Added first part of the RFC1149 implementation

This commit is contained in:
seba 2011-12-21 03:27:59 +01:00
parent b9a96f6bc4
commit 7899846338
5 changed files with 294 additions and 0 deletions

tunnel/rfc1149/README Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
You need
* tweepy >= 1.8 (
* python-bytearray

tunnel/rfc1149/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
# ___________________________________________________
# | |
# | ircvpn - irc virtual public network configuration |
# |___________________________________________________|
import os
Conf = {
# ======== network settings ========
# ipsettings for the device
'devname': '',
'address': '',
'netmask': '',
#gateway: '',
'mtu': 1400,
# ======== Twitter settings ========
# account to read network traffic from
'endpoint': None,
# if set to None, these will be overwritten by
# if they are set to none there, this script will give you an
# url to authorize this script to twitter and write the
# access key / access secret to
import conf_auth

View File

@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
from conf import Conf
# WARNING: This config will be overwritten if you use the scripts internal
# way to get an access key.
if not Conf['twitter']['ACCESS_KEY']:
Conf['twitter']['ACCESS_KEY'] = None
Conf['twitter']['ACCESS_SECRET'] = None

tunnel/rfc1149/ Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,129 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import base64
import logging
import math
import re
import sys
import threading
import time
import tweepy
from uphelper import UPHelper
from conf import Conf
from ether2any import Ether2Any
from ether2any.helper import getDstMacFromPkt, isBroadcast, binToHexStr
class TwittStreamHandler(tweepy.StreamListener):
def __init__(self, dev):
super(TwittStreamHandler, self).__init__() = dev
self.fragments = {}
def on_status( self, status ):
print '-' * 20
print "incoming:", unicode(status.text)
print "hex:", binToHexStr(status.text), len(status.text)
# reassemble messages, put them together if nessecary.
def on_limit(self, track):
print "We got limited ", track
print "At the moment there is no error-handling for this, so we just kill everything. Remember: This software doesn't even deserve the label 'alpha' ;)"
def on_error(self, status_code):
print "We got an error code: ", status_code
if status_code == 401:
print "Better check 'yer twitter-credentials."
print "At the moment there is no error-handling for this, so we just kill everything. Remember: This software doesn't even deserve the label 'alpha' ;)"
def on_timeout(self, status_code):
print "Got an timeout: ", status_code
print "At the moment there is no error-handling for this, so we just kill everything. Remember: This software doesn't even deserve the label 'alpha' ;)"
class DownstreamThread(threading.Thread):
def __init__(self, dev, auth, endpoint):
self.auth = auth
self.endpoint = endpoint = dev
self.daemon = True
def run(self):
stream = tweepy.Stream(auth=self.auth, listener=TwittStreamHandler(
stream.filter(self.endpoint, None)
class RFC1149(Ether2Any):
def __init__(self):
Ether2Any.__init__(self, tap=False)
network = Conf.get("network", {'mtu': 1400})
self.twitterConf = Conf.get("twitter", None)
self.endpoint = self.twitterConf['endpoint']
if not self.endpoint:
print "No endpoint in configuration, please add one."
self.downstream = DownstreamThread(, auth=self.auth, endpoint=self.endpoint)
def _requestTwitterTokens(self):
auth = tweepy.OAuthHandler(self._dec(, self._dec(self.cs))
def _setupTwitter(self):
ck = [17, 39, 65, 39, 25, 22, 38, 30, 20, 38, 33, 69, 27, 0, 61,
31, 61, 34, 42, 32]
cs = [71, 37, 71, 37, 57, 36, 18, 2, 59, 64, 63, 58, 23, 61, 74,
30, 34, 68, 38, 33, 56, 1, 3, 74, 29, 9, 41, 32, 33, 7, 52,
8, 70, 20, 30, 25, 38, 51, 57, 66, 53, 0, 42]
self.auth = tweepy.OAuthHandler(self._dec(ck), self._dec(cs))
if not self.twitterConf['ACCESS_KEY']:
# request tokens, get access, write tokens down.
auth_url = self.auth.get_authorization_url()
print "We have no access token for a twitter account. Please visit the"
print "url printed down below, login and report back with the PIN."
print " Authorization URL: %s" % auth_url
verifier = raw_input('PIN: ').strip()
self.twitterConf['ACCESS_KEY'] = self.auth.access_token.key
self.twitterConf['ACCESS_SECRET'] = self.auth.access_token.secret
authConf = open("", "w")
authConf.write("""from conf import Conf
# WARNING: This config was overwritten! If you change it be sure
# that you know, what you are doing.
if not Conf['twitter']['ACCESS_KEY']:
Conf['twitter']['ACCESS_KEY'] = "%s"
Conf['twitter']['ACCESS_SECRET'] = "%s"
""" % (self.twitterConf['ACCESS_KEY'], self.twitterConf['ACCESS_SECRET']))
self.auth.set_access_token(self.twitterConf['ACCESS_KEY'], self.twitterConf['ACCESS_SECRET'])
self.api = tweepy.API(self.auth)
def _dec(self, s):
""" ... """
return "".join(map(lambda x: chr(x+48), reversed(s)))
def sendToNet(self, packet):
for subPacket in UPHelper.encode(packet):
print subPacket
if __name__ == '__main__':
rfc = RFC1149()
print "Starting RFC1149 ip-over-twitter service..."

