395 lines
6.6 KiB
395 lines
6.6 KiB
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/* jQuery Theme */
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/* =Reset default browser CSS. Based on work by Eric Meyer: http://meyerweb.com/eric/tools/css/reset/index.html
-------------------------------------------------------------- */
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/* added by seba because nobody else did this. */
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/* end of addition */
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/* HEADER */
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margin-bottom: 3px;
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background: #2790B0;
border-color: #5c94cb;
color: white;
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width: 100%;
div.error h2, div.notice h2, div.success h2 {
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color: #514721;
border-color: #FFD324;
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background: #E6EFC2;
color: #264409;
border-color: #C6D880;
div.success a { color:#264409; }
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display: block;
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html body div#header div.search ul.ui-autocomplete li.ui-menu-item:hover,
html body div#header div.search ul.ui-autocomplete li.ui-menu-item.focus {
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color: white;
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.search li.ui-menu-item a span img {
height: 50px;
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padding: 5px;
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width: 50px;
overflow: hidden;
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vertical-align: middle;
width: 50px;
.focus .buy {
background-image: url(img/alt.png);
background-repeat: no-repeat;
background-position: 2px center;
.focus .buy.lock {
background-image: url(img/buy.png);
.focus .buy.lock.load,
.focus .buy.load {
background-image: url(img/load.gif);
.focus .buy.lock.success,
.focus .buy.success {
background-image: url(img/success.png);
.focus .buy.lock.failure,
.focus .buy.failure {
background-image: url(img/failure.png);
.meta {
width: 210px;
.meta:first-line {
font-weight: bold;
/* TABLE */
/* Edited by Theri */
table.showitem {
border:1px solid #DFDFDF;
border-collapse: separate;
border-spacing: 5pt;
table.showitem td {
vertical-align: middle;
table.showitem th {
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table.details th {
vertical-align: middle;
text-align: center;
table.details td {
vertical-align: middle;
text-align: center;
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text-align: center;
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