mail
if self.fetchNewMailToDev():
tries = 0
tries += 1
# go into idle mode
if self.imapConf['useIDLE']:
print "Going into IDLE mode..."
self.idleTagNum += 1
idleTag = "a%04d" % self.idleTagNum
self.imap.send("%s IDLE\r\n" % (idleTag,))
quitLoop = False
while not quitLoop:
(r, w, e) =[self.imap.socket()], [], [])
msg = self.imap.readline()
# TODO: Check if this filters out all idle "no new message" status msgs
if not msg.startswith("+") and not msg.startswith("* OK"):
#if msg.find("RECENT") >= 0
quitLoop = True
# clear away ack msg
msg = self.imap.readline()
while msg.find(idleTag) < 0:
msg = self.imap.readline()
class MailTunnel(Ether2Any):
def __init__(self):
Ether2Any.__init__(self, tap=Conf.get('tunnelEthernet', True))
handlerConf = Conf.get('handler', {'allowFrom': None, 'allowTo': None})
self.mailHandler = NetMailHandler(, **handlerConf)
self.mailTo = Conf.get('mailTo', None)
self.mailFrom = Conf.get('mailFrom', None)
self.smtpConf = Conf.get('smtp')
smtpd = Conf.get("smtpd", {'enabled': False})
if smtpd['enabled']:
self.smtpd = SMTPServerThread(smtpd['listen'], self.mailHandler)
self.smtpd = None
imapConf = Conf.get("imap", {'enabled': False})
if imapConf['enabled']:
self.imap = SimpleIMAPClient(imapConf, self.mailTo, self.mailHandler)
self.imap = None
self.generator = SpamGenerator()
network = Conf.get('network', {'mtu': 1400})**network)
def connectSMTP(self):
if self.smtpConf['crypto'] == ENCRYPTION_SSL:
self.smtp = smtplib.SMTP_SSL(self.smtpConf['server'], 465)
self.smtp = smtplib.SMTP(self.smtpConf['server'])
if self.smtpConf['crypto'] == ENCRYPTION_STARTTLS:
if self.smtpConf['authentication']:
self.smtp.login(self.smtpConf['user'], self.smtpConf['password'])
def sendMail(self, fromAddr, toAddrs, subject, msg):
e = MIMEText(msg)
e['Subject'] = subject
e['From'] = fromAddr
e['To'] = ",\n".join(toAddrs)
self.smtp.sendmail(fromAddr, toAddrs, e.as_string())
except smtplib.SMTPServerDisconnected:
self.smtp.sendmail(fromAddr, toAddrs, e.as_string())
def sendToNet(self, packet):
data = self.generator.encode(packet)
self.sendMail(self.mailFrom, [self.mailTo], "Ohai!", data)
def sendToDev(self, socket):
def run(self):
# start threads / connections
if self.imap:
if self.smtpd:
# call super method
if __name__ == '__main__':
mailtun = MailTunnel()

tunnel/spam/ Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,441 @@
""" wtbase - what the base
Provides classes to encode text to arbitrary bases (base 2^n supported) and
then to textual forms. """
import math
import random
class DecodingException(Exception):
class Token():
""" A Token contains a word/sentence and a list of tokenlists which can follow the word. """
def __init__(self, word, nextLists):
self.word = word
self.nextLists = nextLists
def __str__(self):
return "Token: word \"%s\"" % self.word
class TextGenerator():
""" Basis generator to en- and decode text-bits. """
def __init__(self, base=16):
self.lists = {}
self.base = base
self.baseBit = math.log(base, 2)
if self.baseBit != int(self.baseBit):
raise ValueError("base must be a power of 2")
self.baseBit = int(self.baseBit)
self.startList = "initial"
def addList(self, identifier, newList):
self.lists[identifier] = newList
def getList(self, identifier):
return self.lists.get(identifier, None)
def convToBits(self, data):
""" Converts a data string into n-bit parts defined by self.base.
