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Sebastian Lohff bef462a86d
K4ever install documentation
12 年前
grafiken added animated svg for search and buy progress, added lock svg 13 年前
README K4ever install documentation 12 年前
TODO added thumbnail support (kudoes to tannek) 13 年前
er.dia completed er for virtual transactions 13 年前
map.html moved map, added docs link 13 年前
map.png moved map, added docs link 13 年前
offizielles-lied Added official song 14 年前
preise-graph.svg Initial commit 14 年前
webseiten-layout.xoj Komische skizze 14 年前
wildes_rumgekritzel.xoj kleine Umbennungen und weitere Idee 14 年前


This is not the main documentation for k4ever. It resides in 

k4ever/k4ever/docs or online somewhere at http://k4ever.someserver.de/
so go and take a look there.