You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

199 lines
7.7 KiB

-- to find all possible translations in the source code use the following command:
-- find \( -name '*.lua' -o -name '*.otui' \) -exec grep -oE "tr\\('(\\\\'|[^'])*'" {} \; -exec grep -oE "tr\\(\"(\\\\\"|[^\"])*\nil {} \; | sort | uniq | sed "s/^tr(.\(.*\).$/[\"\1\"] = nil,/"
locale = {
name = 'pt-br',
-- As tradu<64><75>es devem vir sempre em ordem alfab<61>tica.
translation = {
["Account name"] = "Nome da conta",
["Account Status:\nFree Account"] = "Estado da conta:\nGrat<EFBFBD>s",
["Account Status:\nPremium Account (%s) days left"] = "Estado da conta:\nConta premium (%s) dias faltando",
["Add"] = "Adicionar",
["Add new VIP"] = "Adicionar nova VIP",
["Addon 1"] = "Addon 1",
["Addon 2"] = "Addon 2",
["Addon 3"] = "Addon 3",
["Add to VIP list"] = "Adicionar a lista VIP",
["Adjust volume"] = "Ajustar volume",
["All modules and scripts were reloaded."] = "Todos modules e scripts foram recarregados.",
["Amount:"] = "Quantidade:",
["Attack"] = "Atacar",
["Author"] = "Autor",
["Autoload"] = "Carregar automaticamente",
["Autoload priority"] = "Prioridade de carregamento",
["Auto login"] = "Entrar automaticamente",
["Auto login selected character on next charlist load"] = "Entrar automaticamente com o personagem quando reabrir a lista de personagens",
["Axe Fighting"] = "Machado",
["Battle"] = "Batalha",
["Button Assign"] = "Selecionar bot<6F>o",
["Buy"] = "Comprar",
["Buy no backpack"] = "Comprar na backpack",
["Buy with backpack"] = "Comprar com backpack",
["Cancel"] = "Cancelar",
["Capacity:"] = "Capacidade:",
["Capacity"] = "Capacidade",
["Channels"] = "Canais",
["Character List"] = "Lista de personagens",
["Classic control"] = "Controle cl<63>ssico",
["Clear object"] = "Limpar objeto",
["Close"] = "Fechar",
["Close this channel"] = "Fechar esse canal",
["Club Fighting"] = "Porrete",
["Combat Controls"] = nil,
["Connecting to game server..."] = "Conectando no servidor do jogo...",
["Connecting to login server..."] = "Conectando no servidor de autentica<63><61>o...",
["Consider capacity"] = "Considerar capacidade",
["Consider equipped"] = "Considerar equipado",
["Copy Name"] = "Copiar Nome",
["Current hotkeys:"] = "Atalhos atuais",
["Current hotkey to add: %s"] = "Atalho atual para adicionar: %s",
["Default"] = "Default",
["Description"] = "Descri<EFBFBD><EFBFBD>o",
["Detail"] = "Detalhe",
["Disable Shared Experience"] = "Desativar experi<72>ncia compartilhada",
["Distance Fighting"] = "Flecha",
["Edit hotkey text:"] = "Editar texto do atalho",
["Edit Text"] = "Editar Texto",
["Enable Shared Experience"] = "Ativar experi<72>ncia compartilhada",
["Enable vertical synchronization"] = "Ativar sincroniza<7A><61>o vertical",
["Enter Game"] = "Entrar no jogo",
["Error"] = "Erro",
["Exclude from private chat"] = "Excluir do canal privado",
["Experience"] = "Experi<EFBFBD>ncia",
["Fishing"] = "Pesca",
["Fist Fighting"] = "Porrada",
["Follow"] = "Seguir",
["Frame rate limit"] = "Limite de FPS",
["Fullscreen"] = "Tela cheia",
["Head"] = "Cabe<EFBFBD>a",
["Health Bar"] = "Barra de Vida",
["Hide monsters"] = "Esconder montros",
["Hide non-skull players"] = "Esconder jogadores sem caveira",
["Hide Npcs"] = "Esconder NPCs",
["Hide party members"] = "Esconder membros do grupo",
["Hide players"] = "Esconder jogadores",
["Hit Points"] = "Vida",
["Hotkeys"] = "Atalhos",
["Ignore capacity"] = "Ignorar capacidade",
["Ignore equipped"] = "Ignorar equipado",
["Inventory"] = "Invent<EFBFBD>rio",
["Invite to Party"] = "Convidar para o grupo",
["Invite to private chat"] = "Convidar para canal privado",
["Join %s\'s Party"] = "Entrar no grupo do %s",