tunnel/rfc1149/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,116 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import random
import bitarray
class UPHelper():
""" The Unicode Packet Helper
Twitter supports 140 chars, while a char can be a unicode
character. For a unicode character there are 2^20 possibilities.
For the sake of lazyness we put two bytes in each character, using
only 2^16. The remaining 4 bits can be used for metadata or whatever.
The header in the metadata is as following:
<fragment bit (1 if packet is a fragment, 0 if last in row)>
<9 bits length of payload>
<32 bit random paket id>"""
def intToBits(n, length):
""" Convert the number n to a bitarray of length. """
i = 0
c = 1
ret = [False] * length
while i < length:
ret[length-(i+1)] = (n & c) > 0
i += 1
c <<= 1
return ret
def bitsToInt(bits):
ret = 0
for i in bits:
ret = (ret << 1) | (i and 1 or 0)
return ret
def encode(data):
""" Generate list of packets with a header from data. """
packetId = random.randint(0, 2**32)
fragments = []
while len(data) > 280:
data = data[280:]
if len(data) > 0:
# convert to twitter message
for y in range(len(fragments)):
fragment = fragments[y]
lenX = len(fragment)
# pad packet if it is not long enouth / not aligned
if len(fragment) < 2*11:
fragment = fragment + "\x00" * (2*11-len(fragment))
if len(fragment) % 2 == 1:
fragment += "\x00"
# write header (bits: 1 fragment, 9 length, 32 id)
header = bitarray.bitarray(1)
# write fragment-bit
header[0] = (y+1 == len(fragments))
# append packet length
header.extend(UPHelper.intToBits(lenX, 9))
# add packet id
header.extend(UPHelper.intToBits(packetId, 32))
# padding to complete last 4 bytes
header.extend([False, False])
i = 0
h = 0
ret = ""
while i+1 < len(fragment):
val = ord(fragment[i]) << 8 | ord(fragment[i+1])
if h < 11:
val |= UPHelper.bitsToInt(header[h*4:(h+1)*4]) << 16
h += 1
ret += unichr(val)
i += 2
fragments[y] = ret
return fragments
def decode(packet):
""" Decodes an unicodestring (packet) back to header + data
Returns: tupel(isFragmented, packetLen, packetId, data) """
if len(packet) < 11:
raise ValueError("This is not a valid packet, header is too short (should be at least 11, is %d)" % len(packet))
header = bitarray.bitarray()
for i in range(11):
header.extend("{:04b}".format(ord(packet[i]) >> 16))
isFragmented = header[0]
packetLen = UPHelper.bitsToInt(header[1:9])
packetId = UPHelper.bitsToInt(header[9:])
rawData = map(lambda x: ord(x) & 0xFFFF, packet)
data = []
for p in rawData:
data.append(chr(p >> 8))
data.append(chr(p & 255))
data = "".join(data)
return (isFragmented, packetLen, packetId, data)
if __name__ == '__main__':
print UPHelper.encode("foo")
print UPHelper.decode(UPHelper.encode("foo")[0])
msg = "".join([chr(i) for i in range(256)])
msg += "".join([chr(i) for i in range(256)])
p = UPHelper.encode(msg)
print repr(msg)
for x in p:
print UPHelper.decode(x)