Returns a list of integers. """
l = []
bit = 0
rest = 0
for c in data:
n = ord(c)
if bit != 0:
nc = rest | ((n & ((1 << bit) - 1 << 8-bit)) >> 8-bit)
while 8-bit >= self.baseBit:
nc = (n & (((1 << self.baseBit)-1) << 8-bit-self.baseBit)) >> (8-bit-self.baseBit)
bit += self.baseBit
rest = (n & (1 << 8-bit) - 1) << self.baseBit-(8-bit)
bit = (bit+self.baseBit) % 8 % self.baseBit
if bit != 0:
return l
def convToNums(self, data):
""" Reassemble a list of bits back to the original data bytestring. """
l = ""
w = 0
rest = 0
bit = 0
for n in data:
if bit+self.baseBit >= 8:
w |= n >> self.baseBit - (8-bit)
bit = self.baseBit - (8-bit)
l += chr(w)
if bit != 0:
w = (n & (1 << bit) - 1) << 8 - bit
w = 0
w |= n << 8-bit-self.baseBit
bit = (bit + self.baseBit) % 8
if bit == 0:
l += chr(w)
w = 0
return l
#def convTo4Bits(self, data):
# l = []
# for c in data:
# n = ord(c)
# lo = n & ((1 << 4)-1)
# hi = (n & (((1 << 4)-1) << 4)) >> 4
# l.extend([hi, lo])
# return l
class SpamGenerator(TextGenerator):
""" De- and encode data in base8 spam text. """
def __init__(self):
TextGenerator.__init__(self, base=8)
self.startList = "greeting"
0: Token("Hi,\n\n", ["start"]),
1: Token("Hey,\n\n", ["start"]),
2: Token("Greetings,\n\n", ["start"]),
3: Token("Dear Mr. or Mrs.,,\n\n", ["start"]),
4: Token("SPECIAL OFFER!\n", ["start"]),
5: Token("High Quality! Read on!\n", ["start"]),
6: Token("Best buy!\n\n", ["start"]),
7: Token("Dear Valued Customer,\n\n", ["start"]),
8: Token("Well, uhm, ", ["start"]),
0: Token("we are happy to ", ["inform_them"]),
1: Token("we are glad to ", ["inform_them"]),
2: Token("we gladly ", ["inform_them"]),
3: Token("it happens that we can ",["inform_them"]),
4: Token("we want to ", ["inform_them"]),
5: Token("today ", ["you_have"]),
6: Token("ITS TRUE! ", ["you_have"]),
7: Token("you won! ", ["you_have"]),
8: Token("awesome for you, buddy! ",["leaving"]),
0: Token("inform you, that ", ["you_have"]),
1: Token("make a remarkt, that ", ["you_have"]),
2: Token("announce, that ", ["you_have"]),
3: Token("celebrate with you! ", ["you_have"]),
4: Token("congratulate you, because ", ["you_have"]),
5: Token("take the extra step: ", ["you_have"]),
6: Token("tell you, that ", ["you_have"]),
7: Token("don't forget about you, ", ["you_have"]),
8: Token("move property! ", ["you_have"]),
0: Token("you won ", ["won_item"]),
1: Token("you have won ", ["won_item"]),
2: Token("you aqcuired ", ["won_item"]),
3: Token("one time offer only: ", ["won_item"]),
4: Token("at your account we found ", ["won_item"]),
5: Token("the prince of nigeria offers to you ", ["won_item"]),
6: Token("off shore accounts brought you ", ["won_item"]),
7: Token("insider traging brought you ", ["won_item"]),
8: Token("you managed to get", ["won_item"]),
0: Token("a sum of ", ["money_sum"]),
1: Token("the priceless diamond of Zalanda. " , ["claim"]),
2: Token("free viagra! ", ["claim"]),
3: Token("an inheritance of ", ["money_sum"]),
4: Token("the opportunity to make money online! ", ["claim"]),
5: Token("a part of an oil pipe line, worth ", ["money_sum"]),
6: Token("free money - ", ["money_sum"]),
7: Token("a rare antique item worth", ["money_sum"]),
8: Token("quiet a bit o' stuff. ", ["claim"]),
0: Token( "5,000,000 USD. ", ["claim"]),
1: Token("10,000,000 USD. ", ["claim"]),
2: Token( "300,000 USD. ", ["claim"]),
3: Token("13,412,573 USD. ", ["claim"]),
4: Token( "7,555,530 USD. ", ["claim"]),
5: Token( "50,000 USD. ", ["claim"]),
6: Token( "4,500,000 USD. ", ["claim"]),
7: Token("42,000,000 USD. ", ["claim"]),
8: Token("87,000,000 USD. ", ["claim"]),
0: Token("To claim ", ["claimable_item"]),
1: Token("To get hold ", ["claimable_item"]),
2: Token("To acquire ", ["claimable_item"]),
3: Token("To receive ", ["claimable_item"]),
4: Token("To obtain ", ["claimable_item"]),
5: Token("To gatherh ", ["claimable_item"]),
6: Token("To take ownership ", ["claimable_item"]),
7: Token("To collect ", ["claimable_item"]),
8: Token("To finally get ", ["claimable_item"]),
0: Token("this item, please send ", ["sendables"]),
1: Token("this stuff, please send ", ["sendables"]),
2: Token("your profit, please send ", ["sendables"]),
