#! /usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # Copyright (C) 2011 Sebastian Pipping # Licensed under GPL v3 or later from __future__ import print_function import sys import ConfigParser _KEYS = ( # Key, type, default ('CLIENT_DEBUG', bool, False), # Should go first to enable debugging as early as possible ('SERVER_URL', str, None), ('SERVER_USER', str, None), ('SERVER_PASSWORD', str, None), ) _DEFAULTS = dict([(key, str(default)) for (key, _type, default) in _KEYS if default is not None]) class Settings: def __init__(self): pass def load(self, filename, _additional_keys=None): additional_keys = () if _additional_keys is None else _additional_keys cp = ConfigParser.ConfigParser(_DEFAULTS) if not cp.read(filename): print('FATAL: Config file %s could not be parsed.' % (filename), file=sys.stderr) return False valid = True for key, _type, dummy in _KEYS + additional_keys: try: if _type is bool: value = cp.getboolean('client-barcode', key) else: value = cp.get('client-barcode', key) except ValueError: print('ERROR: Key %s in config file %s must be of type %s.' \ % (key, filename, _type.__name__), file=sys.stderr) valid = False except ConfigParser.NoOptionError: print('ERROR: Config file %s misses required key %s.' \ % (filename, key), file=sys.stderr) valid = False else: setattr(self, key, value) if self.CLIENT_DEBUG: print('DEBUG: CONFIG: %s=%s("%s")' % (key, type(value).__name__, value)) return valid settings = Settings()