["Leave Party"] = "Sair do grupo",
["Level"] = "N<EFBFBD>vel",
["Limits FPS to 60"] = "Limita o FPS para 60",
["List of items that you're able to buy"] = "Listar itens que voc<6F> n<>o pode comprar",
["List of items that you're able to sell"] = "Listar itens que voc<6F> pode comprar",
["Load"] = "Carregar",
["Loggin out..."] = "Saindo...",
["Login"] = "Entrar",
["Login Error"] = "Erro de Autentica<63><61>o",
["Look"] = "Olhar",
["Magic Level"] = "N<EFBFBD>vel M<>gico",
["Make sure that your client uses\nthe correct game protocol version"] = "Tenha certeza que o seu cliente use\no mesmo protocolo do server do jogo",
["Mana"] = "Mana",
["Manage hotkeys:"] = "Configurar atalhos:",
["Message of the day"] = "Mensagem do dia",
["Message to %s"] = "Mandar mensagem para %s",
["Minimap"] = "Minimapa",
["Module Manager"] = "Gerenciador de M<>dulos",
["Module name"] = "Nomo do m<>dulo",
["Money:"] = "Dinheiro:",
["Move Stackable Item"] = "Move item cont<6E>vel",
["Move up"] = "Mover para cima",
["Name:"] = "Nome:",
["NPC Trade"] = "Troca com NPC",
["Ok"] = "Ok",
["Open"] = "Abrir",
["Open a private message channel:"] = "Abrir um canal privado:",
["Open charlist automatically when starting otclient"] = "Abrir lista de person<6F>gens",
["Open in new window"] = nil,
["Open new channel"] = nil,
["Options"] = nil,
["Outfit Name"] = nil,
["Pass Leadership to %s"] = nil,
["Password"] = nil,
["Please enter a character name:"] = nil,
["Please, press the key you wish to add onto your hotkeys manager"] = nil,
["Please wait"] = nil,
["Port"] = nil,
["Price:"] = nil,
["Primary"] = nil,
["Quantity:"] = nil,
["Refresh"] = nil,
["Reload All"] = nil,
["Remember account and password when starts otclient"] = nil,
["Remember password"] = nil,
["Remove"] = nil,
["Remove %s"] = nil,
["Revoke %s\'s Invitation"] = nil,
["Rotate"] = nil,
["Search:"] = nil,
["Secondary"] = nil,
["Select object"] = nil,
["Select Outfit"] = nil,
["Sell"] = nil,
["Send automatically"] = nil,
["Server"] = nil,
["Server Log"] = nil,
["Set Outfit"] = nil,
["Shielding"] = nil,
["Show all items"] = nil,
["Show event messages in console"] = nil,
["Show frame rate"] = nil,
["Show info messages in console"] = nil,
["Show levels in console"] = nil,
["Show only holding items"] = nil,
["Show private messages in console"] = nil,
["Show status messages in console"] = nil,
["Show timestamps in console"] = nil,
["Skills"] = nil,
["Soul Points"] = nil,
["Stamina"] = nil,
["Stop Attack"] = nil,
["Stop Follow"] = nil,
["%s: (use object)"] = nil,
["%s: (use object on target)"] = nil,
["%s: (use object on yourself)"] = nil,
["%s: (use object with crosshair)"] = nil,
["Sword Fighting"] = nil,
["Terminal"] = nil,
["There is no way."] = nil,
["Trade with ..."] = nil,
["Unable to logout."] = nil,
["Unload"] = nil,
["Use"] = nil,
["Use on target"] = nil,
["Use on yourself"] = nil,
["Use with ..."] = nil,
["Version"] = nil,
["VIP list"] = nil,
["VIP List"] = nil,
["Website"] = nil,
["Weight:"] = nil,
["With crosshair"] = nil,
["You are burning"] = nil,
["You are cursed"] = nil,
["You are dazzled"] = nil,
["You are drowing"] = nil,
["You are electrified"] = nil,
["You are freezing"] = nil,
["You are hasted"] = nil,
["You are paralysed"] = nil,
["You are poisoned"] = nil,
["You are protected by a magic shield"] = nil,
["You are strengthened"] = nil,
["You are within a protection zone"] = nil,
["You have %s percent"] = nil,
["You have %s percent to go"] = nil,
["You may not logout during a fight"] = nil,
["You may not logout or enter a protection zone"] = nil,
["You must select a character to login!"] = nil,
-- Adicionar informa<6D><61>es de n<>meros. 1.000 100,00 1.000,00 etc.