3: Token("these assets, please send ", ["sendables"]),
4: Token("this price, please send ", ["sendables"]),
5: Token("your earnings, please send ", ["sendables"]),
6: Token("this top-line profit, please send ", ["sendables"]),
7: Token("this treasure, please send ", ["sendables"]),
8: Token("this your winnings, please send ", ["sendables"]),
0: Token("us all your information.\n\n", ["more_stuff", "jibberjabber_start"]),
1: Token("us your account data.\n\n", ["more_stuff", "jibberjabber_start"]),
2: Token("us a transfer-free of 50 USD.\n\n", ["more_stuff", "jibberjabber_start"]),
3: Token("us a list of your passwords.\n\n", ["more_stuff", "jibberjabber_start"]),
4: Token("10 valid TAN Numbers.\n\n", ["more_stuff", "jibberjabber_start"]),
5: Token("us your mothers maiden name.\n\n", ["more_stuff", "jibberjabber_start"]),
6: Token("your birth certificate.\n\n", ["more_stuff", "jibberjabber_start"]),
7: Token("a listing of your incomes.\n\n", ["more_stuff", "jibberjabber_start"]),
8: Token("us your personal information.\n\n", ["jibberjabber_start", "leaving"]),
0: Token("But wait, there is more! ", ["you_have"]),
1: Token("But that is not all! ", ["you_have"]),
2: Token("And there is even more! ", ["you_have"]),
3: Token("Also ", ["you_have"]),
4: Token("And because you seem to be the luckiest person alive: ", ["you_have"]),
5: Token("And how does this sound: ", ["you_have"]),
6: Token("In addition ", ["you_have"]),
7: Token("But... what is this? ", ["you_have"]),
8: Token("AND! ", ["you_have"]),
# loop this. random conversation starter
0: Token("Would you ", ["jj_consider"]), # have you <tought> <get/buy> <stuff>
1: Token("Will you ", ["jj_consider"]),
2: Token("Did you ever ", ["jj_consider"]),
3: Token("Maybe you ", ["jj_consider"]),
4: Token("In ", ["jj_times"]), # in <time> there is <stuff>
5: Token("At ", ["jj_times"]),
6: Token("Living in ", ["jj_times"]),
7: Token("Considering ", ["jj_times"]),
8: Token("Everything will be better!", ["leaving"]),
0: Token("times like these ", ["jj_whattodo"]),
1: Token("the age of the internet ", ["jj_whattodo"]),
2: Token("mobile times ", ["jj_whattodo"]),
3: Token("this economic crisis ", ["jj_whattodo"]),
4: Token("the time of globalisation ", ["jj_whattodo"]),
5: Token("the age of the global village ", ["jj_whattodo"]),
6: Token("a world of networks ", ["jj_whattodo"]),
7: Token("times of moral values ", ["jj_whattodo"]),
8: Token("the here and now ", ["jj_whattodo"]),
0: Token("consider ", ["jj_buyverb"]),
1: Token("think about ", ["jj_buyverb"]),
2: Token("take into account ", ["jj_buyverb"]),
3: Token("have the desire for ", ["jj_buyverb"]),
4: Token("evaluate ", ["jj_buyverb"]),
5: Token("reason about ", ["jj_buyverb"]),
6: Token("keep in mind ", ["jj_buyverb"]),
7: Token("suggest ", ["jj_buyverb"]),
8: Token("imagine ", ["jj_buyverb"]),
0: Token("buying ", ["jj_buynoun"]),
1: Token("obtaining ", ["jj_buynoun"]),
2: Token("purchasing ", ["jj_buynoun"]),
3: Token("posessing ", ["jj_buynoun"]),
4: Token("owning ", ["jj_buynoun"]),
5: Token("creating ", ["jj_buynoun"]),
6: Token("crafting ", ["jj_buynoun"]),
7: Token("receiving ", ["jj_buynoun"]),
8: Token("getting ", ["jj_buynoun"]),
0: Token("a new car? ", ["jibberjabber_start"]),
1: Token("an own house? ", ["jibberjabber_start"]),
2: Token("the women of your dreams? ", ["jibberjabber_start"]),
3: Token("a healthy sexual relationship? ", ["jibberjabber_start"]),
4: Token("an own country? ", ["jibberjabber_start"]),
5: Token("your penis size? ", ["jibberjabber_start"]),
6: Token("free viagra? ", ["jibberjabber_start"]),
7: Token("the newest of apples products? ", ["jibberjabber_start"]),
8: Token("a brand new kitchentable? ", ["jibberjabber_start", "leaving"]),
0: Token("you should always think about ", ["jj_whattodonoun"]),
1: Token("the moral values predict good values for ", ["jj_whattodonoun"]),
2: Token("society will talk about ", ["jj_whattodonoun"]),
3: Token("all your friends will admire ", ["jj_whattodonoun"]),
4: Token("the talk of your social group will be ", ["jj_whattodonoun"]),
5: Token("genderstudies will celebrate ", ["jj_whattodonoun"]),
