#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import pyudev import subprocess import scapy from scapy.all import IP import sys import tempfile import threading from zlib import crc32 from conf import Conf sys.path.append("../../../") from ether2any import Ether2Any class UdevReader(threading.Thread): def __init__(self, dev): threading.Thread.__init__(self) self.daemon = True self.context = pyudev.Context() self.dev = dev self.mountpoint = Conf.get("mountpoint") self.attrs = Conf.get("udevAttrs") def isUsableDevice(self, device): for k, v in self.attrs.items(): try: if not device[k] == v: print device[k] return False except KeyError: return False return True def readPacket(self): print " ** Decoding packet" p = subprocess.Popen("find %s -iname '*jpg' -printf '%%C@ %%p\n'|sort -n|tail -n 1|awk {'print $2'}" % (self.mountpoint,), shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) if p.wait() != 0: return False imgName = p.stdout.read().strip() if imgName == "": print " !! Error: No suitable image found" return False print " ++ Using image %s" % imgName print " ++ Attempting convert + tesseract decoding" imgFile, txtFile = tempfile.mktemp(suffix=".tif"), tempfile.mktemp() p = subprocess.Popen("convert %(input)s -colorspace Gray -white-threshold 45%% %(tmpImg)s ; tesseract %(tmpImg)s %(output)s nobatch tessconf/hex" % {'input': imgName, 'tmpImg': imgFile, 'output': txtFile}, shell=True) if p.wait() != 0: print " !! Error executing convert/tesseract command" return False output = None try: outFile = open(txtFile + ".txt", "r") output = outFile.read() outFile.close() except IOError: print " !! Could not open tesseract output file" return False output = output.replace("\n", "").replace(" ", "") if len(output) % 2 != 0: print " !! Output of tesseract is not byte aligned" return False if len(output) < 10: print " !! Output of tesseract is not long enough" return False packet = "".join(map(lambda x: chr(int(output[x:x+2], 16)), xrange(0, len(output[0:-8]), 2))) checksum = int(output[-8:], 16) calcedChecksum = crc32(packet) & 0xffffffff if checksum != calcedChecksum: print " !! Checksum failed (was 0x%08x, should be 0x%08x)" % (checksum, calcedChecksum) return Falsea self.dev.write("\x00\x00\x08\x00" + packet) return True def run(self): monitor = pyudev.Monitor.from_netlink(self.context) monitor.filter_by(subsystem='block') for action, device in monitor: if self.isUsableDevice(device): self.devname = device['DEVNAME'] if action == 'add': print ["/bin/mount", self.devname, self.mountpoint] p = subprocess.Popen(["/bin/mount", self.devname, self.mountpoint]) ret = p.wait() if ret == 0: print " ++ Mounted camera/card (%s) at %s" % (self.devname, self.mountpoint) if self.readPacket(): print " >> Successfully read packet" else: print " !! Error reading packet" print " ** Releasing camera/card (%s)..." % (self.devname,) subprocess.Popen(["/bin/umount", "-f", self.devname]) subprocess.Popen("/bin/sync") print " ** Unmounted" else: print " !! Error mounting stick (%s) at %s: Error id %d" % (self.devname, self.mountpoint, ret) elif action == 'remove': print " -- Camera/card (%s) removed." % self.devname class RFC1149(Ether2Any): def __init__(self): Ether2Any.__init__(self, tap=False) network = Conf.get("network", {'mtu': 1500}) self.dev.ifconfig(**network) self.dev.up() self.reader = UdevReader(self.dev) self.reader.start() def toPrinter(self, packet): packet = packet.upper() print packet def sendToNet(self, packet): print "packet", repr(packet[4:]) scp = IP(packet[4:]) checksum = crc32(packet[4:]) & 0xffffffff checksumStr = "%08x" % checksum hexRepr = " ".join(map(lambda x: "%02x" % ord(x), packet[4:])) + " " + " ".join(map(lambda x: checksumStr[x:x+2], range(0, len(checksumStr), 2))) print " ?>", scp.summary(), " -- hex len", len(hexRepr), "checksum 0x%08x" % checksum i = "" while i.lower() not in ("a", "d"): i = raw_input(" ?? (A)ccept/(D)rop? ") if i == "a": # accept the packet! print " >> Moved one packet to printer" self.toPrinter(hexRepr) self.reader.output(hexRepr.replace(" ", "")) else: print " -- Dropped" if __name__ == '__main__': rfc1149 = RFC1149() rfc1149.run()