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/* libsegl - Sebas Extended GL Library
* Collection of Opengl/3D-Math helpers
* Copyright (c) 2008 by Sebastian Lohff, seba@seba-geek.de
* http://www.seba-geek.de
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Library General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
* License along with this library; if not, write to the
* Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor,
* Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#include "geotypes.h"
namespace segl {
Sphere::Sphere(Punkt3D _pos, float _radius) {
pos = _pos;
radius = _radius;
Sphere::Sphere() {
radius = 1.0f;
void Sphere::set(Punkt3D _pos, float _radius) {
pos = _pos;
radius = _radius;
bool Sphere::collision(const Sphere &s) const {
return ((pos-s.pos)*(pos-s.pos))<((radius+s.radius)*(radius+s.radius));
bool Sphere::collision(const Ray &r) const {
return (r.dist(pos) <= radius);
bool Sphere::collision(const Box & b) const {
return true;
bool Sphere::collision(const Plane &p) const {
return p.dist(pos) <= radius;
bool Sphere::inSphere(Punkt3D p) const {
return abs(pos-p)<=radius;
Punkt3D Sphere::getPos() const {
return pos;
int Sphere::getIntersectionParam(const Ray &ray, float *param1, float *param2) {
int numerg;
// ax^2 + bx + c = 0
float a = ray.dir * ray.dir;
float b = 2 * ray.dir * (ray.pos - pos);
float c = ray.pos * ray.pos - 2 * ray.pos * pos + pos * pos - radius * radius;
float p = b/a;
float q = c/a;
if((p*p)/4.0f<q) {
numerg = 0;
} else if((p*p)/4.0f==q) {
numerg = 1;
if(param1!=0) {
*param1 = -p/2.0f;
} else {
numerg = 2;
if(param1!=0 || param2!=0) {
if(param1!=0) {
*param1 = -p/2.0f + sqrt(((p*p)/4.0f)-q);
if(param2!=0) {
*param2 = -p/2.0f - sqrt(((p*p)/4.0f)-q);
return numerg;
int Sphere::getIntersectionPoints(const Ray &ray, segl::Punkt3D *a, segl::Punkt3D *b) {
float pa, pb;
int numerg = getIntersectionParam(ray, &pa, &pb);
*a = ray.get(pa);
*b = ray.get(pb);
return numerg;
Ray::Ray() {
dir.set(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f);
Ray::Ray(const Punkt3D &_pos, const Punkt3D &_dir) {
set(_pos, _dir);
void Ray::set(const Punkt3D &_pos, const Punkt3D &_dir) {
pos = _pos;
dir = _dir;
void Ray::setFromPoints(const Punkt3D &a, const Punkt3D &b) {
pos = a;
dir = b - a;
Punkt3D Ray::get(float x) const {
return pos + dir*x;
// TODO: Heavy Testing
bool Ray::onRay(Punkt3D p, int rnd) const {
float r1 = 0.0f, r2 = 0.0f, r3 = 0.0f;
short fcount = 0;
bool g1=true, g2=true, g3=true;
Punkt3D f = p-pos;
if(dir.x==0.0f) {
return false;
g1 = false;
} else
r1 = f.x / dir.x;
if(dir.y==0.0f) {
return false;
g2 = false;
} else
r2 = f.y / dir.y;
if(dir.z==0.0f) {
return false;
g2 = false;
} else
r2 = f.z / dir.z;
return true;
if(rnd>=0) {
// TODO:Implement rounding
// r1 = round(r1, rnd);
// r2 = round(r2, rnd);
// r3 = round(r3, rnd);
return (r2 == r3);
else if(g2)
return (r1 == r3);
else if(g3)
return (r1 == r2);
return ((r1 == r2) == r3);
float Ray::dist(Punkt3D p) const {
return abs(p - get( getParam(p) ));
float Ray::getParam(Punkt3D p, bool onray) const {
if(onray) {
return 0.0f;
return -((pos-p)*dir) / (dir*dir);
bool Ray::collision(const Sphere &s) const {
return s.collision(*this);
bool Ray::collision(const Ray &r) const {
return true;
bool Ray::collision(const Box & b) const {
return true;
bool Ray::collision(const Plane &p) const {
return true;
Box::Box() {
max.set(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f);
Box::Box(Punkt3D _min, Punkt3D _max) {
min = _min;
max = _max;
bool Box::collision(const Sphere &s) const {
return s.collision(*this);
bool Box::collision(const Ray &r) const {
return r.collision(*this);
bool Box::collision(const Box & b) const {
return true;
bool Box::collision(const Plane &p) const {
return true;
Plane::Plane() {
norm.set(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f);
Plane::Plane(Punkt3D _pos, Punkt3D _norm) {
pos = _pos;
norm = _norm;
Plane::Plane(float x, float y, float z, float a) {
// TODO: Implementation (if not too lazy)
norm.set(x, y, z);
bool Plane::collision(const Sphere &s) const {
return s.collision(*this);
bool Plane::collision(const Ray &r) const {
return r.collision(*this);
bool Plane::collision(const Box & b) const {
return b.collision(*this);
bool Plane::collision(const Plane &p) const {
return true;
bool Plane::onPlane(const Punkt3D &p) const {
return dist(p) == 0.0f;
bool Plane::getIntersectionPoint(const Ray &r, Punkt3D *p) const {
if(r.dir.calcAngle(norm) && !onPlane(r.pos))
return false;
return true;
float param = (pos*norm - r.pos*norm) / (r.dir*norm);
*p = r.get(param);
return true;
float Plane::dist(Punkt3D p) const {
return 0.0f;
} // namespace segl