6: Token("considering everything about ", ["jj_whattodonoun"]),
7: Token("your possibilities are unimaginable regarding ", ["jj_whattodonoun"]),
8: Token("things are looking good regarding", ["jj_whattodonoun"]),
0: Token("the stock market. ", ["jibberjabber_start"]),
1: Token("your penis size. ", ["jibberjabber_start"]),
2: Token("how attractive you are to the opposite sex. ", ["jibberjabber_start"]),
3: Token("your investment in foreign oil company funds. ", ["jibberjabber_start"]),
4: Token("mobility options for going into the mobile business. ", ["jibberjabber_start"]),
5: Token("a bottle from our best collection of tasteful wines. ", ["jibberjabber_start"]),
6: Token("buying viagra online NOW! ", ["jibberjabber_start"]),
7: Token("getting more money out of your job! ", ["jibberjabber_start"]),
8: Token("winning money in Las Vegas! ", ["leaving"]),
# HACK: At the moment this does not support choosing random words
0: Token(None, [None]),
1: Token(None, [None]),
2: Token(None, [None]),
3: Token(None, [None]),
4: Token(None, [None]),
5: Token(None, [None]),
6: Token(None, [None]),
7: Token(None, [None]),
8: Token("\n\nYours faithfully,\n\n", ["leave_name_%d" % i for i in range(8)]),
for i in zip(range(8), ["Ernest Schlempl", "Bernhard Vonneguth", "Maria Peters", "Sibille Harstall", "Richmond Maltitz", "Benno Boch", "Tatjana Horn", "Marcell Hintzenstern"]):
self.addList("leave_name_%d" % i[0], {8: Token(i[1], [None])})
0: Token("", [None]),
1: Token("", [None]),
2: Token("", [None]),
3: Token("", [None]),
4: Token("", [None]),
5: Token("", [None]),
6: Token("", [None]),
7: Token("", [None]),
8: Token("", [None]),
def encode(self, data):
""" Encode data: Traverse wordlists. Return spam-text. """
listBits = self.convToBits(data)
nextList = self.startList
pos = 0
text = ""
while nextList:
bit = 8
if pos < len(listBits):
bit = listBits[pos]
#print "Pos:", pos, "- Entering list", nextList, "- Bit:", bit
l = self.getList(nextList)
idx = pos < len(listBits) and listBits[pos] or self.base
t = l[bit]
text += t.word
nextList = t.nextLists[random.randint(0, len(t.nextLists)-1)]
if bit != 8:
pos += 1
return text
def hexdump(self, data):
return ((len(data)*"%02x ") % tuple(map(lambda x: ord(x), data))).rstrip()
def decode(self, text):
""" Decode spam-text to original data. """
text = text.lstrip().replace("\r\n", "\n")
nextLists = [self.startList]
result = []
while len(text) > 0 and len(nextLists) > 0 and nextLists[0]:
match = False
for listname in nextLists:
(match, bits, token) = self.findInList(text, listname)
if match:
#print "matched value ", bits, "word", token.word
if bits != 8:
text = text.replace(token.word, "", 1)
nextLists = token.nextLists
#print "next possible lists are", nextLists
if not match:
#print "BASEWTF"
#print nextLists
#print self.getList(nextLists[0])
#print self.hexdump(text)
#print " --------------- "
print "Beginning of text (hex): ", self.hexdump(text[:10])
for l in self.getList(nextLists[0]):
print l, self.getList(nextLists[0])[l], self.hexdump(self.getList(nextLists[0])[l].word)
raise DecodingException("Could not decode text (no more possible lists). Remaining text is \"%s\"" % text)
# print "text remaining", text
convBack = self.convToNums(result)
return convBack
def findInList(self, text, listname):
sList = self.getList(listname)
for key in sList:
#print "\tTesting word: ", sList[key].word
if sList[key].word and (text.startswith(sList[key].word) or \
text.replace("\n", "").startswith(sList[key].word.replace("\n", ""))):
# HACK: Newline matching problem, mail classes add extra newlines
# ==> matching not possible
token = sList[key]
#print "\t==> MATCH in list", listname
return (True, key, token)
#print "\tNO match in list", listname
return (False, -1, None)
def main():
""" Main function, does en- and decoding test for testing purposes. """
data = "\xF2\x51\x92\x61\x9d\x1f\x0F\xb7\xaa\xc1"
for d in data:
print ord(d),
print ""
t = SpamGenerator()
d = t.convToBits(data)
e = t.convToNums(d)
print d
for a in e:
print ord(a),
print ""
msg = t.encode(data)
#print res, "\n"
res = t.decode(msg)
print d
for d in data:
print ord(d),
print ""
print msg
if __name__ == '__main__':